
Defines functions sc_get

Documented in sc_get

#' Get scorecard data.
#' This function gets the College Scorecard data by compiling and
#' converting all the previous piped output into a single URL string
#' that is used to get the data.
#' @param sccall Current list of parameters carried forward from prior
#'     functions in the chain (ignore)
#' @param api_key Personal API key requested from
#'     \url{https://api.data.gov/signup} stored in a string. If you
#'     first set your key using \code{sc_key}, then you may omit this
#'     parameter. A key set here will take precedence over any set in
#'     the environment (DATAGOV_API_KEY).
#' @param debug Set to true to print and return API call (URL string)
#'     rather than make actual request. Should only be used when
#'     debugging calls.
#' @param print_key_debug Only used when \code{debug == TRUE}. Default
#'     masks the \code{api_key} value. Set to \code{TRUE} to print the
#'     full API call string with the \code{api_key} unmasked.
#' @param return_json Return data in JSON format rather than as a
#'     tibble.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_get("<API KEY IN STRING>")
#' key <- "<API KEY IN STRING>"
#' sc_get(key)
#' }
#' @section Obtain a key:
#' To obtain an API key, visit \url{https://api.data.gov/signup}

#' @export
sc_get <- function(sccall, api_key, debug = FALSE, print_key_debug = FALSE,
                   return_json = FALSE) {
    ## check first argument

    ## check if missing sc_select()
    if (is.null(sccall[["select"]])) {
      stop("No variables selected. Use sc_select() to choose variables.",
           call. = FALSE)

    ## add year
    sccall[["select"]] <- add_year(sccall[["select"]], sccall[["year"]])
    sccall[["filter"]] <- add_year(sccall[["filter"]], sccall[["year"]])

    ## create url for call
    url <- "https://api.data.gov/ed/collegescorecard/v1/schools.json?" %+%
      sccall[["filter"]] %+% sccall[["select"]] %+% sccall[["zip"]]

    ## check for key
    if (missing(api_key)) {
      api_key <- Sys.getenv("DATAGOV_API_KEY")
      if (identical(api_key, "")) {
        stop("Missing API key; ?sc_key for details", call. = FALSE)

    ## init connection call
    con <- url %+% "&_page=0&_per_page=100&api_key=" %+% api_key

    ## if debug == TRUE, don"t call but return the call
    if (debug) {

      ## hide API key by default
      if (!print_key_debug) {
        con <- gsub("api_key=.+$", "api_key=<...HIDDEN...>", con)

      ## print to stdout
      message("\n", paste(rep("", 70), collapse = "-"))
      message("API call string")
      message(paste(rep("", 70), collapse = "-"), "\n")
      message("\n", paste(rep("", 70), collapse = "-"))

      ## return

    ## make first GET
    resp <- httr::GET(con)

    ## check for error
    if (httr::http_error(con)) {
      ## get error
      content <- httr::content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
      text <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content)$errors
      if (is.data.frame(text) && text[["error"]][1] == "field_not_found") {
        miss_year <- c()
        miss_name <- c()
        for (i in 1:nrow(text)) {
          ## get row
          var <- text[["input"]][i]
          ## split on dot
          var_spl <- strsplit(var, ".", fixed = TRUE)
          ## get year of variable request
          year <- var_spl[[1]][1]
          ## get dev.friendly variable name
          name <- paste(var_spl[[1]][3:length(var_spl[[1]])],collapse=".")
          ## convert to acutal name if not using dev.friendly names
          if (!sccall[["dfvars"]]) {
            name <- sc_hash[[name]]
          ## store
          miss_year[i] <- year
          miss_name[i] <- name
        ## message with missing variables
        out <- c()
        for (i in 1:length(miss_name)) {
          out[i] <- " - (" %+% miss_year[i] %+% ") " %+% miss_name[i] %+% "\n"
        stop("Unsuccessful request:\n",
             "The following variables were not found in the dataset:\n\n",
             out, "\n",
             "Check that the variables are available in the selected (year).",
             call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop("Unsuccessful request:\n",
             "[ Message from httr ] ",
             call. = FALSE)

    ## ---------------
    ## initial pull
    ## ---------------

    ## get content
    init_content <- httr::content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    ## get metadata
    init_meta <- jsonlite::fromJSON(init_content)[["metadata"]]
    ## get data and rows
    init_list <- convert_json_to_tibble(init_content)

    ## return if no options
    if (init_meta[["total"]] == 0) {
      stop("No results! Broaden your search or try different variables.",
           call. = FALSE)

    ## if there are more rows than return, then need to pull in chunks
    if (init_meta[["total"]] > init_list[["df_nrow"]]) {

      ## get number of pages needed
      pages <- floor(init_meta[["total"]] / 100)
      ## get column types for bind (in case they aren't the same across pulls)
      init_col_types <- unname(sapply(init_list[["df"]], class))
      init_col_names <- names(init_list[["df"]])

      message("Large request will require: " %+% pages %+% " additional pulls.")

      ## download data in chunks and bind
      page_list <- vector("list", pages)
      for (i in 1:pages) {
        message("Request additional chunk " %+% i)
        con <- url %+% "&_page=" %+% i %+% "&_per_page=100&api_key=" %+% api_key
        content <- httr::content(httr::GET(con), as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
        if (return_json) {
          page_list[[i]] <- content
        } else {
          ## need to convert column types for each pull to match first if it has
          ## same names
          tmp <- convert_json_to_tibble(content)[["df"]]
          tmp_names <- names(tmp)
          adj_col_types <- init_col_types[match(tmp_names, init_col_names)]
          page_list[[i]] <- tmp |>
            purrr::map2(paste0("as.", adj_col_types), ~ do.call(.y, list(.x))) |>

      ## return_json ? return(<json_st>) : bind tbl_dfs into one
      if (return_json) {
        return(c(init_content, unlist(page_list, use.names = FALSE)))
      } else {
        df <- dplyr::bind_rows(init_list[["df"]], page_list)

    } else {

      ## return_json ? return(<json_st>) : return single tbl_df pull
      if (return_json) {
      } else {
        df <- init_list[["df"]]

    ## drop flotsam variables that weren"t requested in call
    for (i in names(df)) {
      if (is.null(dev_to_var(i))) { df[,i] <- NULL }

    ## convert names back to non-developer-friendly names and return
    if (!sccall[["dfvars"]]) {
      names(df) <- vapply(names(df), dev_to_var, character(1),
                          USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    ## add year column
    df[["year"]] <- sccall[["year"]]

    ## put in order of variable request
    df <- dplyr::select(df, dplyr::one_of(sccall[["select_order"]], "year"))

    ## message and return
    message("Request complete!")

btskinner/rscorecard documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:31 a.m.