
Defines functions snap_shot_activity monitor_cluster_resources resources_to_df monitor_resources_on_node kill_r_on_nodes check_multisession_hierarchy

Documented in kill_r_on_nodes monitor_cluster_resources monitor_resources_on_node resources_to_df snap_shot_activity

check_multisession_hierarchy <- function() {
  oplan <- plan("list")
  if (!("multisession" %in% attr(oplan[[1]], "class")))
    stop("`multisession` needs to be the top plan")
  if (length(oplan) < 2)
    stop("The plan needs to have more than one level for embedding")

#' Make sound when future is resolved
#' This is pretty untested code, but the gist is that these functions will make sounds when the future is resolved. `futureBeep` and `%beep%` will play a beeping sound (which is platform independent but requires the `beepr` package), while `%sayname%` will say the name of the variable out loud via a speech synthesizer (only works for OSX). \cr \cr
#' While the future is being run, however, you can't change the `plan` and the current plan needs to have a `multisession` layer at the top of the hierachy, with the layer(s) you want to work on below it. This function also requires `beepr` to be installed. \cr \cr
#' The `futureBeep` function is basically a wrapper of `future()` (and lets you specify the beep sound), while `%beep%` and `%sayname%` are basically wrappers of `%<-%`. \cr
#' You can change the default beep sound with options("default.beepsound"). \cr \cr
#' To-do: add better docs
#' @rdname beeper
#' @export
`%beep%` <- function (x, value) {
  .beepsound <- getOption("default.beepsound", 1)

  target <- substitute(x)
  inner_expr <- substitute(value)
  expr <- substitute({
    .zach %<-% inner_expr
    while (!resolved(futureOf(.zach))) Sys.sleep(2)
  envir <- parent.frame(1)
  future:::futureAssignInternal(target, expr, envir = envir,
                                substitute = FALSE)

#' @rdname beeper
#' @export
`%sayname%` <- function (x, value) {

  target <- substitute(x)
  command <- paste0("say '", target," is done'")

  # Require OSX
  if (!(grepl("darwin",tolower(Sys.info()['sysname'])) ||
        grepl("darwin", R.version$os))) {
    warning("`%sayname%` requires OSX to synthesize speech. Defaulting to `beep` sound.")
    .make_noise <- function() beepr::beep(getOption("default.beepsound", 1))
  } else
    .make_noise <- function() system(command)

  inner_expr <- substitute(value)
  expr <- substitute({
    .zach %<-% inner_expr
    while (!resolved(futureOf(.zach))) Sys.sleep(2)
  envir <- parent.frame(1)
  future:::futureAssignInternal(target, expr, envir = envir,
                                substitute = FALSE)

#' @rdname beeper
#' @export
futureBeep <- function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, globals = TRUE,
                        packages = NULL, lazy = FALSE, seed = NULL, ...,
                        .beep_sound = getOption("default.beepsound", 1),
                        .sleep_interval = 3)

  if (substitute)
    expr <- substitute(expr)

  makeFuture <- list(...)$evaluator

  if (!is.null(makeFuture)) {
    action <- get(Sys.getenv("R_CHECK_FUTURE_EVALUATOR", ".Deprecated"), mode = "function")
    action(msg = "Argument 'evaluator' of future() was an internal argument and is now deprecated. Use plan() to set the \"evaluator\".")
  if (is.null(makeFuture))
    makeFuture <- future::plan("next")
  if (!is.function(makeFuture)) {
    stop("Argument 'evaluator' must be a function: ", typeof(makeFuture))
  .makeFuture <- function(..., evaluator = NULL) makeFuture(...)

  big_expr <- substitute({
    .qua <- future::future(expr = expr, envir = envir, substitute = substitute, globals = globals, packages = packages, lazy = lazy, seed = seed, ...)
    while(!future::resolved(.qua)) Sys.sleep(.sleep_interval)

  future <- .makeFuture(big_expr, substitute = FALSE, envir = envir,
                        globals = globals, packages = packages, seed = seed,
                        lazy = lazy, ...)

  if (!inherits(future, "Future")) {
    stop(future::FutureError("Argument 'evaluator' specifies a function that does not return a Future object: ",
                     paste(sQuote(class(future)), collapse = ", ")))

#' Kill R processes on nodes
#' This command requires a "secondary" login node, i.e., a different gateway node to access the cluster nodes.  Then it just uses `pidof R` and `kill` UNIX commands to kill R. Probably only works on UNIX machines. \cr
#' To-do: add docs
#' @export
kill_r_on_nodes <- function(node_list, secondary_login_node,
                            wait_until_resolved = FALSE,
                            beep_on_end = FALSE) {
  if (beep_on_end==TRUE)
  # Can't have this if we wan't to return a future
  if (wait_until_resolved == TRUE) {
    oplan <- plan("list")
    on.exit(plan(oplan), add = TRUE)
  plan(list(tweak(remote, workers = secondary_login_node),
            tweak(cluster, workers = unique(node_list))))

  killer <- future({
    xxx <- furrr::future_map(c(1:length(unique(node_list))),
                      function(x) { names <- system("pidof R", intern=TRUE); system(paste0("kill ", names)); "done"})
  if (wait_until_resolved==TRUE) {
    while (!resolved(killer)) Sys.sleep(1)
  } else return(killer)

#' Monitor resource use on a single node
#' To-do: add docs
#' @param username_or_command The username you're using to log in to the remote server or, if `command_maker` is `NULL`, the command you want to call and check the results of
#' @param sleeping_time time between checks in seconds
#' @param total_checks total number of checks
#' @param command_maker a function that takes in `username_or_command` or `NULL`
#' @param stop_file The path of a file where, if present on the node, will cause it to end and return prematurely. A totally hacky way of communicating with the monitoring functions. Wholesome people should not bother with this parameter.
#' @export
monitor_resources_on_node <- function(username_or_command,
                                      sleeping_time = 30,
                                      total_checks = 10,
                                      command_maker = function(x) paste0("ps -u ",x," -o pcpu,rss,size,state,time,pid,cmd"),
                                      stop_file=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(stop_file) && file.exists(stop_file))
    stop("'Stop file' already exists")

  if (is.null(command_maker))
    command <- username_or_command
    command <- command_maker(username_or_command)

  start_up_time <- Sys.time()
  node_name <- Sys.info()[["nodename"]]
  counter = 0
  big_list = list()
  while (counter < total_checks) {
    if (!is.null(stop_file) && file.exists(stop_file))
    outstring <- paste0(system(command,  intern=TRUE), collapse="\n")
    big_list <- append(big_list, outstring)
    counter = counter + 1
  return(list(time=start_up_time, nodename = node_name, data=big_list, sleeping_time=sleeping_time))

#' Convert monitor data into a dataframe
#' To-do: add docs
#' @export
resources_to_df <- function(resource_string_list,
                            header="%CPU   RSS  SIZE S     TIME   PID CMD\n",
                            numcols = 7) {
  ti <- lubridate::duration(seconds=time_increment)

    function(samp_string, i) {
      l <- strsplit(samp_string, "\n")[[1]]
      l <- l[2:length(l)] # remove header
        function(process) {
          proc_list <- stringr::str_split(trimws(process), "\\s+", n = numcols)[[1]]
          data.frame(t(proc_list), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        }) %>%
        mutate(SampleTime = original_time + i*ti)
    }) %>%
    purrr::set_names(c(stringr::str_split(trimws(header), "\\s+")[[1]], "SampleTime")) %>%
    mutate(CMD = ifelse(grepl("/usr/lib64/R/bin/exec/R", CMD), "R", CMD))

#' Monitor resources use on cluster
#' To-do: add better docs \cr \cr
#' The data comes from the linux command `ps` (specifically, "ps -u <username> -o pcpu,rss,size,state,time,cmd" ). If you want to know EXACTLY what each column means RTFM and type in `man ps` in a UNIX terminal. See `Details` for more information about the data frame being saved.
#'Each row is a process at a given time on a given node. \cr \cr
#' **Columns:** \cr
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `%CPU` is the percent CPU being used by the process (can go > 100% for multicore nodes)
#'   \item `RSS`  is the memory usage (google it), probably in kb
#'   \item `SIZE` is somehow also related to memory usage (ugh computer stuff, amirite guys)
#'   \item `S`    is the state of the process. Basically "S" means sleeping and "R" means running
#'   \item `TIME` is the CPU time of the process. Basically how long it's been "active." (Processes, unlike grad students, sleep a lot)
#'   \item `PID`  is the ID of the process.
#'   \item `CMD`  is an extended form of the command/name of the process. All R processes have been renamed "R"
#'   \item `SampleTime` is when the process was pinged
#'   \item `Nodename` is the name of the node
#'   \item `PIDofMonitor` is the process ID of the monitoring process itself. You can use this to filter out the resources being used by this process.
#'   }
#' @param username_or_command The username you're using to log in to the remote server or, if you supply `command_maker=NULL` to the \dots, the command you want to call and check the results of. Just stick with your username. It's easier for everyone.
#' @param login_node the name of the gateway node (e.g. 'zach@remote_back_up_server.server.com'). Should NOT be the same as the node you're using to run the other tasks.
#' @param node_list a list of the nodes you want to monitor
#' @param save_path the filename you want to save all this information to (on the remote server). If NULL, it returns the future of the data frame it would normally save. **Choosing this option will overwrite the current `future` `plan`.**
#' @param sleeping_time time between checks in seconds
#' @param total_checks total number of checks
#' @param \dots additional arguments supplied to `monitor_resources_on_node`
#' @param stop_file The path of a file where, if present on the node, will cause it to end and return prematurely. A totally hacky way of communicating with the monitoring functions. Wholesome people should not bother with this parameter.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' monitor_cluster_resources("zach",
#'                           "zach@remote_backup_server.com",
#'                           nodes_to_monitor,
#'                           save_path="/u/zach/bb_maker_resources.RDS",
#'                           sleeping_time = 10,
#'                           total_checks = 6)
#' # Wait for it to complete before using another connection to 'remote_backup_server.com'
#' plan(remote, workers = "zach@remote_backup_server.com")
#' df %<-% readRDS("/u/zach/bb_maker_resources.RDS")
#' resolved(futureOf(df))
#' df %>%
#'   group_by(Nodename, SampleTime) %>%
#'   filter(CMD =="R") %>%
#'   summarise(RSS = sum(as.numeric(RSS)),
#'             CPU = sum(as.numeric(`%CPU`))) %>%
#'   filter(RSS > 2e+06) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x=SampleTime, y=RSS, color=Nodename)) +
#'   geom_line()
#' }
#' @export
monitor_cluster_resources <- function(username_or_command,
                                      login_node, node_list, save_path,
                                      sleeping_time, total_checks, ...,
                                      stop_file = NULL) {
  # in case you want to just save something,
  #   this will automaticall revert to the previous plan when done
  oplan <- plan("list")

  # Only visit each node once
    tweak(remote, workers = login_node),
    tweak(cluster, workers = unique(node_list))

  zexpr <- quote({
      function (i) {
        resources <- monitor_resources_on_node(username_or_command,
                                               sleeping_time = sleeping_time,
                                               total_checks = total_checks, ...,
                                               stop_file = stop_file)
                        resources$sleeping_time) %>%
          mutate(Nodename = resources$nodename,
                 PIDofMonitor = Sys.getpid())

  if (is.null(save_path)) {
    results <- future(zexpr, substitute = FALSE)
  } else {
    on.exit(plan(oplan), add = TRUE)
    save_expr <- substitute({
      zplyr::collect_all(saveRDS(zexpr, save_path), catchErrors = TRUE)
    results <- future(save_expr, substitute = FALSE)
    return("check it")

#' Plot current resource consumption
#' Plots the total `RSS` and `%CPU` from \code{\link{monitor_cluster_resources}} at the current time. \cr \cr
#' Basically, this is just a wrapper for \code{\link{monitor_cluster_resources}} that checks once, plots the results, and returns the data frame it used to plot them. It automatically filters out the `PID` of the monitoring processes.
#' @return a dataframe
#' @inheritParams monitor_cluster_resources
#' @param .timeout The amount of seconds to wait before giving up
#' @export
snap_shot_activity <- function(username_or_command,
                               .timeout = 30) {
  oplan <- plan("list")
  on.exit(plan(oplan), add = TRUE)

  res <- monitor_cluster_resources(
    username_or_command = username_or_command,
    login_node = login_node,
    node_list = node_list,
    save_path = NULL,
    sleeping_time = 0,
    total_checks = 1, ..., stop_file = NULL)
  if (!cs:::wait_and_check(resolved(res), total_sleep_time=.timeout))
    stop("Timeout after ", .timeout, " seconds")
  df <- value(res) %>%
    group_by(Nodename, SampleTime) %>%
    filter(CMD =="R", PID != PIDofMonitor) %>%
    summarise(Total_RSS = sum(as.numeric(RSS)),
              Total_CPU_percentage = sum(as.numeric(`%CPU`)))

  if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    print(df %>%
      ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x=Nodename, y=Total_RSS, fill=Nodename)) +
    print(df %>%
      ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x=Nodename, y=Total_CPU_percentage, fill=Nodename)) +
  } else {
    warning("To automatically plot these conditions, `ggplot2` needs to be installed. The data frame is being returned instead.")
burchill/cs documentation built on May 28, 2023, 1:29 p.m.