
# plot.scantwo.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2011, Karl W Broman, Hao Wu and Brian Yandell
# last modified Ma4, 2011
# first written Nov, 2001
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Hao Wu (The Jackson Lab) wrote the initial code
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: plot.scantwo

plot.scantwo <-
function(x, chr, incl.markers = FALSE, zlim, lodcolumn=1,
         lower = c("full", "add", "cond-int", "cond-add", "int"),
         upper = c("int", "cond-add", "cond-int", "add", "full"),
         nodiag = TRUE,
         contours = FALSE, main, zscale = TRUE, point.at.max=FALSE,
         col.scheme = c("redblue","cm","gray","heat","terrain","topo"),
         gamma=0.6, allow.neg=FALSE, alternate.chrid=FALSE, ...)
  if(!any(class(x) == "scantwo"))
    stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

  col.scheme <- match.arg(col.scheme)

  if(length(dim(x$lod)) > 2) { # results from multiple phenotypes
    if(length(lodcolumn) > 1) {
      warning("Argument lodcolumn should be of length 1.")
      lodcolumn <- lodcolumn[1]
    if(lodcolumn < 0 || lodcolumn > dim(x$lod)[3])
      stop("Argument lodcolumn misspecified.")
    x$lod <- x$lod[,,lodcolumn]

  if(!missing(chr)) x <- subset(x, chr=chr)
  if(nrow(x$lod)==0) {
    warning("Empty scantwo object.")

  chr <- as.character(unique(x$map[,1]))

  addpair <- attr(x, "addpair")
  if(!is.null(addpair) && addpair) {
    lower <- "full"
    upper <- "add"
    if(missing(zlim)) {
        zlim <- rep(max(abs(x$lod), na.rm=TRUE), 2)
        zlim <- rep(max(x$lod, na.rm=TRUE), 2)
    addpair <- TRUE
  else addpair <- FALSE

  if(length(lower)==1 && lower == "fv1") lower <- "cond-int"
  if(length(lower)==1 && lower == "av1") lower <- "cond-add"
  if(length(upper)==1 && upper == "fv1") upper <- "cond-int"
  if(length(upper)==1 && upper == "av1") upper <- "cond-add"

  lower <- match.arg(lower)
  upper <- match.arg(upper)
  if(!any(class(x) == "scantwo")) 
    stop("Input variable is not an object of class scantwo!")
  lod <- x$lod
  map <- x$map

  # backward compatibility for previous version of R/qtl
  if(!("scanoneX" %in% names(x))) {
    warning("It would be best to re-run scantwo() with the R/qtl version 0.98 or later.\n")
    scanoneX <- NULL
  else scanoneX <- x$scanoneX

  # if incl.markers is FALSE, drop positions
  #     for which third column of map is 0
  if(!incl.markers && any(map[, 3] == 0)) {
    o <- (map[, 3] == 1)
    lod <- lod[o, o]
    map <- map[o, ]
    if(!is.null(scanoneX)) scanoneX <- scanoneX[o]

  if(all(diag(lod) < 1e-14) && (lower == "cond-int" || lower=="cond-add") )
    stop("Need to run scantwo with run.scanone=TRUE.")

  oldlod <- lod

  lo <- lower.tri(lod)
  up <- upper.tri(lod)
  # grab the interaction LOD scores
    lod[up] <- t(oldlod)[up] - oldlod[up]
    lod[lo] <- oldlod[lo] - t(oldlod)[lo]

    lod[lo] <- t(oldlod)[lo]

    lod[up] <- t(oldlod)[up]

  # get conditional LOD scores
  if(lower=="cond-int" || lower=="cond-add") {
      lod[lo] <- t(oldlod)[lo]

    thechr <- map$chr
    uchr <- unique(thechr)
    thechr <- factor(as.character(thechr), levels=as.character(uchr))
    uchr <- factor(as.character(uchr), levels=levels(thechr))
    xchr <- tapply(map$xchr, thechr, function(a) a[1])

    maxo <- tapply(diag(lod), thechr, max, na.rm=TRUE)
    if(any(xchr) && !is.null(scanoneX)) {
      maxox <- tapply(scanoneX, thechr, max, na.rm=TRUE)
      maxo[xchr] <- maxox[xchr]

    n.chr <- length(chr)
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      pi <- which(thechr==uchr[i])
      for(j in i:n.chr) {
        pj <- which(thechr==uchr[j])
        temp <- lod[pj,pi] - max(maxo[c(i,j)])
        temp[!is.na(temp) & temp<0] <- 0
        if(i==j) lod[pj,pi][lower.tri(temp)] <- temp[lower.tri(temp)]
        else lod[pj,pi] <- temp

  if(upper=="cond-int" || upper=="cond-add") {
      lod[up] <- t(oldlod)[up]

    thechr <- map$chr
    uchr <- unique(thechr)
    thechr <- factor(as.character(thechr), levels=as.character(uchr))
    uchr <- factor(as.character(uchr), levels=levels(thechr))
    xchr <- tapply(map$xchr, thechr, function(a) a[1])

    maxo <- tapply(diag(lod), thechr, max, na.rm=TRUE)
    if(any(xchr) && !is.null(scanoneX)) {
      maxox <- tapply(scanoneX, thechr, max, na.rm=TRUE)
      maxo[xchr] <- maxox[xchr]

    n.chr <- length(chr)
    for(i in 1:n.chr) {
      pi <- which(thechr==uchr[i])
      for(j in i:n.chr) {
        pj <- which(thechr==uchr[j])
        temp <- lod[pi,pj] - max(maxo[c(i,j)])
        temp[!is.na(temp) & temp<0] <- 0
        if(i==j) lod[pi,pj][upper.tri(temp)] <- temp[upper.tri(temp)]
        else lod[pi,pj] <- temp

  if(nodiag) diag(lod) <- 0

  # deal with bad LOD score values
  if(any(is.na(lod))) {
    u <- is.na(lod)
    n <- sum(u)
    warning(n, " LOD scores NA, set to 0")
    lod[u] <- 0
  if(!allow.neg && any(!is.na(lod) & lod < -1e-6)) {
    u <- !is.na(lod) & lod < 0
    n <- sum(u)
    warning(n, " LOD scores <0, set to 0")
    lod[u] <- 0
  if(any(!is.na(lod) & lod == Inf)) {
    u <- !is.na(lod) & lod == Inf
    n <- sum(u)
    warning(n, " LOD scores =Inf, set to maximum observed value")
    lod[u] <- max(lod[!is.na(lod) & lod < Inf])

  if(missing(zlim)) { # no given zlim
    # calculate the zlim for interactive and full LODs
    if(allow.neg) {
      zlim.int <- max(abs(lod[row(lod) < col(lod)]))
      zlim.jnt <- max(abs(lod[row(lod) >= col(lod)]))
    else {
      zlim.int <- max(lod[row(lod) < col(lod)])
      zlim.jnt <- max(lod[row(lod) >= col(lod)])
  else {
    zlim.jnt <- zlim[1]
    if(length(zlim) < 2)
      zlim.int <- zlim[1]
      zlim.int <- zlim[2]

  # rescale the data in upper triangle based on zlims.jnt
  lod[row(lod) < col(lod)] <- lod[row(lod) < col(lod)] * zlim.jnt/zlim.int

  # make sure LOD values are below (0,zlim.jnt) or update zlim.jnt
#  if(max(lod) > zlim.jnt) {
#    warning("LOD values out of range; updating zlim.")
#    temp <- max(lod)
#    zlim.int <- zlim.int * temp/zlim.jnt
#    zlim.jnt <- temp
#  }

  # save old par parameters, to restore them on exit
  if(zscale) {
    old.mar <- par("mar")
    old.mfrow <- par("mfrow")
    old.las <- par("las")
    on.exit(par(las = old.las, mar = old.mar, mfrow = old.mfrow))
  else {
    old.las <- par("las")
    on.exit(par(las = old.las))
  par(las = 1)
  dots <- list(...)
  if(zscale) {
    if("layout" %in% names(dots))
     layout(cbind(1, 2), c(6, 1))

    if("mar1" %in% names(dots))
      par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
  if( gamma < 0 && col.scheme == "redblue")
    stop( "gamma must be non-negative" )
  cols <- switch(col.scheme,
                 gray = if( gamma <= 0) rev(gray(seq(0,1,len=256)))
                   else rev(gray(log(seq(1,exp(gamma),len=256))/gamma)),
                 heat = heat.colors(256),
                 terrain = terrain.colors(256),
                 topo = topo.colors(256),
                 cm = cm.colors(256),
                 redblue = rev(rainbow(256, start = 0, end = 2/3)))
  if(col.scheme=="redblue") {
    # convert colors using gamma=0.6 (which will no longer be available in R)
    rgbval <- (col2rgb(cols)/255)^0.6
    cols <- rgb(rgbval[1,], rgbval[2,], rgbval[3,])

  if(allow.neg) {
    lo <- -zlim.jnt
    lo.int <- -zlim.int
  else lo.int <- lo <- 0
  if("xlab" %in% names(dots)) {
    xlab <- dots$xlab
    if("ylab" %in% names(dots))
      ylab <- dots$ylab
    else ylab <- xlab
  else { 
    if("ylab" %in% names(dots))
      xlab <- ylab <- dots$ylab
    else {
      if(length(chr) > 1)
        xlab <- ylab <- "Chromosome"
        xlab <- ylab <- "Location (cM)"

  if(length(chr) > 1)
    image(1:ncol(lod), 1:nrow(lod), lod, ylab = ylab,
          xlab = xlab, zlim = c(lo, zlim.jnt), col = cols,
          xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
    image(map[,2], map[,2], lod, ylab = ylab,
          xlab = xlab, zlim = c(lo, zlim.jnt), col = cols)
  # plot point at maximum, if requested
  if(point.at.max) {
    temp <- lod
    temp[upper.tri(temp)] <- -50
    temp[diag(temp)] <- -50
    wh <- which(temp == max(temp), arr.ind=TRUE)
    if(length(chr) > 1)
    else {

  # add contours if requested
  if(any(contours > 0)) {
      contours = 1.5
    tmp = lod
    tmp[row(lod) < col(lod)] <- NA
    if(length(chr) > 1) 
      thepos <- 1:ncol(lod)
    else thepos <- map[,2]
    contour(thepos, thepos, tmp, add = TRUE,drawlabels=FALSE,
            levels = max(tmp,na.rm=TRUE) - contours, col = "blue",
            lwd = 2)
    tmp = lod
    tmp[row(lod) > col(lod)] <- NA
    contour(thepos, thepos, tmp, add = TRUE,drawlabels=FALSE,
            levels = max(tmp,na.rm=TRUE) - contours * zlim.jnt/zlim.int,
            col = "blue", lwd = 2)

  if(length(chr) > 1) {
    # calculate how many markers in each chromesome
    n.mar <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(chr)) n.mar[i] <- sum(map[, 1] == chr[i])

    # plot lines at the chromosome boundaries
    if(length(chr) > 1)
      wh <- c(0.5, cumsum(n.mar) + 0.5)
    abline(v = wh, xpd = FALSE)
    abline(h = wh, xpd = FALSE)

    # add chromesome numbers
    a <- par("usr")
    placement <- (wh[-1] + wh[-length(wh)])/2
    if(!alternate.chrid || length(chr)<2) {
      for(i in 1:length(chr)) {
        axis(side=1, at=placement[i], labels=chr[i])
        axis(side=2, at=placement[i], labels=chr[i])
    else {
      odd <- seq(1, length(chr), by=2)
      even <- seq(2, length(chr), by=2)
      for(i in odd) {
        axis(side=1, at=placement[i], labels="")
        axis(side=2, at=placement[i], labels="")
        axis(side=1, at=placement[i], labels=chr[i], line=-0.4, tick=FALSE)
        axis(side=2, at=placement[i], labels=chr[i], line=-0.4, tick=FALSE)
      for(i in even) {
        axis(side=1, at=placement[i], labels="")
        axis(side=2, at=placement[i], labels="")
        axis(side=1, at=placement[i], labels=chr[i], line=+0.4, tick=FALSE)
        axis(side=2, at=placement[i], labels=chr[i], line=+0.4, tick=FALSE)
  else {
    u <- par("usr")
    abline(v=u[1:2], h=u[3:4])

  # add title
    title(main = main)

  if(zscale) {
    # plot the colormap
    dots <- list(...)
    if("mar2" %in% names(dots))
      par(mar = c(5, 2, 4, 2) + 0.1)

    colorstep <- (zlim.jnt-lo)/255
    image(x = 1:1, y = seq(lo, zlim.jnt, colorstep), z = matrix(1:256, 1, 256),
          zlim = c(1, 256), ylab = "", xlab = "", 
          xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", col = cols)

    # make sure there's a box around it
    u <- par("usr")
    abline(v = u[1:2], xpd = FALSE)
    abline(h = u[3:4], xpd = FALSE)
    if(any(contours) > 0) {
      for(i in seq(length(contours))) {
                 max(lod[row(lod) > col(lod)]) - contours[i],
                 u[2], max(lod[row(lod) > col(lod)]) - contours[i], 
                 xpd = FALSE, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
        segments(u[1], max(lod[row(lod) < col(lod)]) - contours[i] * 
                 zlim.jnt/zlim.int, mean(u[1:2]),
                 max(lod[row(lod) < col(lod)]) - contours[i] * zlim.jnt / zlim.int,
                 xpd = FALSE, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

    # figure out how big the axis labels should be
    fin <- par("fin")[1] # figure width in inches
    pin <- par("pin")[1] # plot width in inches
    mai <- par("mai")[2] # margin width in inches
                         # note: pin + 2*mai = fin
    xlen.mar <- mai/pin * diff(u[1:2])

    # axis for full LODs
    yloc <- pretty(c(lo, zlim.jnt), 4)
    yloc <- yloc[yloc >= u[3] & yloc <= u[4]]
#    segments(u[2], yloc, u[2] + xlen.mar/4, yloc, xpd = TRUE)
#    text(u[2] + xlen.mar/3, yloc, as.character(yloc), xpd = TRUE, adj = 0)
    axis(side=4, at=yloc, labels=yloc)

    # axis for int've LODs
    yloc <- pretty(c(lo.int, zlim.int), 4)
    yloc.rev <- yloc * zlim.jnt/zlim.int
    yloc <- yloc[yloc.rev >= u[3] & yloc.rev <= u[4]]
    yloc.rev <- yloc.rev[yloc.rev >= u[3] & yloc.rev <= u[4]]
#    segments(u[1], yloc.rev, u[1] - xlen.mar/4, yloc.rev, xpd = TRUE)
#    text(u[1] - xlen.mar/3, yloc.rev, as.character(yloc), xpd = TRUE, adj = 1)
      axis(side=2, at=yloc.rev, labels=yloc)


# end of plot.scantwo.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.