
# summaryScantwoOld.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2011, Karl W Broman, Hao Wu, and Brian Yandell
# last modified May, 2011
# first written Nov, 2001
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Hao Wu (The Jackson Lab) wrote the initial code for summary.scantwo
# function.  Brian Yandell made further modifications/enhancements to
# summary.scantwo, but Karl re-wrote most of it later.
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: summaryScantwoOld, print.summary.scantwo.old

summaryScantwoOld <- summary.scantwo.old <-
function (object, thresholds = c(0, 0, 0), lodcolumn=1,
          type = c("joint","interaction"), ...)
  warning("This function is provided solely for continuity of the software;\n",
          "it is not recommended.\n")
  if(!any(class(object) == "scantwo"))
    stop("Input should have class \"scantwo\".")

  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(length(dim(object$lod)) > 2) { # results from multiple phenotypes
    if(length(lodcolumn) > 1) {
      warning("Argument lodcolumn should be of length 1.")
      lodcolumn <- lodcolumn[1]
    if(lodcolumn < 0 || lodcolumn > dim(object$lod)[3])
      stop("Argument lodcolumn misspecified.")
    object$lod <- object$lod[,,lodcolumn]

  if(length(thresholds) < 3) {
    if(length(thresholds) == 1) thresholds <- c(thresholds, 0, 0)
    else stop("You must give three thresholds: full, interaction and main\n")

  thrfull <- thresholds[1]
  thrint <- thresholds[2]
  thrcond <- thresholds[3]

  lod <- object$lod
  map <- object$map

  # backward compatibility for previous version of R/qtl
  if(is.na(match("scanoneX",names(object)))) {
    warning("It would be best to re-run scantwo() with the R/qtl version 0.98 or later.")
    scanoneX <- NULL
  else scanoneX <- object$scanoneX

  # deal with bad LOD score values
  if(any(is.na(lod) | lod < -1e-06 | lod == Inf)) 
    warning("Some LOD scores NA, Inf or < 0; set to 0")
  lod[is.na(lod) | lod < 0 | lod == Inf] <- 0

  # if there's no mainscan result, ignore the thresholds
  #     and don't include the 4 conditional LOD columns
  if(all(is.na(diag(lod)) | diag(lod) < 1e-10)) 
    includes.scanone <- FALSE
  else includes.scanone <- TRUE

  # change lod scores to old version
  u <- upper.tri(lod)
  lod[u] <- t(lod)[u] - lod[u]

  # If scanone results available, calculate conditional LOD scores
  if(includes.scanone) {
    d <- diag(lod)
    q1 <- matrix(rep(d,length(d)),ncol=length(d))
    q2 <- matrix(rep(d,length(d)),ncol=length(d),byrow=TRUE)

    if(!is.null(scanoneX) && any(map[,4])) {
      d <- scanoneX
      q1X <- matrix(rep(d,length(d)),ncol=length(d))
      q2X <- matrix(rep(d,length(d)),ncol=length(d),byrow=TRUE)
      q1[map[,4],] <- q1X[map[,4],]
      q2[,map[,4]] <- q2X[,map[,4]]

    q1[lower.tri(q1)] <- t(q2)[lower.tri(q2)]
    condlod <- abs(lod - t(lod)) - q1
    diag(condlod) <- 0
  else condlod <- NULL

  # Negative thresholds are interpreted relative to the maximum LOD score
  if(thrfull < 0) 
    thrfull <- max(0,max(lod[lower.tri(lod)]) + thrfull)
  if(thrint < 0) 
    thrint <- max(0,max(lod[upper.tri(lod)]) + thrint)
  if(thrcond < 0 && includes.scanone)
    thrcond <- max(0,max(condlod) + thrcond)
  crosstype <- attr(object, "type")
  if(is.null(crosstype)) {
    warning("No type attribute in input data; assuming backcross.")
    crosstype <- "bc"

  # calculate the degree of freedom
  if(crosstype == "bc" || crosstype == "riself" || crosstype == 
      "risib" || crosstype=="dh") {
    df.int <- 1
    df.add <- 1
  else if(crosstype == "f2") {
    df.int <- 4
    df.add <- 2
  else if(crosstype == "4way") {
    df.int <- 9
    df.add <- 3
  else {
    stop("Don't know what to do with cross type ", crosstype)

  # chromsomes in the result
  chr <- unique(map[, 1])
  n.chr <- length(chr)

  # calculate the locations of each chromosome within the LOD matrix
  wh.index <- vector("list", n.chr)
  n <- nrow(map)
  for(i in 1:n.chr)
    wh.index[[i]] <- which(map[, 1] == chr[i])

  results <- NULL

  # go through each pair of chromosomes
  for(i in 1:n.chr) {
    for(j in i:n.chr) { 
      tmplod1 <- lod[wh.index[[j]], wh.index[[i]],drop=FALSE]
      if(!is.null(condlod)) {
        if(i==j) tmpcondlod <- condlod[wh.index[[i]],wh.index[[i]],drop=FALSE]
        else {
          tmpcondlod1 <- condlod[wh.index[[j]],wh.index[[i]],drop=FALSE]
          tmpcondlod2 <- condlod[wh.index[[i]],wh.index[[j]],drop=FALSE]

      if(i != j) tmplod2 <- lod[wh.index[[i]], wh.index[[j]],drop=FALSE]
      else tmplod2 <- tmplod1

      if(type == "joint") {
        if(i == j) {
          tri <- lower.tri(tmplod1)
          lod.joint <- max(tmplod1[tri])
          idx <- which(tmplod1 == lod.joint & tri, arr.ind=TRUE)
          if(!is.matrix(idx)) {
        else {
          lod.joint <- max(tmplod1)
          idx <- which(tmplod1 == lod.joint, arr.ind=TRUE)
          if(!is.matrix(idx)) {
        if(nrow(idx)>1) idx <- idx[sample(nrow(idx),1),,drop=FALSE]
        idx.row <- idx[1]
        idx.col <- idx[2]
        lod.int <- tmplod2[idx.col, idx.row,drop=FALSE]
      else { # interaction lod
        if(i == j) {
          tri <- upper.tri(tmplod2)
          lod.int <- max(tmplod2[tri])
          idx <- which(tmplod2 == lod.int & tri, arr.ind=TRUE)
        else {
          lod.int <- max(tmplod2)
          idx <- which(tmplod2 == lod.int)
        if(nrow(idx)>1) idx <- idx[sample(nrow(idx),1),,drop=FALSE]
        idx.row <- idx[2]
        idx.col <- idx[1]
        lod.joint <- tmplod1[idx.row, idx.col,drop=FALSE]
      full.idx.row <- idx.row + wh.index[[j]][1] - 1
      full.idx.col <- idx.col + wh.index[[i]][1] - 1

      flag <- FALSE # a flag to indicate whether there's any peak on this pair
      if(lod.joint >= thrfull) {
        if(includes.scanone) {
          if(i==j) {
            lod.q1 <- tmpcondlod[idx.row,idx.col,drop=FALSE]
            lod.q2 <- tmpcondlod[idx.col,idx.row,drop=FALSE]
          else {
            lod.q1 <- tmpcondlod1[idx.row,idx.col,drop=FALSE]
            lod.q2 <- tmpcondlod2[idx.col,idx.row,drop=FALSE]
          if(lod.int >= thrint || min(c(lod.q1, lod.q2)) >= thrcond) {
            flag <- TRUE
            i.pos <- map[full.idx.col, 2]
            j.pos <- map[full.idx.row, 2]
            results <- rbind(results,
                             data.frame(chr[i], chr[j], i.pos, j.pos,
                                        lod.joint, 1 - pchisq(2 * log(10) * lod.joint,
                                                              df.int + 2 * df.add), 
                                        lod.int, 1 - pchisq(2 * log(10) * lod.int, df.int),
                                        lod.q1, 1 - pchisq(2 * log(10) * lod.q1, df.add),
                                        lod.q2, 1 - pchisq(2 * log(10) * lod.q2, df.add), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
        else { # no scanone output
          flag <- TRUE
          i.pos <- map[full.idx.col, 2]
          j.pos <- map[full.idx.row, 2]
          results <- rbind(results,
                           data.frame(chr[i], chr[j], i.pos, j.pos,
                                      lod.joint, 1 - pchisq(2 * log(10) * lod.joint,
                                                            df.int + 2 * df.add), 
                                      lod.int, 1 - pchisq(2 * log(10) * lod.int, df.int), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
        # give the new row (if any) a name
        if(flag) {
          mname <- rownames(map)
          rownames(results)[nrow(results)] <- paste(mname[full.idx.col], ":",
                                                    mname[full.idx.row], sep="")
      } # lod joint above threshold

    } # end loop over chromosomes

  if(is.null(results)) {
    results <- numeric(0)
  else {
      colnames(results) <- c("chr1", "chr2", "pos1", "pos2", 
                             "lod.joint", "p.joint", "lod.int", "p.int", "lod.q1", 
                             "p.q1", "lod.q2", "p.q2")
    else colnames(results) <- c("chr1", "chr2", "pos1", "pos2", 
                                "lod.joint", "p.joint", "lod.int", "p.int")
    results <- as.data.frame(results, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  class(results) <- c("summary.scantwo.old", "data.frame")

print.summary.scantwo.old <-
  if(length(x)==0) {
    cat("    There were no pairs of loci meeting the criteria.\n")

  # column names
  cnames <- c("pos1", "pos2", "  LODjnt", "-logP",
              "  LODint", "-logP", "  LODq1", "-logP",
              "  LODq2", "-logP")

  # chr names
  chr1 <- paste("c",x[,1],sep="")
  chr2 <- paste("c",x[,2],sep="")

  # pad chr names with spaces; this isn't really necessary
  nchar.c1 <- nchar(chr1); max.nchar.c1 <- max(nchar.c1)
  nchar.c2 <- nchar(chr2); max.nchar.c2 <- max(nchar.c2)
  if(any(nchar.c1 < max.nchar.c1 | nchar.c2 < max.nchar.c2)) {
    for(i in 1:length(nchar.c2)) {
      if(nchar.c1[i] < max.nchar.c1)
        chr1[i] <- paste(paste(rep(" ", max.nchar.c1-nchar.c1[i]),collapse=""),
      if(nchar.c2[i] < max.nchar.c2)
        chr2[i] <- paste(paste(rep(" ", max.nchar.c2-nchar.c2[i]),collapse=""),
  chr <- paste(chr1,chr2,sep=":")

  # round the rest; take -log10(P-values)
  for(j in 3:ncol(x)) {
      x[,j] <- round(x[,j])
    else if(j %% 2)  # odd
      x[,j] <- round(x[,j],2)
      x[,j] <- -round(log10(x[,j]),1)

  res <- as.data.frame(x[,-(1:2)], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  names(res) <- cnames[1:ncol(res)]
  rownames(res) <- chr


# end of summary.scantwo.old.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.