
# tryallpositions.R
# copyright (c) 2007-2011, Karl W Broman
# last modified Dec, 2011
# first written Oct, 2007
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: tryallpositions, markerloglik, allchrsplits

# tryallpositions
# Place a given marker in all possible positions on a selected set of
# chromosomes, keeping the positions of all other markers fixed, and
# evaluate the likelihood and estimate the chromosome length

tryallpositions <-
function(cross, marker, chr, error.prob=0.0001,
         m=0, p=0, maxit=4000, tol=1e-6, sex.sp=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
  map.function <- match.arg(map.function)
  if(missing(chr)) chr <- names(cross$geno)
  else chr <- matchchr(chr, names(cross$geno))
  thechr <- find.markerpos(cross, marker)[1,1]
    stop("Marker ", marker, " not found.")

  markerll <- markerloglik(cross, marker, error.prob)

  allchr <- names(subset(cross, chr=chr)$geno)

  results <- NULL
  for(i in allchr) {
    if(i == thechr) { # marker already on this chromosome
      pos <- cross$geno[[i]]$map
      if(is.matrix(pos)) {
        pos <- pos[1,]
        matrixmap <- TRUE
      else matrixmap <- FALSE
      n.mar <- ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
      if(n.mar == 1) { # this is the only marker
        pos <- 0
        length <- length.male <- 0
        llik <- 0
        if(verbose) cat(i, pos, llik/log(10), "\n")
        interval <- "---"
      } # just this marker
      else if(n.mar == 2) { # just two markers
        pos <- 0
        themar <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        initialloglik <- sum(sapply(themar, function(a, b, c) markerloglik(b, a, c), cross, error.prob))
        nm <- est.map(cross, chr=i, error.prob=error.prob,
                      map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit,
                      tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp, verbose=FALSE,
        llik <- attr(nm, "loglik") - initialloglik
        if(verbose) cat(i, pos, llik/log(10), "\n")

        if(is.matrix(nm)) {
          length <- diff(range(nm[1,]))
          length.male <- diff(range(nm[2,]))
        else length <- diff(range(nm))
        interval <- "---"
      } # just two markers
      else { # >2 markers
        temp <- drop.markers(cross, marker)

        pos <- temp$geno[[i]]$map
        if(is.matrix(pos)) {
          pos <- pos[1,]
          matrixmap <- TRUE
        else matrixmap <- FALSE
        pos <- c(min(pos)-10, pos, max(pos)+10)
        pos <- (pos[-1] + pos[-length(pos)])/2

        themarkers <- colnames(temp$geno[[i]]$data)
        int2 <- c("*", match(themarkers, colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)), "*")
        themarkers <- c("pter", themarkers, "qter")
        interval <- paste(themarkers[-length(themarkers)], themarkers[-1],
        int2 <- paste("(", int2[-length(int2)], "-", int2[-1], ")", sep="")
        interval <- paste(interval, int2)

        initialmap <- est.map(temp, chr=i,
                              map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit,
                              tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp, verbose=FALSE,
        initialloglik <- attr(initialmap, "loglik") + markerll

        llik <- length <- length.male <- rep(NA, length(pos))
        for(j in seq(along=pos)) {
          temp <- movemarker(cross, marker, i, pos[j])
          nm <- est.map(temp, chr=i, error.prob=error.prob,
                        map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit,
                        tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp, verbose=FALSE,
          llik[j] <- attr(nm, "loglik") - initialloglik
          if(verbose) cat(i, pos[j], llik[j]/log(10), "\n")

          if(is.matrix(nm)) {
            length[j] <- diff(range(nm[1,]))
            length.male[j] <- diff(range(nm[2,]))
          else length[j] <- diff(range(nm))
      } # >2 markers


    else { # marker not on this chromosome

      pos <- cross$geno[[i]]$map
      if(is.matrix(pos)) {
        pos <- pos[1,]
        matrixmap <- TRUE
      else matrixmap <- FALSE

      n.mar <- ncol(cross$geno[[i]]$data)

      if(n.mar > 1) {
        pos <- c(min(pos)-10, pos, max(pos)+10)
        pos <- (pos[-1] + pos[-length(pos)])/2

        themarkers <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
        int2 <- c("*", 1:length(themarkers), "*")
        themarkers <- c("pter", themarkers, "qter")
        interval <- paste(themarkers[-length(themarkers)], themarkers[-1],
        int2 <- paste("(", int2[-length(int2)], "-", int2[-1], ")", sep="")
        interval <- paste(interval, int2)

        initialmap <- est.map(cross, chr=i, error.prob=error.prob,
                              map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit,
                              tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp, verbose=FALSE,
        initialloglik <- attr(initialmap, "loglik") + markerll

        llik <- length <- length.male <- rep(NA, length(pos))
        for(j in seq(along=pos)) {
          temp <- movemarker(cross, marker, i, pos[j])

          nm <- est.map(temp, chr=i, error.prob=error.prob,
                        map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit,
                        tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp, verbose=FALSE,
          llik[j] <- attr(nm, "loglik") - initialloglik
          if(verbose) cat(i, pos[j], llik[j]/log(10), "\n")

          if(is.matrix(nm)) {
            length[j] <- diff(range(nm[1,]))
            length.male[j] <- diff(range(nm[2,]))
          else length[j] <- diff(range(nm))
      } # >1 marker on chromosome
      else {
        initialloglik <- markerloglik(cross, colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data), error.prob) + markerll

        pos <- pos+10
        interval <- "---"

        temp <- movemarker(cross, marker, i, pos)

        nm <- est.map(temp, chr=i, error.prob=error.prob,
                      map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit,
                      tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp, verbose=FALSE,
        llik <- attr(nm, "loglik") - initialloglik
        if(verbose) cat(i, pos, llik/log(10), "\n")

        if(is.matrix(nm)) {
          length <- diff(range(nm[1,]))
          length.male <- diff(range(nm[2,]))
        else length <- diff(range(nm))
      } # one marker on chromosome
    } # marker not on this chr

    if(matrixmap && sex.sp) 
      tempres <- data.frame(chr=rep(i, length(pos)),
      tempres <- data.frame(chr=rep(i, length(pos)),

    results <- rbind(results, tempres)
  } # loop over chromosomes

  rownames(results) <- results$interval
  results <- results[,-ncol(results)]
  class(results) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")


# markerloglik: Calculate log likelihood for a given marker

markerloglik <- 
function(cross, marker, error.prob=0.0001) 
  if(!any(class(cross) == "cross"))
    stop("Input should have class \"cross\".")

  type <- class(cross)[1]

  if(length(marker) > 1) {
    ll <- sapply(marker, function(a,b,d) markerloglik(b, a, d), cross, error.prob)
    names(ll) <- marker

  # don't let error.prob be exactly zero (or >1)
  if(error.prob < 1e-50) error.prob <- 1e-50
  if(error.prob > 1) {
    error.prob <- 1-1e-50
    warning("error.prob shouldn't be > 1!")

  n.ind <- nind(cross)

  thechr <- find.markerpos(cross, marker)[1,1]
    stop("Marker ", marker, " not found.")

  chrtype <- class(cross$geno[[thechr]])

  g <- pull.geno(cross, chr=thechr)
  m <- match(marker, colnames(g))
    stop("Marker ", marker, " not found.")
  g <- g[,m]
  g[is.na(g)] <- 0

  # which type of cross is this?
  if(type == "f2") {
    if(chrtype == "A") # autosomal
      cfunc <- "marker_loglik_f2"
    else                  # X chromsome 
      cfunc <- "marker_loglik_bc"
  else if(type == "bc" || type=="riself" || type=="risib" || type=="dh") {
    cfunc <- "marker_loglik_bc"
  else if(type == "4way") {
    cfunc <- "marker_loglik_4way"
  else if(type=="ri4sib" || type=="ri4self" || type=="ri8sib" || type=="ri8self" || type=="bgmagic16") {
    cfunc <- paste("marker_loglik_", type, sep="")
      warning("markerloglik not working properly for the X chromosome for 4- or 8-way RIL.")
  else if(type == "bcsft") {
    cfunc <- "marker_loglik_bcsft"
    cross.scheme <- attr(cross, "scheme") ## c(s,t) for BC(s)F(t)
    if(chrtype != "A") { ## X chromosome
      cross.scheme[1] <- cross.scheme[1] + cross.scheme[2] - (cross.scheme[1] == 0)
      cross.scheme[2] <- 0
    stop("markerloglik not available for cross type ", type, ".")
  ## Hide cross scheme in genoprob to pass to routine. BY
  temp <- 0
  if(type == "bcsft")
    temp[1] <- cross.scheme[1] * 1000 + cross.scheme[2]
  # call the C function
  z <- .C(cfunc,
          as.integer(n.ind),       # number of individuals
          as.integer(g),           # genotype data
          loglik=as.double(temp),     # log likelihood


# allchrsplits
# get LOD scores for each possible split of each chromosome into
# two pieces

allchrsplits <-
function(cross, chr, error.prob=0.0001,
         m=0, p=0, maxit=4000, tol=1e-6, sex.sp=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
  map.function <- match.arg(map.function)
  if(!missing(chr)) cross <- subset(cross, chr=chr)

  biggap <- imf.h(0.5 - 1e-14)

  n.mar <- nmar(cross)
  chrnam <- names(cross$geno)

  result <- NULL

  for(i in seq(along=cross$geno)) {
    if(n.mar[i] == 1) {
#      temp <- data.frame(chr=chrnam[i], pos=pos, lod=NA, gap=0)
#      rownames(temp) <- themarkers
#      result <- cbind(result, temp)
    thischr <- subset(cross, chr=chrnam[i])
    if(verbose) cat("Chr ", chrnam[i], " (", n.mar[i], " markers)\n", sep="")
    pos <- cross$geno[[i]]$map
    themarkers <- colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)
    if(is.matrix(pos)) {
      pos <- pos[1,]
      matrixmap <- TRUE
    else matrixmap <- FALSE

    gap <- (pos[-1] - pos[-length(pos)])
    pos <- (pos[-1] + pos[-length(pos)])/2
    int2 <- match(themarkers, colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data))
    interval <- paste(themarkers[-length(themarkers)], themarkers[-1],
    int2 <- paste("(", int2[-length(int2)], "-", int2[-1], ")", sep="")
    interval <- paste(interval, int2)

    initialmap <- est.map(thischr, error.prob=error.prob,
                          map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)
    thischr$geno[[1]]$map <- initialmap[[1]]
    initialloglik <- attr(initialmap[[1]], "loglik")
    if(n.mar[i] == 2) { # 2 markers
      mmll <- markerloglik(thischr, markernames(thischr), error.prob=error.prob)
      temp <- data.frame(chr=chrnam[i], pos=pos,
                         lod=(initialloglik - sum(mmll))/log(10), gap=gap, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
      rownames(temp) <- interval
    else { # >2 markers
      mn <- markernames(thischr)
      mmll <- markerloglik(thischr, mn[c(1,length(mn))], error.prob=error.prob)
      lod <- rep(NA, length(mn)-1)

      if(verbose) cat("  interval 1\n")
      # first interval
      lod[1] <- initialloglik - mmll[1] -
        attr(est.map(drop.markers(thischr, mn[1]), error.prob=error.prob,
                     map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)[[1]], "loglik")

      if(n.mar[i] > 3) {
        for(j in 2:(n.mar[i]-2)) {
          if(verbose) cat("  interval", j, "\n")
          temp1 <- est.map(pull.markers(thischr, mn[1:j]), error.prob=error.prob,
                           map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)[[1]]
          temp2 <- est.map(drop.markers(thischr, mn[1:j]), error.prob=error.prob,
                           map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)[[1]]
#          lod[j] <- initialloglik - attr(temp1, "loglik") - attr(temp2, "loglik")

          if(any(is.na(temp1)) || any(is.na(temp2)))
            stop("Missing values in estimated map on chr ", chrnam[i], " with split at interval ", j, "\n")

          # the likelihoods aren't adding properly, so I'll use the following kluge:
          temp3 <- thischr
            temp3$geno[[1]]$map <- cbind(temp1, biggap+temp2)
            temp3$geno[[1]]$map <- c(temp1, biggap+temp2)
          temp3 <- est.map(temp3, error.prob=error.prob, map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=0, tol=tol,
          lod[j] <- initialloglik - attr(temp3, "loglik")

      if(verbose) cat("  interval", n.mar[i]-1, "\n")
      # last interval
      lod[length(mn)-1] <- initialloglik - mmll[2] -
        attr(est.map(drop.markers(thischr, mn[length(mn)]), error.prob=error.prob,
                     map.function=map.function, m=m, p=p, maxit=maxit, tol=tol, sex.sp=sex.sp)[[1]], "loglik")

      temp <- data.frame(chr=rep(chrnam[i], length(interval)), pos=pos, lod=lod/log(10), gap=gap, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
      rownames(temp) <- interval
    result <- rbind(result, temp)
  class(result) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")

# end of tryallpositions.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.