
Defines functions get.model.average get.post.burnin get.posterior.prob model2M subset.qtlnet

Documented in subset.qtlnet

get.model.average <- function(qtlnet.object)
  mav <- qtlnet.object$Mav
  if(is.null(mav)) {
    post.burnin <- get.post.burnin(qtlnet.object)

    mav <- apply(qtlnet.object$post.net.str[,,post.burnin], c(1,2), mean)
    pheno.names <- attr(qtlnet.object, "pheno.names")
    dimnames(mav) <- list(pheno.names, pheno.names)
  else {
    nSamples <- attr(qtlnet.object, "nSamples")
    if(length(nSamples) > 1)
      mav <- apply(mav, c(1,2), stats::weighted.mean, nSamples)
get.post.burnin <- function(qtlnet.object)
  burnin <- attr(qtlnet.object, "burnin")
  nSamples <- attr(qtlnet.object, "nSamples")
  which(apply(matrix(nSamples), 1,
              function(x,b) seq(x) >= b * x, burnin))
get.posterior.prob <- function(qtlnet.object)
  post.burnin <- get.post.burnin(qtlnet.object)
  post.model <- qtlnet.object$post.model[post.burnin]
  post.bic <- qtlnet.object$post.bic[post.burnin]
  out <- data.frame(post.prob = as.vector(table(post.model)) / length(post.model),
               BIC  = tapply(post.bic, post.model, mean),
               stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  out[order(-out$post.prob, out$BIC),]
## Need to condense qtlnet object.
## First, get rid of post.net.str.
## Could have utility to translate post.model to post.net.str.
model2M <- function(post.model)
  ## Convert post.model into 3-D M array.
  ## Strip out parentheses and split by node.
  a <- strsplit(substring(post.model, 2, nchar(post.model) - 1), ")(", fixed = TRUE)
  nSamples <- length(a)
  n.pheno <- length(a[[1]])
  phenos <- rep(0, n.pheno)
  asplit <- function(a, phenos = length(a)) {
    a1 <- strsplit(a, "|", fixed = TRUE)
    a2 <- sapply(a1, function(x, phenos)
                   if(length(x) == 2) {
                     xx <- as.numeric(strsplit(x[2], ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
                     phenos[xx] <- 1
                 }, phenos)
  array(unlist(lapply(a, asplit, phenos)), c(n.pheno, n.pheno, nSamples))
subset.qtlnet <- function(x, run, ...)
    stop("run must be specified")

  nSamples <- attr(x, "nSamples")
  runs <- length(nSamples)
  if(any(run < 0) | any(run > runs))
    stop(paste("run must be integer between 1 and", runs))

  out <- x

  ## Subset the nSample * runs values.
  run.id <- rep(seq(runs), nSamples)
  wh <- which(run.id %in% run)
  for(i in c("post.model","post.bic","all.bic"))
    out[[i]] <- out[[i]][wh]

  ## Subset the runs values.
  wh <- which(seq(runs) %in% run)
  out$freq.accept <- out$freq.accept[wh]
  out$Mav <- out$Mav[,,wh]
  attr(out, "nSamples") <- attr(out, "nSamples")[wh]

  M <- model2M(out$post.model[1])
  attr(out, "M0") <- M[,,1]
byandell/qtlnet documentation built on April 1, 2020, 7:17 p.m.