#' @title Count RNA-seq data
#' @description The FRASER package provides multiple functions to extract and
#' count both split and non-spliced reads from bam files.
#' See Detail and Functions for more information.
#' @details
#' The functions described in this file extract and count both the
#' split and the non-spliced reads from bam files.
#' \code{\link{countRNAData}} is the main function that takes care of all
#' counting steps and returns a FraserDataSet containing the counts for all
#' samples in the fds.
#' \code{\link{getSplitReadCountsForAllSamples}} counts split reads for all
#' samples and \code{\link{getNonSplitReadCountsForAllSamples}} counts non
#' split reads overlapping splice sites for all samples.
#' \code{\link{addCountsToFraserDataSet}} adds these counts to an existing fds.
#' \code{\link{countSplitReads}} calculates the split read counts for a single
#' sample. \code{\link{countNonSplicedReads}} counts the non split reads
#' overlapping with splice sites for a single sample.
#' \code{\link{mergeCounts}} merges the counts from different samples into a
#' single count object, where the counts for junctions that are not present in
#' a sample are set to zero.
#' @param fds A \code{\link{FraserDataSet}} object
#' @param NcpuPerSample A BiocParallel param object or a positive integer
#' to configure the parallel backend
#' of the internal loop per sample
#' @param junctionMap A object or file containing a map of
#' all junctions of interest across all samples
#' @param minAnchor Minimum overlap around the Donor/Acceptor for
#' non spliced reads. Default to 5
#' @param recount if TRUE the cache is ignored and the bam file is recounted.
#' @param genome NULL (default) or a character vector specifying the names of
#' the reference genomes that were used to align the reads for each sample.
#' The names have to be in a way accepted by the
#' \code{\link[BSgenome:available.genomes]{getBSgenome}} function.
#' Available genomes can be listed using the
#' \code{\link[BSgenome]{available.genomes}} function from the BSgenome
#' package. If genome is of length 1, the same reference genome will be
#' used for all samples. If \code{genome} is supplied and
#' \code{strandSpecific(fds) == 0L} (unstranded), then the strand
#' information will be estimated by checking the dinucleotides found at the
#' intron boundaries (see
#' \code{\link[GenomicAlignments:junctions-methods]{summarizeJunctions}}
#' in GenomicAlignments package for details). This can e.g. help to avoid
#' ambiguities when adding gene names from a gene annotation to the introns
#' in a later step.
#' @param filter If TRUE, splice sites of introns with low read support in
#' all samples are not considered when calculating the non-split reads. This
#' helps to speed up the subsequent steps.
#' @param minExpressionInOneSample The minimal split read count in at least one
#' sample that is required for an intron to pass the filter.
#' @param keepNonStandardChromosomes Logical value indicating if non standard
#' chromosomes should also be counted. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param BPPARAM the BiocParallel parameters for the parallelization
#' @param countDir The directory in which the tsv containing the position and
#' counts of the junctions should be placed.
#' @param countFiles If specified, the split read counts for all samples are
#' read from the specified files. Should be a vector of paths
#' to files containing the split read counts for the
#' individual samples. Reading from files is only supported
#' for tsv(.gz) or RDS files containing GRranges objects. The
#' order of the individual sample files should correspond to
#' the order of the samples in the fds.
#' @param outDir The full path to the output folder containing the merged
#' counts. If the given folder already exists and stores a
#' SummarizedExperiment object, the counts from this folder will
#' be read in and used in the following (i.e. the
#' reads are not recounted), unless the option recount=TRUE is
#' used. If this folder doesn't exist or if recount=TRUE, then it
#' will be created after counting has finished.
#' @param splitCountRanges The merged GRanges object containing the positions
#' of all the introns in the dataset over all samples.
#' @param splitCounts The SummarizedExperiment object containing the
#' position and counts of all the introns in the dataset
#' for all samples.
#' @param nonSplitCounts The SummarizedExperiment object containing the
#' position and non split read counts of all splice sites
#' present in the dataset for all samples.
#' @param sampleID The ID of the sample to be counted.
#' @param bamfile The BAM file to be used to extract the counts. Defaults to
#' the BAM file defined in the \code{\link{FraserDataSet}} object.
#' @param pairedend \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} if the BAM file is paired end.
#' Defaults to the value specified in the \code{\link{FraserDataSet}}
#' object.
#' @param strandmode 0 (no, default), 1 (stranded), or 2 (revers) to specify
#' the used protocol for the RNA-seq experiment.
#' @param scanbamparam The ScanBamParam object which is used for loading the
#' reads from the BAM file before counting. Defaults to the params
#' stored in the \code{\link{FraserDataSet}} object.
#' @param cacheFile File path to the cache, where counts are stored.
#' @param coldata The colData as given by the \code{\link{FraserDataSet}}
#' object.
#' @param spliceSiteCoords A GRanges object containing the positions of the
#' splice sites. If it is NULL, then splice sites coordinates are
#' calculated first based on the positions of the junctions defined
#' from the split reads.
#' @param longRead If TRUE, then the isLongRead option of
#' Rsubread::featureCounts is used when counting the non spliced reads
#' overlapping splice sites.
#' @param countList A list of GRanges objects containing the counts that should
#' be merged into one object.
#' @param assumeEqual Logical indicating whether all objects in
#' \code{countList} can be assumed to contain counts for the same
#' ranges. If FALSE, merging of the ranges is performed.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed on to Rsubread::featureCounts.
#' @name countRNA
#' @rdname countRNA
#' @examples
#' # On Windows SNOW is the default for the parallele backend, which can be
#' # very slow for many but small tasks. Therefore, we will use
#' # for the example the SerialParam() backend.
#' if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix") {
#' register(SerialParam())
#' }
#' fds <- countRNAData(createTestFraserSettings())
#' @describeIn countRNA This method extracts and counts the split reads and
#' non spliced reads from RNA bam files.
#' @return \code{\link{countRNAData}} returns a FraserDataSet.
#' @export
countRNAData <- function(fds, NcpuPerSample=1, minAnchor=5, recount=FALSE,
BPPARAM=bpparam(), genome=NULL, junctionMap=NULL,
filter=TRUE, minExpressionInOneSample=20,
countDir=file.path(workingDir(fds), "savedObjects",
# Check input TODO
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
stopifnot(is.numeric(NcpuPerSample) && NcpuPerSample > 0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(minAnchor) & minAnchor >= 1)
minAnchor <- as.integer(minAnchor)
# load needed genomes if provided
if(!(is.null(genome) | any(is.na(unique(genome))))){
for(i in unique(genome)){
library(i, character.only=TRUE)
NcpuPerSample <- as.integer(NcpuPerSample)
junctionMap <- readJunctionMap(junctionMap)
# count splitreads first for every sample
splitCounts <- getSplitReadCountsForAllSamples(fds=fds,
# extract granges from splitCounts, filtered if requested
splitCountRanges <- extractSplitCountRanges(splitCounts=splitCounts,
# count non spliced reads for every samples
nonSplicedCounts <- getNonSplitReadCountsForAllSamples(fds=fds,
# create final FRASER dataset
fds <- addCountsToFraserDataSet(fds, splitCounts, nonSplicedCounts)
# return it
#' @describeIn countRNA This method creates a GRanges
#' object containing the split read counts from all
#' specified samples.
#' @return \code{\link{getSplitReadCountsForAllSamples}} returns a GRanges
#' object.
#' @export
getSplitReadCountsForAllSamples <- function(fds, NcpuPerSample=1,
junctionMap=NULL, recount=FALSE,
BPPARAM=bpparam(), genome=NULL,
# check for valid fds
# check if outDir with mergedCounts already exists
# if so, don't recalculate the split counts
if(dir.exists(outDir) && isFALSE(recount)){
splitCounts <- loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment(dir=outDir)
# if counts for all samples are present in the tsv, return those counts
if(all(samples(fds) %in% colnames(splitCounts))){
message(date(), ": Folder with the merged split read counts ",
"exists already and will be used. If you want to count ",
"the split reads again, use the option recount=TRUE or ",
"remove this folder: \n", outDir)
# create summarized object for counts
h5 <- saveAsHDF5(fds, "rawCountsJ",
colnames(h5) <- samples(fds)
final_splitCounts <- SummarizedExperiment(
# split reads need to be counted for the given samples
# count splitreads first for every sample
message(date(), ": Start counting the split reads ...")
countList <- bplapply(samples(fds),
} else { # counts should be read from files
# check that all given files exist and that there is a file for every
# sample
stopifnot(all(vapply(countFiles, file.exists, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
stopifnot(length(samples(fds)) == length(countFiles))
message(date(), ": Reading in the files with the split reads ...")
if(all(grepl(x=countFiles, pattern=".tsv"))){
# read in tsv files as GRanges objects
countList <- lapply(countFiles,
fread(x), keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
} )
} else if(all(grepl(x=countFiles, pattern=".RDS", ignore.case=TRUE))){
# read in rds files with GRanges objects
countList <- lapply(countFiles, readRDS)
stopifnot(all(vapply(countList, FUN=is, class2="GRanges",
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
} else{
stop(paste0("Reading from files is only supported for tsv(.gz) or ",
"RDS files containing GRranges objects."))
names(countList) <- samples(fds)
BPPARAM_old <- setMaxThreads(BPPARAM, 10, 10)
counts <- mergeCounts(countList, fds, junctionMap=junctionMap,
BPPARAM_old$numWorkers, BPPARAM_old$numTasks,
# splice site map
rowRanges(counts) <- annotateSpliceSite(rowRanges(counts))
# save summarized experiment
checkForAndCreateDir(NA, outDir)
message(date(), ": Writing split counts to folder: ", outDir)
saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment(counts, dir=outDir, replace=TRUE)
#' @describeIn countRNA This method creates a GRanges
#' object containing the non split read counts at the
#' exon-intron boundaries inferred from the GRanges object
#' containing the positions of all the introns in this dataset.
#' @return \code{\link{getNonSplitReadCountsForAllSamples}} returns a
#' GRanges object.
#' @export
getNonSplitReadCountsForAllSamples <- function(fds, splitCountRanges,
NcpuPerSample=1, minAnchor=5, recount=FALSE,
BPPARAM=bpparam(), longRead=FALSE, outDir=file.path(
workingDir(fds), "savedObjects",
nameNoSpace(name(fds)), "nonSplitCounts")){
# check for valid fds
# check if outDir with mergedCounts already exists
# if so, don't recalculate the non split counts
if(file.exists(outDir) && isFALSE(recount)){
siteCounts <- loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment(dir=outDir)
# if counts for all samples are present in the tsv, return those counts
if(all(samples(fds) %in% colnames(siteCounts))){
message(date(), ": Folder with the merged non-split read counts ",
"exists already and will be used. If you want to count ",
"the non-split reads again, use the option recount=TRUE ",
"or remove this folder: \n", outDir)
h5 <- saveAsHDF5(fds, "rawCountsSS",
assay(siteCounts)[,samples(fds), drop=FALSE])
colnames(h5) <- samples(fds)
final_nonSplicedCounts <- SummarizedExperiment(
if(!("startID" %in% colnames(mcols(splitCountRanges))) |
!("endID" %in% colnames(mcols(splitCountRanges)))){
# splice site map
splitCountRanges <- annotateSpliceSite(splitCountRanges)
# count the retained reads
message(date(), ": Start counting the non spliced reads ...")
message(date(), ": In total ", length(splitCountRanges),
" splice junctions are found.")
# extract donor and acceptor sites
spliceSiteCoords <- extractSpliceSiteCoordinates(splitCountRanges)
message(date(), ": In total ", length(spliceSiteCoords),
" splice sites (acceptor/donor) will be counted ...")
# count non spliced reads for every samples
saveSpliceSiteCoordinates(spliceSiteCoords, fds)
countList <- bplapply(samples(fds),
names(countList) <- samples(fds)
siteCounts <- mergeCounts(countList, fds=fds, assumeEqual=TRUE,
spliceSiteCoords=spliceSiteCoords )
# save summarized experiment
checkForAndCreateDir(NA, outDir)
message(date(), ": Writing non-split counts to folder: ", outDir)
saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment(siteCounts, dir=outDir, replace=TRUE)
#' @describeIn countRNA This method adds the split read and
#' non split read counts to a existing FraserDataSet
#' containing the settings.
#' @return \code{\link{addCountsToFraserDataSet}} returns a FraserDataSet.
#' @export
addCountsToFraserDataSet <- function(fds, splitCounts, nonSplitCounts){
# check for valid fds
# create final FRASER dataset
fds <- new("FraserDataSet",
name = name(fds),
bamParam = scanBamParam(fds),
workingDir = workingDir(fds),
nonSplicedReads = nonSplitCounts,
metadata = metadata(fds)
# save it so the FRASER object also gets saved
fds <- saveFraserDataSet(fds)
#' extracts the chromosomes within the given bamFile
#' @noRd
extractChromosomes <- function(bamFile){
as.character(as.data.table(idxstatsBam(bamFile))[mapped > 0, seqnames])
#' extracts the chromosome lengths within the given bamFile
#' @noRd
extractChromosomeLengths <- function(bamFile){
chrL_dt <- as.data.table(idxstatsBam(bamFile))[mapped > 0,]
chrL <- as.numeric(chrL_dt[, seqlength])
names(chrL) <- chrL_dt[,seqnames]
#' returns the name of the cache file if caching is enabled
#' for the given sample
#' @noRd
getSplitCountCacheFile <- function(sampleID, settings){
# cache folder
cachedir <- file.path(workingDir(settings), "cache", "splitCounts")
checkForAndCreateDir(NA, cachedir)
# file name
filename <- paste0("splitCounts-", sampleID, ".RDS")
# return it
return(file.path(cachedir, filename))
#' @describeIn countRNA This method counts all split reads in a
#' bam file for a single sample.
#' @return \code{\link{countSplitReads}} returns a GRanges object.
#' @export
countSplitReads <- function(sampleID, fds, NcpuPerSample=1, genome=NULL,
recount=FALSE, keepNonStandardChromosomes=TRUE,
cacheFile=getSplitCountCacheFile(sampleID, fds),
# check for valid fds
# check cache if available
if(isFALSE(recount) && !is.null(cacheFile) && file.exists(cacheFile)){
cache <- readRDS(cacheFile)
bamWhich <- unlist(bamWhich(scanbamparam))
if(length(bamWhich) > 0){
userTargetGR <- GRanges(seqnames=names(unlist(bamWhich)),
ranges=unlist(bamWhich), strand="*")
from <- unique(from(findOverlaps(cache, userTargetGR)))
cache <- cache[from]
if(length(cache) > 0){
message(date(), ": Using existing split read counts for sample: ",
cache <- keepStandardChromosomes(cache, pruning.mode="coarse")
return(checkSeqLevelStyle(gr=cache, sampleID=sampleID,
sampleSpecific=FALSE, coldata=coldata))
message(date(), ": Count split reads for sample: ", sampleID)
# parallelize over chromosomes
chromosomes <- extractChromosomes(bamfile)
chr_gr <- GRanges(seqnames=chromosomes, ranges=IRanges(1, 2))
chromosomes <- standardChromosomes(chr_gr)
if(is.character(genome) && length(genome) > 1){
genome <- genome[sampleID]
# remove chromosomes with different seqlength than in genome (if provided)
# and remove non annotation existing chromosomes from counting
genome <- getBSgenome(genome)
seqlevelsStyle(genome) <- seqlevelsStyle(chromosomes)[1]
chrLengths <- extractChromosomeLengths(bamfile)
mismatchChrs <- which(
seqlengths(genome)[chromosomes] != chrLengths[chromosomes])
if(length(mismatchChrs) > 0){
warning("Not counting chromosome(s) ",
paste(chromosomes[mismatchChrs], collapse=", "),
" in sample ", sampleID, " as it has a different length",
" in the bamFile of this sample than in the provided",
" genome.")
chromosomes <- chromosomes[-mismatchChrs]
missingChrs <- which(!chromosomes %in% seqnames(genome))
if(length(missingChrs) > 0){
warning("Not counting chromosome(s) ",
paste(chromosomes[missingChrs], collapse=", "),
" in sample ", sampleID, " as it is not specified in",
" the provided genome.")
chromosomes <- chromosomes[-missingChrs]
# extract the counts per chromosome
countsList <- bplapply(chromosomes, FUN=countSplitReadsPerChromosome,
bamFile=bamfile, pairedEnd=pairedend, genome=genome,
strandMode=strandmode, scanBamParam=scanbamparam,
BPPARAM=getBPParam(NcpuPerSample, length(chromosomes)))
# sort and merge the results befor returning/saving
countsGR <- sort(unlist(GRangesList(countsList)))
saveRDS(countsGR, cacheFile)
return(checkSeqLevelStyle(gr=countsGR, sampleID=sampleID,
sampleSpecific=FALSE, coldata=coldata))
#' counting the split reads per chromosome
#' @noRd
countSplitReadsPerChromosome <- function(chromosome, bamFile,
pairedEnd, strandMode, genome, scanBamParam){
# restrict to the chromosome only
ranges=IRanges(0, 536870912)
param <- mergeBamParams(bamParam=scanBamParam, which=which)
# get reads from bam file
if(isFALSE(as.logical(strandMode)) || isFALSE(pairedEnd)){
galignment <- readGAlignments(bamFile, param=param)
} else{
galignment <- readGAlignmentPairs(
bamFile, param=param, strandMode=strandMode)
# remove read pairs with NA seqnames
# (occurs if reads of a pair align to different chromosomes)
galignment <- galignment[!is.na(seqnames(galignment))]
# remove the strand information if unstranded data
strand(galignment) <- "*"
# invert the strand information for reverse strand specific protocols
# (only needed for single-end reads as real strand is already set for
# paired-end reads in the readGAlignmentPairs function)
if(isFALSE(pairedEnd) && strandMode == 2L){
galignment <- invertStrand(galignment)
# dont count if there is nothing to count
if(length(galignment) == 0){
# ensure chromosome naming style in genome and bamFile is the same
genome <- getBSgenome(genome)
if(any(seqlevelsStyle(galignment) != seqlevelsStyle(genome))){
warning("The seqlevelsStyles from the BAM file and the annotation",
" are not the same! Will force annotation to use the one",
" from the BAM file.")
seqlevelsStyle(genome) <- seqlevelsStyle(galignment)[1]
# drop seqlevels of chromosomes with different length than in genome
chrLengths <- seqlengths(galignment)
mismatchChrs <- which(
seqlengths(genome)[names(chrLengths)] != chrLengths)
if(length(mismatchChrs) > 0){
chrsToDrop <- names(chrLengths)[mismatchChrs]
galignment <- dropSeqlevels(galignment, chrsToDrop)
# get the junction positions and their counts
jc <- summarizeJunctions(galignment, genome=genome,
with.revmap=(as.logical(strandMode) && pairedEnd) )
if(length(jc) == 0){
# for strand specific counting: split result into counts for + and - strand
# for paired-end reads: ensure that each read pair is only counted once
fragment_counts <- vapply(jc@elementMetadata$revmap,
strands <- strand(galignment[pairs,])
return(c(plus_score=sum(strands == "+"),
minus_score=sum(strands == "-")))
}, FUN.VALUE=integer(2) )
mcols(jc)[,"plus_score"] <- fragment_counts["plus_score",]
mcols(jc)[,"minus_score"] <- fragment_counts["minus_score",]
jcPlus <- jc
mcols(jcPlus)[,"score"] <- mcols(jc)[,"plus_score"]
strand(jcPlus) <- "+"
jcPlus <- jcPlus[mcols(jcPlus)[,"score"] > 0,]
jcMinus <- jc
mcols(jcMinus)[,"score"] <- mcols(jc)[,"minus_score"]
strand(jcMinus) <- "-"
jcMinus <- jcMinus[mcols(jcMinus)[,"score"] > 0,]
jc <- c(jcPlus, jcMinus)
ans <- jc[,"score"]
colnames(mcols(ans)) <- "count"
# set predicted strand if present or set it to + if NA
if(isFALSE(as.logical(strandMode)) && !is.null(genome) &&
length(ans) > 0){
strand(ans) <- jc$intron_strand
ans$intron_motif <- jc$intron_motif
# set remaining unknown junction to plus strand
# (its 50/50 that we are wrong)
strand(ans)[jc$intron_strand == "*"] <- "+"
# sort it and return the GRange object
#' merge a ScanBamParam object with a given which object (GRange)
#' @noRd
mergeBamParams <- function(bamParam, which, override=FALSE){
# the chromosome is alrways only one
chromosome <- as.character(unique(seqnames(which)))
# just take the which argument of no ranges are specified
if(length(bamWhich(bamParam)) == 0 | override){
bamWhich(bamParam) <- which
} else {
# only take the ranges overlapping with the given once
ov <- findOverlaps(bamWhich(bamParam)[[chromosome]], ranges(which))
bamWhich(bamParam)[[chromosome]] <-
#' @describeIn countRNA This method merges counts for multiple
#' samples into one SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @return \code{\link{mergeCounts}} returns a SummarizedExperiment object.
#' @export
mergeCounts <- function(countList, fds, junctionMap=NULL, assumeEqual=FALSE,
spliceSiteCoords=NULL, BPPARAM=SerialParam()){
# check for valid fds
# prepare range object
sample_names <- names(countList)
stopifnot(is(spliceSiteCoords, "GRanges"))
ranges <- spliceSiteCoords
mcols(ranges)$count <- NULL
names(ranges) <- NULL
mcols(ranges)$type <- factor(ranges$type, levels=c("Acceptor", "Donor"))
message(paste(date(), ": Fast merging of counts ..."))
sample_counts <- countList
} else {
if(!"SeqLevelStyle" %in% colnames(colData(fds))){
colData(fds)[,"SeqLevelStyle"] <-
vapply(bamFile(fds), FUN.VALUE=character(1),
seqlevelsStyle(BamFile(bamfile, yieldSize = 2e6))[1]
} )
if(length(unique(colData(fds)[,"SeqLevelStyle"])) > 1 ){
warning("The bamFiles or the samples in the dataset use multiple\n",
"styles of naming chromosomes (seqlevelstyle). Samples are\n",
"mapped to the most common style to enable the subsequent\n",
"analysis. ")
countList <- mapply(countList, samples(fds),
FUN=function(gr, sampleID){
checkSeqLevelStyle(gr, fds, sampleID,
countList <- uniformSeqInfo(countList)
countgr <- GRangesList(countList)
stopifnot(is(junctionMap, "GRanges"))
countgr <- c(countgr, GRangesList(junctionMap))
ranges <- sort(unique(unlist(countgr)))
mcols(ranges)$count <- NULL
names(ranges) <- NULL
message(paste(date(), ": count ranges need to be merged ..."))
# merge each sample counts into the combined range object
sample_counts <- bplapply(countList, ranges = ranges, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
FUN = function(gr, ranges){
# init with 0 since we did not find any read
# for this sample supporting a given site
sample_count <- integer(length(ranges))
# get overlap and add counts to the
# corresponding ranges
overlaps <- findOverlaps(gr, ranges, type="equal")
sample_count[overlaps@to] <- mcols(gr)$count
# merge it with the type column and add it to the range object
counts <- do.call(cbind, sample_counts)
colnames(counts) <- sample_names
# create assay for summarized object
aName <- ifelse(assumeEqual, "rawCountsSS", "rawCountsJ")
h5 <- saveAsHDF5(fds, aName, as.matrix(counts[,samples(fds)]))
colnames(h5) <- samples(fds)
aList <- list(a=h5)
names(aList) <- aName
# return the object
final_counts <- SummarizedExperiment(
colData=colData(fds), assays=aList, rowRanges=ranges)
#' returns the name of the cache file if caching is enabled for the given sample
#' @noRd
getNonSplicedCountCacheFile <- function(sampleID, settings){
# cache folder
cachedir <- getNonSplicedCountCacheFolder(settings)
# file name
filename <- paste0("nonSplicedCounts-", sampleID, ".h5")
# return it
return(file.path(cachedir, filename))
#' Save splice site coordinates (GRanges) as RDS
#' @noRd
saveSpliceSiteCoordinates <- function(spliceSiteCoords, settings){
# cache folder
cachedir <- getNonSplicedCountCacheFolder(settings)
# file name
filename <- "spliceSiteCoordinates.RDS"
# save it
saveRDS(sort(spliceSiteCoords), file.path(cachedir, filename))
#' returns the name of the cache folder if caching is enabled
#' @noRd
getNonSplicedCountCacheFolder <- function(settings){
# cache folder
cachedir <- file.path(workingDir(settings), "cache", "nonSplicedCounts",
checkForAndCreateDir(NA, cachedir)
# return it
#' creates a SAF data.table based on the given grange like object
#' @noRd
GRanges2SAF <- function(gr, minAnchor=1){
GeneID = seq_along(gr),
Chr = as.factor(seqnames(gr)),
Start = start(gr) - (minAnchor - 1),
End = end(gr) + (minAnchor - 1),
Strand = as.factor(strand(gr))
#' @describeIn countRNA This method counts non spliced reads based
#' on the given target (acceptor/donor) regions for a single sample.
#' @return \code{\link{countNonSplicedReads}} returns a GRanges object.
#' @export
countNonSplicedReads <- function(sampleID, splitCountRanges, fds,
NcpuPerSample=1, minAnchor=5, recount=FALSE,
spliceSiteCoords=NULL, longRead=FALSE){
# check for valid fds
if(is.null(spliceSiteCoords) | !is(spliceSiteCoords, "GRanges")){
# splice site map
if(!("startID" %in% colnames(mcols(splitCountRanges))) |
!("endID" %in% colnames(mcols(splitCountRanges)))){
splitCountRanges <- annotateSpliceSite(splitCountRanges)
# extract donor and acceptor sites
spliceSiteCoords <- extractSpliceSiteCoordinates(splitCountRanges)
bamFile <- bamFile(fds[,samples(fds) == sampleID])[[1]]
# unstranded case: for counting only non spliced reads we
# skip this information
isPairedEnd <- pairedEnd(fds[,samples(fds) == sampleID])[[1]]
strand <- strandSpecific(fds[,samples(fds) == sampleID])[[1]]
doAutosort <- isPairedEnd
# check cache if available
cacheFile <- getNonSplicedCountCacheFile(sampleID, fds)
if(isFALSE(recount) && !is.null(cacheFile) && file.exists(cacheFile)){
# check if needs to be recalculated
cache <- try(HDF5Array(cacheFile, "nonSplicedCounts"), silent=TRUE)
if(is(cache, "try-error")){
message(date(), ":Cache is currupt for sample:",
sampleID, ". Will recount it."
cache <- matrix()
# cache <- checkSeqLevelStyle(cache, fds, sampleID, FALSE)
# ov <- findOverlaps(cache, spliceSiteCoords, type="equal")
# we have all sites of interest cached
if(length(spliceSiteCoords) == nrow(cache)){
": Using existing non spliced read counts for sample: ",
} else {
message(paste("The cache file does not contain the needed",
"genomic positions. Adding the remaining sites to",
"the cache ..."
message(date(), ": Count non spliced reads for sample: ", sampleID)
# extract the counts with Rsubread
tmp_ssc <- checkSeqLevelStyle(spliceSiteCoords, fds, sampleID, TRUE)
# use minAnchor+1 here to allow for small variants in the anchor region
anno <- GRanges2SAF(tmp_ssc, minAnchor=(minAnchor+1))
rsubreadCounts <- featureCounts(files=bamFile, annot.ext=anno,
# activating long read mode
# multi-mapping reads
# unstranded case: for counting only non spliced reads we
# skip this information
# sorting only needed for paired-end reads
tmpDir=file.path(file_path_as_absolute(workingDir(fds)), "cache")
# extract results
mcols(spliceSiteCoords)$count <- rsubreadCounts$counts[,1]
spliceSiteCoords <- sort(spliceSiteCoords)
# get counts that will be cached
cache <- as.matrix(ncol=1, spliceSiteCoords$count)
rowChunkSize <- min(nrow(cache), options()[['FRASER-hdf5-chunk-nrow']])
# cache counts as hdf5 file
message("Saving splice site cache ...")
writeHDF5Array(cache, filepath=cacheFile, name="nonSplicedCounts",
chunkdim=c(rowChunkSize,1), level=7, verbose=FALSE)
# get counts as DelayedMatrix
sample_counts <- HDF5Array(filepath=cacheFile, name="nonSplicedCounts")
# return it
#' reads the given global junction map and merges it with
#' the given junction map
#' @noRd
readJunctionMap <- function(junctionMap){
# read global junction map
if(endsWith(junctionMap, ".RDS")){
map <- readRDS(junctionMap)
stopifnot(is(map, "GRanges"))
message(date(), ": currently not supported.")
message(date(), ": will only use the provided junctions")
if(is(junctionMap, "GRanges")){
stop("Objecttype (class) for junction map currently not supported:",
#' extracts the splice site coordinates from a junctions GRange object (
#' @noRd
extractSpliceSiteCoordinates <- function(junctions){
spliceSiteCoords <- unlist(GRangesList(
lapply(unique(strand(junctions)), extractSpliceSiteCoordsPerStrand,
#' extracts the splice site coordinates per strand from a
#' given junctions GRange object
#' @noRd
extractSpliceSiteCoordsPerStrand <- function(junctions, strand){
# get only the correct strand features
junctions <- junctions[strand(junctions) == strand,]
# left side (acceptor on + and donor on -)
left <- GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(junctions),
strand = strand(junctions),
ranges = IRanges(
start = start(junctions) - 1,
end = start(junctions)
seqlengths = seqlengths(junctions),
seqinfo = seqinfo(junctions),
colnames(mcols(left)) <- "spliceSiteID"
# right side (acceptor on - and donor on +)
right <- GRanges(
seqnames = seqnames(junctions),
strand = strand(junctions),
ranges = IRanges(
start = end(junctions),
end = end(junctions) + 1
seqlengths = seqlengths(junctions),
seqinfo = seqinfo(junctions),
colnames(mcols(right)) <- "spliceSiteID"
# annotate donor and acceptor sites
if(strand %in% c("+", "*")){
mcols(left)$type = "Donor"
mcols(right)$type = "Acceptor"
} else {
mcols(left)$type = "Acceptor"
mcols(right)$type = "Donor"
return(unique(sort(unlist(GRangesList(left, right)))))
#' annotates the given GRange object with unique identifier for splice sites
#' (acceptors and donors).
#' @noRd
annotateSpliceSite <- function(gr){
message(date(), ": Create splice site indices ...")
# convert to data.table for better handling
dt <- GRanges2SAF(gr)
# extract donor/acceptor annotation
startSiteDT <- dt[,.(End=Start, type="start"),by="Chr,Start,Strand"]
endSiteDT <- dt[,.(Start=End, type="end" ),by="Chr,End,Strand"]
# annotate and enumerate donor/acceptor
annotatedDT <- rbind(startSiteDT, endSiteDT)
annotatedDT[,id:=.GRP, by="Chr,Start,End,Strand"]
# set back start / end positions for merging with junction ranges
annotatedDT[type == "start", Start:=End]
annotatedDT[type == "end", End:=Start]
# convert back to granges
annogr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(annotatedDT, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
ids <- lapply(c("start", "end"), function(type){
# reduce annogr to only the specific type to prevent overlap
annogrtmp <- annogr[annogr$type == type]
ov <- findOverlaps(gr, annogrtmp, type=type)
names(ids) <- paste0(c("start", "end"), "ID")
if(length(ids[["startID"]]) != length(ids[["endID"]])){
stop(paste("Error in assigning IDs to the splice sites. A possible ",
"reason is a mix of stranded and unstranded sample-wise ",
"counting (+, -, *)."))
mcols(gr)[names(ids)] <- DataFrame(ids)
setMaxThreads <- function(BPPARAM, maxWorkers=bpworkers(BPPARAM),
maxTasks=bptasks(BPPARAM), set=FALSE){
numWorkers <- bpworkers(BPPARAM)
numTasks <- bptasks(BPPARAM)
maxWorkers <- min(maxWorkers, numWorkers)
maxTasks <- min(maxTasks, numTasks)
bpworkers(BPPARAM) <- maxWorkers
bptasks(BPPARAM) <- maxTasks
}, silent=TRUE)
return(list(BPPARAM=BPPARAM, numWorkers=numWorkers, numTasks=numTasks))
#' writes a GRanges object with the counts as a tsv (or tsv.gz) file.
#' @noRd
writeCountsToTsv <- function(counts, file="counts.tsv.gz"){
checkForAndCreateDir(NA, dirname(file))
message(date(), ": Writing counts to file: ", file)
fwrite(as.data.table(counts), file=file, sep = "\t")
#' extracts the granges of the split counts. If filtering is requested, only
#' the ranges of introns with sufficient read support are returned.
#' @noRd
extractSplitCountRanges <- function(splitCounts, filter=FALSE,
message(date(), ": Identifying introns with read count <= ",
minExpressionInOneSample, " in all samples...")
# extract counts and define cutoff function
maxCount <- rowMaxs(assay(splitCounts, "rawCountsJ"))
passed <- maxCount >= minExpressionInOneSample
# extract granges after filtering
} else{
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