
new_prefix = "SPBTO"

write_header1 <- function(meta, file_out){
  write("format-version: 1.2", file = file_out, append = FALSE) # 1st! to start a new file
  adate = "03:11:2015 12:00"
  write(paste("date:", adate), file = file_out, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("saved-by:", Sys.getenv("USERNAME")), file = file_out, append = TRUE)
  write("auto-generated-by: cropont 0.0.1", file = file_out, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("default-namespace: Sweetpotato"), file = file_out, append = TRUE) # last line

add_point_to_text <- function(def){
  aptt <- function(def){
    def = stringr::str_trim(def)
    lst = stringr::str_sub(def, nchar(def), nchar(def)+1)
    if(lst != ".") def = paste0(def, ".")
  lapply(def, aptt) %>% unlist %>% as.vector

add_quotes_to_text <- function(def){
  aqtt <- function(def){
    paste0("\"", def, "\"")
  lapply(def, aqtt) %>% unlist %>% as.vector

add_xref_to_text <- function(def, xref){
  axtt <- function(def, xref){
    if(is.na(xref) | xref == "") return(paste0(def, " []"))
    if(stringr::str_detect(xref, ", ")){
      xref <- stringr::str_split(xref, ", ")[[1]]
    xref <- paste0(xref, " \"\"")
    xref <- paste(xref, collapse = ", ")    
    paste0(def, " [", xref, "]")
  n = length(def)
  out = character(n)
  for(i in 1:n) {
    out[i] <- axtt(def[i], xref[i])

write_term_line <- function(line, file_out, new_prefix = 'SPBTO'){
  if(is.na(line)) return(line)
  if(is.null(line)) return(line)
  if(nchar(line) == 0) return("")
  if(line =="") return("")
  txt = ""

  if(stringr::str_detect(names(line), "def")) {
    #line = add_point_to_def(line)
    txt = paste0("def: ", line)
  } else
  if(stringr::str_detect(names(line), "synonym")) {
    if(nchar(line) > 0){
      if(stringr::str_detect(line, ", ")){
        line = stringr::str_split(line, ", ")[[1]]
      txt = paste0("synonym: \"", line, "\" EXACT []")
      if(length(txt) > 1) txt = paste(txt, collapse="\n")
  } else
  if(stringr::str_detect(names(line), "relationship")) {
    if(nchar(line) > 0){
      if(stringr::str_detect(line, "; ")){
        line = stringr::str_split(line, "; ")[[1]]
        line = line[line!=""]
      txt = paste0("relationship: ", line)
      if(length(txt) > 1) txt = paste(txt, collapse="\n")
  } else
  if(stringr::str_detect(names(line), "is_a")) {
    if(nchar(line) > 0){
      txt = paste0("is_a: ", line)
  #print(paste(line, txt))
    txt = paste0(names(line),": ", line)
  if(!(stringr::str_detect(txt, "NULL")
       || stringr::str_detect(txt, "NA")
       || nchar(txt) == 0)) {
    write(txt , file = file_out, append = TRUE)

get_is_a_name <- function(id, id_col, name_col, terms){
  if(is.na(id)) return("")
  terms <- terms[!is.na(terms[id_col]),]
  terms[ terms[,id_col] == id, name_col] 

write_term <- function(items, file_out, type = "Term"){
  for(i in 1:nrow(items)){
    write(paste0("[",type,"]"), file = file_out, append = TRUE)
    write_term_line(list(id = items[i, c("id")]), file_out)
    write_term_line(list(name  = items[i, c("name")]), file_out)
    if("namespace" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(namespace = items[i, c("namespace")]), file_out)
    if("def" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(def = items[i, c("def")]), file_out)
    if("comment" %in% names(items))write_term_line(list(comment = items[i, c("comment")]), file_out)
    if("synonym" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(synonym = items[i, c("synonym")]), file_out)
    if("synonyms" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(synonyms = items[i, c("synonyms")]), file_out)
    if("relationship" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(relationship = items[i, c("relationship")]), file_out)
    if("is_a" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(is_a = items[i, c("is_a")]), file_out)
    if("trait_class" %in% names(items)) write_term_line(list(is_a = items[i, c("trait_class")]), file_out)
    write("", file = file_out, append = TRUE)

add_rel_name <- function(terms, rel_col,id_col, id_name, lookup = terms){
  for(i in 1:nrow(terms)){
    srch <-terms[i, rel_col]
    #print(paste(i, srch))
    txt <- get_is_a_name(srch, id_col, id_name, lookup)
    if(length(txt)==0) stop(paste("'", srch, "' not defined as term!"))
    if(nchar(txt) > 0)  {
      if(!stringr::str_detect(srch, ":")){
        terms[i, rel_col] <- paste0(txt, " ! ", srch)  
      } else {
        terms[i, rel_col] <- paste0(srch, " ! ", txt)  

get_rels_of_ids <- function(src_id, tgt_id, tgt_name,  onto, rel_type = "method_of"){
  sel <- unique(onto[, src_id])
  n <- length(sel)
  rels = character(n)
  for(i in 1:n){
    aset <- onto[onto[, src_id] == sel[i], ]
    aset <- aset[!duplicated(aset[, tgt_id]), ]

    txt <- paste0(rel_type," ", aset[, tgt_id], " ! ", aset[, tgt_name ])
    rels[i] <- paste(txt, collapse = "; ")    

add_cols_to_comments <- function(cols, name = names(cols)){
  # TODO handle case of existing comments
  if(!is.data.frame(cols)) {
    cols = as.data.frame(cols, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(cols)[1] = name
  n = nrow(cols)
  out = character(nrow(cols))
  for(i in 1:n){
    for(j in 1:ncol(cols)){
      if(!is.na(cols[i, j])) {
        cols[i, j] <- paste(name[j], ": ", cols[i,j], sep="")  
      } else {
        cols[i, j] <- NA
    colss <- cols[i, ]
    colss <- colss[!is.na(colss)]
    out[i] <- paste(colss, collapse = " | ")
    out[i] = (paste0("| ", out[i], ".", sep=""))
    if(out[i] == "| .") out[i] = ""

write_scale_cat <- function(scales, file_out){
  # filter out non cat scales
  scalec = scales[stringr::str_detect(scales$name, "nal"), ]
    stanza <- scalec[1, 1:6]
    names(stanza) <- c("id", "name", "namespace", "relationship", "synonym", "is_a")
    n = nrow(scalec)
    for(i in 1:n){
      stanza[1, "id"] = scalec$id[i]
      stanza[1, "name"] = scalec$name[i]
      stanza[1, "namespace"] = scalec$namespace[i]
      stanza[1, "relationship"] = scalec$relationship[i]
      stanza[1, "synonym"] = ""
      stanza[1, "is_a"] = ""
      for(j in 0:9){
        coln <- paste("Category",j)
        catv <- scalec[i, coln]
          arow = character(6)
          arow[1] = paste0(scalec$id[i],":",j)
          arow[2] = catv
          arow[3] = scalec$namespace[i]
          arow[4] = ""
          arow[5] = j
          arow[6] = paste0(scalec$id[i], " ! ", scalec$name[i])
          stanza = rbind(stanza, arow)
      write_term(stanza, file_out)
      stanza = stanza[1, ]

get_term_formula <- function(s){
  trms <- stringr::str_extract_all(s, "[a-zA-Z_\\.]{2,20}[:]{2}[a-zA-Z_\\.]{2,20}")[[1]]

get_terms <- function(s){
  trms <- stringr::str_extract_all(s, "[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z-_0-9\\.]{2,20}")[[1]]

get_rels_of_var_formula <- function(temp){
  get_variable_rel <- function(v, temp){
    if(v == "" | is.na(v)) return("")
    x = character(nrow(temp))
    for(j in 1:nrow(temp)){
      #x = ""
      cmp = temp$`Variable synonyms`[j] %>% stringr::str_trim(side = "both")
      if(stringr::str_detect(cmp, ",")){
        cmp = stringr::str_split(cmp, ", ")[[1]]
      if(v %in% cmp){
        p = paste0("derives_from ", temp[j, "Variable ID"]," ! ", temp[j, "Variable name"],
                   " (", temp[j, "Variable synonyms"], ")")
      } else {
        p = ""
      x[j] = p
    # print(x)
    x = x[x != ""]
  grvf <- function(rec, temp){
    if(temp$Formula[rec] == "" | is.na(temp$Formula[rec])) return("")
    trms <- get_terms(temp$Formula[rec])[-1]
    n = length(trms)
    x = character(n)
    for(i in 1:n){
      w <- get_variable_rel(trms[i],  temp )  
      if(length(w)!=0) x[i] = w
    # print(x)
    #x <- x[x!=""]
    x = paste(x, collapse = "; ")
  out = character(nrow(temp))
  for(i in 1:nrow(temp)){
    out[i] = grvf(i, temp)

co2obo <- function(file_in, file_out = paste0(file_in,"x.obo")){
  sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(file_in)
  stopifnot(c("READ ME") %in% sheets) 
  has_ontology_list = stringr::str_detect(sheets, "ontology")
  sh_ont = sheets[has_ontology_list]
  onto <- readxl::read_excel(file_in, sh_ont)
  meta <- readxl::read_excel(file_in, "Meta")
  met2 <- readxl::read_excel(file_in, "Meta2")
  write_header1(met2, file_out)
  meta_terms = meta[, "type"] %in% "Term"
  meta_terms = meta[meta_terms, ]
  meta_terms = add_rel_name(meta_terms, "trait_class", "id", "name")
  meta_terms$def <- meta_terms$def %>%  add_point_to_text %>% add_quotes_to_text
  meta_terms$def <- add_xref_to_text(meta_terms$def, meta$xref)
  write_term(meta_terms, file_out)

  meta_types = meta[, "type"] %in% "Typedef"
  meta_types = meta[meta_types, ]
  write_term(meta_types, file_out, type = "Typedef")
  # Traits
  trait <- onto[, c("Trait ID", "Trait", "Trait description", 
                    "Trait abbreviation", "Trait synonyms", "Trait class")]
  trait_terms = add_rel_name(trait, "Trait class", "name", "id", meta_terms)
  txt = met2[met2$variable == "namespace_trait", "value"]
  txt = as.character(txt)
  trait_terms = cbind(trait_terms, 
                      rep(txt, nrow(trait_terms)))
  names(trait_terms) = c("id", "name", "def", "synonym", "synonyms", "trait_class", "namespace")
  trait_terms = trait_terms[, c("id", "name", "namespace", "def", "synonym", "synonyms", "trait_class")]
  trait_terms[, "namespace"] = as.character(trait_terms[, "namespace"])
  trait_terms$def <- trait_terms$def %>%  add_point_to_text %>% add_quotes_to_text
  trait_terms$def <- add_xref_to_text(trait_terms$def, onto$`Trait Xref`)
  comment = add_cols_to_comments(onto[, c("Entity", "Attribute", "Trait status")])
  trait_terms = cbind(trait_terms, comment)
  trait_terms$comment <- as.character(trait_terms$comment) # %>% add_quotes_to_text
  write_term(trait_terms, file_out, type = "Term")
  ## Methods
  methd <- onto[!duplicated(onto$`Method ID`), 
                c("Method ID", "Method", "Method description", "Method class", 
                  "Method reference", "Formula")]
  methd$Method <- paste0(methd$`Method class`,":", methd$Method)
  methd <- cbind(methd, rep(met2[met2$variable == "namespace_method", "value"], nrow(methd)))
  names(methd) = c("id", "name", "def", "relationship", "xref", "Formula", "namespace" )
  methd$namespace <- as.character(methd$namespace)
  methd[, "relationship"] <- get_rels_of_ids("Method ID", "Trait ID", "Trait", onto )
  methd$def <- methd$def %>%  add_point_to_text %>% add_quotes_to_text
  methd$def <- add_xref_to_text(methd$def, methd$xref)

  #comment = add_cols_to_comments(methd[, c("Formula")])
  #methd$Formula <- as.character(comment)
  #names(methd)[ncol(methd)-1] = "comment"
  write_term(methd, file_out, type = "Term")
  ## Scales
  scales <- onto[!duplicated(onto$`Scale ID`), 
               c("Scale ID", "Scale name", "Scale class", 
                 "Decimal places", "Lower limit", "Upper limit", "Scale Xref",
                 "Category 0", "Category 1", "Category 2", "Category 3", "Category 4", 
                 "Category 5", "Category 6", "Category 7", "Category 8", "Category 9" 
  names(scales)[1:3] = c("id", "name", "class")
  names(scales)[7] = "xref"
  #scales$def <- add_xref_to_text(scales$def, methd$xref)
  scales <- cbind(scales, rep(met2[met2$variable == "namespace_scale", "value"], nrow(scales)))
  names(scales)[ncol(scales)] = "namespace"
  scales$namespace = as.character(scales$namespace)
  scales$name <- paste0(scales$class,":", scales$name)
  temp = onto
  temp$Method = paste0(temp$`Method class`,": ", temp$Method )
  scales$class <- get_rels_of_ids("Scale ID", "Method ID", "Method", temp, rel_type = "scale_of" )
  names(scales)[3] = "relationship"

  comment = add_cols_to_comments(scales[, c("Decimal places", "Lower limit", "Upper limit")])
  scales$`Decimal places` <- as.character(comment)
  names(scales)[4] = "comment"
  temp = scales[!stringr::str_detect(scales$name, "nal"), ]
  write_term(temp[, c("id", "name", "namespace","comment", "relationship")], file_out, type = "Term")
  temp = NULL
  ## special treatment for categories
  write_scale_cat(scales, file_out)
  # Variables
  ## TODO discuss: Variable def == Trait ?
  vars <- onto[!duplicated(onto$`Variable ID`),
               c("Variable ID", "Variable label", "Trait", "Variable synonyms", "Variable Xref",
                 "Variable name", 
                 "Context of use", "Growth stage", "Variable status", "CV Term ID",
                 "Scientist", "Institution", "Language of submission", "Date of submission",
                 "Trait ID", 
                 "Method ID", "Method", "Method class",
                 "Scale ID", "Scale name", "Scale class")]
  names(vars)[1:5] = c("id", "name", "def", "synonyms", "xref")
  vars$def = add_point_to_text(vars$def) %>% add_quotes_to_text
  vars$def = add_xref_to_text(vars$def, vars$xref)
  for(i in 1:nrow(vars)){
    vars$synonyms[i] = paste0(vars$synonyms[i], ", ", vars$'Variable name'[i])

  temp = vars
  temp$xref = get_rels_of_ids("id", "Trait ID", "def", temp, rel_type = "variable_of" )
  temp$Method = paste0(temp$`Method class`,": ", temp$Method )
  temp$`Method class` <- get_rels_of_ids("id", "Method ID", "Method", temp, rel_type = "variable_of" )
  temp$`Scale name` = paste0(temp$`Scale class`,": ", temp$`Scale name` )
  temp$`Scale class` <- get_rels_of_ids("id", "Scale ID", "Scale name", temp, rel_type = "variable_of" )
  tmp <- get_rels_of_var_formula(onto) 
  for(i in 1:nrow(vars)){
    vars$xref[i] = paste(c(temp$xref[i], temp$`Method class`[i], temp$`Scale class`[i], tmp[i]), collapse = "; ")
  names(vars)[5] = "relationship"
  temp = NULL
  names(vars)[20] = "namespace"
  vars$namespace = rep(met2[met2$variable == "namespace_variable", "value"], nrow(vars))
  names(vars)[19] = "comment"
  vars$`Date of submission` <- as.character(vars$`Date of submission`)
  vars$comment = add_cols_to_comments(vars[, c("Context of use", 
                                                "Growth stage",
                                                "Variable status",
                                                "CV Term ID", 
                                                "Language of submission", 
                                                "Date of submission"
  write_term(vars[, c(1:5, 19:20)], file_out)

#file_in = "D:/projects/ibp-sweetpotato-traits/ontology_cip_2015_10_26_short.xlsx"

c5sire/cropont documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:32 a.m.