
Defines functions .deallocate_platform .deallocate_device .checkerror cl.platforms.count cl.get.platforms cl.devices.count cl.get.devices cl.device.getattr cl.platform.getattr cl.release.context cl.create.context cl.release.buffer cl.create.buffer cl.release.queue cl.create.queue cl.release.program cl.create.program cl.load.binary cl.build.program cl.enqueue.write.buffer cl.enqueue.read.buffer cl.release.kernel cl.create.kernel cl.kernel.getattr cl.enqueue.kernel cl.enqueue.kernel.unsafe

Documented in cl.build.program cl.create.buffer cl.create.context cl.create.kernel cl.create.program cl.create.queue cl.device.getattr cl.devices.count cl.enqueue.kernel cl.enqueue.kernel.unsafe cl.enqueue.read.buffer cl.enqueue.write.buffer cl.get.devices cl.get.platforms cl.kernel.getattr cl.load.binary cl.platform.getattr cl.platforms.count cl.release.buffer cl.release.context cl.release.kernel cl.release.program cl.release.queue

.deallocate_platform <- function(plat){
  .Call("simple_free_platform", plat)

.deallocate_device <- function(dev){
  .Call("simple_free_device", dev)

.checkerror <- function(result){
  if(result[[2]] == 0){
    stop(paste0("OpenCL Error: ", result[[2]]))

#' @title  Return the number of platforms
#' @return The number of platforms available
cl.platforms.count <- function() {
  result <- .Call("get_num_cl_platforms")

#' @title Return all platforms
#' @return A list of opencl_platform objects
cl.get.platforms <- function(){
  result <- .Call("get_platform_pointers")
  retvals <- .checkerror(result)

  retvals <- result[[1]]
  retvals <- lapply(X = retvals, FUN = function(p){
    class(p) <- "opencl_platform"
    reg.finalizer(p, .deallocate_platform, T)

#' @title Device Count
#' @description Counts the number of available devices belonging to a platform
#' @param platform An opencl_platform object
#' @return The number of devices available
cl.devices.count <- function(platform){
  stopifnot("opencl_platform" %in% class(platform))
  result <- .Call("get_num_devices", platform)

#' @title Get OpenCL devices
#' @description Gets all OpenCL devices available under a given platform
#' @param platform An opencl_platform object
#' @return A list of opencl_device objects
cl.get.devices <- function(platform){
  stopifnot("opencl_platform" %in% class(platform))
  result <- .Call("get_device_pointers", platform)
  retvals <- .checkerror(result)
  retvals <- result[[1]]
  retvals <- lapply(X = retvals, FUN = function(p){
    class(p) <- "opencl_device"
    reg.finalizer(p, .deallocate_device, T)

#' @title Get OpenCL device info
#' @description Gets information from clGetDeviceInfo call
#' @param device An opencl_device object
#' @param attr An OpenCL device attribute as a string
#' @return Requested information about the device
cl.device.getattr <- function(device, attr){
  stopifnot("opencl_device" %in% class(device), is.character(attr))
  result <- .Call("get_device_property", device, attr[[1]])

#' @title Get OpenCL platform info
#' @description Gets information from clGetPlatformInfo call
#' @param device An opencl_platform object
#' @param attr An OpenCL platform attribute as a string
#' @return Requested information about the platform
cl.platform.getattr <- function(device, attr){
  stopifnot("opencl_platform" %in% class(device), is.character(attr))
  result <- .Call("get_platform_property", device, attr[[1]])

#' @title Release OpenCL context
#' @description Releases resources held by the OpenCL context.
#' @details Context must be released last, after all other objects are released (or garbage collected)
#' @param context An opencl_context object
cl.release.context <- function(context){
  stopifnot("opencl_context" %in% class(context))
  .Call("release_context", context)

#' @title Create OpenCL context
#' @description Allocates an OpenCL context with one or more devices.
#' @details A finalizer is not registered for contexts, thus they must be freed manually. 
#' Contexts must be freed only after all OpenCL objects created with the context are
#' freed.
#' @param devices One or a list of opencl_device objects.
#' @return An opencl_context object.
cl.create.context <- function(devices){
  if(class(devices) == "opencl_device"){
    devices <- list(devices)
  stopifnot(class(devices) == "list")
  stopifnot(all("opencl_device" %in% sapply(devices, class)))
  res <- .Call("get_cl_context", devices)
  ctx <- .checkerror(res)
  class(ctx) <- "opencl_context"
  #reg.finalizer(ctx, cl.release.context) Force users to do it manually

#' @title Release OpenCL buffer
#' @description Frees the resources held by the OpenCL buffer object.
#' @param buffer An opencl_buffer object
cl.release.buffer <- function(buffer){
  stopifnot("opencl_buffer" %in% class(buffer))
  .Call("release_buffer", buffer)

#' @title Allocate OpenCL buffer
#' @description Allocates an OpenCL buffer with the given context.
#' @details Calls clCreateBuffer with the given context, flags and buffer.
#' The data is optional, if vector is left null an empty buffer wil be allocated. It can be 
#' filled with data at a later point with a call to cl.enqueue.write.buffer.
#' The size must be the size in bytes of the OpenCL buffer to be allocated. Note that 
#' object.size includes R overhead. Integer and float32 vectors take up 4 bytes
#' per element, double vectors (the R default) take up 8 bytes per element. 
#' Note that 64-bit float performance is crippled on most GPUs, so it is a good idea
#' to cast a double vector to a float32 vector before use with OpenCL. 
#' @param context An opencl_context object.
#' @param flags Character vector of OpenCL buffer flags. Refer to \href{https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenCL/sdk/2.0/docs/man/xhtml/clCreateBuffer.html}{The OpenCL documentation}.
#' @param size The size in bytes of the vector. Mandatory if vector is NULL.
#' @param vector The data to go into an OpenCL buffer. Mandatory if size is NULL.
#' @return An opencl_buffer object
cl.create.buffer <- function(context, flags, size = NULL, vector = NULL){
  stopifnot(!(is.null(size) & is.null(vector)))
    stopifnot(class(vector) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "float32"))
  elesize <- switch(class(vector),
         "numeric" = 8,
         "integer" = 4,
         "float32" = 4)
    size <- length(vector) * elesize
  if(class(vector) == "float32"){
    vector = vector@Data
  stopifnot("opencl_context" %in% class(context))
  stopifnot(class(flags) == "character")
  memflags <- list(
  stopifnot(all(flags %in% names(memflags)))
  numflags <- as.integer(unname(sapply(X = flags, FUN = function(x) memflags[[x]])))
  res <- .Call("get_cl_buf", context, numflags, size, vector);
  buffer <- .checkerror(res)
  class(buffer) <- "opencl_buffer"
  reg.finalizer(buffer, cl.release.buffer, T)

#' @title Release OpenCL queue
#' @description Frees the resources held by the OpenCL queue object.
#' @param queue An opencl_queue object
cl.release.queue <- function(queue){
  stopifnot("opencl_command_queue" %in% class(queue))
  .Call("release_cl_queue", queue)

#' @title Create an OpenCL command queue
#' @description Creates an OpenCL command queue for the given context and device.
#' @param context An opencl_context object
#' @param device An opencl_device object
#' @param in_order Specifies whether the queue is an in-order or out-of-order queue. 
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @param profiling Enable profiling of commands. Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @param on_device Create a device-side queue. Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @return An opencl_command_queue object.
cl.create.queue <- function(context, device, in_order = T, profiling = F, on_device = F){
  stopifnot("opencl_context" %in% class(context), "opencl_device" %in% class(device))
  queue <- .checkerror(.Call("get_cl_queue", context, device, in_order, profiling, on_device))
  class(queue) <- "opencl_command_queue"
  reg.finalizer(queue, cl.release.queue, T)

#' @title Release OpenCL program
#' @description Frees the resources held by the OpenCL program object.
#' @param program An opencl_program object
cl.release.program <- function(program){
  stopifnot("opencl_program" %in% class(program))
  .Call("release_cl_program", program)

#' @title Create OpenCL program
#' @description Creates an OpenCL program from source code.
#' @param context An opencl_context object
#' @param source_code The source code of the OpenCL kernel
#' @param build Automatically build the program
#' @return An opencl_program object
cl.create.program <- function(context, source_code, build = F){
  stopifnot("opencl_context" %in% class(context), class(source_code) == "character", length(source_code) == 1)
  program <- .checkerror(.Call("create_cl_program", context, source_code))
  class(program) <- "opencl_program"
  reg.finalizer(program, cl.release.program)
  if(build) cl.build.program(program)

#' @title Load OpenCL binary
#' @description Creates a program from a pre-compiled OpenCL binary
#' @details Loads an OpenCL binary. Can only load a binary into the same device as
#' the binary was built with. So a compiled CPU kernel cannot be loaded into a GPU context.
#' @param path File path of the binary
#' @param context An opencl_context object
#' @param devs A list of devices to load the binary into
#' @return An opencl_program object
cl.load.binary <- function(path, context, devs){
  stopifnot("opencl_context" %in% class(context), class(path) == "character", length(path) == 1)
  program <- .checkerror(.Call("create_cl_from_binary", path, context, devs))
  class(program) <- "opencl_program"
  reg.finalizer(program, cl.release.program)

#' @title Build OpenCL program
#' @description Compiles the code in an OpenCL program object.
#' @param program An opencl_program object
#' @param options OpenCL build options as a string
cl.build.program <- function(program, options = NULL){
  stopifnot("opencl_program" %in% class(program))
  if(!is.null(options)) stopifnot(class(options) == "character", length(options) == 1)
  status <- .Call("build_cl_program", program, options)
  if(status != 0){
    stop(paste0("OpenCL Error: ", status))

#' @title Write data to a buffer
#' @description Enqueues an operation to write data to an OpenCL buffer.
#' @param queue An opencl_command_queue object. The queue the operation will be put on.
#' @param buffer An opencl_buffer object. The buffer to write data to.
#' @param vector The data to write. The length in bytes of the vector must not be longer than the buffer. 
#' @param blocking Whether to wait for the write to finish or return immediately. 
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @param offset Offset in bytes from the beginning of the supplied vector.
#' @param waitlist OpenCL events that must complete before this operation can start.
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
cl.enqueue.write.buffer <- function(queue, buffer, vector, blocking = T, offset = 0L, waitlist = NULL){
  stopifnot("opencl_command_queue" %in% class(queue), "opencl_buffer" %in% class(buffer),
            class(offset) == "integer", length(offset) == 1)
  stopifnot(class(vector) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "float32", "raw"))
  if(class(vector) == "float32"){
    vector = vector@Data
  status <- .Call("write_buffer", queue, buffer, vector, blocking, offset, waitlist)
  if(status != 0){
    stop(paste0("OpenCL Error: ", status))

#' @title Read data from a buffer
#' @description Enqueues an operation to read data from an OpenCL buffer to an R vector.
#' @param queue An opencl_command_queue object. The queue the operation will be put on.
#' @param buffer An opencl_buffer object. The buffer to read from.
#' @param destination The destination vector to write data into. Must be as long in bytes as the data being read.
#' @param blocking Whether to wait for the write to finish or return immediately. 
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @param offset Offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to begin reading from.
#' @param waitlist OpenCL events that must complete before this operation can start.
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
cl.enqueue.read.buffer <- function(queue, buffer, destination, offset = 0L, blocking = T, waitlist = NULL){
  stopifnot("opencl_command_queue" %in% class(queue), "opencl_buffer" %in% class(buffer),
            class(offset) == "integer", length(offset) == 1)
  stopifnot(class(destination) %in% c("numeric", "integer", "float32", "raw"))
  if(class(destination) == "float32"){
    destination = destination@Data
  status <- .Call("read_buffer", queue, buffer, destination, offset, blocking, waitlist)
  if(status != 0){
    stop(paste0("OpenCL Error: ", status))

#' @title Release OpenCL kernel
#' @description Frees the resources held by the OpenCL kernel object.
#' @param kernel An opencl_kernel object
cl.release.kernel <- function(kernel){
  stopifnot("opencl_kernel" %in% class(kernel))
  .Call("release_kernel", kernel)

#' @title Get OpenCL kernel
#' @description Extracts an OpenCL kernel from a program
#' @details Finds the specified kernel in the given program. The program must have been built.
#' @param program An opencl_program object
#' @param name The name of the kernel to get.
cl.create.kernel <- function(program, name){
  stopifnot("opencl_program" %in% class(program), class(name) == "character", 
            length(name) == 1)
  kernel <- .checkerror(.Call("extract_kernel", program, name))
  class(kernel) <- "opencl_kernel"
  reg.finalizer(kernel, cl.release.kernel, T)

#' @title Get OpenCL kernel info
#' @description Gets information from clGetKernelInfo call
#' @param device An opencl_kernel object
#' @param what An OpenCL kernel attribute as a string
#' @return Requested information about the kernel
cl.kernel.getattr <- function(kernel, what){
  stopifnot("opencl_kernel" %in% class(kernel), 
            class(what) == "character",
            length(what) == 1)
  return(.checkerror(.Call("get_kernel_property", kernel, what)))

#' @title Execute OpenCL kernel
#' @description Enqueues an OpenCL kernel to be executed via clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.
#' @param queue An opencl_command_queue object. The queue the operation will be put on.
#' @param kernel The kernel to execute. An opencl_kernel object
#' @param dimensions The dimensions of the kernel
#' @param global_work_size The number of global threads in each dimension
#' @param arguments A list of kernel arguments. Must be all opencl_buffer, scalar int, scalar double, scalar float or scalar raw objects. Any names are ignored, the arguments
#' are passed by position. 
#' @param local_work_size The number of local threads in each dimension inside a work-group. If left NULL, the OpenCL runtime will pick a value.
#' @param global_work_offset The starting offset of the global thread ids in each dimension. If left as NULL, defaults to 0 in each dimension.
#' @param waitlist OpenCL events that must complete before this operation can start.
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @param return_event Schedule the kernel asynchronously and return an opencl event object.
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
cl.enqueue.kernel <- function(queue, kernel, dimensions, global_work_size, arguments, local_work_size = NULL, 
                              global_work_offset = NULL,
                              waitlist = NULL,
                              return_event = NULL){
  stopifnot(class(queue) == "opencl_command_queue",
            class(kernel) == "opencl_kernel",
            class(dimensions) == "integer",
            class(global_work_size) == "integer",
            class(arguments) == "list",
            all(sapply(X = arguments, FUN = function(x) class(x) %in% c("opencl_buffer", "integer", "raw", "double", "float32"))),
            length(arguments) == kernel$CL_KERNEL_NUM_ARGS,
            length(global_work_size) == dimensions)
  arguments <- lapply(X = arguments, FUN = function(x) if(class(x) == "float32"){x@Data}else{x})
  if(!is.null(local_work_size)) stopifnot(class(local_work_size) == "integer")
  if(!is.null(global_work_offset)) stopifnot(class(global_work_offset) == "integer")
  if(!is.null(waitlist)) warning("Waitlist not yet implemented")
  if(!is.null(return_event)) warning("Returning an event not yet implemented")
  dimensions <- dimensions[[1]]
  if(is.null(global_work_offset)) global_work_offset <- rep(0L, dimensions)
  status = .Call("enqueue_kern", queue, kernel, dimensions, global_work_size, 
                 arguments, local_work_size, global_work_offset)
  if(status != 0){
    stop(paste0("OpenCL Error: ", status))

#' @title Execute an OpenCL kernel with less overhead
#' @description Just like cl.enqueue.kernel, but without expensive calls to stopifnot. 
#' @details cl.enqueue.kernel makes calls to stopifnot to ensure the types of arguments. This introduces significant overhead,
#' so this function is without any type-checking, at the risk of crashing R if the wrong types are given. Note that
#' global_work_offset is mandatory here.
#' @param queue An opencl_command_queue object. The queue the operation will be put on.
#' @param kernel The kernel to execute. An opencl_kernel object
#' @param dimensions The dimensions of the kernel
#' @param global_work_size The number of global threads in each dimension
#' @param arguments A list of kernel arguments. Must be all opencl_buffer, scalar int, scalar double or scalar raw objects. Any names are ignored, the arguments
#' are passed by position. Scalar floats shoud have the underlying bits extracted into an int.
#' @param local_work_size The number of local threads in each dimension inside a work-group. If left NULL, the OpenCL runtime will pick a value.
#' @param global_work_offset The starting offset of the global thread ids in each dimension.
#' @param waitlist OpenCL events that must complete before this operation can start.
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
#' @param return_event Schedule the kernel asynchronously and return an opencl event object.
#' Not currently used, included for future use.
cl.enqueue.kernel.unsafe <- function(queue, kernel, dimensions, global_work_size, arguments, local_work_size = NULL, 
                                     waitlist = NULL,
                                     return_event = NULL){
  status = .Call("enqueue_kern", queue, kernel, dimensions, global_work_size, 
                 arguments, local_work_size, global_work_offset)
  if(status != 0){
    stop(paste0("OpenCL Error: ", status))
caffeine-overload/rocl documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:02 p.m.