
Defines functions fwd.coalescent.sim

Documented in fwd.coalescent.sim

## fwd.coalescent.sim ##

## a function for simulating trees under a fully-linked coalescent model.
## optional simulation of a phenotype and phenotypically-associated SNPs is implemented.
## optional use of a distribution to guide the substitution rate of the non-associated SNPs is implemented.

## TO DO:
## 1) (Re-)implement associated SNP randomization procedure...
## want to implement procedures that combine the above options...
## 2) Allow phenotypically-associated SNPs simulation to be optionally guided
## by a user-inputted phenotype for the terminal nodes (--> would need to simulate
## phenotypic substitutions from the terminal nodes UP to the root, the reverse
## of the current procedure...)
## 3) Implement assoc.options (currently using deprecated "all" option without requiring argument,
## but would like to consider implementing alternative "model" option(s))

# n.ind <- 10 # n.genomes you want to end up with
# gen.size <- 1000000 # bases
# theta <- gen.size*2 # (if sim.by=="branch")# OR # 1*2 # (if sim.by=="locus")
# biallelic <- TRUE # if TRUE, select ONLY complementary nt; if FALSE,
#                select from 3 alternatives (ie. A/C/G/T-current nt)
# seed <- 1 # allow user to control randomization to get reproducible results.
# n.snps.assoc <- 5
# assoc.option <- c("all", "model") # deprecated (only "all" available)
# sim.by <- c("locus", "branch") # deprecated (only "locus" has all current protocols implemented)

# out <- coalescent.sim(n.ind=100, gen.size=10000, sim.by="locus",
#                       theta=1*2, dist=NULL,
#                       theta_p=15, phen=NULL,
#                       n.snps.assoc=20, assoc.option="all", assoc.prob=90,
#                       haploid=TRUE, biallelic=TRUE, seed=1,
#                       plot=TRUE, heatmap=FALSE, plot2="UPGMA")



#' Short one-phrase description.
#' Longer proper discription of function...
#' @param n.ind An integer specifying the number of individual genomes to simulate
#' (ie. the number of terminal nodes in the tree).
#' @param n.snps An integer specifying the number of genetic loci to simulate.
#' @param n.subs Either an integer or a vector (containing a distribution) that is
#' used to determine the number of substitutions
#' to occur on the phylogenetic tree for each genetic locus (see details).
#' @param n.snps.assoc An optional integer specifying the number of genetic loci
#' @param assoc.prob An optional integer (> 0, <= 100) specifying the strength of the
#' association between the n.snps.assoc loci and the phenotype (see details).
#' @param n.phen.subs An integer specifying the expected number of phenotypic
#' substitutions to occur on the phylogenetic tree (through the same process as
#' the n.subs parameter when n.subs is an integer (see details)).
#' @param phen An optional vector containing a phenotype for each of the
#' n.ind individuals if no phenotypic simulation is desired.
#' @param heatmap A logical indicating whether to produce a heatmap of the genetic distance
#' between the simulated genomes of the n.ind individuals.
#' @param reconstruct Either a logical indicating whether to attempt to reconstruct
#' a phylogenetic tree using the simulated genetic data, or one of c("UPGMA", "nj", "ml")
#' to specify that tree reconstruction is desired by one of these three methods
#' (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean, Neighbour-Joining, Maximum-Likelihood).
#' @param seed An optional integer controlling the pseudo-random process of simulation. Two
#' instances of coalescent.sim with the same seed and arguments will produce identical output.
#' @details #### n.subs ####
#' If the value of the n.subs parameter is set to an integer, this integer is
#' used as the parameter of a Poisson distribution from which the number of substitutions to
#' occur on the phylogenetic tree is drawn for each of the n.snps simulated genetic loci.
#' If n.subs is a vector containing a distribution, this is used directly (in proportion to n.snps)
#' to define the number of substitutions per site. For example, if n.subs=c(3000, 900, 70, 20, 0, 10)
#' and n.snps=8000, then 6000 simulated sites will undergo exactly
#' one substitution somewhere on the phylogenetic tree, 1800 will undergo two,
#' 140 three, 40 four, 0 five, and 20 six.
#' #### assoc.prob ####
#' The assoc.prob parameter controls the strength of association through a process analagous to dilution.
#' All n.snps.assoc loci are initially simulated to undergo a substitution
#' every time the phenotype undergoes a substitution (ie. perfect association).
#' The assoc.prob parameter then acts like a dilution factor, removing (100 - assoc.prob)%
#' of the substitutions that occurred during simulation under perfect association.
#' @author Caitlin Collins \email{caitiecollins@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @import adegenet
#' @rawNamespace import(ape, except = zoom)


## NOTES: ##
## theta_p changed to n.phen.subs (and just n.subs in phen.sim.R)

fwd.coalescent.sim <- function(n.ind=100,
                               n.snps=10000, n.subs=1,
                               n.snps.assoc=10, n.subs.assoc=15,
                               heatmap=FALSE, reconstruct=FALSE,
  ## load packages:
  # require(adegenet)
  # require(ape)

  if(length(which(c(plot, heatmap, reconstruct)==TRUE))==1){

  ## Simulate Phylogenetic Tree ##
  tree <- coalescent.tree.sim(n.ind = n.ind, seed = seed)

  ## Simulate SNPs ##
  snps.list <- fwd.snp.sim(n.snps=n.snps, n.subs=n.subs,
                           n.snps.assoc=n.snps.assoc, n.subs.assoc=n.subs.assoc,
                           heatmap=heatmap, reconstruct=reconstruct,
  snps <- snps.list$snps
  snps.assoc <- snps.list$snps.assoc

  ## Simulate Phenotype ##
  phen <- fwd.phen.sim(tree, snps.assoc=snps[,snps.assoc], p=p)

  ## Get Output ##
  out <- list(snps, snps.assoc, phen, tree)
  names(out) <- c("snps", "snps.assoc", "phen", "tree")

} # end fwd.coalescent.sim
caitiecollins/treeWAS documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:23 a.m.