

#' generateComplete
#' This function generate complete datasets.
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @param numSamp Number of observations in the sample
#' @param beta0 Intercept
#' @param beta1 Treatment effect
#' @param beta2 Slope of auxiliary variable
#' @param xmean Mean of auxiliary variable
#' @param xsd Standard deviation of auxiliary variable
#' @param errorsd Parameter to add noise. Standard deviation of errors
#' @return dataframe
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' df <- generateComplete(outcomeType = type, numSamp = sampSize, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1, xsd = x2, errorsd = error)
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' df <- makeMissing(outcomeType = type, mechanism= type, numSamp = sampSize, propMiss = p, rr = r, df = df, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1)

generateComplete <- function(outcomeType, numSamp, beta0,
                             beta1, beta2, xmean, xsd,
                             errorsd) {

  x <- rnorm(numSamp, mean = xmean, sd = xsd) #Continuous variable
  t <- c(rep(x = -1, times = numSamp/2), rep(x = 1, times = numSamp/2)) #Treatment variable. Half assigned to treatment group (1)
  #Half assigned to control group (-1)
  error <- rnorm(numSamp, mean = 0, sd = errorsd) #Error term

  if(outcomeType == "binary") {
    m <- beta0 + beta1 * t + beta2 * x + error #Relationship between the explanatory variables (x & t) and response variable (y)
    sigmam = exp(m)/(1 + exp(m)) #Inverse logistic function to get back probability
    y <- (runif(numSamp) < sigmam) #Randomly determine value based on probability calculated in previous step

  else if(outcomeType == "continuous") {
    y <- beta0 + beta1 * t + beta2 * x + error

    print("Not a valid outcome type")

  df <- data.frame(cbind(y = y, x = x, t = t))

#' makeMissing
#' This function take a complete dataset and generates missingness. Should only be used when troubleshooting. The generateData() function combines the generateComplete() function with the makeMissing() function. Missingness is determined by specified risk ratio and approximate proportion of values missing.
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @param mechanism What is the missing data mechanism?
#' @param numSamp Number of observations in the sample
#' @param propMiss Expected proportion of missingness
#' @param rr Risk ratio
#' @param df The complete dataframe
#' @param beta0 Intercept
#' @param beta1 Treatment effect
#' @param beta2 Slope of auxiliary variable
#' @param xmean Mean of auxiliary variable
#' @return dataframe
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' df <- generateComplete(outcomeType = type, numSamp = sampSize, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1, xsd = x2, errorsd = error)
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' df <- makeMissing(outcomeType = type, mechanism= type, numSamp = sampSize, propMiss = p, rr = r, df = df, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1)

makeMissing <- function(outcomeType, mechanism, numSamp, propMiss, rr, df, beta0, beta1, beta2, xmean) {
  #Regardless of missing data mechanism want to achieve an overall proportion of missing equal to p
  if(mechanism == "mcar") { #Idea is to use a logistic regression model to determine missingness
    g0 <- log(propMiss/(1-propMiss)) #Three different cases for the different missing data mechanisms
    g1 <- 0
    g2 <- 0

  else if(mechanism == "mar") {
    z <- 2*propMiss/(1+rr)
    g0 <- log(rr*z^2/((1-z)*(1-rr*z)))/2
    g1 <- log(rr*(1-z)/(1-rr*z))/2
    g2 <- 0

  else if(mechanism == "mnar"){

    if(outcomeType == "binary") {
      w <- prop(~y, df)
      z <- propMiss/(1-w + rr*w)

    else if(outcomeType == "continuous") {
      z <- propMiss/(.5 + rr*.5)

      print("Not a valid outcome type")

    g0 <- log(z/(1-z))
    g1 <- 0
    g2 <- log(rr*(1-z)/(1-rr*z))

  else {
    print("Not a valid missing data mechanism")

  if(outcomeType == "binary") {
    m <- g0 + g1*df$t + g2*df$y

  else if(outcomeType == "continuous") {
    m <- g0 + g1*df$t + g2*((df$y - beta0 + beta1 - beta2*xmean)/(2*beta1))

  sigmam <- exp(m) / (1+ exp(m))

  temp <- runif(numSamp)
  r <- ifelse(sigmam > temp, 0, 1)
  df$r <- r
  df <- df %>% mutate(obsy = ifelse(r == 0, NA, y))

#' generateData
#' This function creates a complete dataset and then generates missingness. Simple function to combine generateComplete() and makeMissing().
#' @param mechanism What is the missing data mechanism?
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @param propMiss Expected proportion of missingness. Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param numSamp Number of observations in the sample. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param beta0 Intercept. Defaults to 1.
#' @param beta1 Treatment effect. Defaults to 2.
#' @param beta2 Slope of auxiliary variable. Defaults to 1.
#' @param xmean Mean of auxiliary variable. Defaults to 0.
#' @param xsd Standard deviation of auxiliary variable. Defaults to 1.
#' @param errorsd Standard deviation of error term. Defaults to 1.
#' @param rr Risk ratio. Defaults to 5. Defaults to 5.
#' @return dataframe
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' df <- generateData(mechanism= type, outcomeType = type, propMiss = p, numSamp = sampSize,  rr = r, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1)

generateData <- function(mechanism, outcomeType, propMiss = .1, numSamp = 1000,
                         beta0 = 1, beta1 = 2, beta2 = 1, xmean = 0, xsd = 1,
                         errorsd = .1, rr = 5) {

  df <- generateComplete(outcomeType, numSamp, beta0, #Creates the data
                         beta1, beta2, xmean, xsd, errorsd)

  df <- makeMissing(outcomeType = outcomeType, mechanism = mechanism,
                    numSamp = numSamp, df = df, propMiss = propMiss, rr = rr,
                    beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, xmean = xmean) #Creates missingness


#' runImputation
#' This function creates a models via multiple imputation and returns model parameters. Should only be used if trying to troubleshoot an issue or have limited time. Use runSimulation() instead.
#' @param df The dataset with missing values generated by generateData()
#' @param m Number of imputations.
#' @param method The method of imputing univariate missingness (logreg or logreg.boot refer to the documentation in the mice package for further details)
#' @param interaction Want to add interaction to the imputation model? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param donors Number of donors if using predictive mean matching. Defaults to 3.
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @return vector
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' df <- generateData(mechanism= type, outcomeType = type, propMiss = p, numSamp = sampSize,  rr = r, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1)
#' numImps <- 5
#' method == "logreg"
#' d = 3
#' runImputation(df = df, m = numImps, donors = d, outcomeType = type)
#' runTrue(df = df, outcomeType = type)
#' runCC(df = df, outcomeType = type)

runImputation <- function(df, m = 5, method, interaction = FALSE, donors = 3, outcomeType) {
  if(method == "logreg" || method == "logreg.boot") {
    df$obsy <- as.factor(df$obsy)

  if(interaction == TRUE) {
    df <- df %>% mutate(tx = (t-mean(t)) * (x-mean(x)))
    dummy <- mice(df, method = method, maxit = 0)
    meth <- dummy$meth
    meth["tx"] <- paste("~I(", "(t - mean(t)) * (x - mean(x)))", sep = "")
    pred <- dummy$pred
    pred["obsy",] <- c(0,1,1,0,0,1)
    imp <- mice(df, method = method, m = m, printFlag = FALSE, predictorMatrix = pred)

  else {
    pred <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0), nrow = 5, ncol = 5, byrow = T)
    if(method == "pmm") {
      imp <- mice(df, method = method, m = m, printFlag = FALSE, predictorMatrix = pred, donors = donors)
    else {
      imp <- mice(df, method = method, m = m, printFlag = FALSE, predictorMatrix = pred)

  if(outcomeType == "binary") {
    mods <- with(imp, glm(obsy ~ t + x, family = binomial(logit)))

  else if(outcomeType == "continuous") {
    mods <- with(imp, lm(obsy ~ t + x))

  info <- summary(pool(mods))
  return(as.vector(t(info[, c("est", "se", "lo 95", "hi 95")])))

#' runTrue
#' This function creates a models using the true values of y. Should only be used if trying to troubleshoot an issue or have limited time. Use runSimulation() instead.
#' @param df The dataset with missing values generated by generateData()
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @return vector
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' df <- generateData(mechanism= type, outcomeType = type, propMiss = p, numSamp = sampSize,  rr = r, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1)
#' numImps <- 5
#' method == "logreg"
#' d = 3
#' runImputation(df = df, m = numImps, donors = d, outcomeType = type)
#' runTrue(df = df, outcomeType = type)
#' runCC(df = df, outcomeType = type)
runTrue <- function(df, outcomeType) {
  if(outcomeType == "binary") {
    mod <- glm(y ~ t + x, data = df, family = binomial(logit))

  else if(outcomeType == "continuous") {
    mod <- lm(y ~ t + x, data = df)

  else  {
    print("Outcome type is not valid")

  info <- summary(mod)$coefficients[, c("Estimate", "Std. Error")]
  info <- cbind(info, confint.default(mod))

#' runCC
#' This function creates a models using complete case analysis. Should only be used if trying to troubleshoot an issue or have limited time. Use runSimulation() instead.
#' @param df The dataset with missing values generated by generateData()
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @return vector
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' df <- generateData(mechanism= type, outcomeType = type, propMiss = p, numSamp = sampSize,  rr = r, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1)
#' numImps <- 5
#' method == "logreg"
#' d = 3
#' runImputation(df = df, m = numImps, donors = d, outcomeType = type)
#' runTrue(df = df, outcomeType = type)
#' runCC(df = df, outcomeType = type)

runCC <- function(df, outcomeType) {
  if(outcomeType == "binary") {
    mod <- glm(obsy ~ t + x, df, na.action = na.exclude, family = binomial(logit))

  else if(outcomeType == "continuous") {
    mod <- lm(obsy ~ t + x, df, na.action = na.exclude)

  else  {
    print("Outcome type is not valid")

  info <- summary(mod)$coefficients[, c("Estimate", "Std. Error")]
  info <- cbind(info, confint.default(mod))

#' #' runSimulation
#' This function runs a simulations fitting models using various methods of handling missing data. Passes back an array of model parameter values.
#' @param numSim Number of simulations. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param m Number of imputations. Defaults to 5.
#' @param mechanism What is the missing data mechanism? Defaults to mcar.
#' @param propMiss Expected proportion of missingness. Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param numSamp Number of observations in the sample. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param beta0 Intercept. Defaults to 1.
#' @param beta1 Treatment effect. Defaults to 2.
#' @param beta2 Slope of auxiliary variable. Defaults to 1.
#' @param xmean Mean of auxiliary variable. Defaults to 0.
#' @param xsd Standard deviation of auxiliary variable. Defaults to 1.
#' @param errorsd Standard deviation of error term. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param rr Risk ratio. Defaults to 5. Defaults to 5.
#' @param outcomeType Is the outcome variable binary or continuous?
#' @return array
#' @examples
#' type <- "binary"
#' sampSize <- 1000
#' b0 <- 5
#' b1 <- 10
#' b2 <- 7
#' x1 <- 3
#' x2 <- 2
#' error <- 1
#' mech <- "mcar"
#' r <- 5
#' p <- .3
#' simRuns <- 10
#' numImps <- 5
#' sim <- runSimulation(numSim = simRuns, m = numImps, propMiss = p, numSamp = sampSize, beta0 = b0, beta1 = b1, beta2 = b2, xmean = x1, xsd = x2, errorsd = error, rr = r, outcomeType = type)
#' apply(sim, c(1,3))

runSimulation <- function(numSim = 1000, m = 5, mechanism = "mcar",
                          propMiss = .1, numSamp = 1000, beta0 = 1,
                          beta1 = 2, beta2 = 1, xmean = 0,
                          xsd = 1, errorsd = .5, rr = 5, outcomeType) {

  tab <- array(NA, dim = c(8, numSim, 12))
  dimnames(tab) <- list(c("Truth", "Complete Case", "Bayesian MI", "Bootstrap MI", "PMM (d = 1)",
                          "PMM (d = 3)", "PMM (d = 10)", "PMM (d = 20)"),
                        c("beta0", "se0", "lowci0", "highci0",
                          "beta1", "se1", "lowci1", "highci1",
                          "beta2", "se2", "lowci2", "highci2"))

  for (i in 1:numSim){
    df <- generateData(outcomeType = outcomeType, mechanism = mechanism, propMiss = propMiss, numSamp = numSamp,
                       beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, xmean = xmean,
                       xsd = xsd, errorsd = errorsd, rr = rr)

    tab[1, i,] <- runTrue(df = df, outcomeType = outcomeType)
    tab[2, i,] <- runCC(df = df, outcomeType = outcomeType)

    if(outcomeType == "binary") {
      meth1 = "logreg"
      meth2 = "logreg.boot"
      meth1 = "norm"
      meth2 = "norm.boot"
    tab[3, i,] <- runImputation(df = df, m = m, method = meth1, outcomeType = outcomeType)
    tab[4, i,] <- runImputation(df = df, m = m, method = meth2, outcomeType = outcomeType)

    tab[5, i,] <- runImputation(df = df, m = m, method = "pmm", donors = 1, outcomeType = outcomeType)
    tab[6, i,] <- runImputation(df = df, m = m, method = "pmm", donors = 3, outcomeType = outcomeType)
    tab[7, i,] <- runImputation(df = df, m = m, method = "pmm", donors = 10, outcomeType = outcomeType)
    tab[8, i,] <- runImputation(df = df, m = m, method = "pmm", donors = 20, outcomeType = outcomeType)
calebki94/rctmiss documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11 a.m.