
# Functions to initialize a population with specified 
# age structure, cancer incidence, all-cause mortality,
# and stage-receptor status

# initialize_pop
#' Initialize a FEMALE population with an age structure, dates of cancer 
#' incidence, and dates of all-cause mortality
#' @param agesource Country to use for age structure (see data(agestructure) )
#' @param minage Lower age limit for population at sim start
#' @param maxage Upper age limit for population at sim start
#' @param incsource Country to use for incidence rates (see data(incratesf) )
#' @param mortsource Country to use for life table (see data(allmortratesf) )
#' @param pop_chars A list of data frames that specify additional features
#' to simulate in the population. Defaults to giving the whole population
#' male=0, i.e. all female sex. 
#' @examples
#'pop <- initialize_pop(pop_size=100000,
#'                      nsim=2, 
#'                      agesource='Standard', 
#'                      minage=0, maxage=100, 
#'                      incsource='Uganda', 
#'                      mortsource='Uganda')
#' @return List of three matrices of dimenion pop_size by nsim specifying simulated characteristics for each individual in each simulation: age at entry, age at other-cause death, and age at clinical incidence of cancer (capped at 121, i.e. after death from other caues).
#' @export

initialize_pop <- function(pop_size, nsim,
                           agesource, minage, maxage, 
                           incsource, mortsource,
    # Load databases

    # Compute survival from incidence/mortality databases
    # Edit 10/10/17: returned the maxage arg to interpolate_cumsurv for incidence,
    # since otherwise it breaks down for maxage > 87 (the incidence data limit). 
    # Use only if maxage > 87.
    if (maxage>87) maxIncAge=100 else maxIncAge=NULL
    inc <- interpolate_cumsurv(incratesf, 
    mort <- interpolate_cumsurv(allmortratesf, 
    # Code compatibility tweaks
    mort <- transform(mort, Age=age, Survival=cumsurv, Male=0)

    # The following section is an artefact of the Cantrance structure; could
    # surely be streamlined. Basically it's just simulating ages 
    # at entry and using those as lower bounds for simulating ages
    # at other-cause death, and then age at clinical incidence.

        # Add age to pop_chars using parameter choices
        pop_chars[['age']] <- format_age(subset(agestructure, Country==agesource,
                                                select=c('age', 'pop', 'prop')), 
                                         minAge=minage, maxAge=maxage)

        # First, simulate the indepenent characteristics given in
        # pop_chars. Right now it assumes that each element in the list
        # refers to a single variable rather than a joint distribution
        # of variables. Very easy to generalize to return the row #
        # of the original dataset rather than the value of a single
        # variable. It would be easy to instead use Leslie's 
        # create_pop_list() function, and that would work with
        # a more complex age pattern, too

        # In other words, the following 
        pop_chars_rows <- lapply(pop_chars, function(x, Npop, Nsim) {
                                }, pop_size, nsim)

        # Ages at entry 
        ageentry <- return_value_from_id(ids=pop_chars_rows[['age']],
        # Ages at other-cause death (load alternative life table if desired)
        ageOC <- calc_ac_lifespan_pop(popdata=pop_chars,

        # Ages at cancer incidence
        ageclin <- sim_clinical_incidence(popdata=pop_chars,

    return(list(ageentry=ageentry, ageOC=ageOC, ageclin=ageclin))

# compile_naturalhist
#' Creates a 'naturalhist' object that describes key natural history parameters
#' for incident cases
#' Takes in stats on cancer stage, subgroup (e.g. tumor type) and survival
#' and compiles into a data frame of class 'naturalhist'. Note that this function
#' could be modified to allow for more complex situations. Right now it presumes
#' that mortality rates vary by stage only, and that stage and subgroup are
#' uncorrelated.
#' @param prop_adv Advanced Proportion of cancers presenting as Advanced stage
#' @param mortrates Named vector of cancer mortality rates by stage,
#' e.g. c(Early=.05, Advanced=0.21)
#' @param subgroup_probs Named vector of subgroup probabilities that occur within stage groups, e.g. c(`ER+`=0.5, `ER-`=0.5)
#' @return Data frame of class 'naturalhist' with columns stage, subgroup,
#' mortrate and prop
#' @examples
#' compile_naturalhist(prop_adv=0.85, mortrates=c(Early=0.05, Advanced=0.21), 
#'                    subgroup_probs=c(`ER+`=0.5, `ER-`=0.5))
#' @export

compile_naturalhist <- function(prop_adv, mortrates, subgroup_probs) {
    stage_probs <- c(Early=1-prop_adv, Advanced=prop_adv)
    df <- lapply(names(mortrates),
                       function(x) {
    df <- plyr::ldply(df)
    if (round(sum(df$prop),1)!=1) stop('Check that subgroup_probs sum to 1')
    class(df) <- append(class(df), 'naturalhist')

# add_features
#' Add features like stage and tumor type to an initialized population
#' @param popbysim A matrix of dimensions (population size)x(number of sims)
#' @param probs A vector of probabilities summing to 1. Each probability
#' represents the probability of being in each feature group
#' stage and tumor-type subgroup
#' @param stagetumor Optional vector of names corresponding to the 
#' stage-tumor subgroups in probs. Defaults to 1:length(probs)
#' @return Matrix of dimensions (pop size)x(nsim) indicating stage-tumor 
#' status according to the 'names' parameter
#' Defaults to 1:length(probs)
#' @examples
#' Say there are four stage-ER receptor subgroups that have equal probability,
#' in a population of size 20 and 2 simulations
#' add_features(matrix(1, nrow=20, ncol=2), probs=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25))
#' Could ID the groups by name
#' add_features(matrix(1, nrow=20, ncol=2), probs=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
#'              names=c('EarlyER+', 'EarlyER-', 'AdvancedER+', 'AdvancedER-'))
#' @export

add_features <- function(popbysim, probs, names=NULL) {

    if (is.null(names)) names <- 1:length(probs)
    if (!is.null(names)) {
        if (length(names)!=length(probs)) stop('No 1:1 match between names 
                                              and probs')
    if (round(sum(probs),1)!=1) stop('Probabilities do not sum to 1')
                        nreps=ncol(popbysim), probs, names))
cancerpolicy/bcimodel documentation built on June 30, 2019, 12:39 a.m.