
Defines functions print.priors `[.priors` as.data.frame.priors as.priors define_priors add_prior

Documented in add_prior as.priors define_priors

#' @name PriorsSpecification
#' @title Specify the Prior Distributions for All Parameters
#' @param ... Optional. In add_prior: Named inputs to be passed to the RNG functions. In define_priors: The results of
#' add_prior calls - one for each parameter that is being calibrated.
#' @description Helper functions that can be used to create an imabc priors object used by imabc().
#' @section Distribution Specifications:
#' If the user does not provide any RNG functions specifications, they must provide a single value in order to
#' create a fixed parameter. This is not the most efficient method for using a fixed parameter in a model.
#' If the user only provides one of the RNG functions specifications, these functions will search for the most logical
#' names for the other functions. I.e. if dist_base_name is provided (e.g. unif), these will assume that the user wishes
#' to use paste0("d", dist_base_name) for the density function and paste0("q", dist_base_name) for the quantile function.
#' These functions will make the corresponding guesses if the user provides density_fn or quantile_fn. If density_fn or
#' quantile_fn are provided, they will assume those functions are preferred over any calculated function names.
#' @md
#' @section RNG Input Specifications:
#' These functions will attempt to pass any extra arguments to the RNG functions. These arguments must be named to match
#' the expected inputs not to create errors. If a value's name cannot be matched to an RNG function input, it will be
#' ignored.
#' min/max are important values to imabc and will always be defined for each parameter. They are used to evaluate whether
#' any simulated parameters are valid. The user can specify values for them if they want. If the user does not specify
#' them they will look at the RNG function and if the RNG has default values for min/max it will use them, otherwise
#' it will use -Inf/Inf respectively. **Warning**: This behavior depends on the RNG functions using min and max as the input
#' names for the min and max values. If the RNG functions use an alternate name for these concepts they will treat
#' them as separate values. An example of this can be found in the truncnorm package which uses a and b for the min and
#' max respectively. For those functions the user would need to specify inputs for a, b, min, and max in order to get a
#' consistent result.
#' @md
#' @section Parameter Names:
#' The user can specify names by either specifying the input parameter_name in add_prior or by setting the result of an
#' add_prior call to a object in define_priors (e.g. define_priors(x1 = add_prior(...))). If the user specifies the
#' parameter_name input and sets add_prior to an object, the parameter_name value will be used. If no name is specified
#' a unique name will be generated automatically.
#' @md
#' @return A priors imabc object.

#' @rdname PriorsSpecification
#' @param dist_base_name Optional character(1). The base name of the RNG function set (or the column with the dist_base_name
#' info in as.priors) for the prior distribution.
#' @param density_fn Optional character(1). The name of the RNG density function (or the column with the density_fn
#' info in as.priors) for the prior distribution.
#' @param quantile_fn Optional character(1). The name of the RNG quantile function (or the column with the quantile_fn
#' info in as.priors) for the prior distribution.
#' @param parameter_name Optional character(1). The name of the parameter (or the column with the parameter_name info in
#' as.priors).
#' @examples
#' add_prior(dist_base_name = "norm")
#' add_prior(density_fn = "dnorm", mean = 50, sd = 10)
#' add_prior(quantile_fn = "qnorm", min = 0, max = 1)
#' @export
add_prior <- function(..., dist_base_name = NULL, density_fn = NULL, quantile_fn = NULL, parameter_name = NULL) {
  inputs <- list(...)

  # if dist_base_name, density_fn, and quantile_fn are NULL, assume a fixed parameter
  if (is.null(dist_base_name) & is.null(density_fn) & is.null(quantile_fn)) {
    # Check appropriateness of input(s)
      "For a Fixed Parameter only supply a single numeric value of length 1." = length(inputs) == 1,
      "Input must be numeric." = !is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(inputs)))

    # Define outputs
    inputs <- as.numeric(inputs)
    density_function <- quantile_function <- function(n) {
      sims <- rep(inputs, length(n))

    # Define min/max for attributes
    min <- inputs
    max <- inputs
    distribution <- "fixed"
    fun_inputs <- inputs
  } else { # is.null(dist_base_name) & is.null(density_fn) & is.null(quantile_fn)
    if (is.null(dist_base_name)) {
      if (!is.null(density_fn) & is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #           NULL    provided         NULL
        # Check that density function provided exists
        density_fn <- .validate_prior_function(density_fn)
        # Check that best guess quantile function exists
        quantile_fn <- .validate_prior_function(gsub("^d", "q", density_fn))

      } else if (is.null(density_fn) & !is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #           NULL        NULL     provided
        # Check that quantile function provided exists
        quantile_fn <- .validate_prior_function(quantile_fn)
        # Check that best guess density function exists
        density_fn <- .validate_prior_function(gsub("^q", "d", quantile_fn))

      } else if (!is.null(density_fn) & !is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #           NULL    provided     provided
        # Check that density function provided exists
        density_fn <- .validate_prior_function(density_fn)
        # Check that quantile function provided exists
        quantile_fn <- .validate_prior_function(quantile_fn)
      # Distribution shorthand
      dist_base_name <- gsub("^d", "", density_fn)

    } else if (!is.null(dist_base_name)) {
      # Check that base name converts to existing function
      density_fn_guess <- .validate_prior_function(paste0("d", dist_base_name))
      # Check that quantile function provided exists
      quantile_fn_guess <- .validate_prior_function(paste0("q", dist_base_name))

      if (is.null(density_fn) & is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #       provided        NULL         NULL
        density_fn <- density_fn_guess
        quantile_fn <- quantile_fn_guess

      } else if (!is.null(density_fn) & is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #       provided    provided         NULL
        density_fn <- .validate_prior_function(density_fn)
        # Warn if density function from dist_base_name != density_fn
        if (density_fn_guess != density_fn) {
          warning("Base distribution name does not convert to provided density function. Using density_fn.")
        quantile_fn <- quantile_fn_guess

      } else if (is.null(density_fn) & !is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #       provided        NULL     provided
        quantile_fn <- .validate_prior_function(quantile_fn)
        # Warn if quantile function from dist_base_name != quantile_fn
        if (quantile_fn_guess != quantile_fn) {
          warning("Base distribution name does not convert to provided quantile function. Using quantile_fn.")
        density_fn <- density_fn_guess

      } else if (!is.null(density_fn) & !is.null(quantile_fn)) {
        # dist_base_name  density_fn  quantile_fn
        #       provided    provided     provided
        density_fn <- .validate_prior_function(density_fn)
        quantile_fn <- .validate_prior_function(quantile_fn)

        # Warn if density function from dist_base_name != density_fn
        if (density_fn_guess != density_fn) {
          warning("Base distribution name does not convert to provided density function. Using density_fn.")
        # Warn if quantile function from dist_base_name != quantile_fn
        if (quantile_fn_guess != quantile_fn) {
          warning("Base distribution name does not convert to provided quantile function. Using quantile_fn.")

    } # !is.null(dist_base_name)

    # Defaults for min and max values of prior distribution: inputs -> formals -> -Inf/Inf
    min <- ifelse(
      "min" %in% names(inputs), inputs$min, ifelse(
        "min" %in% names(formals(density_fn)), formals(density_fn)["min"], -Inf
    max <- ifelse("max" %in% names(inputs), inputs$max, ifelse(
      "max" %in% names(formals(density_fn)), formals(density_fn)["max"], Inf

    # Define the density function call
    density_inputs <- inputs[intersect(names(inputs), formalArgs(density_fn)[-1])]
    density_function <- function(n) {
      sims <- mapply(match.fun(density_fn), n, MoreArgs = density_inputs)


    # Define the density function call
    quantile_inputs <- inputs[intersect(names(inputs), formalArgs(density_fn)[-1])]
    quantile_function <- function(n) {
      sims <- mapply(match.fun(quantile_fn), n, MoreArgs = quantile_inputs)


    distribution <- dist_base_name
    fun_inputs <- unlist(quantile_inputs)
  } # ! is.null(dist_base_name) & is.null(density_fn) & is.null(quantile_fn)

  # Create the prior object
  prior <- structure(
      parameter = parameter_name,
      density_function = density_function,
      quantile_function = quantile_function,
      min = min,
      max = max,
      distribution = distribution,
      fun_inputs = fun_inputs
    class = c("prior", "imabc")


#' @rdname PriorsSpecification
#' @param prior_df Optional data.frame. Priors stored as a data.frame or from the results object of a previous run.
#' @examples
#' # x1, x2, and x3 reflect three parameters in the mdoel.
#' x1 <- add_prior(dist_base_name = "norm")
#' define_priors(
#'   x1 = x1,
#'   x2 = add_prior(density_fn = "dnorm", mean = 50, sd = 10),
#'   add_prior(parameter_name = "x3", quantile_fn = "qnorm", min = 0, max = 1)
#' )
#' @export
define_priors <- function(..., prior_df = NULL) {
  priors_list <- list(...)
  if (length(priors_list) > 0 & !is.null(prior_df)) {
    stop("Currently does not support adding new parameters to an old set of runs")

  # When new priors are defined
  if (length(priors_list) > 0) {
    # Check that only imabc_priors have been added
    good <- unlist(lapply(priors_list, function(x) { all(inherits(x, c("prior", "imabc"), TRUE) != 0) }))
    if (!all(good)) {
      bad_noname <- which(names(good) == "" & !good)
      bad_winame <- which(names(good) != "" & !good)
      txt1 <- txt2 <- c()
      if (length(bad_noname) > 0) {
        txt1 <- paste("prior's at position(s)", paste(bad_noname, collapse = ", "), sep = ": ")
      if (length(bad_winame) > 0) {
        txt2 <- paste("prior's named", paste(names(bad_winame), collapse = ", "), sep = ": ")
      if (!is.null(txt1) && !is.null(txt2)) {
        txt <- paste(txt1, "and", txt2, sep = " ")
      } else if (!is.null(txt1)) {
        txt <- txt1
      } else if (!is.null(txt2)) {
        txt <- txt2
      stop(sprintf("Inputs must be imabc priors. Use add_prior() to create prior objects for %s.", txt))

    # Store added functions
    return_priors <- get_list_element(priors_list, name = c("density_function", "quantile_function"), unlist = FALSE)
    return_priors <- structure(return_priors, class = c("priors", "imabc"))

    # Pull all important attributes of the priors into lists
    name_vec <- get_list_element(priors_list, "parameter", unlist = TRUE)
    sd <- rep.int(0L, length(priors_list)) # empirically calculated in imabc
    min <- get_list_element(priors_list, "min", unlist = TRUE) # if not set or given default by distribution functions, defaults to -Inf
    max <- get_list_element(priors_list, "max", unlist = TRUE) # if not set or given default by distribution functions, defaults to Inf
    distribution <- get_list_element(priors_list, "distribution", unlist = TRUE)
    fun_inputs <- get_list_element(priors_list, "fun_inputs", unlist = FALSE)

    # Pull the names of the parameters. Check for uniqueness and add unique names where no names are provided.
    prior_names <- unique_names(return_priors, name_vec)
    names(return_priors) <- prior_names
    names(min) <- prior_names
    names(max) <- prior_names
    names(sd) <- prior_names
    names(distribution) <- prior_names
    names(fun_inputs) <- prior_names

    # Store the vectors as attributes for the entire prior object
    attributes(return_priors)$mins <- min
    attributes(return_priors)$maxs <- max
    attributes(return_priors)$sds <- sd
    attributes(return_priors)$distributions <- distribution
    attributes(return_priors)$fun_inputs <- fun_inputs

  # If reading from a data.frame or previous imabc run set of results
  if (!is.null(prior_df)) {
    return_priors <- as.priors(prior_df)


#' @rdname PriorsSpecification
#' @param df data.frame. Each parameter should be a row and each column is an input into add_prior. If a given column doesn't
#' relate to a parameter, set its value to NA.
#' @examples
#' x1_min <- 0.1
#' x2_min <- 0.5
#' x1_max <- 0.9
#' x2_max <- 1.1
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   name_var = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
#'   dist_var = c("unif", NA, NA),
#'   density_var = c(NA, "dtruncnorm", NA),
#'   quantile_var = c(NA, NA, "qnorm"),
#'   mean = c(NA, 0.75, 0.5),
#'   sd = c(NA, 0.05, NA),
#'   min = c(x1_min, x2_min, NA),
#'   max = c(x1_max, x2_max, NA),
#'   a = c(NA, x2_min, NA),
#'   b = c(NA, x2_max, NA)
#' )
#' as.priors(
#'   df,
#'   parameter_name = "name_var", dist_base_name = "dist_var",
#'   density_fn = "density_var", quantile_fn = "quantile_var"
#' )
#' @export
as.priors <- function(df, ...) {
  # Columns: parameter_name = NULL, dist_base_name = NULL, density_fn = NULL, quantile_fn = NULL
  col_names_alt <- do.call(c, list(...))
  col_names_dta <- colnames(df)

  # Check that at least one distribution function name column exists
  if (!any(c("dist_base_name", "density_fn", "quantile_fn") %in% c(col_names_dta, names(col_names_alt)))) {
      "Function name column(s) not found in data. Add at least one column named dist_base_name, density_fn, or quantile_fn. ",
      "You can also point as.priors to the appropriate column like so:\n",
      'as.priors(df, dist_base_name = "alternate name")\n',
      "See ?add_prior to understand what each column should represent.", sep = ""

  # If any alternate names are provided, rename the columns appropriately
  if (length(col_names_alt) > 0) {
    change_name_idx <- match(col_names_alt, col_names_dta)
    not_found_cols <- is.na(change_name_idx)
    if (any(not_found_cols)) {
      warning(sprintf("Ignoring unknown column name: %s\n", names(col_names_alt)[not_found_cols]))
      change_name_idx <- change_name_idx[!not_found_cols]
      col_names_alt <- col_names_alt[!not_found_cols]
    col_names_dta[change_name_idx] <- names(col_names_alt)

  # Make sure the names we can control match the expected name for add_prior()
  colnames(df) <- col_names_dta

  # For each parameter, create a prior object
  prio_list <- lapply(1:nrow(df), FUN = function(i1, dta) {
    tmp <- dta[i1, , drop = TRUE]
    tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp)]

    # Make sure fixed distributions are converted to single scalar value
    if (any(tmp[c("dist_base_name", "density_fn", "quantile_fn")] == "fixed")) {
      # Remove distribution objects
      tmp[c("dist_base_name", "density_fn", "quantile_fn")] <- NULL

      # Join parameter_name if it exits with first non-NA value you find
      new_tmp <- tmp[names(tmp) == "parameter_name"]
      new_tmp <- c(new_tmp, tmp[names(tmp) != "parameter_name"][[1]])
      tmp <- new_tmp

    do.call(add_prior, tmp)
  }, dta = df)

  # Take all prior objects and add them into a final imabc priors object
  final_prio_list <- do.call(define_priors, prio_list)

  # Add empirical sds if they exist
  if ("prior_sd" %in% col_names_dta) {
    # Get sds in proper order with names
    parms <- names(final_prio_list)
    sds <- df[["prior_sd"]][match(parms, df[["parameter_name"]])]
    names(sds) <- parms
    attr(final_prio_list, "sds") <- sds


#' @export
as.data.frame.priors <- function(x, ...) {
  # Put non-function specific inputs into data.frame
  parameter_name <- names(x)
  dist_base_name <- attr(x, "distributions")
  min <- attr(x, "mins")
  max <- attr(x, "maxs")
  prior_sd <- attr(x, "sds")
  out_df <- data.frame(parameter_name, dist_base_name, min, max, prior_sd)
  rownames(out_df) <- NULL
  # Remove empirical SD if it hasn't been calculated yet
  if (all(out_df$prior_sd == 0)) { out_df$prior_sd <- NULL }

  # Turn function specific inputs into a data.frame
  fn_inputs <- lapply(attr(x, "fun_inputs"), FUN = function(x) {
    fn_in <- names(x$fun_inputs)
    df_out <- NA
    if (!is.null(fn_in)) {
      df_out <- as.data.frame(t(x$fun_inputs))
      df_out$min <- NULL
      df_out$max <- NULL

      if (ncol(df_out) == 0) {
        df_out <- NA

  fn_inputs <- do.call(rbind, fn_inputs)

  # Make sure at least one column of inputs has inputs
  if (any(!is.na(fn_inputs[, 1]))) {
    fn_inputs <- cbind(rownames(fn_inputs), fn_inputs)
    fn_inputs <- as.data.frame(fn_inputs)
    rownames(fn_inputs) <- NULL
    colnames(fn_inputs)[1] <- "parameter_name"

    # Merge non-function specific inputs with function specific inputs
    out_df <- merge(out_df, fn_inputs, by = "parameter_name", sort = FALSE)


#' @export
`[.priors` <- function(p, x) {
  old_class <- class(p)

  # Handle if subset is a list of names or T/F
  if (is.logical(x)) {
    keep <- x
  } else {
    keep <- names(p) %in% x

  # Add subset of target info to a new target lsit
  subset_priors <- structure(
    class = old_class

  # Subset attributes
  mins <- attributes(p)$mins[keep]
  maxs <- attributes(p)$maxs[keep]
  sds <- attributes(p)$sds[keep]
  distributions <- attributes(p)$distributions[keep]
  fun_inputs <- attributes(p)$fun_inputs[keep]
  # Add them to new target list
  attributes(subset_priors)$mins <- mins
  attributes(subset_priors)$maxs <- maxs
  attributes(subset_priors)$sds <- sds
  attributes(subset_priors)$distributions <- distributions
  attributes(subset_priors)$fun_inputs <- fun_inputs


#' @export
print.priors <- function(x, ...) {
  digits <- getOption("digits")
  n_parms <- length(x)
  parm_names <- names(x)

  cat(sprintf("There are %s defined parameters.\n", n_parms))
  p_text <- lapply(parm_names, FUN = function(y, x) {
    dist_text <- sprintf("Distribution base name: %s", attr(x, "distributions")[y])
    fun_text <- sprintf("User specified inputs: %s", attr(x, "fun_inputs")[y])
    fun_text <- sub("(.*)(list\\(fun_inputs = c*\\(*)(.*)(\\))", "\\1\\3", fun_text, perl = T)
    fun_text <- sub("\\)", "", fun_text)
    range_text <- sprintf("Allowable range: %s - %s",
                          format(attr(x, "mins")[y], digits = digits),
                          format(attr(x, "maxs")[y], digits = digits))
    sd_text <- sprintf("Empirical Standard Deviation: %s", format(attr(x, "sds")[y], digits = digits))

    full_text <- paste(dist_text, fun_text, range_text, sd_text, sep = "\n")
  }, x = x)
    paste(sprintf("\nParameter %s has the following specifications:", parm_names), p_text, sep = "\n", collapse = "\n")

carolyner/imabc documentation built on March 28, 2023, 6:43 a.m.