#' Convert liquid code blocks to commonmark code blocks
#' Liquid code blocks are generally codified by
#' ~~~
#' print("code goes " + "here")
#' ~~~
#' {: .language-python}
#' However, there is a simpler syntax that we can use:
#' ```python
#' print("code goes " + "here")
#' ```
#' This will take in a code block and convert it so that it will no longer use
#' the liquid tag (which we have added as a "ktag" attribute for "kramdown" tag)
#' @param block a code block
#' @param make_rmd if `TRUE`, the language will be wrapped in curly braces to
#' be evaluated by RMarkdown
#' @return the node, invisibly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' frg1 <- Lesson$new(lesson_fragment())
#' frg2 <- frg1$clone(deep = TRUE)
#' py1 <- get_code(frg1$episodes[["17-scope.md"]]$body, ".language")
#' py2 <- get_code(frg2$episodes[["17-scope.md"]]$body, ".language")
#' py1
#' invisible(lapply(py1, liquid_to_commonmark, make_rmd = FALSE))
#' invisible(lapply(py2, liquid_to_commonmark, make_rmd = TRUE))
#' py1
#' py2
liquid_to_commonmark <- function(block, make_rmd = FALSE) {
lang <- xml2::xml_attr(block, "ktag")
info <- xml2::xml_attr(block, "info")
pos <- xml2::xml_attr(block, "sourcepos")
if (is.na(lang) && grepl("^{[a-z]+?", info)) {
# This has already been converted
# if blocks will start with {: .language-, trim it out
# otherwise, trim the first five characters and ensure
# that they are not processed as RMD blocks
start <- if (grepl("language", lang, fixed = TRUE)) 14 else 5
lang <- substring(lang, start, nchar(lang) - 1L)
make_rmd <- make_rmd && start == 14
new_info <- if (make_rmd) "{lang}-chunk-{pos}" else "{lang}{info}"
info <- if (all(is.na(info))) "" else paste(",", info)
xml2::xml_set_attr(block, "ktag", NULL)
if (make_rmd) {
xml2::xml_set_attr(block, "language", lang)
xml2::xml_set_attr(block, "name", glue::glue(new_info))
} else {
xml2::xml_set_attr(block, "info", glue::glue(new_info))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.