# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#' An S4 class to represent a distribution, either parametric or non-parametric.
#' @slot p1 A number for the value of the first parameter (default: 0.8).
#' @slot p2 A number for the value of the second parameter (default: 1).
#' @slot p3 A number for the value of the third parameter (default: 0).
#' @slot empirical A matrix that defines an empirical distribution with values and probabilities.
#' @slot min A number that defines the minimum value of the variable (default: 1e-8 considering it is used for frequency and severity modeling).
#' @slot max A number that defines the maximum value of the variable (default: 1e8).
#' @slot fitsucc Whether a distribution fitting is successful.
#' @slot info A character string that contains additional information of the distribution to identify line/type/frequency or severity.
slots = c(
p1 = "numeric",
p2 = "numeric",
p3 = "numeric",
empirical = "matrix",
min = "numeric",
max = "numeric",
truncated = "logical",
fitsucc = "logical",
info = "character"
prototype = list(
p1 = 0.8,
p2 = 1,
p3 = 0.0,
min = 1e-8,
max = 1e8,
truncated = FALSE,
fitsucc = FALSE,
info = ""
setClass("Normal", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Beta", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Exponential", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Gamma", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Geometric", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Lognormal", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("NegativeBinomial", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Pareto", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Poisson", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Uniform", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Weibull", contains = "Distribution")
setClass("Empirical", contains = "Distribution")
#' Set distribution parameters.
#' @name setParams<-
#' @param this Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments.
#' @param value Numeric vector containing parameters
#' examples
#' dist <- new("Normal")
#' setParams(dist) <- c(2,3)
#' dist
#' @rdname setParams-methods
#' @exportMethod setParams<-
setGeneric("setParams<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setParams<-"))
#' @rdname setParams-methods
#' @aliases setParams,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setParams", signature("Distribution", "numeric"), function(this, value) {
this@p1 <- value[1]
this@p2 <- value[2]
this@p3 <- value[3]
#' Set the list of values and corresponding probabilities (Pr(X<value) for continuous variable and Pr(X==value) for discrete variable).
#' It is only used for empirical distribution.
#' @name setEmpirical<-
#' @param this Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments.
#' @param value Two-column matrix with values and probabilities
#' dist <- new("Normal")
#' setEmpirical(dist) <- matrix(c(0.01,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.99, 11,12,13,14,15), nrow = 5, ncol = 2)
#' dist
#' @rdname setEmpirical-methods
#' @exportMethod setEmpirical<-
setGeneric("setEmpirical<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setEmpirical<-"))
#' @rdname setEmpirical-methods
#' @aliases setEmpirical,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setEmpirical", signature("Distribution", "matrix"), function(this, value) {
this@empirical <- value
#' Set the min and max of the variable.
#' @name setRange<-
#' @param this Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments.
#' @param value a two-element vector contains min and max.
#' @rdname setRange-methods
#' @exportMethod setRange<-
setGeneric("setRange<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setRange<-"))
#' @rdname setRange-methods
#' @aliases setRange,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setRange", signature("Distribution", "numeric"), function(this, value) {
this@min <- value[1]
this@max <- value[2]
#' Set the indicator of truncated distribution.
#' @name setTruncated<-
#' @param this Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments.
#' @param value Boolean to indicate whether the distribution is truncated by min and max or not.
#' @rdname setTruncated-methods
#' @exportMethod setTruncated<-
setGeneric("setTruncated<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setTruncated<-"))
#' @rdname setTruncated-methods
#' @aliases setTruncated,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setTruncated", signature("Distribution", "logical"), function(this, value) {
this@truncated <- value
#' Set the minimum of the distribution. For example, the distribution of settlement lag for open claims
#' @name setMin
#' @param object A Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments.
#' @examples
#' xLognormal <- new("Lognormal", p1 = 2, p2 = 3)
#' xLognormal <- setMin(xLognormal, 50)
#' @rdname setMin-methods
#' @exportMethod setMin
setGeneric("setMin", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("setMin"))
#' @param minval The minimum value.
#' @rdname setMin-methods
#' @aliases setMin,ANY-method
setMethod("setMin", signature("Distribution"), function(object, minval) {
results <- list()
for (x in minval) {
object@min <- x
object@truncated <- TRUE
results <- c(results, object)
#' Calculate the mean of 100000 sampled values from the distribution.
#' @name sampleMean
#' @param object A Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xLognormal <- new("Lognormal", p1 = 2, p2 = 3)
#' sampleMean(xLognormal)
#' @rdname sampleMean-methods
#' @exportMethod sampleMean
setGeneric("sampleMean", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sampleMean"))
#' @rdname sampleMean-methods
#' @aliases sampleMean,ANY-method
setMethod("sampleMean", signature("Distribution"), function(object) {
return(mean(doSample(object, 100000)))
#' Calculate the standard deviation of 10000 sampled values from the distribution.
#' @name sampleSd
#' @param object A Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xLognormal <- new("Lognormal", p1 = 2, p2 = 3)
#' sampleSd(xLognormal)
#' @rdname sampleSd-methods
#' @exportMethod sampleSd
setGeneric("sampleSd", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sampleSd"))
#' @rdname sampleSd-methods
#' @aliases sampleSd,ANY-method
setMethod("sampleSd", signature("Distribution"), function(object) {
return(sd(doSample(object, 10000)))
#' Calculate the skewness of 10000 sampled values from the distribution.
#' @name sampleSkew
#' @param object A Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xLognormal <- new("Lognormal", p1 = 2, p2 = 3)
#' sampleSkew(xLognormal)
#' @rdname sampleSkew-methods
#' @importFrom moments skewness
#' @exportMethod sampleSkew
setGeneric("sampleSkew", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sampleSkew"))
#' @rdname sampleSkew-methods
#' @aliases sampleSkew,ANY-method
setMethod("sampleSkew", signature("Distribution"), function(object) {
# require(moments)
return(skewness(doSample(object, 10000)))
#' Calculate the excess kurtosis of 10000 sampled values from the distribution.
#' @name sampleKurtosis
#' @param object A Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xLognormal <- new("Lognormal", p1 = 2, p2 = 3)
#' sampleKurtosis(xLognormal)
#' @rdname sampleKurtosis-methods
#' @importFrom moments kurtosis
#' @exportMethod sampleKurtosis
setGeneric("sampleKurtosis", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("sampleKurtosis"))
#' @rdname sampleKurtosis-methods
#' @aliases sampleKurtosis,ANY-method
setMethod("sampleKurtosis", signature("Distribution"), function(object) {
# require(moments)
return(kurtosis(doSample(object, 10000)) - 3)
#' Sampling from the distribution.
#' @name doSample
#' @param object A Distribution Object
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xPareto <- new("Pareto", p1 = 20, p2 = 3)
#' doSample(xPareto, 10000)
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @exportMethod doSample
setGeneric("doSample", function(object, n, ...) standardGeneric("doSample"))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Normal", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rnorm(n, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
rtnorm(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Normal distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Beta", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rbeta(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@p3)
} else {
rtbeta(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@p3, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Beta distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Exponential", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rexp(n, object@p1)
} else {
rtexp(n, object@p1, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Exponential distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Gamma", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rgamma(n, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
rtgamma(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Gamma distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Lognormal", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rlnorm(n, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
rtlnorm(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Lognormal distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Pareto", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rpareto(n, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
rtpareto(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Pareto distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Poisson", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rpois(n, object@p1)
} else {
rtpois(n, object@p1, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Poisson distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("NegativeBinomial", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rnbinom(n, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
rtnbinom(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Negative Binomial distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Geometric", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rgeom(n, object@p1)
} else {
rtgeom(n, object@p1, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Geometric distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Uniform", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
runif(n, object@p1, max(object@p1, object@p2))
} else {
runif(n, max(object@min, object@p1), min(max(object@min, object@max), object@p2))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Uniform distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Weibull", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rweibull(n, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
rtweibull(n, object@p1, object@p2, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Weibull distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
#' @rdname doSample-methods
#' @aliases doSample,ANY-method
setMethod("doSample", signature("Empirical", "numeric"), function(object, n) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
rempirical(n, object@empirical)
} else {
rtempirical(n, object@empirical, object@min, max(object@min, object@max))
error = function(err) {
message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for empirical distribution ", object@info, ": ", err))
# Density function
#' @param log Boolean variable to indicate whether to return log of probability
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Normal"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dnorm(x, mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2, log = log)
} else {
dtnorm(x, mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Beta"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dbeta(x, object@p1, object@p2, object@p3, log = log)
} else {
dtbeta(x, object@p1, object@p2, object@p3, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Exponential"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dexp(x, rate = object@p1, log = log)
} else {
dtexp(x, rate = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Gamma"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dgamma(x, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, log = log)
} else {
dtgamma(x, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Geometric"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dgeom(x, prob = object@p1, log = log)
} else {
dtgeom(x, prob = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Lognormal"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dlnorm(x, meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2, log = log)
} else {
dtlnorm(x, meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dnbinom(x, size = object@p1, prob = object@p2, log = log)
} else {
dtnbinom(x, size = object@p1, prob = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Pareto"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dpareto(x, xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2)
} else {
dtpareto(x, xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Poisson"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dpois(x, lambda = object@p1, log = log)
} else {
dtpois(x, lambda = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Uniform"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dunif(x, min = object@p1, max = max(object@p1, object@p2), log = log)
} else {
dunif(x, max(object@min, object@p1), min(max(object@min, object@max), object@p2))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Weibull"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dweibull(x, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, log = log)
} else {
dtweibull(x, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Density-methods
#' @aliases Density,ANY-method
setMethod("Density", signature("Empirical"), function(object, x, log = FALSE) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
dempirical(x, cdf = object@empirical)
} else {
dtempirical(x, cdf = object@empirical, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
# Probability function
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Normal"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pnorm(q, mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2)
} else {
ptnorm(q, mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Beta"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pbeta(q, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
ptbeta(q, object@p1, object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Exponential"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pexp(q, rate = object@p1)
} else {
ptexp(q, rate = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Gamma"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pgamma(q, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2)
} else {
ptgamma(q, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Geometric"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pgeom(q, prob = object@p1)
} else {
ptgeom(q, prob = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Lognormal"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
plnorm(q, meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2)
} else {
ptlnorm(q, meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pnbinom(q, size = object@p1, prob = object@p2)
} else {
ptnbinom(q, size = object@p1, prob = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Pareto"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
ppareto(q, xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2)
} else {
ptpareto(q, xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Poisson"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
ppois(q, lambda = object@p1)
} else {
ptpois(q, lambda = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Uniform"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
punif(q, min = object@p1, max = max(object@p1, object@p2))
} else {
punif(q, max(object@min, object@p1), min(max(object@min, object@max), object@p2))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Weibull"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pweibull(q, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2)
} else {
ptweibull(q, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Probability-methods
#' @aliases Probability,ANY-method
setMethod("Probability", signature("Empirical"), function(object, q) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
pempirical(q, cdf = object@empirical)
} else {
ptempirical(q, cdf = object@empirical, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
# Quantile function
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Normal"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qnorm(p, mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2)
} else {
qtnorm(p, mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Beta"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qbeta(p, object@p1, object@p2)
} else {
qtbeta(p, object@p1, object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Exponential"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qexp(p, rate = object@p1)
} else {
qtexp(p, rate = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Gamma"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qgamma(p, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2)
} else {
qtgamma(p, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Geometric"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qgeom(p, prob = object@p1)
} else {
qtgeom(p, prob = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Lognormal"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qlnorm(p, meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2)
} else {
qtlnorm(p, meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qnbinom(p, size = object@p1, prob = object@p2)
} else {
qtnbinom(p, size = object@p1, prob = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Pareto"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qpareto(p, xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2)
} else {
qtpareto(p, xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Poisson"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qpois(p, lambda = object@p1)
} else {
qtpois(p, lambda = object@p1, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Uniform"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qunif(p, min = object@p1, max = max(object@p1, object@p2))
} else {
qunif(p, max(object@min, object@p1), min(max(object@min, object@max), object@p2))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Weibull"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qweibull(p, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2)
} else {
qtweibull(p, shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname Quantile-methods
#' @aliases Quantile,ANY-method
setMethod("Quantile", signature("Empirical"), function(object, p) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
qempirical(p, cdf = object@empirical)
} else {
qtempirical(p, cdf = object@empirical, min = object@min, max = max(object@min, object@max))
#' @rdname doPlot-methods
#' @aliases doPlot,ANY-method
setMethod("doPlot", signature("Distribution"), function(object) {
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# draw some basic features
x <- doSample(object, 1000)
p <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.005)
q <- Quantile(object, p)
plot(q, Density(object, q), type = "l", main = "PDF Plot", xlab = "q", ylab = "density", col = "red")
plot(q, p, type = "l", main = "CDF Plot", col = "red")
hist(x, breaks = 100, main = "Histogram", xlab = "observations", ylab = "Frequency", col = "red")
plot(p, q, type = "l", main = "Quantile Plot", col = "red")
# ToString function
setMethod("toString", signature("Normal"), function(x) {
return(paste("Gaussian p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Beta"), function(x) {
return(paste("Beta p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Exponential"), function(x) {
return(paste("Exponential p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Gamma"), function(x) {
return(paste("Gamma p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Geometric"), function(x) {
return(paste("Geometric p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Lognormal"), function(x) {
return(paste("Lognormal p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(x) {
return(paste("Negative Binomial p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Pareto"), function(x) {
return(paste("Pareto p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Poisson"), function(x) {
return(paste("Poisson p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Uniform"), function(x) {
return(paste("Uniform p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Weibull"), function(x) {
return(paste("Weibull p1=", round(x@p1, 4), " p2=", round(x@p2, 4), " info=", x@info, " min=", x@min, " max=", x@max, " truncated=", x@truncated, sep = ""))
setMethod("toString", signature("Empirical"), function(x) {
return(paste("Empirical ", x@info, sep = ""))
#' Calculate Theoretical Mean of distribution.
#' min and max are not applied
#' @name TMean
#' @param object Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xPareto <- new("Pareto", p1 = 20, p2 = 3)
#' TMean(xPareto)
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @export TMean
setGeneric("TMean", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("TMean"))
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
return(object@p1 / (object@p1 + object@p2))
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
return(object@p1 * object@p2)
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
return(1 / object@p1)
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
return(exp(object@p1 + object@p2^2 / 2))
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
return(object@p1 * (1 - object@p2) / object@p2)
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
return(ifelse(object@p2 > 1, object@p1 * object@p2 / (object@p2 - 1), Inf))
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
return((object@p1 + object@p2) / 2)
#' @rdname TMean-methods
#' @aliases TMean,ANY-method
setMethod("TMean", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
return(object@p2 * gamma(1 + 1 / object@p1))
#' Calculate Theoretical Standard Deviation of distribution.
#' min and max are not applied
#' @name TSD
#' @param object Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xPareto <- new("Pareto", p1 = 20, p2 = 3)
#' TSD(xPareto)
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @exportMethod TSD
setGeneric("TSD", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("TSD"))
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
return(sqrt(object@p1 * object@p2 / (object@p1 + object@p2 + 1)) / (object@p1 + object@p2))
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
return(object@p1^0.5 * object@p2)
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
return((1 - object@p1)^0.5 / object@p1)
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
return(sqrt((exp(object@p2^2) - 1) * exp(2 * object@p1 + object@p2^2)))
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
return(sqrt(object@p1 * (1 - object@p2)) / object@p2)
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
return(ifelse(object@p2 > 2, object@p1 / (object@p2 - 1) * sqrt(object@p2 / (object@p2 - 2)), Inf))
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
return((object@p2 - object@p1) / sqrt(12))
#' @rdname TSD-methods
#' @aliases TSD,ANY-method
setMethod("TSD", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
return(object@p2 * sqrt(gamma(1 + 2 / object@p1) - gamma(1 + 1 / object@p1)^2))
#' Calculate Theoretical Skewness of distribution.
#' min and max are not applied
#' @name TSkewness
#' @param object Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xPareto <- new("Pareto", p1 = 20, p2 = 4)
#' TSkewness(xPareto)
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @exportMethod TSkewness
setGeneric("TSkewness", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("TSkewness"))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
return(2 * (object@p2 - object@p1) * sqrt(object@p1 + object@p2 + 1) / (object@p1 + object@p2 + 2) / sqrt(object@p1 * object@p2))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
return(2 / object@p1^(-0.5))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
return((2 - object@p1) / (1 - object@p1)^(-0.5))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
return((exp(object@p2^2) + 2) * sqrt(exp(object@p2^2) - 1))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
return((2 - object@p2) / sqrt(object@p1 * (1 - object@p2)))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
return(ifelse(object@p2 > 3, (2 + 2 * object@p2) / (object@p2 - 3) * sqrt((object@p2 - 2) / object@p2), Inf))
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TSkewness-methods
#' @aliases TSkewness,ANY-method
setMethod("TSkewness", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
return((gamma(1 + 3 / object@p1) * object@p2^3 - 3 * TMean(object) * TSD(object)^2 - TMean(object)^3) / TSD(object)^3)
#' Calculate Theoretical Excessive Kurtosis of distribution.
#' min and max are not applied
#' @name TEKurt
#' @param object Distribution Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' xPareto <- new("Pareto", p1 = 20, p2 = 5)
#' TEKurt(xPareto)
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @exportMethod TEKurt
setGeneric("TEKurt", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("TEKurt"))
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
return(6 * ((object@p1 - object@p2) * (object@p1 - object@p2) * (object@p1 + object@p2 + 1) - object@p1 * object@p2 * (object@p1 + object@p2 + 2)) / (object@p1 * object@p2 * (object@p1 + object@p2 + 2) * (object@p1 + object@p2 + 3)))
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
return(6 / object@p1)
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
return(6 + object@p1^2 / (1 - object@p1))
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
return((exp(4 * object@p2^2) + 2 * exp(3 * object@p2^2) + 3 * exp(2 * object@p2^2) - 6))
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
return(6 / object@p1 + object@p2^2 / ((1 - object@p2) * object@p1))
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
return(ifelse(object@p2 > 4, 6 * (object@p2^3 + object@p2^2 - 6 * object@p2 - 2) / (object@p2 * (object@p2 - 3) * (object@p2 - 4)), Inf))
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
return(-6 / 5)
#' @rdname TEKurt-methods
#' @aliases TEKurt,ANY-method
setMethod("TEKurt", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
return((gamma(1 + 4 / object@p1) * object@p2^4 - 4 * TSkewness(object) * TMean(object) * TSD(object)^3 - 6 * TMean(object)^2 * TSD(object)^2 - TMean(object)^4) / TSD(object)^4 - 3)
setGeneric("objName", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("objName"))
setMethod("objName", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
setMethod("objName", signature("Empirical"), function(object) {
setGeneric("fitClassName", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("fitClassName"))
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
if (object@truncated == FALSE) {
} else {
setMethod("fitClassName", signature("Empirical"), function(object) {
setGeneric("fitStartValue", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("fitStartValue"))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Normal"), function(object, n) {
return(list(mean = object@p1, sd = max(0.1, object@p2)))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Beta"), function(object, n) {
return(list(shape1 = object@p1, shape2 = object@p2, ncp = object@p3))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Exponential"), function(object, n) {
return(list(rate = max(0.01, object@p1)))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Gamma"), function(object, n) {
return(list(shape = max(0.1, object@p1), scale = max(0.1, object@p2)))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Geometric"), function(object, n) {
return(list(prob = min(0.99, max(0.01, object@p1))))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Lognormal"), function(object, n) {
return(list(meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = max(0.1, object@p2)))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object, n) {
return(list(size = round(max(2, object@p1)), prob = min(0.99, max(0.01, object@p2))))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Pareto"), function(object, n) {
return(list(xm = max(0.1, object@p1), alpha = max(0.1, object@p2)))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Poisson"), function(object, n) {
return(list(lambda = max(1, object@p1)))
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Uniform"), function(object, n) {})
setMethod("fitStartValue", signature("Weibull"), function(object, n) {
return(list(shape = max(0.1, object@p1), scale = max(0.1, object@p2)))
setGeneric("nParameter", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("nParameter"))
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
setMethod("nParameter", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
setGeneric("params", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("params"))
setMethod("params", signature("Normal"), function(object) {
return(list(mean = object@p1, sd = object@p2))
setMethod("params", signature("Beta"), function(object) {
return(list(rate = object@p1))
setMethod("params", signature("Exponential"), function(object) {
return(list(rate = object@p1))
setMethod("params", signature("Gamma"), function(object) {
return(list(shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2))
setMethod("params", signature("Geometric"), function(object) {
return(list(prob = object@p1))
setMethod("params", signature("Lognormal"), function(object) {
return(list(meanlog = object@p1, sdlog = object@p2))
setMethod("params", signature("NegativeBinomial"), function(object) {
return(list(size = object@p1, prob = object@p2))
setMethod("params", signature("Pareto"), function(object) {
return(list(xm = object@p1, alpha = object@p2))
setMethod("params", signature("Poisson"), function(object) {
return(list(lambda = object@p1))
setMethod("params", signature("Uniform"), function(object) {
return(list(min = object@p1, max = object@p2))
setMethod("params", signature("Weibull"), function(object) {
return(list(shape = object@p1, scale = object@p2))
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