Man pages for cbg-ethz/TreeMHN
Joint inference of repeated evolutionary trajectories and patterns of clonal exclusivity from single-cell mutation trees

compare_ThetaCompute the differences between two Mutual Hazard Networks
generate_treesGenerate a set of trees based on a Mutual Hazard Network
get_hintra_pathwaysCompute HINTRA pathway probabilities
get_MC_flagsget_MC_flags(N, trees) A function that determines whether...
get_revolver_pathwaysCompute REVOLVER pathway probabilities
initialize_Thetainitialize_Theta(n, N, trees, lambda_s) A function that...
input_tree_dfProcess a dataframe of mutation trees and output a TreeMHN...
KL_divergenceCompute the KL divergence between two probability...
learn_MHNLearn a Mutual Hazard Network from a set of mutation trees
output_tree_dfoutput_tree_df(tree_obj) A helper function that construct a...
plot_next_mutationsPlot the next most probable mutational events
plot_observed_pathwaysPlot most frequent observed pathways from a cohort of...
plot_pathwaysPlot most probable pathways of a given length computed from a...
plot_pathways_w_samplingPlot most probable pathways before a sampling event computed...
plot_ThetaPlot a Mutual Hazard Network
plot_tree_dfPlot a tree in data frame format
plot_tree_listPlot a tree in named list format
random_Thetarandom_Theta(n, sparsity, exclusive_ratio) This function...
sort_one_tree_dftree_df_to_trees(one_tree_df) A helper function that sorts...
Theta_to_pathwaysCompute the pathway probabilities given a Mutual Hazard...
tree_df_to_genotypestree_df_to_genotypes(n, tree_df) This function processes a...
tree_df_to_treestree_df_to_trees(n, tree_df) This function processes a data...
trees_to_revolver_Wtrees_to_revolver_W(n, tree_df) This function computes the...
cbg-ethz/TreeMHN documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 1:29 p.m.