# Supplementary functions for inferring networks using adaptive simulated annealing
# Author: Sumana Srivatsa
#' @title Supplementary functions for adaptive simulated annealing
#' @description The functions are from the paper titled 'Partition MCMC for Inference
#' on Acyclic Digraphs' by Jack Kuipers & Giusi Moffa which is further based on the code
#' from the Dortmund course programmed by Miriam Lohr
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### calculation of the first ancestor matrix:
ancestor <- function(incidence){
incidence1 <- incidence
incidence2 <- incidence
k <- 1
while (k < nrow(incidence)){
incidence1 <- incidence1%*%incidence
incidence2 <- incidence2 + incidence1
k <-k+1
incidence2[which(incidence2[,]>0)] <- 1
top_order <- function(incidence){
n <- nrow(incidence)
Order <- numeric(n)
fan_in <- numeric(n)
no_fan_in <- numeric(0)
m <- 1
for (p in 1:n){ # number of parent nodes at the beginning
fan_in[p] <- sum(incidence[,p])
no_fan_in <- which(fan_in==0)
while (length(which(Order==0))>0){ # as long as there is a node without an order
fan_in[which(incidence[no_fan_in[1],]==1)] <- fan_in[which(incidence[no_fan_in[1],]==1)] - 1
no_fan_in <- c(no_fan_in, c(which(incidence[no_fan_in[1],]==1),which(fan_in==0))[duplicated(c(which(incidence[no_fan_in[1],]==1),which(fan_in==0)))])
Order[m] <- no_fan_in[1]
no_fan_in <- no_fan_in[-1]
m <- m+1
### assign the topological order of the descendants of the child
des_top_order <- function(incidence, ancest1,child){
n <- nrow(incidence)
top <- top_order(incidence)
position_child <- which(top==child)
top_all_after <- top[position_child:n] # top. order without the "first" nodes
desc <- which(ancest1[,child]==1) # descendants of the child
inter_step <- c(child,desc,top_all_after)
des_top <- inter_step[which(duplicated(inter_step))]
# This function samples an element from a vector properly
propersample <- function(x){if(length(x)==1) x else sample(x,1)}
# Computation of propagation matrix and scores
############# Functions for propagation matrix #############
#' @title Path count
#' @description a function to calculate the number of paths between two vertices
#' @param u source node
#' @param t target node
#' @param phi the S-gene model
#' @return number of paths (direct + indirect) between two nodes
#' @author Sumana Srivatsa
PathNumber <- function(u,t,phi){
if(u == t){
u.children = names(which(phi[u,]==1))
npaths = sum(unlist(lapply(u.children, function(c){PathNumber(c,t,phi)})))
#' @title Path count matrix and perturbation matrix
#' @description a function to calculate the number of paths between all the nodes in phi and
#' compute the propagated perturbation probabilities in each experiment
#' @param cmap the complement of the knockout map i.e. (1-map)
#' @param phi the S-gene model
#' @return the path count matrix and the propagation matrix
#' @author Sumana Srivatsa
Sgenes <- colnames(phi)
N <- length(Sgenes)
phi2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(cmap),ncol=ncol(cmap)) # Initalize final matrix
if(any(diag(phi) == 1)){ diag(phi) <- 0} # no loops
PathMat <- matrix(NA,nrow=N,ncol=N) # Number of paths from a node(rows) to target node(columns)
dimnames(PathMat) <- dimnames(phi)
for(i in 1:N){
for(j in 1:N){
PathMat[i,j] <- PathNumber(Sgenes[i],Sgenes[j],phi)
for(k in 1:nrow(cmap)){
for(n in 1:ncol(cmap)){
g <- which(PathMat[,n] != 0)
phi2[k,n] <- 1-prod((cmap[k,g]^PathMat[g,n]))
colnames(phi2) <- colnames(phi)
rownames(phi2) <- rownames(cmap)
if(control$selEGenes.method == "regularization"){
Phi2 = cbind(phi2, double(nrow(phi2)))
colnames(Phi2)[ncol(Phi2)] = "null"
Phi2 = phi2
return(list(PropMat=Phi2, PathMat=PathMat))
#' @title Propagation matrix for only a subset of nodes
#' @description a function to calculate the number of paths between rescore nodes and
#' compute the propagated perturbation probabilities in each experiment
#' @param phi the newly sampled S-gene model
#' @param cmap the complement of the knockout map i.e. (1-map)
#' @param phi2 the propagation matrix corresponding to the previous S-gene model
#' @param PathMat the path count matrix corresponding to the previous S-gene model
#' @param rescorenodes the nodes in the newly sampled S-gene model that are affected
#' by edge modification to the previous S-gene model
#' @return the path count matrix and the propagation matrix for the newly sampled S-gene model
#' @author Sumana Srivatsa
probmatrix.rescorenodes <- function(phi,phi2,cmap,PathMat,rescorenodes){
Sgenes <- colnames(phi)
N <- length(Sgenes)
if(any(diag(phi) == 1)){ diag(phi) <- 0} # no loops
for(i in 1:N){
for(j in rescorenodes){
PathMat[i,j] <- PathNumber(Sgenes[i],Sgenes[j],phi)
for(k in 1:nrow(cmap)){
for(n in rescorenodes){
g <- which(PathMat[,n] != 0)
phi2[k,n] <- 1-prod((cmap[k,g]^PathMat[g,n]))
return(list(PropMat = phi2,PathMat = PathMat))
# Functions for DAG scoring
#' @title Log likelihood score for a S-gene model
#' @description a function to calculate the log likelihood score for a S-gene model
#' @param phi2 the propagation matrix corresponding to the S-gene model
#' @param D1 Effects observed in the data
#' @param D0 Effects not observed in the data
#' @param control the control parameters
#' @return list of log likelihood and the marginalised likelihood matrix
#' @author Sumana Srivatsa
DAGscore <- function(phi2,D1,D0,control,alpha,beta){
L <- matrix(NA,nrow = nrow(D1),ncol=ncol(phi2))
for(l in 1:nrow(D1)){
L[l,] <- apply(D1[l,]*(alpha*(1-phi2) + (1-beta)*phi2) +
D0[l,]* (beta*phi2 + (1-alpha)*(1-phi2)),2,prod)
LP <- L*control$Pe
LP <- L
LLperGene = log(rowSums(LP))
s <- sum(LLperGene)
#' @title Updating the log likelihood using rescore nodes
#' @description a function to calculate the log likelihood score for newly sampled
#' S-gene model by updating the old score using the rescore nodes
#' @param phi2 the propagation matrix corresponding to the S-gene model
#' @param D1 Effects observed in the data
#' @param D0 Effects not observed in the data
#' @param control the control parameters
#' @param L marginalised likelihood matrix for the previous S-gene model
#' @param rescorenodes the nodes in the newly sampled S-gene model that are affected
#' by edge modification to the previous S-gene model
#' @return list of log likelihood and the marginalised likelihood matrix for the
#' newly sampled S-gene model
#' @author Sumana Srivatsa
# B. calculate the Log likelihood score for a network only for the rescoring nodes
DAG.rescore <- function(phi2,D1,D0,control,L,rescorenodes,alpha,beta){
for(l in 1:nrow(D1)){
for(node in rescorenodes){
L[l,node] <- prod(D1[l,]*(alpha*(1-phi2[,node]) + (1-beta)*phi2[,node]) +
D0[l,]* (beta*phi2[,node] + (1-alpha)*(1-phi2[,node])))
LP <- L*control$Pe
LP <- L
LLperGene = log(rowSums(LP))
s <- sum(LLperGene)
rec.sample <- function(current_value,proposed_value,Sigma,i){
if(abs(proposed_value) > 2){
proposed_value <- current_value + mvrnorm(n = 1, rep(0, 2), Sigma)[i]
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