

## link to commit diffs

## link to version

## raw

## the commitID 
gitlog <- function(){
	log <- system("git log -n 1", intern=TRUE) 
	commitID <- log[1]
	author <- log[2]
	date <- log[3]
	short_comment <- log[5]
	commitID <- strsplit(commitID, " ")[[1]][2]   # Hashtag without the word "commit" before it
  shortID <- gsub("(.{7}).+", "\\1", commitID)
# Consider the shortened ID
list(commitID = commitID, author=author, date=date, short_comment=short_comment, shortID=shortID)

# consider allowing R to check if a commit should be done
gitcommit <- function(script="", gitopts=NULL, msg=""){
## really should specify gitopts, but if not, we'll try and guess
    gitopts <- guess_gitopts() 
  	system(paste("git commit -a -m", "'", msg, "autocommit", "'"), intern=TRUE)
  } else {
  	system(paste("git add", script), intern=TRUE)
  	system(paste("git commit -a -m", "'", 
                 msg, "autocommit", "'"), intern=TRUE)
# return the gitaddr 
  gitaddr <- do.call(git_url, c(list(scriptname=script), gitopts))

guess_gitopts <- function(user="cboettig", repository=NULL, dir=NULL){
  if(is.null(repository)) ## guesses is one directory up
    repository <-gsub(".*/(.*)/.*$", "\\1", getwd())
  if(is.null(dir)) ## guess the current directory
    dir <-gsub(".*/(.*)$", "\\1", getwd())
  list(user="cboettig", repository=repository, dir=dir)

# get the url to the code on github.  Code still needs to be pushed before link will work!
# note that default guesses may fail, specify all options!
git_url <- function(scriptname, user="cboettig", repository=NULL, dir=NULL,
                    raw=FALSE, diff=FALSE){

  if(scriptname=="") # if empty scriptname, we must have wanted a commit diff
  if(is.null(repository)) ## guesses is one directory up
    repository <-gsub(".*/(.*)/.*$", "\\1", getwd())
  if(is.null(dir)) ## guess the current directory
    dir <-gsub(".*/(.*)$", "\\1", getwd())
	log <- gitlog()
	id <- gsub("\\s", "/", log$commitID)
  domain <- "https://github.com"

    out <- paste("https://raw.github.com", user, repository, id, dir, scriptname, sep="/") 
  else if(diff)
    out <- paste(domain, user, repository, "commit", id, sep="/") 
    out <- paste(domain, user, repository, "blob", id, dir, scriptname, sep="/") 

git_matches_origin <- function(){
# check if the current version matches the origin.  

# Save file and data
keep_data <- function(filename){
	datafile <- paste(filename, ".Rdat", sep="")
	save(list=ls(), file=datafile)
	system(paste("git add ", datafile))
cboettig/socialR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:11 p.m.