
Defines functions kin.frameN kin.trialN

# functions to fix dataset

# kin.trialN: trialN from 1 to N ----
#' @export
kin.trialN <- function(dataset)
    if(0 %in% unique(dataset$trialN))
      dataset$trialN <- dataset$trialN+1
      print("TrialN fixed. Trials sequence now starts from 1.")
      print("Trials sequence already starts from 1.")
    print("No 'trialN' column found in dataset.")

# kin.frameN: frames counter ----
#' @export
kin.frameN <- function(dataset)
  dataset <- eval(substitute(
    ddply(dataset, .(trialN), mutate, frameN=seq(1:length(trialN)))
    , list(trialN = as.name(kinesis_parameters$dataCols[5]))))
  names(dataset)[names(dataset) == "frameN"] <- kinesis_parameters$dataCols[2]

# kin.fingersOccluded: flag the frames where either of the two fingers is invisible ----
#' @export
kin.fingersOccluded <- function(dataset)
  datatemp <- ddply(dataset, .(trialN), mutate,
                    indexXraw = ifelse(indexVisibility<0.000001,NA,indexXraw),
                    indexYraw = ifelse(indexVisibility<0.000001,NA,indexYraw),
                    indexZraw = ifelse(indexVisibility<0.000001,NA,indexZraw),
                    thumbXraw = ifelse(thumbVisibility<0.000001,NA,thumbXraw),
                    thumbYraw = ifelse(thumbVisibility<0.000001,NA,thumbYraw),
                    thumbZraw = ifelse(thumbVisibility<0.000001,NA,thumbZraw),
                    fingersOccluded=ifelse(indexVisibility*thumbVisibility<0.000001,1,0) # if the increment is exactly zero, two frames have exactly the same coordinate, which means that the marker was not recorded
  # update fingers raw coords
  dataset$indexXraw <- datatemp$indexXraw
  dataset$indexYraw <- datatemp$indexYraw
  dataset$indexZraw <- datatemp$indexZraw
  dataset$thumbXraw <- datatemp$thumbXraw
  dataset$thumbYraw <- datatemp$thumbYraw
  dataset$thumbZraw <- datatemp$thumbZraw
  dataset$fingersOccluded <- ifelse(is.na(datatemp$fingersOccluded), 1,  datatemp$fingersOccluded) # drop index- and thumbVisibility and include only fingersOccluded

# kin.framesOccluded: incremental counter of occluded frames within each trial ----
#' @export
kin.framesOccluded <- function(dataset)
  dataset <- ddply(dataset, .(trialN), mutate, framesOccluded = fingersOccluded * unlist(lapply(rle(fingersOccluded)$lengths, seq_len)))

# kin.time: multiplies each frame by a constant equal to the (nominal) refresh rate of the screen (Warning: this is just an artificial fix, actual refresh rate is variable - always make sure that actual time steps are in the original output file) ----
#' @export
kin.time <- function(dataset, refreshRate = 85, time.unit = 1)
  dataset <- eval(substitute(
    ddply(dataset, .(trialN), mutate, time = frameN * kinesis_parameters$time.unit / kinesis_parameters$refreshRate)
    , list(trialN = as.name(kinesis_parameters$dataCols[5]),
           frameN = as.name(kinesis_parameters$dataCols[2]))))
  names(dataset)[names(dataset) == "time"] <- kinesis_parameters$dataCols[3]

# kin.globalTime ----
#' @export
kin.globalTime <- function(dataset)
  millisecPerFrame = median(diff(dataset$time))
  # assign millisecPerFrame to global environment for looping (temporarily)
  assign("millisecPerFrame", millisecPerFrame, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  dataset <- ddply(dataset, .(trialN), mutate, globalTime = frameN*millisecPerFrame)
  # remove millisecPerFrame from global environment
  remove(millisecPerFrame, envir = .GlobalEnv)


# kin.missing.frames
#' @export
kin.signal.missing <- function(x, criterion=NULL, delete.static.positions = F)
  v <- x

    v <- c(v[1], ifelse(abs(c(NA, diff(v))) < .000001, NA, v)[-1])
  v[v%in%criterion] <- NA
  cat(sum(is.na(v)), " missing frames detected.\n", sep = "")
ccamp83/kinesis documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 12:11 p.m.