
Defines functions sureLDA expit logit

Documented in sureLDA

`%do%` <- foreach::`%do%`
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`

# sureLDA.R: Contains sureLDA function. See Ahuja et al. (2020), JAMIA for details.
# Author: Yuri Ahuja
# Last Updated: 9/12/2020

# library(Rcpp)
# library(RcppArmadillo)
# require(Matrix)
# require(flexmix)
# require(stats)
# library(foreach)
# library(doParallel)
# library(glmnet)

# source("../sureLDA/PheNorm.R")
# source("../sureLDA/MAP.R")
# sourceCpp("../sureLDA/lda_rcpp.cpp")

# X = nPatients x nFeatures matrix of feature counts
# weights = nPhenotypes x nFeatures matrix of phenotype-specific feature weights
# ICD = nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of main ICD surrogate counts
# NLP = nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of main NLP surrogate counts
# HU = nPatients-dimensional hospital utilization vector
# filter = nPatients x nPhenotypes binary matrix indicating filter-positives
# nEmpty = Number of 'empty' topics to include in LDA step
# alpha, beta = LDA hyperparameters
# burnin = number of burnin Gibbs iterations; ITER = number of subsequent iterations for inference
# prior = 'PheNorm', 'MAP', or nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of prior probabilities
# weight = 'beta', 'uniform', or nPhenotypes x nFeatures matrix of feature weights
# labels (optional) = NA when missing, non-NA for observed

logit <- function(x){log(x/(1-x))}
expit <- function(x){1/(1+exp(-x))}

#' Surrogate-guided ensemble Latent Dirichlet Allocation
#' @param X nPatients x nFeatures matrix of EHR feature counts
#' @param ICD nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of main ICD surrogate counts
#' @param NLP nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of main NLP surrogate counts
#' @param HU nPatients-dimensional vector containing the healthcare utilization feature
#' @param filter nPatients x nPhenotypes binary matrix indicating filter-positives
#' @param prior 'PheNorm', 'MAP', or nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of prior probabilities (defaults to PheNorm)
#' @param weight 'beta', 'uniform', or nPhenotypes x nFeatures matrix of feature weights (defaults to beta)
#' @param nEmpty Number of 'empty' topics to include in LDA step (defaults to 10)
#' @param alpha LDA Dirichlet hyperparameter for patient-topic distribution (defaults to 100)
#' @param beta LDA Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic-feature distribution (defaults to 100)
#' @param burnin number of burnin Gibbs iterations (defaults to 50)
#' @param ITER number of subsequent iterations for inference (defaults to 150)
#' @param phi (optional) nPhenotypes x nFeatures pre-trained topic-feature distribution matrix
#' @param nCores (optional) Number of parallel cores to use only if phi is provided (defaults to 1)
#' @param labeled (optional) nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of a priori labels (set missing entries to NA)
#' @param verbose (optional) indicating whether to output verbose progress updates
#' @return scores nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of weighted patient-phenotype assignment counts from LDA step
#' @return probs nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of patient-phenotype posterior probabilities
#' @return ensemble Mean of sureLDA posterior and PheNorm/MAP prior
#' @return prior nPatients x nPhenotypes matrix of PheNorm/MAP phenotype probability estimates
#' @return phi nPhenotypes x nFeatures topic distribution matrix from LDA step
#' @return weights nPhenotypes x nFeatures matrix of topic-feature weights
#' @export
sureLDA <- function(X, ICD, NLP, HU, filter, prior = 'PheNorm', weight = 'beta',
                    nEmpty = 20, alpha = 100, beta = 100, burnin = 50, ITER = 150, 
                    phi = NULL, nCores=1, labeled = NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
  knowndiseases = ncol(ICD)
  D = knowndiseases + nEmpty
  W = ncol(X)
  N = nrow(X)
  ## PheNorm/MAP (Step 1) ##
  if (typeof(prior) != 'character'){
    if (verbose){
      print('Prior supplied')
  else if (prior == 'PheNorm' & (typeof(weight) != 'character' | weight == 'uniform')){
    print("Starting PheNorm")
    prior <- sapply(1:knowndiseases, function(i){
      if (verbose){
        print(paste("Predicting disease",i))
      mat = Matrix(data=cbind(log(ICD[,i]+1), log(NLP[,i]+1), log(ICD[,i]+NLP[,i]+1)), sparse=TRUE)
      note = Matrix(data=log(HU+1), sparse=TRUE)
      filterpos = which(filter[,i]==1)
      data = cbind(filterpos,note[filterpos],mat[filterpos,],log(X[filterpos,]+1))
      fit.phenorm = PheNorm.Prob(3:5, 2, data, nm.X=6:ncol(data), corrupt.rate=0.3, train.size=10000)
      score = rep(0,N)
      score[filterpos] = as.vector(fit.phenorm$probs)
  else if (prior == 'PheNorm' & weight == 'beta'){
    print("Starting PheNorm")
    prior <- matrix(nrow=N,ncol=knowndiseases)
    weight <- matrix(nrow=knowndiseases,ncol=W)
    for (i in 1:knowndiseases){
      if (verbose){
        print(paste("Predicting disease",i))
      mat = Matrix(data=cbind(log(ICD[,i]+1), log(NLP[,i]+1), log(ICD[,i]+NLP[,i]+1)), sparse=TRUE)
      note = Matrix(data=log(HU+1), sparse=TRUE)
      filterpos = which(filter[,i]==1)
      data = cbind(filterpos,note[filterpos],mat[filterpos,],log(X[filterpos,]+1))
      fit.phenorm = PheNorm.Prob(3:5, 2, data, nm.X=6:ncol(data), corrupt.rate=0.3, train.size=10000)
      score = rep(0,N)
      score[filterpos] = as.vector(fit.phenorm$probs)
      prior[,i] <- score
      weight[i,] <- as.vector(fit.phenorm$betas[,3])
  else if (prior == 'MAP'){
    print("Starting MAP")
    prior <- sapply(1:knowndiseases, function(i){
      if (verbose){
        print(paste("Predicting prior",i))
      filterpos = which(filter[,i]==1)
      mat = Matrix(data=cbind(ICD[filterpos,i],NLP[filterpos,i]), sparse=TRUE)
      colnames(mat) = c('ICD','NLP')
      note = Matrix(HU[filterpos], sparse=TRUE)
      score = rep(0,N)
      score[filterpos] = as.vector(MAP::MAP(mat=mat, note=note)$scores)
    if (anyNA(prior)){
      stop('MAP output has NAs')
    if (typeof(weight)=='character' & weight == 'beta'){
      weight <- t(sapply(1:knowndiseases, function(i){
        if (verbose){
          print(paste("Predicting weight",i))
        filterpos = which(filter[,i]==1)
        SX.norm.corrupt <- apply(X[filterpos,],2,function(x){
          ifelse(rbinom(length(filterpos),1,0.3), mean(x), x)
        prior_bounded <- pmax(1e-5,pmin(1-1e-5,prior[filterpos,i]))
        logit_prior <- logit(prior_bounded)
        reg.weights <- prior_bounded * (1-prior_bounded)
        glmnet::coef.glmnet(glmnet::glmnet(SX.norm.corrupt,logit_prior,weights=reg.weights,intercept=FALSE), s=0)[-1]
  if (typeof(weight) == 'character' & weight == 'uniform'){
    weight = matrix(100,nrow=knowndiseases,ncol=W)
  weight[weight<0] <- 0
  weight <- round(beta*weight/mean(weight))
  weight <- rbind(weight,matrix(beta,nrow=nEmpty,ncol=W))
  if (!is.null(labeled)){
    prior[!is.na(labeled)] = labeled[!is.na(labeled)]	
  ## Guided LDA (Step 2) ##
  if (is.null(phi)){
    print('Starting Guided LDA')
    Add_probs = matrix(0,ncol=(D-knowndiseases),nrow=N)
    priorLDA = t(cbind(prior,Add_probs)) ##MAP_initial_probs is a matrix of N rows, 10
    xx = xx[xx$value>0,]
    d = rep(xx$V1,xx$value) - 1
    w = rep(xx$variable,xx$value) - 1
    z = rep(0,length(d))
    res = foreach::foreach(it=1:3) %do% {
      if (verbose){
        print(paste('On iteration',it))
    resSum = res[[1]] + res[[2]] + res[[3]]
    if (knowndiseases == 1){
      LDA_Ndk_predicted = as.matrix(resSum[1,1:N]) / (3*alpha*ITER)
      LDA_Ndk_predicted = t(resSum[1:knowndiseases,1:N]) / (3*alpha*ITER)
    phi = resSum[,-c(1:N)]; phi = phi/rowSums(phi)

    print("Inferring theta given provided phi")
    if (nCores == 1){
      LDA_Ndk_predicted <- lda_pred_rcpp(weight=weight,X=X,prior=prior,phi=phi+1e-10)
      LDA_Ndk_predicted <- lda_pred_rcpp(weight=weight,X=X,prior=prior,phi=phi+1e-10)
      # LDA_Ndk_predicted = lda_pred_rcpp_MP(weight=weight,X=X,prior=prior,phi=phi,mcores=nCores)
  ## Clustering of surrogates with sureLDA score (Step 3) ##
  print("Starting final clustering")
  posterior <- sapply(1:knowndiseases, function(i){
    if (verbose){
      print(paste("Predicting posterior",i))
    mat = Matrix(data=log(LDA_Ndk_predicted[,i]+1), sparse=TRUE)
    note = Matrix(data=log(HU+1), sparse=TRUE)
    keep = which(filter[,i]==1)
    data = cbind(keep,note[keep],mat[keep,])
    fit.phenorm = PheNorm.Prob(c(3:ncol(data)), 2, data, nm.X=NULL, corrupt.rate=0.3, train.size=10000)
    score = rep(0,dim(mat)[1])
    score[keep] = as.vector(fit.phenorm$probs)
  return(list("scores"=LDA_Ndk_predicted, "probs"=posterior, "ensemble"=(prior+posterior)/2,
              "prior"=prior, "phi"=phi, "weights"=weight[1:knowndiseases,]))
celehs/sureLDA documentation built on Feb. 27, 2021, 1:09 p.m.