
Defines functions authBasic

Documented in authBasic

#'authBasic - Authenticates against the ODATA REST API using basic authentication.
#'\code{authBasic} Authenticates against the ODATA REST API using basic authentication.
#'@param coreApi object of class coreApi that contains user, password,  baseURL and
#'account. account is required if user has access to multiple tenants.
#'@param useVerbose - Use verbose settings for HTTP commands
#'@return returns a list with two oblects. coreApi which returns the passed coreApi object with  jsessionid,
#'            awselb and employeeid populated, $response contains the entire http response
#' api<-CoreAPIV2::CoreAPI("PATH TO JSON FILE")
#' response<- CoreAPIV2::authBasic(api)
#' login <- response$core$Api
#' error <- httr::http_error(response$response)
#' CoreAPIV2::logOut(response$coreApi,useVerbose=TRUE )
#'@author Craig Parman ngsAnalytics, ngsanaltics.com
#'@description \code{authBasic} Logs in and returns a fully populated coreApi object in $coreAPI.

authBasic <- function(coreApi, useVerbose = FALSE)
  if (is.null(coreApi$account))
    request <-
      list(request = list(
        data = list(
          lims_userName = jsonlite::unbox(coreApi$user),
          lims_password = jsonlite::unbox(coreApi$pwd)
        typeParam = jsonlite::unbox("*"),
        sdkCmd = jsonlite::unbox("sdk-login")
  } else  {
    accountObject <-
        "entityID" = jsonlite::unbox(""),
        "barcode" = jsonlite::unbox(""),
        "name" = jsonlite::unbox(coreApi$account)
    request <-
      list(request = list(
        data = list(
          lims_userName = jsonlite::unbox(coreApi$user),
          lims_password = jsonlite::unbox(coreApi$pwd),
          accountRef = accountObject
        typeParam = jsonlite::unbox("*"),
        sdkCmd = jsonlite::unbox("sdk-login")
  response <-
      body = request,
      encode = "json",
      useVerbose = useVerbose,
      special = "login"
  getSession <- function(response) {
    jsessionid <-  httr::content(response)$response$data$jsessionid
    awselb <-
      httr::cookies(response)[which(httr::cookies(response)[, 6] == "AWSELB"), 7]
    if (length(awselb) == 0) {
      awselb <- NULL
    employeeId <- httr::content(response)$response$data$employeeId
    list(jsessionid = jsessionid,
         awselb = awselb ,
         employeeId = employeeId)
  if (httr::http_error(response)) {
      print("API call failed")
    call. = FALSE)
  session <-
      error = function(e) {
        list("jsessionid" = NULL, "employeeId" =  NULL)
  if (!is.null(session$jsessionid))
    coreApi$jsessionId <- session$jsessionid
  if (!is.null(session$awselb))
    coreApi$awselb <- session$awselb
  if (!is.null(session$employeeId))
    coreApi$employeeId <- session$employeeId
  list(coreApi = coreApi, response = response)
ceparman/Core5.3 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m.