
Defines functions sat2_priors sat1_priors k_priors r_priors ms_cmsy

Documented in ms_cmsy

#' Multispecies cMSY (beta version)
#' Estimates stock status (B/BMSY) time series for multispecies fisheries from
#' time series of catch uing the multispecies cMSY (MS-cMSY) method of
#' Free et al. (in prep). Note: this model is still under development.
#' @param data A dataframe with the following columns: stock, year, catch
#' @param key A dataframe with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{stock}{Name of the stock}
#' \item{family}{Taxanomic family of each stock}
#' \item{resilience}{Resilience of each stock (i.e., very low, low, medium, high)}
#' \item{id_fixed}{A boolean to indicate whether initial depletion should be estimated (FALSE) or fixed at zero (TRUE).}
#' }
#' @param npairs Number of r-K pairs to evaluate (default=5,000)
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{stocks}{Names of the analyzed stocks/species}
#' \item{yrs}{Years represented in the time series}
#' \item{r_priors}{R priors for each species}
#' \item{k_priors}{K priors for each species}
#' \item{s1_priors}{Initial saturation priors for each species}
#' \item{s2_priors}{Final saturation priors for each species}
#' \item{id_try}{Initial saturation values evaluated}
#' \item{r_try}{R values evaluated}
#' \item{k_try}{K values evaluated}
#' \item{id_rk_v}{Viable r-K-initial saturation combos}
#' \item{b_v}{Viable biomass trajectories}
#' \item{bbmsy_v}{Viable B/BMSY trajectories}
#' \item{bbmsy_v_median}{Median of viable B/BMSY trajectories (cMSY estimate of status)}
#' \item{er_v}{Viable exploitation rate trajectories}
#' \item{er_vv}{Most probable exploitation rate trajectories based on effort constraint}
#' \item{top_corr}{Most highly correlated r-k-initial saturation combos from each row of correlation matrix}
#' \item{bbmsy_vv}{Most probable B/BMSY trajectories based on effort constraint}
#' \item{bbmsy_vv_median}{Median of most probable B/BMSY trajectories (MS-cMSY estimate of status)}
#' \item{method}{Name of the method}
#' @details Catch-only single-species stock assessment methods are generally poor predictors of stock status because changes in catch can reflect both changes in population size and fishing effort. However, when multiple species are harvested by a single fleet, each species may share the same underlying effort dynamics, which places an informative constraint on the interpretation of the catch time series. We developed a multispecies catch-only stock assessment model, MS-cMSY, that leverages these principles to estimate stock status. MS-cMSY is a multispecies extension of cMSY that identifies viable population trajectories as those that maximize correlation in implied fishing effort trends.
#' @references Free CM, Rudd MB, Kleisner KM, Thorson JT, Longo C, Minto C,
#' Jensen OP (in prep) Multispecies catch-only models for assessing data-limited fisheries.
#' @examples
#' # Example coming soon
#' a <- c(1,2)
#' @export
ms_cmsy <- function(data, key, npairs=5000){

  # Extract yrs/catch
  yrs <- catch$year
  C_mat <- as.matrix(select(catch, -year))

  # Time series info
  nyrs <- length(yrs)
  nstocks <- length(stocks)

  # Calculate r and k priors
  # R prior based on resilience; K prior based on max catch and r prior
  r_priors <- r_priors(res)
  k_priors <- k_priors(C_mat)
  r_priors_ln <- log(r_priors)
  k_priors_ln <- log(k_priors)

  # Calculate saturation priors
  s1_priors <- sat1_priors(yrs, nstocks)
  s2_priors <- sat2_priors(C_mat)

  # Randomly sample r-k pairs in log-space
  npairs <- npairs
  ri <- sapply(1:nstocks, function(x) exp(runif(npairs, r_priors_ln[x,1], r_priors_ln[x,2])))
  ki <- sapply(1:nstocks, function(x) exp(runif(npairs, k_priors_ln[x,1], k_priors_ln[x,2])))

  # Lists to hold viable r/k pairs and associated biomass/exploitation trajectories
  id_rk_try <- list()
  id_rk_v <- list()
  b_mats_v <- list()
  bbmsy_mats_v <- list()
  er_mats_v <- list()

  # Loop through stocks to identify viable r/k pairs and trajectoris
  for(i in 1:nstocks){

    # Get info
    stock <- stocks[i]
    c_vec <- C_mat[,i]
    # print(stock)

    # Initial depletions to evaluate
      ids <- 1
      s1_prior <- s1_priors[i,]
      ids <- seq(s1_prior[1], s1_prior[2], 0.1)

    # Get r/k pairs to evaluate
    rs <- ri[,i]
    ks <- ki[,i]
    rk_pairs <- cbind(r=rs, k=ks, viable=rep(NA, npairs))

    # Build ID/r/k combos to evaluate
    id_rk_combos <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind",
                                          lapply(ids, function(x) cbind(id=rep(x, nrow(rk_pairs)), rk_pairs))))

    # Loop through r/k pairs to see if viable
    p <- 0.2
    sigmaP <- 0.1
    b_mat <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=nrow(id_rk_combos))
    for(j in 1:nrow(id_rk_combos)){
      id <- id_rk_combos$id[j]
      r <- id_rk_combos$r[j]
      k <- id_rk_combos$k[j]
      b_mat[1,j] <- k * id
      for(yr in 2:nyrs){
        # b_mat[yr,j] <- b_mat[yr-1,j] +  r*b_mat[yr-1,j]/p*(1-(b_mat[yr-1,j]/k)^p) - c_vec[yr-1]
        b_mat[yr,j] <- b_mat[yr-1,j] +  r*b_mat[yr-1,j]/p*(1-(b_mat[yr-1,j]/k)^p)*exp(rnorm(1,0,sigmaP)) - c_vec[yr-1]

    # Create saturation matrix
    s_mat <- t(t(b_mat)/ks)

    # Reduce to viable r/k pairs and trajectories
    check0 <- apply(b_mat, 2, function(x) sum(x<0, na.rm=T)==0) # check B doesn't go below 0
    s2_lo <- s2_priors[i,1]
    s2_hi <- s2_priors[i,2]
    s2_vec <- s_mat[nrow(s_mat),]
    checkS <- s2_vec > s2_lo & s2_vec < s2_hi & !is.na(s2_vec) # check final yr saturation inside prior
    viable <- check0 & checkS # merge positive biomass and fina saturation checks
    id_rk_combos[,"viable"] <- viable
    nviable <- sum(viable)
    b_mat_viable <- b_mat[,viable]
    id_rk_viable <- id_rk_combos[viable,]

    # Derive B/BMSY
    bmsy <- id_rk_viable[,"k"] * (1 / (p+1))^(1/p)
    bbmsy_mat_viable <- t(t(b_mat_viable) / bmsy)

    # # Plot viable r/k pairs
    # par(mfrow=c(1,1))
    # plot(k ~ r, rk_pairs, log="xy", bty="n", las=1, pch=15,
    #      xlim=r_priors[i,], ylim=k_priors[i,], xlab="r", ylab="k", col="gray80")
    # points(rk_viable[,1], rk_viable[,2], pch=15, col="black")
    # # Plot viable biomass trajectories
    # plot(b_mat_viable[,1] ~ yrs, type="n", bty="n", las=1,
    #      ylim=c(0, max(b_mat_viable, na.rm=T)), xlab="Year", ylab="Biomass")
    # for(k in 1:ncol(b_mat_viable)){lines(x=yrs, y=b_mat_viable[,k], col="grey80")}
    # # Plot viable B/BMSY trajectories
    # plot(bbmsy_mat_viable[,1] ~ yrs, type="n", bty="n", las=1,
    #      ylim=c(0, max(bbmsy_mat_viable, na.rm=T)), xlab="Year", ylab="B/BMSY")
    # for(k in 1:ncol(bbmsy_mat_viable)){lines(x=yrs, y=bbmsy_mat_viable[,k], col="grey80")}

    # Calculate exploitation rate
    # I name the rows and columns so that I can validate covariance matrix below
    er_mat_viable <- c_vec / b_mat_viable
    rownames(er_mat_viable) <- yrs
    colnames(er_mat_viable) <- paste0(LETTERS[i], 1:ncol(er_mat_viable))

    # Plot viable exploitation trajectories
    # plot(er_mat_viable[,1] ~ yrs, type="n", bty="n", las=1,
    #      ylim=c(0, 1), xlab="Year", ylab="Exploitation rate")
    # for(k in 1:ncol(er_mat_viable)){lines(x=yrs, y=er_mat_viable[,k], col="grey80")}

    # Record results
    id_rk_v[[i]] <- id_rk_viable
    b_mats_v[[i]] <- b_mat_viable
    bbmsy_mats_v[[i]] <- bbmsy_mat_viable
    er_mats_v[[i]] <- er_mat_viable


  # Measure correlation

  # Build index (start and end points) for each stock
  # This is used to index the correlation matrix below
  id_rk_v_n_all <- sapply(id_rk_v, nrow) # number of viable r/k pairs for each stock
  finishes <- cumsum(id_rk_v_n_all)
  starts <- c(0,finishes[1:(length(finishes)-1)])+1
  indices <- cbind(starts, finishes)

  # Merge viable effort time series for all stocks
  er_v_all <- t(do.call("cbind", er_mats_v)) # transposed so that G=F*Ft works

  # Calculate covariance matrix then correlation matrix
  cov_mat <- er_v_all %*% t(er_v_all)
  corr_mat <- cov2cor(cov_mat)

  # # Overwrite self-comparisons
  # dim(corr_mat)
  # corr_mat1 <- corr_mat
  # for(j in 1:nrow(indices)){
  #   pt1 <- indices[j,1]
  #   pt2 <- indices[j,2]
  #   corr_mat1[pt1:pt2, pt1:pt2] <- NA
  # }
  # # Plot correlation matrix
  # corr_mat2 <- t(apply(corr_mat1, 2, rev))
  # image(x=1:ncol(corr_mat2), y=1:ncol(corr_mat2), z=corr_mat2,
  #       xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
  # abline(v=finishes, lwd=1.5)
  # abline(h=ncol(corr_mat2)-finishes, lwd=1.5)

  # Setup containter to hold highest correlation coefficients per row
  # Columns: row, index1, index2, index3, corr12, corr13, corr23, corr_sum
  spp <- 1:nstocks # each species gets a number
  spp_vec <- rep(1:nstocks, id_rk_v_n_all) # indexes species identity (1, 2, or 3 etc)
  spp_ind <- unlist(sapply(id_rk_v_n_all, function(x) 1:x)) # indexes index of r/k pair
  hi_corr_mat <- matrix(nrow=nrow(corr_mat), ncol=1+nstocks+nstocks, data=NA,
                        dimnames=list(NULL, c("row",
                                              paste0("index", spp),
                                              paste0("corr", apply(combn(1:3, 2),2, function(x) paste(x, collapse=""))))))
  hi_corr_mat[,"row"] <- 1:nrow(hi_corr_mat)

  # Loop through rows of correlation matix and identify highest correlation in each row-block
  for(j in 1:nrow(corr_mat)){

    # Which species am I working on?
    spp_curr <- spp_vec[j]
    spp_others <- spp[!(spp %in% spp_curr)]

    # Record index of current species
    hi_corr_mat[j, paste0("index", spp_curr)] <- spp_ind[j]

    # Loop through other species blocks
    for(k in 1:length(spp_others)){
      spp_other <- spp_others[k]
      spp_other_ind <- indices[spp_other, 1]:indices[spp_other,2]
      corrs <- corr_mat[j,spp_other_ind]
      hi_corr_mat[j,paste0("index", spp_other)] <- which.max(corrs)
      corr_col <- paste0("corr", paste(sort(c(spp_curr, spp_other)), collapse=""))
      hi_corr_mat[j,corr_col] <- max(corrs)


  # Average correlations
  corr_cols <- colnames(hi_corr_mat)[grepl("corr", colnames(hi_corr_mat))]
  corr_avgs <- apply(hi_corr_mat[,corr_cols ], 1, mean, na.rm=T)
  hi_corr_mat <- cbind(hi_corr_mat, corr_avg=corr_avgs)

  # Mark viable r/k pairs that show high correlation
  # n_each_index <- melt(hi_corr_mat[,paste0("index", 1:nstocks)],
  #                      variable.name="stock", value.name="index") %>%
  #   select(-Var1) %>%
  #   rename(stock=Var2) %>%
  #   mutate(stock=gsub("index", "", stock)) %>%
  #   group_by(stock, index) %>%
  #   summarize(ncorr=n()) %>%
  #   ungroup()

  # Add correlation counts to viable r/k pair table
  for(i in 1:length(id_rk_v)){
    id_rk_v_do <- as.data.frame(id_rk_v[[i]])
    id_rk_v_do1 <- id_rk_v_do %>%
      mutate(index=1:nrow(id_rk_v_do)) %>%
      select(index, id, r, k)
    id_rk_v[[i]] <- id_rk_v_do1

  # Identify top 10% most highly correlated effort time series
  top_p <- 0.05
  top_n <- ceiling(nrow(hi_corr_mat) * top_p)
  top_corr <- as.data.frame(hi_corr_mat) %>%
    arrange(desc(corr_avg)) %>%

  # Identify combos producing > 0.4 mean correlation
  # corr_thresh <- 0.8
  # top_corr <- as.data.frame(hi_corr_mat) %>%
  #   arrange(desc(corr_avg)) %>%
  #   filter(corr_avg>=corr_thresh)
  # if(nrow(top_corr)==0){print("No highly correlated effort time series found.")}

  # Get biomass trajectories of top 10%
  # (also sneak in calculation of cMSY prediction)
  bbmsy_v_meds <- NULL
  er_mats_vv <- NULL
  bbmsy_mats_vv <- NULL
  bbmsy_vv_meds <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(b_mats_v)){
    vv_index <- unlist(top_corr[,paste0("index", i)])
    er_mat_v <- er_mats_v[[i]]
    er_mat_vv <- er_mat_v[,vv_index]
    er_mats_vv[[i]] <- er_mat_vv
    bbmsy_mat_v <- bbmsy_mats_v[[i]]
    bbmsy_mat_vv <- bbmsy_mat_v[,vv_index]
    bbmsy_mats_vv[[i]] <- bbmsy_mat_vv
    bbmsy_v_med <- apply(bbmsy_mat_v, 1, median)
    bbmsy_vv_med <- apply(bbmsy_mat_vv, 1, median)
    bbmsy_v_meds[[i]] <- bbmsy_v_med
    bbmsy_vv_meds[[i]] <- bbmsy_vv_med

  # Things to return
  out <- list(stocks=stocks,


# MS-cMSY priors (present study)

# R priors
r_priors <- function(res){
  for(i in 1:length(res)){
    if(res[i]=="High"){r_prior <- c(0.5, 1.25)}
    if(res[i]=="Medium"){r_prior <- c(0.01, 1.0)}
    if(res[i]=="Low"){r_prior <- c(0.01, 0.5)}
    if(res[i]=="Very low"){r_prior <- c(0.01, 0.15)}
    if(i==1){r_priors <- r_prior}else{r_priors <- rbind(r_priors, r_prior)}
  colnames(r_priors) <- c("r_lo", "r_hi")
  rownames(r_priors) <- NULL

# K priors
k_priors <- function(C_mat){
  cmax <- apply(C_mat, 2, max)
  k_lo <- cmax * 2
  k_hi <- cmax * 50
  k_priors <- cbind(k_lo=k_lo, k_hi=k_hi)

# Initial saturation priors
# Test: plot(x=1900:2020, y=sapply(1900:2020, function(x) sat1_priors(yrs=min(x):2020, nstocks=1))[1,], ylim=c(0,2), ylab="Saturation", xlab="")
sat1_priors <- function(yrs, nstocks){
  yr1 <- min(yrs)
  s1_hi <- 1
  if(yr1<=1945){s1_lo <- 0.8}
  if(yr1>1945 & yr1<1980){s1_lo <- 0.8+(0.1-0.8)/(1980-1945)*(yr1-1945)}
  if(yr1>=1980){s1_lo <- 0.1}
  s1_lo1 <- rep(s1_lo, nstocks)
  s1_hi1 <- rep(s1_hi, nstocks)
  s1_priors <- cbind(s1_lo=s1_lo1, s1_hi=s1_hi1)

# Final saturation priors
# plot(x=seq(0,1,0.1), y=0+0.4*seq(0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,2), type="l"); lines(x=seq(0,1,0.1), y=0.8+0.2*seq(0,1,0.1))
sat2_priors <- function(C_mat){
  c_ends <- C_mat[nrow(C_mat),]
  c_maxs <- apply(C_mat, 2, max)
  c_ratios <- c_ends / c_maxs
  s2_lo <- 0 + 0.4*c_ratios
  s2_hi <- 0.5 + 0.4*c_ratios
  s2_priors <- cbind(s2_lo=s2_lo, s2_hi=s2_hi)
cfree14/datalimited2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 2:26 p.m.