
Defines functions BuildEmbeddedObject GetShortHash GetLongHash GetActivations

Documented in BuildEmbeddedObject GetActivations GetLongHash GetShortHash

#' Convert an input vector into activations
#' @param data an input matrix, each row is a data entry
#' @param embedding.size length of embedded vector, i.e. number of columns after embedding
#' @param sampling.rate the fraction of input vector used to calculate one activation
#' @return a matrix with the same number of rows as the input, each row is an embedded vector
#' @export
#' @examples
GetActivations <- function(data, embedding.size, sampling.rate){
  # Generate a random projection matrix, nRow=rr, nCol=cc
  rr            <- ncol(data)      # dimensionality of data
  cc            <- embedding.size  # dimensionality of embedded data
  rand.proj.mat <- matrix(rbinom(rr*cc,1,sampling.rate),rr,cc) # binary random projection matrix

  # Calculate activations
  activations   <- as.matrix(data) %*% as.matrix(rand.proj.mat) # N-by-d * d-by-mk = N-by-mk

#' GetLongHash
#' @param activations an activation matrix, each row represents a data entry's activations
#' @return a binary matrix, each row is an embeded data entry
#' @export
#' @examples
GetLongHash <- function(activations){
  data.embedded <- (activations>=0)
  rownames(data.embedded) <- rownames(activations)

#' GetShortHash
#' @param activations an activation matrix, each row represents a data entry's activations
#' @param nProj the number of random projections
#' @return a binary matrix, each row is an embeded data entry
#' @export
#' @examples
#' activations<-c(-3, -2, 1, 0, 5,   -1, 2, 1, 0, 7,   0, -2, 0, 0, 1)
#'GetShortHash(activations,5) # it is supposed to be a matrix of (1,1,0)
GetShortHash<- function(activations, nProj){
  # Calculate group sum of activations
  cell.id<- rownames(activations)

  hash.length <- ncol(activations)/nProj
  oneColumn<-function(cols, colID){
    cbind(cols,   c(rep(0, (colID-1)*nProj), rep(1,nProj), rep(0, (hash.length-colID)*nProj )) )
  groupSumOperator <- reduce(1:hash.length,oneColumn, .init=NULL)
  data.shortly.embedded <- ((activations %*% groupSumOperator)>=0 +0)

  rownames(data.shortly.embedded) <- cell.id
# GetShortHash<- function(activations, nProj){
#   # Calculate group sum of activations
#   cell.id<- rownames(activations)
#   data.shortly.embedded<- NULL
#   for (i in 1:nrow(activations)){
#     activation          <- activations[i, ]
#     activation.aggr     <- tapply( activation, (seq_along(activation)-1) %/% nProj, sum)
#     data.shortly.embedded <- rbind(data.shortly.embedded, (activation.aggr>=0))
#   }
#   rownames(data.shortly.embedded) <- cell.id
#   return(data.shortly.embedded+0)
# }

#' BuildEmbeddedObject
#' @param data an input matrix, each row is a data entry
#' @param hash.length the length of an input vector after one random projection, the embedding size will be hash.length*nProj
#' @param nProj the number of random projections
#' @param sampling.rate the fraction of input vector used to calculate one activation
#' @param do.center set this to TRUE if you hope to zero-centralize the data
#' @param seed a seed for generating random vectors in LSH
#' @return a list of embedding results `@long` stores the long hash, `@short` stores the short hash
#' @export
#' @examples
BuildEmbeddedObject <- function(data, hash.length, nProj, sampling.rate, do.center=FALSE, seed=19940929, old.code=FALSE){
  if (do.center){
    data <- data-rowMeans(data)

  # calculate long and short encoding of cells
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  embedding.size <- hash.length* nProj
  activations    <- GetActivations(data, embedding.size, sampling.rate= sampling.rate)
  encode.long    <- GetLongHash(activations)
  encode.short   <- GetShortHash(activations, nProj)
  end_time   <- Sys.time()
  elapse     <-as.numeric(end_time-start_time)
  message(paste("Calculating activations and the binary codes takes" ,sprintf("%.2f",elapse), "seconds."))

  # return a list of embeddings
  message(paste(nrow(data), "data items are processed"))
  return (list("encode.long"  = encode.long  ,
               "encode.short" = encode.short
               #"activations"  = activations  , remove activations to save space
chansigit/scFly documentation built on Nov. 10, 2020, 12:33 a.m.