
Defines functions prioritizer

Documented in prioritizer

#' Prioritize Samples
#' @param pool pool connection to IDBac database
#' @param dendrogram dendrogram object to be cut, doesn't necessarily have to be protein dendrogram
#'     but labels should be the same as the small molecule data labels
#' @param minFrequency  percent of peaks that must be present in sample replicates (0 to 1)
#' @param smallMolLowerMassCutoff lower mass cutoff for small molecule spectra
#' @param smallMolUpperMassCutoff upper mass cutoff for small molecule spectra
#' @param smallMolSnr minimum SNR for small molecule spectra
#' @param fractionMetabolitePeaksToRetain fraction of small molecule peaks to "capture" when selecting isolates
#' @inheritParams MALDIquant::binPeaks
#' @inheritParams MALDIquant::filterPeaks
#' @inheritParams dendextend::cutree
#' @return prioritization list
#' @export
prioritizer <- function(pool,
                        h = NULL,
                        k = NULL,
                        minFrequency = 0,
                        minNumber = NA, 
                        smallMolLowerMassCutoff = 200,
                        smallMolUpperMassCutoff = 2000,
                        smallMolSnr = 10,
                        tolerance = .002,
                        method = "strict"){
  if (!inherits(dendrogram, "dendrogram")) {
    stop("prioritizer(dendrogram =) requires a dendrogram object")
  if (!is.null(h)) {
    if(!is.numeric(h)) {
      stop("prioritizer(h =) must be numeric")
  if (!is.null(k)) {
    if(!is.numeric(k)) {
      stop("prioritizer(k =) must be numeric")
  if (is.null(h) + is.null(k) > 1L) {
    stop("One of prioritizer(k =, k =) must be numeric")
  small_peaks <- idbac_get_peaks(pool = pool,
                                 sampleIDs = labels(dendrogram),
                                 minFrequency = minFrequency,
                                 minNumber = minNumber,
                                 lowerMassCutoff = smallMolLowerMassCutoff,
                                 upperMassCutoff = smallMolUpperMassCutoff,
                                 minSNR = smallMolSnr,
                                 tolerance = tolerance,
                                 type = "small",
                                 mergeReplicates = TRUE)
  # Split/cut dendrogram
  dend_split <- get_subtrees(dend = dendrogram,
                             h = h,
                             k = k)
  dend_split_labels <- sapply(dend_split, function(x) labels(x), simplify = FALSE)
  # Get the number of leaves in each subtree
  dend_split_lengths <- lengths(dend_split_labels)
  only_protein <- which(dend_split_lengths < 2)
  # Get IDs of samples in groups containing more than 1 sample
  for_small_prioritization <- unlist(lapply(dend_split[which(dend_split_lengths > 1)], labels))
  # Loop over all dendrogram groups 
  prioritized <- lapply(dend_split_labels, 
                          if (length(x) > 1) {
                            a <- MALDIquant::intensityMatrix(MALDIquant::binPeaks(small_peaks[x], 
                                                                                  method = "strict",
                                                                                  tolerance = tolerance))
                            a[is.na(a)] <- 0L
                            a[a > 0] <- 1L
                            perc <- 0
                            original_total_peaks <- ncol(a)
                            index <- c()
                            while (perc < fractionMetabolitePeaksToRetain) {
                              samp_peaks <- rowSums(a)
                              chosen <- order(samp_peaks, decreasing = TRUE)[[1]]
                              perc <- perc + (samp_peaks[chosen] / original_total_peaks)
                              index <- c(index, chosen)
                              a <- a[ , -which(a[chosen,] == 1L)]
                          } else {
  list(dend_split = dend_split,
       protein_singletons = unlist(dend_split_labels[only_protein]),
       prioritized = prioritized,
       small_peaks = lengths(small_peaks))
chasemc/IDBacApp documentation built on Oct. 22, 2022, 2:52 a.m.