
Defines functions readAcquFile .grepAcquValue .grepAcquDoubleValue .sampleName extractHPCConstants

Documented in extractHPCConstants .grepAcquDoubleValue .grepAcquValue readAcquFile .sampleName

# Functions taken from MALDIquant source code : https://github.com/sgibb/readBrukerFlexData
# function that should be called is readAcquFile
# input is fid file path

#' Title
#' @param fidFile a
#' @param verbose a
#' @return a
#' @export
readAcquFile <- function(fidFile, verbose=FALSE) {
  acquFile <- sub(pattern="fid$", x=fidFile, replacement="acqu")

  if (verbose) {
    message("Reading metadata from ", sQuote(acquFile), " ...")

  if (!file.exists(acquFile)) {
    stop("File ", sQuote(acquFile), " doesn't exists!")

  con <- file(acquFile, "rt")
  acquLines <- readLines(con, n=-1)

  ## collect data
  metaData <- list()

  ## endianness
  isBigEndian <- as.integer(.grepAcquValue("##\\$BYTORDA=", acquLines)) == 1L
  metaData$byteOrder <- ifelse(isBigEndian, "big", "little")

  ## obligate
  metaData$number <- as.double(.grepAcquValue("##\\$TD=", acquLines))
  metaData$timeDelay <- .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$DELAY=", acquLines)
  metaData$timeDelta <- .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$DW=", acquLines)
  metaData$calibrationConstants <-
    c(c1=.grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$ML1=", acquLines),
      c2=.grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$ML2=", acquLines),
      c3=.grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$ML3=", acquLines))

  ## obligate HPC
  metaData$hpcLimits <-
    c(minMass=.grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$HPClBLo=", acquLines),
      maxMass=.grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$HPClBHi=", acquLines))
  metaData$hpcOrder <- as.double(.grepAcquValue("##\\$HPClOrd=", acquLines))
  metaData$hpcUse <-
    as.logical(.grepAcquValue("##\\$HPClUse=", acquLines) == "yes")

  ## was HPC involved?  metaData$hpcUse seems to be always true
  isHPCused <- isTRUE(metaData$hpcUse &&
                        metaData$hpcLimits["maxMass"] > 0L &&
                        metaData$hpcLimits["minMass"] > 0L &&
                        metaData$hpcOrder > 0L)

  if (isHPCused) {
    hpcStr <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$HPCStr=", acquLines)
    hpcConstants <- tempRepo::extractHPCConstants(hpcStr)
    metaData$hpcCoefficients <- hpcConstants$coefficients
    metaData$hpcCalibrationConstant0 <- hpcConstants$calibrationConstant0
    metaData$hpcCalibrationConstant2 <- hpcConstants$calibrationConstant2

  # https://github.com/sgibb/MALDIquantForeign/issues/19
  metaData$v1tofCalibration <-
          .grepAcquValue("##\\$NTBCal=", acquLines))

  ## obligate LIFT
  metaData$lift <- c(.grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$Lift1=", acquLines),
                     .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$Lift2=", acquLines))
  metaData$tlift <- .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$TLift=", acquLines)

  ## optional
  metaData$dataType <- .grepAcquValue("##DATATYPE=", acquLines)
  metaData$dataSystem <- .grepAcquValue("##SPECTROMETER/DATASYSTEM=", acquLines)
  metaData$spectrometerType <-
    .grepAcquValue("##.SPECTROMETER TYPE=", acquLines)
  metaData$inlet <- .grepAcquValue("##.INLET=", acquLines)
  metaData$ionizationMode <- .grepAcquValue("##.IONIZATION MODE=", acquLines)
  metaData$date <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$DATE=", acquLines)

  metaData$acquisitionMethod <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$ACQMETH=", acquLines)
  metaData$acquisitionDate <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$AQ_DATE=", acquLines)
  aq_mod <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$AQ_mod=", acquLines)
  if (length(aq_mod)) {
    metaData$acquisitionMode <- switch(aq_mod,
                                       "0" = { "qf" },
                                       "1" = { "qsim" },
                                       "2" = { "qseq" },
                                       { aq_mod }

  aqop <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$AQOP_m=", acquLines)
  if (length(aqop)) {
    metaData$tofMode  <- switch(aqop,
                                "0" = { "LINEAR" },
                                "1" = { "REFLECTOR" },
                                { aqop }

  metaData$acquisitionOperatorMode <- metaData$tofMode

  metaData$laserAttenuation <- .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$ATTEN=", acquLines)

  metaData$comments <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$CMT.*=", acquLines)

  metaData$deflection <-
    as.logical(.grepAcquValue("##\\$DEFLON=", acquLines) == "yes")

  digtyp  <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$DIGTYP=", acquLines)
  if (length(digtyp)) {
    metaData$digitizerType <- switch(digtyp,
                                     "0" = { "unknown" },
                                     "1" = { "Lecroy LSA1000" },
                                     "2" = { "Acqiris DP105" },
                                     "3" = { "Acqiris DP110" },
                                     "4" = { "Acqiris DP211" },
                                     "5" = { "Acqiris DP240" },
                                     "6" = { "Acqiris AP200" },
                                     "7" = { "Acqiris AP240" },
                                     "8" = { "Acqiris DC440" },
                                     "9" = { "Acqiris DC282" },
                                     "10" = { "Acqiris Unknown subtype" },
                                     "11" = { "Gage" },
                                     "12" = { "Simulator" },
                                     "13" = { "Lecroy WaveRunner" },
                                     "14" = { "Acqiris U1084A" },
                                     "15" = { "NI 5154" },
                                     "16" = { "LeCroy LSA2000" },
                                     "17" = { "Acqiris DP1400" },
                                     "18" = { "NI 5155" },
                                     "19" = { "Bruker BD0G5" },
                                     { digtyp }

  metaData$deflectionPulserCal1 <-
    .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$DPCAL1=", acquLines)
  metaData$deflectionPulserMass <-
    .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$DPMASS=", acquLines)
  metaData$flexControlVersion <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$FCVer=", acquLines)
  metaData$id <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$ID_raw=", acquLines)

  metaData$instrument <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$INSTRUM=", acquLines)
  metaData$instrumentId <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$InstrID=", acquLines)

  instrumentType <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$InstTyp=", acquLines)
  if (length(instrumentType)) {
    metaData$instrumentType <- switch(instrumentType,
                                      "0" = { "autoflex" },
                                      "1" = { "ultraflex" },
                                      "2" = { "ultraflexTOF/TOF" },
                                      "3" = { "reflex" },
                                      "4" = { "biflex" },
                                      "5" = { "omniflex" },
                                      "6" = { "genoflex" },
                                      "7" = { "massarray" },
                                      "8" = { "autoflexTOF/TOF" },
                                      "9" = { "microflex" },
                                      "10" = { "MT10" },
                                      { instrumentType }

  metaData$massError <- .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$Masserr=", acquLines)

  metaData$laserShots <- as.double(.grepAcquValue("##\\$NoSHOTS=", acquLines))

  if (metaData$laserShots == 0L) {
    warning("File ", sQuote(fidFile), " seems to be empty because ",
            "no laser shots applied to this sample.")

  metaData$patch <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$PATCHNO=", acquLines)

  ## imaging data
  if (length(metaData$patch) &&
      grepl(pattern="(R[0-9]+)?X[0-9]+Y[0-9]+", x=metaData$patch,
            ignore.case=TRUE)) {
    rx <- gregexpr(pattern="[XY][0-9]+", text=metaData$patch)[[1L]]
    pos <- substring(metaData$patch, rx+1L, rx+attr(rx, "match.length")-1L)

    if (length(pos) == 2L) {
      pos <- as.double(pos)
      metaData$imaging <- list(pos=c(x=pos[1L], y=pos[2L]))

  metaData$path <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$PATH=", acquLines)
  metaData$laserRepetition <- .grepAcquDoubleValue("##\\$REPHZ=", acquLines)
  metaData$spot <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$SPOTNO=", acquLines)

  sptype <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$SPType=", acquLines)
  if (length(sptype)) {
    metaData$spectrumType <- switch(sptype,
                                    "0" = { "TOF" },
                                    "1" = { "PSD" },
                                    "2" = { "LIFT" },
                                    "3" = { "PSDSegment" },
                                    { sptype }

  metaData$targetCount <- as.double(.grepAcquValue("##\\$TgCount", acquLines))
  metaData$targetIdString <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$TgIDS", acquLines)
  metaData$targetSerialNumber <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$TgSer", acquLines)
  metaData$targetTypeNumber <- .grepAcquValue("##\\$TgTyp", acquLines)

  metaData$file <- fidFile

  metaData$sampleName <- .sampleName(fidFile)
  metaData$fullName <- paste(metaData$sampleName, metaData$patch, sep=".")
  metaData$name <- metaData$fullName


#' .grepAcquValue
#' @param patternStr NA
#' @param srcStr NA
#' @return NA

.grepAcquValue <- function(patternStr, srcStr) {
  tmpLine <- grep(pattern=patternStr, x=srcStr, value=TRUE)
  gsub(pattern="(^.*= *<?)|(>? *$)", replacement="", x=tmpLine)

#' .grepAcquDoubleValue
#' @param patternStr NA
#' @param srcStr NA
#' @return NA

.grepAcquDoubleValue <- function(patternStr, srcStr) {
  strValue <- .grepAcquValue(patternStr, srcStr)

  ## replace comma by dot
  as.double(gsub(",", replacement=".", strValue))

#' .sampleName
#' @param fidFile NA
#' @return NA

.sampleName <- function(fidFile) {
  # regular expression for directory separator (on unix: /+, on windows \+)
  # sadly .Platform$file.sep == "/" on both
  fidFile <- chartr(old="\\", new="/", x=fidFile)

  # create array of directories (each element == one directory)
  dirs <- strsplit(x=fidFile, split="/")[[1L]]

  numDirs <- length(dirs)

  sampleName <- NA

  ## old FlexAnalysis seems to have the following directories
  ## 0_L20_1SLin/fid
  ## vs the more recent FlexAnalysis versions use
  ## 0/L20/1SLin/fid
  isShortPath <- isTRUE(numDirs > 2L &&
                                dirs[numDirs - 1L]))
  if (isShortPath) {
    sampleName <- dirs[numDirs-2L]
  } else if (numDirs > 4L ) {
    sampleName <- dirs[numDirs-4L]

    # -, : or something like that causes errors in names()
    # TODO: use make.names in future releases?
    sampleName <- gsub(pattern="[[:punct:]]|[[:space:]]", replacement="_",


#' from https://github.com/sgibb/readBrukerFlexData
#' @param hpcStr https://github.com/sgibb/readBrukerFlexData
#' @return https://github.com/sgibb/readBrukerFlexData
#' @export
extractHPCConstants <- function(hpcStr) {
  tmpLine <- strsplit(x=hpcStr, split=" ")[[1L]]
  ## remove emtpy elements
  tmpLine <- tmpLine[nzchar(tmpLine)]
  ## extract only coefficients
  list(coefficients=as.double(tmpLine[(which(tmpLine == "V1.0VectorDouble") + 2L):
                                        (which(tmpLine == "c2") - 1L)]),
       calibrationConstant0=as.double(tmpLine[which(tmpLine == "c0") + 1L]),
       calibrationConstant2=as.double(tmpLine[which(tmpLine == "c2") + 1L]))
chasemc/tempRepo documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:32 p.m.