
# #' chr10_OP1019 : chromosome 10 of Patient OP1019.  #' #' A dataset containing Allele counts, haplotype phasing and copy number information on
# chromosome 10 #' of Patient OP1019 of the SOX2 Study.  #' #'Chromosome also available on the same patient: chr10, chr15, chr18 and chr22 #' #'
# @format Contains the following data : : #' \describe{ #' \item{tumoursamples}{The list of tumor samples of the study} #'
# \item{SNP_allelecount_df}{Data frame containing the count of allele supporting the variant of each mutations #' \describe{ #' \item{}{Chrom
# : Chromosomes} #' \item{}{Start : Starting position} #' \item{}{End : End position} #' \item{}{Vartype : variant Type} #'
# \item{}{IsGermline : is the mutation a Germline SNP or a Somatic mutation} #' \item{}{Ref : Reference sequence} #' \item{}{All : Variant
# sequence} #' \item{}{One entry per tumor samples} #' } #' } #' \item{ref_allelecount_df}{Data frame containing the count of allele
# supporting the reference at each mutation} #' \item{phasing_association_df}{A data frame containing for each somatic mutations, a colon
# separated list of Germline mutations phased to it. } #' \item{major_copynumber_df}{A data frame containing the major copy number of the
# mutations at each tumor samples} #' \item{minor_copynumber_df}{A data frame containing the minor copy number of the mutations at each tumor
# samples} #' \item{minor_copynumber_df}{A data frame containing the normal cell contamination rate for each mutations at each tumour samples}
# #' } 'chr10_OP1019' 
chedonat/DigitalPicoTools documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:39 p.m.