Defines functions editPed_fast cSSBR.setup cSSBR

Documented in cSSBR cSSBR.setup

# Claas Heuer, September 2014
# Copyright (C)  2014 Claas Heuer
# This file is part of cpgen.
# cpgen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cpgen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# in file.path(R.home("share"), "licenses").  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

cSSBR <- function(data, M, M.id, returnAll = FALSE, X=NULL, par_random=NULL, scale_e=0, df_e=0, niter=5000, burnin=2500, seed=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {

	# double check some stuff to prevent clmm from failing 
	# after having already done some heavy computations
	if(!is.null(X)) {

		if(!class(X) %in% c("matrix","dgCMatrix")) stop("'X' has to be of type 'matrix' or 'dgCMatrix'") 
		if(nrow(X) != nrow(data)) stop("'X' must have as many rows as 'data'")
		if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed in 'X'")

	} else {

		X = array(1,dim=c(nrow(data),1))


	if(!is.null(par_random)) {

		if(length(par_random)!=2) stop("'par_random' has to be of length 2")
		for(i in 1:length(par_random)) {

			allowed_methods = c("fixed","ridge","BayesA")
			if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$method)) stop(paste("Define a method for random-effect: ",i,sep=""))
			if(par_random[[i]]$method %in% allowed_methods == FALSE) stop(paste("Method must be one of: ",paste(allowed_methods,collapse=" , "),sep=""))


	# obtain the model terms
	model_terms <- cSSBR.setup(data = data, M = M, M.id = M.id, verbose = verbose, returnAll = returnAll)
	X <- X[match(model_terms$ids,data$id),,drop=FALSE]

	### Run Model ###

	if(verbose) cat(" Running Model\n")
	mod <- clmm(y=model_terms$y,
		    # update 14.09.2015: pass ginverse
		    ginverse = list(NULL, model_terms$ginverse_residual),

	# obtain breeding values
	bv <- mod$Predicted - (X %c% mod$fixed_effects$posterior$estimates_mean)

	# add animals that were not in model to the bv-vector
	gt_bv <- (M %c% mod[[4]]$posterior$estimates_mean)[,1]
	gt_not_in_model <- M.id[!M.id %in% model_terms$ids]
	bv <- c(bv,gt_bv[!M.id %in% model_terms$ids])
	names(bv) <- c(model_terms$ids,gt_not_in_model)

	# add some important information concerning SSBR
	mod$SSBR <- list(ids = model_terms$ids, y=model_terms$y, X=X, Marker_Matrix=model_terms$Marker_Matrix, 
			 Z_residual = model_terms$Z_residual, ginverse_residual = model_terms$ginverse_residual,  
			 Breeding_Values = bv)



# cSSBR.setup
cSSBR.setup <- function(data, M, M.id, verbose=TRUE, returnAll = FALSE) {

	# double check some stuff to prevent clmm from failing 
	# after having already done some heavy computations
	if(!any(class(data) =="data.frame")) stop("'data' has to be of type 'data.frame'") 

	if(is.null(data$y)) stop("'data' has to include a phenotype-vector 'y'")
	if(is.null(data$id)) stop("'data' has to include an id-vector 'id'")
	if(is.null(data$sire)) stop("'data' has to include a sire-vector 'sire'")
	if(is.null(data$dam)) stop("'data' has to include a dam-vector 'dam'")

	if(!any(class(M) == "matrix")) stop("'M' has to be of type 'matrix'") 
	if(is.null(M.id)) stop("Please provide rownames for 'M' as 'M.id'")
	if(length(M.id)!=nrow(M)) stop("'M.id' must have as many elements as nrow(M)")
	if(anyNA(M)) stop("No NAs allowed in marker matrix")

	# FIXME repeated measures are not implemented yet - find a way not to copy too much
	if(length(unique(data$id))<nrow(data)) stop("Repeated Measures not implmented yet")

	if(verbose) cat("\n Gathering information and processing pedigree\n")

	# Constructing pedigree: adding missings and ordering by generation.
	# Individuals with markers might be missing in the data set, so we add those
	# as unrelated founders

	data$id <- as.character(data$id)
	data$sire <- as.character(data$sire)
	data$dam <- as.character(data$dam)
	M.id <- as.character(M.id)

	marker_without_ped <- M.id[!M.id %in% c(data$id, data$sire, data$dam)]

	if(length(marker_without_ped) > 0) {

		temp <- data.frame(
			id = as.character(marker_without_ped), 
			sire = as.character(NA), 
			dam = as.character(NA), 
			y = as.numeric(NA),
			stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		data <- rbind(data,temp)


	# R-package: pedigreemm
	# as of now (Sep. 2014) 'editPed' is very slow on large pedigrees.
	# For a faster version install this modified package:
	# library(devtools)
	# install_github("cheuerde/pedigreemm", ref = "master", build_vignettes=FALSE)

	# Update: 14.09.2015 - Dont force people to change pedigreem version, simply
	# call an internally provided version of 'editPed' = 'editPed_fast'. See below
	# ped <- editPed_fast(
	ped <- editPed_fast(

	ped <- pedigreemm::pedigree(

	# construct A-inverse
	# Ainv <- as(getAInv(ped),"dgCMatrix")

	T_Inv <- as(ped, "sparseMatrix")
	D_Inv <- Diagonal(x=1/Dmat(ped))
	Ainv<-t(T_Inv) %*% D_Inv %*% T_Inv
	dimnames(Ainv)[[1]]<-dimnames(Ainv)[[2]] <-ped@label
	Ainv <- as(Ainv, "dgCMatrix")

	### Imputation Step ###

	ids <- ped@label

	# we have to match the genotyped ones to the marker matrix so we dont have to
	# reorder that matrix
	genotyped <- ids[match(M.id, ids)]
	genotyped_index <- match(genotyped, ids)

	non_genotyped <- ids[!ids %in% genotyped]
	non_genotyped_index <- match(non_genotyped, ids)

	# if non-genotyped dont provide phenotypes then SSBR is not a good model choice
	if(length(non_genotyped) == 0) stop("There are no non-genotyped individuals that provide phenotypes")

	# now we already have to make the decission whether to export everything or just the animals with
	# phenotypes
	index_gt = 1:length(genotyped)
	if(returnAll == FALSE) index_gt = index_gt[!is.na(data$y[match(genotyped, data$id)])]

	index_ngt = 1:length(non_genotyped)
	if(returnAll == FALSE) index_ngt = index_ngt[!is.na(data$y[match(non_genotyped, data$id)])]

	nrow_gt = length(index_gt)
	nrow_non_gt = length(index_ngt)
	if(verbose) cat(" Allocating combined Marker matrix ( n =",nrow_gt + nrow_non_gt,", p =",ncol(M),")\n")
	if(verbose) cat(" Imputing non-genotyped individuals\n")

	# 'csolve' uses Eigen's 'SimplicalLLT-Solver' which is very fast for this purpose.
	# Now impute the non_genotyped directly into the model matrix
	# M_combined[(nrow_gt+1):nrow(M_combined),] <- csolve(Ainv[non_genotyped,non_genotyped],
	# (-Ainv[non_genotyped,genotyped]) %c% M)

	# This function runs in parallel with an absolute minimum of temporary memory allocation
	M_combined <- .Call(

	### Model terms and filtering ###

	modelIds <- c(genotyped[index_gt], non_genotyped[index_ngt])

	out <- data.frame(
			  id = modelIds,
			  residId = factor(modelIds),
			  y = data$y[match(modelIds, data$id)], 
	n = nrow(out)

	# Update 14.09.2015: Insted of the cholesky we now use the
	# submatrix of Ainv directly and pass it as 'ginverse' argument
	# to clmm
	Ainv11 <- Ainv[non_genotyped[index_ngt], non_genotyped[index_ngt]]

	# incidence matrix for the residual imputation component
	Z <- sparse.model.matrix(
				 ~ -1 + residId, 
				 data = out, 
				 drop.unused.levels = FALSE

	if(nrow_gt > 0){

		Z[match(genotyped[index_gt], out$id),] <- 0 

	Z <- Z[, match(non_genotyped[index_ngt], levels(out$residId))]
	colnames(Z) <- gsub("residId", "", colnames(Z))

	# now we make the incidence matrices for the genotype "centering"
	# the genotyped get the covariate -1 (sort of substracting the population
	# mean) and the non genotyped animals get imputed just like the markers
	J <- array(-1, dim = c(n, 1))

	# this is the solution for all non-genotypes individuals
	Jtmp <- as.vector(
				(-Ainv[non_genotyped_index,genotyped_index]) %*% rep(-1, length(genotyped))

	# subset only those we keep (see "returnAll" argument)
	J[match(non_genotyped[index_ngt], out$id), 1] <- Jtmp[match(non_genotyped[index_ngt], non_genotyped)]

		    ids = out$id, 
		    y = out$y, 
		    Marker_Matrix = M_combined, 
		    Z_residual = Z, 
		    ginverse_residual = Ainv11,
		    J = J,
		    imputed = non_genotyped[index_ngt]


# this is an internal function that improves 'editPed' from
# 'pedigreemm' speed-wise.
# main body is copied and modified from the pedigreemm function 'editPed'

editPed_fast <- function(sire, dam, label, verbose = FALSE)
	nped <- length(sire)
	if (nped != length(dam))  stop("sire and dam have to be of the same length")
	if (nped != length(label)) stop("label has to be of the same length than sire and dam")
	tmp <- unique(sort(c(as.character(sire), as.character(dam))))

	missingP <-NULL
	if(any(completeId <- ! tmp %in% as.character(label))) missingP <- tmp[completeId]
	labelOl <- c(as.character(missingP),as.character(label))
	sireOl <- c(rep(NA, times=length(missingP)),as.character(sire))
	damOl  <- c(rep(NA, times=length(missingP)),as.character(dam))
	sire <- as.integer(factor(sireOl, levels = labelOl))
	dam  <- as.integer(factor(damOl, levels = labelOl))
	nped <-length(labelOl)
	label <-1:nped
	sire[!is.na(sire) & (sire<1 | sire>nped)] <- NA
	dam[!is.na(dam) & (dam < 1 | dam > nped)] <- NA
	pede <- data.frame(id= label, sire= sire, dam= dam, gene=rep(NA, times=nped))
	noParents <- (is.na(pede$sire) & is.na(pede$dam))
	pede$gene[noParents] <- 0

	# new version that calls the C-function "get_generation"
	# Note: there is no return value, the R-objects are directly being changed

	.Call("get_generation", pede$sire, pede$dam, pede$id, pede$gene, as.integer(verbose), PACKAGE="cpgen")    

	ord<- order(pede$gene)
	ans<-data.frame(label=labelOl, sire=sireOl, dam=damOl, gene=pede$gene,
			stringsAsFactors =F)

cheuerde/cpgen documentation built on July 27, 2023, 11:34 a.m.