
Defines functions X_is_ok cGBLUP get_cor get_pred clmm

Documented in cGBLUP clmm get_cor get_pred

# clmm.R
# Claas Heuer, June 2014
# Copyright (C)  2014 Claas Heuer
# This file is part of cpgen.
# cpgen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cpgen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# in file.path(R.home("share"), "licenses").  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# clmm

clmm <- function(y, X = NULL , Z = NULL, ginverse = NULL, par_random = NULL, 
		 niter=10000, burnin=5000,scale_e=0,df_e=-2, verbose = TRUE, 
		 timings = FALSE, seed = NULL, use_BLAS=FALSE, beta_posterior_fixed = FALSE) {

	default_scale = 0
	default_df = -2
	h2 = 0.3
	default_GWAS_window_size_proportion = 0.01
	default_GWAS_threshold = 0.01

	# renamed 'random' to Z in the R function
	random = Z

	allowed=c("numeric", "list")
	a = class(y)

	if(!a %in% allowed) stop("phenotypes must match one of the following types: 'numeric' 'list'") 

	if(class(y) == "list") {

		p = length(y)
		if (sum(unlist(lapply(y,is.vector))) != p) stop("phenotypes must be supplied as vectors")
		n = unlist(lapply(y,length))
		if (sum(n[1]!=n) > 0) stop("phenoytpe vectors must have same length")
		n = n[1]
		if(is.null(names(y))) names(y) <- paste("Phenotype_",1:p,sep="") 

	} else {

		if(!is.vector(y)) stop("phenotype must be supplied as vector")
		n <- length(y) 
		y <- list(y)
		names(y) <- "Phenotype_1"


	y <- lapply(y,as.numeric)  
	if(any(unlist(lapply(y,function(x)var(x,na.rm=TRUE)))==0)) stop("one or more phenotypes with 0 variance detected")

	if(is.null(X)) {

		X = array(1,dim=c(n,1))
		par_fixed <- list(scale=default_scale,df=default_df,sparse_or_dense="dense", name="fixed_effects", method="fixed")

	} else {                   

		if(X_is_ok(X,n,"fixed")) {

			if("matrix" %in% class(X)) { type = "dense" } else { type = "sparse" }
			par_fixed <- list(scale=default_scale,df=default_df,sparse_or_dense=type,name="fixed_effects",method="fixed")    


	par_fixed$GWAS_threshold = 0.01 
	par_fixed$GWAS_window_size = 1
	# added 09/2015 - ginverse
	par_fixed$sparse_or_dense_ginverse = "dense"
	# added 8.12.15 - beta_posterior
	par_fixed$beta_posterior = beta_posterior_fixed

	par_random_all = list()
	par_temp = par_random

	if(is.null(random)) {

		random = list()
		par_random_all = list()
		for(k in 1:length(y)) par_random_all[[k]] = list(list())

	} else {

		if(is.null(names(random))) names(random) = paste("Effect_",1:length(random),sep="")

		for(k in 1:length(y)) {


			if(is.null(par_random)) {


				for(i in 1:length(random)){

					if(X_is_ok(random[[i]],n,names(random)[i])) {

						method = "ridge"
						# added 8.12.15 - beta_posterior individually for effects
						beta_posterior = FALSE
						if("matrix" %in% class(random[[i]])) type = "dense"
						if("dgCMatrix" %in% class(random[[i]])) type = "sparse"

						par_random[[i]] = list(scale=default_scale,df=default_df,sparse_or_dense=type,method=method,
								       name=as.character(names(random)[i]), GWAS=FALSE, GWAS_threshold = 0.01, 
								       GWAS_window_size = 1, beta_posterior = beta_posterior) }


			} else {

				if(length(par_random) != length(random)) stop(" 'par_effects' must have as many items as 'random' ")

				for(i in 1:length(par_random)) {

					if(!is.list(par_random[[i]])) par_random[[i]] <- list()
					allowed_methods = c("fixed","ridge","BayesA")
					if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$method)) par_random[[i]]$method <- "ridge"
					# added 8.12.15 - beta_posterior individually for effects
					if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$beta_posterior)) par_random[[i]]$beta_posterior <- FALSE
					if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$name)) par_random[[i]]$name = as.character(names(random)[i])
					if(!par_random[[i]]$method %in% allowed_methods) stop(paste("Method must be one of: ",paste(allowed_methods,collapse=" , "),sep=""))

					if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$df[k]) | !is.numeric(par_random[[i]]$df[k]) | length(par_random[[i]]$df[k]) > 1)  {

						if(par_random[[i]]$method == "BayesA") { 

							par_random[[i]]$df = 4.0 

						} else { 

							par_random[[i]]$df = default_df 


					} else {

						par_random[[i]]$df = par_random[[i]]$df[k]


					if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$scale[k]) | !is.numeric(par_random[[i]]$scale[k]) | length(par_random[[i]]$scale[k]) > 1) {

						if(par_random[[i]]$method == "BayesA") { 

							## Fernando et al. 2012
							dfA = par_random[[i]]$df
							meanVar = mean(ccolmv(random[[i]],compute_var=T))
							varG = h2*var(y[[k]],na.rm=TRUE)
							varMarker = varG / ncol(random[[i]]) * meanVar
							par_random[[i]]$scale = varMarker * (dfA -2) / dfA 

						} else {

							par_random[[i]]$scale = default_scale 


					} else {

						par_random[[i]]$scale = par_random[[i]]$scale[k]


					if("matrix" %in% class(random[[i]])) { type = "dense" } else { type = "sparse" }
					par_random[[i]]$sparse_or_dense = type
					# GWAS
					if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$GWAS)) {

						par_random[[i]]$GWAS_threshold = 0.01 
						par_random[[i]]$GWAS_window_size = 1

					} else {

						if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$GWAS$threshold)) { 

							par_random[[i]]$GWAS_threshold = default_GWAS_threshold

						} else { 

							par_random[[i]]$GWAS_threshold = as.numeric(par_random[[i]]$GWAS$threshold) 


						if(is.null(par_random[[i]]$GWAS$window_size)) { 

							par_random[[i]]$GWAS_window_size = as.integer(ncol(random[[i]]) *  default_GWAS_window_size_proportion)

						} else { 

							par_random[[i]]$GWAS_window_size = as.integer(par_random[[i]]$GWAS$window_size) 


						par_random[[i]]$GWAS = TRUE




			par_random_all[[k]] = par_random



	### added 09/2015 - Ginverse ###

	# first add the parameter "sparse_or_dense_ginverse" to the par_random list
	for(i in 1:length(par_random_all)) {

		for(j in 1:length(par_random_all[[i]])) par_random_all[[i]][[j]]$sparse_or_dense_ginverse = "sparse"


	if(!is.null(ginverse)) {

		if(length(ginverse)!= length(random)) {

			stop("If provided, ginverse must have as many items as random. 
			     Put 'NULL' for no ginverse in the list for a particular random effect")


		# check dimensions - all that matters is the number of columns
		for(i in 1:length(ginverse)) {

			if(!is.null(ginverse[[i]])) {

				if(ncol(ginverse[[i]]) != ncol(random[[i]])) { 

					stop(paste("Number of columns in design matrix: '",
						   par_random[[i]]$name,"' dont match dimnsion of corresponding ginverse", sep=""))


				if(!any(class(ginverse[[i]]) %in% c("matrix","dgCMatrix"))) {

					stop(paste("Ginverse: '",par_random[[i]]$name,
						   "' must be of type 'matrix' or 'dgCMatrix'",sep=""))


				# set the method for that effect - Only ridge regression allowed
				# also set the type of matrix for ginverse

				# this is crap - but good enough for now
				for(j in 1:length(par_random_all)) {

					par_random_all[[j]][[i]]$method = "ridge_ginverse"
				        par_random_all[[j]][[i]]$sparse_or_dense_ginverse = ifelse("dgCMatrix" %in% class(ginverse[[i]]), "sparse", "dense")




		# if no ginverse in the list, create dummy
	} else {

		ginverse <- vector("list",length(random))


	# RNG Seed based on system time and process id
	# Taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8810338/same-random-numbers-every-time
	if(is.null(seed)) seed = as.integer((as.double(Sys.time())*1000+Sys.getpid()) %% 2^31)

	par_mcmc = list()
	verbose_single = verbose
	if(timings | length(y) > 1) verbose_single = FALSE

	if(length(y)>1) {

		if(length(scale_e)!=length(y)) scale_e = rep(scale_e[1], length(y))
		if(length(df_e)!=length(y)) df_e = rep(df_e[1], length(y))


	# for CV timings is not a good thing
	if(length(y) > 1) timings = FALSE

	for(i in 1:length(y)) {

		par_mcmc[[i]] = list(niter=niter, burnin=burnin, verbose=verbose_single,
				     timings = timings, scale_e = scale_e[i], df_e = df_e[i], seed = as.character(seed), name=as.character(names(y)[i]))


	mod <- .Call("clmm",y, X , par_fixed ,random, par_random_all ,par_mcmc, verbose=verbose, options()$cpgen.threads, use_BLAS, ginverse, PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

	if(length(y) == 1) { 


	} else { 



	#return(list(y, X , par_fixed ,random, par_random_all ,par_mcmc, verbose=verbose, options()$cpgen.threads, use_BLAS, ginverse))


get_pred <- function(mod) {



get_cor <- function(predictions,cv_pheno,y) {

	cv_vec <- matrix(unlist(cv_pheno),nrow=length(y),ncol=length(cv_pheno),byrow=FALSE)

	mean_pred <- rep(NA,nrow(predictions))

	for(i in 1:nrow(predictions)) {

		mean_pred[i] <- mean(predictions[i,which(is.na(cv_vec[i,]))])





cGBLUP <- function(y,G,X=NULL, scale_a = 0, df_a = -2, scale_e = 0, df_e = -2,niter = 10000, burnin = 5000, seed = NULL, verbose=TRUE) {

	isy <- (1:length(y))[!is.na(y)]
	if(length(y) != nrow(G)) stop("dimension of y and G dont match")

	if(verbose) cat("\nComputing Eigen Decomposition\n")

	if(length(isy) < length(y)) {

		UD <- eigen(G[isy,isy]) 

	} else {

		UD <- eigen(G) 


	n <- length(isy)

	if(is.null(X)) X = rep(1,length(y[isy]))

	Uy <- (t(UD$vectors)%c%y[isy])[,1]
	UX <- t(UD$vectors)%c%X

	D_sqrt <- sqrt(UD$values)

	par_random <- list(list(scale=scale_a,df=df_a,sparse_or_dense="sparse",method="ridge"))

	if(verbose) cat("Running Model\n")
	if(is.null(seed)) { seed = as.integer((as.double(Sys.time())*1000+Sys.getpid()) %% 2^31) }

	# set the number of threads to 1 for clmm
	old_threads <- get_num_threads()

	mod <- clmm(y = Uy, X = UX , Z = list(Z), par_random = par_random, scale_e=scale_e, df_e=df_e, 
		    verbose=verbose, niter=niter, burnin=burnin, seed=seed)

	# set number of threads to old value

	u <- rep(NA,length(y))

	u[isy] <- UD$vectors %c% (D_sqrt * mod[[4]]$posterior$estimates_mean)
	if(length(isy) < length(y)) { u[-isy] <- G[-isy,isy] %c% csolve(G[isy,isy],u[isy]) }

	e <- mod$Residual_Variance$Posterior

	return(list(var_e = mod$Residual_Variance$Posterior_Mean,
		    var_a = mod[[4]]$posterior$variance_mean, 
		    b = mod[[3]]$posterior$estimates_mean,
		    a = u,
		    posterior_var_e = mod$Residual_Variance$Posterior,
		    posterior_var_a = mod[[4]]$posterior$variance))


X_is_ok <- function(X,n,name) {

	a = class(X)
	#if(sum(a%in%allowed)!=1) stop(paste(c("lol","rofl"))) 
	if(!any(a %in% allowed)) stop(paste("design matrix '",name,"' must match one of the following types: ",paste(allowed,collapse=" , "),sep="")) 

	if(anyNA(X)) stop(paste("No NAs allowed in design matrix '", name,"'", sep="")) 

	if("matrix" %in% a | "dgCMatrix" %in% a) if(nrow(X) != n) stop(paste("Number of rows in design matrix '",name,"' doesnt match number of observations in y",sep=""))



### GWAS

#cGWAS.BR <- function(mod, M, window_size, threshold, sliding_window=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {		
#  niter = mod$mcmc$niter		
#  burnin = mod$mcmc$burnin
#  n_windows = ifelse(sliding_window, as.integer(ncol(M) - window_size + 1), as.integer(ncol(M) / window_size))		
#  posterior = mod[[4]]$posterior$estimates[(burnin+1):niter,]		
#  genetic_values = tcrossprod(M, posterior)		
#  genetic_variance = apply(genetic_values,2,var)		
#  res = array(0, dim=c(n_windows,6))		
#  colnames(res) <- c("window","mean_var","mean_var_proportion","prob_var_bigger_threshold","start","end")		
#  end=0	
#  count = 0	
#  for(i in 1:n_windows) {		
#    count = count + 1
#    if(verbose) print(paste("window: ", i, " out of ", n_windows,sep=""))		

#    if(sliding_window) {

#      start = count
#      end = count + window_size - 1

#    } else {

#        start = end + 1		
#        end = end + window_size		
#        if(i == n_windows) end = ncol(M) 

#      }
#    window_genetic_values = tcrossprod(M[,start:end], posterior[,start:end])		
#    window_genetic_variance = ccolmv(window_genetic_values,compute_var=TRUE)		
#    post_var_proportion = window_genetic_variance / genetic_variance		
#    res[i,"window"] = i		
#    res[i,"mean_var"] = mean(window_genetic_variance)		
#    res[i,"mean_var_proportion"] = mean(post_var_proportion)		
#    res[i,"prob_var_bigger_threshold"] = sum(post_var_proportion > threshold) / nrow(posterior)		
#    res[i,"start"] = start
#    res[i,"end"] = end	
#  }		
#  return(res)		
cheuerde/cpgen documentation built on July 27, 2023, 11:34 a.m.