
Defines functions msm2Surv

Documented in msm2Surv

## Function to convert data for a msm model fit to data for a coxph model fit

#' Convert data for `msm' to data for `survival', `mstate' or `flexsurv'
#' analysis
#' Converts longitudinal data for a \code{\link{msm}} model fit, where
#' observations represent the exact transition times of the process, to
#' counting process data.  This enables, for example, flexible parametric
#' multi-state models to be fitted with \code{\link[flexsurv]{flexsurvreg}}
#' from the \pkg{flexsurv} package, or semiparametric models to be implemented
#' with \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} and the \pkg{mstate} package.
#' For example, if the data supplied to \code{\link{msm}} look like this:
#' \tabular{lllll}{ \code{subj} \tab \code{days} \tab \code{status} \tab
#' \code{age} \tab \code{treat} \cr 1\tab 0\tab 1 \tab 66\tab 1\cr 1\tab 27\tab
#' 2 \tab 66\tab 1\cr 1\tab 75\tab 3 \tab 66\tab 1\cr 1\tab 97\tab 4 \tab
#' 66\tab 1\cr 1\tab 1106\tab 4 \tab 69\tab 1\cr 2\tab 0\tab 1 \tab 49\tab 0\cr
#' 2\tab 90\tab 2 \tab 49\tab 0\cr 2\tab 1037\tab 2 \tab 51\tab 0\cr }
#' then the output of \code{\link{msm2Surv}} will be a data frame looking like
#' this:
#' \tabular{lllllllllll}{ \code{id} \tab \code{from} \tab \code{to} \tab
#' \code{Tstart} \tab \code{Tstop} \tab \code{time} \tab \code{status} \tab
#' \code{age} \tab \code{treat} \tab \code{trans}\cr 1 \tab 1 \tab 2 \tab 0
#' \tab 27 \tab 27 \tab 1 \tab 66 \tab 1 \tab 1\cr 1 \tab 1 \tab 4 \tab 0 \tab
#' 27 \tab 27 \tab 0 \tab 66 \tab 1 \tab 2\cr 1 \tab 2 \tab 3 \tab 27 \tab 75
#' \tab 48 \tab 1 \tab 66 \tab 1 \tab 3\cr 1 \tab 2 \tab 4 \tab 27 \tab 75 \tab
#' 48 \tab 0 \tab 66 \tab 1 \tab 4\cr 1 \tab 3 \tab 4 \tab 75 \tab 97 \tab 22
#' \tab 1 \tab 69 \tab 1 \tab 5\cr 2 \tab 1 \tab 2 \tab 0 \tab 90 \tab 90 \tab
#' 1 \tab 49 \tab 0 \tab 1\cr 2 \tab 1 \tab 4 \tab 0 \tab 90 \tab 90 \tab 0
#' \tab 49 \tab 0 \tab 2\cr 2 \tab 2 \tab 3 \tab 90 \tab 1037 \tab 947 \tab 0
#' \tab 49 \tab 0 \tab 3\cr 2 \tab 2 \tab 4 \tab 90 \tab 1037 \tab 947 \tab
#' 0\tab 49 \tab 0 \tab 4\cr }
#' At 27 days, subject 1 is observed to move from state 1 to state 2 (first
#' row, status 1), which means that their potential transition from state 1 to
#' state 4 is censored (second row, status 0).
#' See the \pkg{mstate} package and the references below for more details of
#' this data format and using it for semi-parametric multi-state modelling.
#' @param data Data frame in the format expected by a \code{\link{msm}} model
#' fit with \code{exacttimes=TRUE} or all \code{obstype=2}.  Each row
#' represents an observation of a state, and the time variable contains the
#' exact and complete transition times of the underlying process.  This is
#' explained in more detail in the help page for \code{\link{msm}}, section
#' \code{obstype=2}.
#' @param subject Name of the subject ID in the data (character format, i.e.
#' quoted).
#' @param time Name of the time variable in the data (character).
#' @param state Name of the state variable in the data (character).
#' @param covs Vector of covariate names to carry through (character).  If not
#' supplied, this is taken to be all remaining variables in the data.
#' @param Q Transition intensity matrix.  This should have number of rows and
#' number of columns both equal to the number of states.  If an instantaneous
#' transition is not allowed from state \eqn{r} to state \eqn{s}, then \code{Q}
#' should have \eqn{(r,s)} entry 0, otherwise it should be non-zero.  The
#' diagonal entries are ignored.
#' @return A data frame of class \code{"msdata"}, with rows representing
#' observed or censored transitions.  There will be one row for each observed
#' transition in the original data, and additional rows for every potential
#' transition that could have occurred out of each observed state.
#' The data frame will have columns called:
#' \item{id}{Subject ID} \item{from}{Starting state of the transition}
#' \item{to}{Finishing state of the transition} \item{Tstart}{The starting time
#' of the transition} \item{Tstop}{The finishing time of the transition}
#' \item{time}{The time difference = \code{Tstop} - \code{Tstart}}
#' \item{status}{Event or censoring indicator, with 1 indicating an observed
#' transition, and 0 indicating censoring} \item{trans}{Transition number}
#' and any remaining columns will represent covariates.  Any covariates whose
#' names clash with the standard variables in the returned data (\code{"id"},
#' \code{"from"}, \code{"to"}, \code{"Tstart"}, \code{"Tstop"}, \code{"time"},
#' \code{"status"} or \code{"trans"}) have \code{".2"} appended to their names.
#' The transition matrix in \pkg{mstate} format is stored in the \code{trans}
#' attribute of the returned object.  See the example code below.
#' @author C. H. Jackson \email{chris.jackson@@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link[mstate]{msprep}}, in \pkg{mstate}, which produces data
#' in a similar format, given data in "wide" format with one row per subject.
#' @references Putter H, Fiocco M, Geskus RB (2007). Tutorial in biostatistics:
#' Competing risks and multi-state models. \emph{Statistics in Medicine} 26:
#' 2389-2430.
#' Liesbeth C. de Wreede, Marta Fiocco, Hein Putter (2011). \pkg{mstate}: An R
#' Package for the Analysis of Competing Risks and Multi-State Models.
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 38(7), 1-30.
#' Jackson, C. H. (2014). flexsurv: Flexible parametric survival and
#' multi-state models.  R package version 0.5.
#' @examples
#' msmdat <- data.frame(
#'  subj = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
#'  days = c(0, 27, 75, 97, 1106, 0, 90, 1037),
#'  status = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2),
#'  age = c(66, 66, 66, 66, 69, 49, 49, 51),
#'  treat = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
#' )
#' # transitions only allowed to next state up or state 4
#' Q <- rbind(c(1, 1, 0, 1), 
#'            c(0, 1, 1, 1),
#'            c(0, 0, 1, 1),
#'            c(0, 0, 0, 0))
#' dat <- msm2Surv(data=msmdat, subject="subj", time="days", state="status", 
#'          Q=Q)
#' dat
#' attr(dat, "trans")
#' @export msm2Surv
msm2Surv <- function(data, # data frame
                     subject, time, state, # names of subject, time and state variables (character)
                     covs=NULL, # names of covariates (character vector)
                     Q # transition intensity matrix.  should be zero where transitions are disallowed.
                     ) {
    if (!inherits(data, "data.frame")) stop("`data` should inherit class `data.frame`")
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    if (missing(subject)) stop("subject variable not given")
    if (missing(time)) stop("time variable not given")
    if (missing(state)) stop("state variable not given")
    fpt <- !duplicated(data[,subject]) # indicator for patient's first observation
    lpt <- !duplicated(data[,subject], fromLast=TRUE) # ... last observation ...
    nev <- nrow(data[!lpt,])
    ## Data frame of observed events
    ev <- data.frame(id=data[!lpt,subject], from=data[!lpt,state],to=data[!fpt,state],
                     Tstart=data[!lpt,time], Tstop=data[!fpt,time], time=data[!fpt,time]-data[!lpt,time],
    if (is.null(covs)) covs <- setdiff(colnames(data), c(subject, time, state))
    ## rename any covariates which clash with standard names in the returned data
    for (i in c("id", "from", "to","Tstart","Tstop","time","status","trans"))
        covs[covs==i] <- colnames(data)[colnames(data)==i] <- paste(i, ".2", sep="")
    for (i in covs)
        ev[,i] <- data[!lpt, i]
    neq <- sum(ev$Tstart == ev$Tstop)
    if (neq > 0) {
        warning("Omitting ",neq, " rows with two observations at the same time")
        ev <- ev[ev$Tstart < ev$Tstop,]
    diag(Q) <- 0; Q[Q>0] <- 1
    if (is.null(rownames(Q))) rownames(Q) <- 1:nrow(Q)
    if (is.null(colnames(Q))) colnames(Q) <- 1:ncol(Q)
    Qf <- Q[ev$from,]
    Qf[cbind(1:nrow(Qf), ev$to)] <- 0
    nto <- rowSums(Qf)
    ncens <- sum(nto)
    cto <- which(t(Qf)==1,arr.ind=TRUE)[,1]
    ## Data frame of censored events
    cens <- data.frame(id=rep(ev$id, nto), from=rep(ev$from, nto), to=cto,
                       Tstart=rep(ev$Tstart, nto), Tstop=rep(ev$Tstop, nto),
                       time=rep(ev$Tstop, nto) - rep(ev$Tstart, nto),
                       status=rep(0, ncens))
    for (i in covs)
        cens[,i] <- rep(ev[,i], nto)
    surv <- rbind(ev, cens)
    surv <- surv[order(surv$id, surv$Tstart, surv$to),]
    surv <- surv[!(surv$from==surv$to),]
    Qi <- t(Q); Qi[Qi==1] <- seq_along(which(t(Q)==1)); Qi <- t(Qi)
    surv$trans <- Qi[cbind(surv$from,surv$to)]
    rownames(surv) <- NULL
    tmat <- t(Q)
    tmat[t(Q)==1] <- seq_along(tmat[t(Q)==1])
    tmat <- t(tmat); tmat[Q==0] <- NA
    names(dimnames(tmat)) <- c("from","to")
    attr(surv, "trans") <-  tmat
    class(surv) <- c("msdata","data.frame")
chjackson/msm documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 12:24 a.m.