
Defines functions fetch_latlon

Documented in fetch_latlon

#' Fetch the laitude and longitude variables and convert to matrices
#' @param nc_file Opened ncdf file
#' @param latlon_name Character vector of length 2. Names of latitude longitude
#'   variables (if provided)
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncvar_get
#' @return Returns a list holding latitude and longitude matrices
#' @keywords internal
fetch_latlon <- function(nc_file, latlon_name) {
    latlon_name <- find_latlon(nc_file)
      dim_names <- names(nc_file$dim)
      x_name <- dim_names[tolower(substr(dim_names, 1, 3)) %in% c("x", "lon")]
      y_name <- dim_names[tolower(substr(dim_names, 1, 3)) %in% c("y", "lat")]
      if(length(x_name) != 1){
        stop("Finding 'x' dimension was not successful")
      if(length(y_name) != 1){
        stop("Finding 'y' dimension was not successful")
      latlon_name <- c(y_name, x_name)
  lat <- ncvar_get(nc_file, latlon_name[1])
  lon <- ncvar_get(nc_file, latlon_name[2])

  if(length(dim(lat)) == 1){
    dim_lat <- length(lat)
    dim_lon <- length(lon)
    lat <- matrix(rep(sort(lat, decreasing = TRUE), dim_lon),
                  nrow = dim_lat,
                  ncol = dim_lon)
    lon <- matrix(rep(sort(lon), dim_lat),
                  nrow = dim_lon,
                  ncol = dim_lat) %>%
  } else {
    lat <- rotate_cc(lat)
    lon <- rotate_cc(lon)

  return(list(lat = lat, lon = lon))

#' Automatically find latitude and longitude variables
#' @param nc_file Opened ncdf file
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @return Returns a vector of length 2 givong the names of the lat/lon variables
#' @keywords internal
find_latlon <- function(nc_file) {
  var_name <- names(nc_file$var)
  long_name <- map(nc_file$var, ~.x$longname)
  var_name_lat <- var_name[grepl(pattern = "latitude", tolower(long_name))]
  var_name_lon <- var_name[grepl(pattern = "longitude", tolower(long_name))]
  if(xor(length(var_name_lat) == 0, length(var_name_lon) == 0)) {
    stop("Only one of the two variables 'lat'/'lon' identified. Please check manually!")
  if(length(var_name_lat) == 0) {
    warning("No 'lat'/'lon' variables identified. Using 'x' and 'y' dimensions instead."%&%
              "If 'lat'/'lon' variables should exist, define them manually!")
  } else {
    return(c(var_name_lat, var_name_lon))

#' Fetch the date vector from the ncdf file if provided
#' @param nc_file Opened ncdf file
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom lubridate as_date duration
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncatt_get ncvar_get
#' @return Returns a vector of length 2 givong the names of the lat/lon variables
#' @keywords internal
fetch_time <- function(nc_file) {
  if("time" %in% names(nc_file$dim)){
    ## Read the time intervals vector from the ncdf file
    time <- ncvar_get(nc_file, "time")

    ## Read the attributes of the time vector
    time_attr <- ncatt_get(nc_file, "time", "units")$value

    if(time_attr != 0) {
      time_init <- time_attr %>%
        gsub("days since |seconds since ", "", .) %>%

      time_inter <- time_attr %>%
        strsplit(., " ") %>%
        unlist(.) %>%

      time_span <- time_init + duration(num = time, units = time_inter)
    } else {
      time_span <- time
      warning("Dimension 'time' has no attributes. Time returned as numeric vector!")
  } else {
    time_span <- NULL
    warning("No 'time' dimension found. Results are returned without a date")

#' Fetch the trimmed data array according to the trimmed lat/lon and the trimmed
#' time interval
#' @param nc_file Opened ncdf file
#' @param var_name The name of the variable that should be read. If NULL the
#'   first variable is selected
#' @param lat_lon_ind The indices of the in x/y dimensions to extract only the
#'   extent of the data array that covers the shape extent
#' @param time_ind The indices in the time dimension to only extract the data
#'   for the time period of interest
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols case_when %>%
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncvar_get
#' @importFrom purrr array_branch map map_chr map_dbl set_names
#' @importFrom tibble add_column as_tibble
#' @return Returns the variable's data as a list of matrices.
#' @keywords internal
fetch_var <- function(nc_file, var_name, lat_lon_ind, time_ind) {
  ## If no variable name is provided, the first variable is selected
  if(is.null(var_name)) var_name <- names(nc_file$var)[1]
  n_dim <- nc_file$var[[var_name]]$ndims

  dim_var <- map_dbl(nc_file$dim, ~.x$len)
  is_dim_one <- dim_var == 1
  dim_name <- map_chr(nc_file$dim, ~.x$name)
  if(time_ind$count > 1) {
    which_is_time <- which(dim_name == "time")
    is_dim_one <- is_dim_one*(!(dim_name == "time"))

  if(n_dim == 3){
    start_ind <- rep(1, n_dim)
    start_ind[!is_dim_one] <- c(lat_lon_ind$start, time_ind$start)
    count_ind <- rep(1, n_dim)
    count_ind[!is_dim_one] <- c(lat_lon_ind$count, time_ind$count)
  } else {
    start_ind <- rep(1, n_dim)
    start_ind[!is_dim_one] <- lat_lon_ind$start
    count_ind <- rep(1, n_dim)
    count_ind[!is_dim_one] <- lat_lon_ind$count

  if(any(is_dim_one)) {
    warning(paste("Variables:", paste(dim_name[is_dim_one], collapse = ", "),
                  "were dimension 1 and were not considered for variable aggregation!"))

  var_data <- ncvar_get(nc = nc_file, varid = var_name,
                        start = start_ind, count = count_ind)

  n_timestep <- ifelse(is.na(count_ind[3]), 0, count_ind[3])

  if(!(n_timestep %in% c(0,1))) {
    array_margin <- case_when(all(count_ind[1:2] == 1) ~ 1,
                              any(count_ind[1:2] == 1) ~ 2,
                              all(count_ind[1:2] != 1) ~ 3)

    var_data <- array_branch(var_data, margin = array_margin)
  } else {
    var_data <- list(var_data)

  if(any(count_ind[1:2] == 1)) {
    var_data <- map(var_data, ~matrix(.x, nrow = count_ind[2],
                                          ncol = count_ind[1]))

  var_data <- var_data %>%
    map(., rotate_cc) %>%
    map(., as.vector) %>%
    bind_cols() %>%
    as_tibble(., .name_repair = "minimal") %>%
    set_names("timestep"%_%1:ncol(.)) %>%
    add_column(., idx = 1:nrow(.), .before = 1)


## Function to rotate a matrix 90° counter clockwise
#' Rotate matrix 90° counter clockwise
#' @param mtr Matrix to rotate
#' @return Returns rotated matrix
#' @keywords internal
rotate_cc <- function(mtr) { mtr %>% t(.) %>% apply(., 2, rev)}
chrisschuerz/aRastoCAT documentation built on May 16, 2020, 1:33 a.m.