
Defines functions cv.for.one.method cv.helper.one.fld.one.model cv.helper.one.fld.one.method.with.check get.flds get.flds.for.methods get.good.samples get.good.flds cv.for.methods

cv.for.one.method<-function(X, Y, intercept, flds, fit.method, is.keep.all, progress.percent = NULL){
  # helper function of "cv.for.methods", which creates folds of cv fit for one method
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: whether the model should have intercept
  #   fit.method: fitting method
  #   flds: test folds
  #   is.keep.all: whether we keep the fitted models, when ols fit is not available
  # Returns:
  #   a list (index by folds) of list (estimated beta and mse)

  futile.logger::flog.info("start fitting cv with method %s", attr(fit.method, "name"))

  result = list()
  if(!is.null(vsc.env$is.shiny) && vsc.env$is.shiny && !is.null(progress.percent)){
    result = lapply(flds, function(fld) {
      cv.result = cv.helper.one.fld.one.method.with.check(X, Y, intercept, fld, fit.method, is.keep.all)
      return (cv.result)
  } else{
    result = lapply(flds, function(fld)
      cv.helper.one.fld.one.method.with.check(X, Y, intercept, fld, fit.method, is.keep.all))
  futile.logger::flog.info("finished fitting cv with method %s", attr(fit.method, "name"))

  return (result)

## ------ cv helpers ------
cv.helper.one.fld.one.model<-function(X, Y, intercept, fld, est.b = NULL,
                                      fit.method = NULL, with.ols = TRUE){
  # helper function which creates one fold cv fit for one specific model or method
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: whether the model should have intercept
  #   fld: test fold
  #   est.b: estimated beta. If it is not NULL, then the fit is for a specific fitted model
  #   fit.method: fitting method. If it is not NULL, then the fit is for a specific method
  # Returns:
  #   a list (ols.cv, cv) of list (estimated beta and mse)

  is.cv.on.fitted.model = (!is.null(est.b) && is.null(fit.method) && with.ols)
  is.cv.on.method = (is.null(est.b) && !is.null(fit.method))

  cv.fit.result = list()
    cv.fit.result$cv = fit.method(X[-fld,,drop=FALSE], Y[-fld], intercept)
    est.b = cv.fit.result$cv$est.b

          cv.fit.result$ols.cv = lm.ols.refit(X[-fld,,drop=FALSE], Y[-fld], intercept, est.b)
      } else{ # if est.beta is a matrix
        sel.i = which(rowSums(est.b!=0)<length(Y[-fld])) # make sure there are enough sample to refit
        cv.fit.result$ols.cv = lm.ols.refit(X[-fld,,drop=FALSE], Y[-fld], intercept, est.b[sel.i,,drop=FALSE])
  } else if(is.cv.on.fitted.model){
    cv.fit.result$ols.cv = lm.ols.refit(X[-fld,,drop=FALSE], Y[-fld], intercept, est.b)
  } else{
    futile.logger::flog.error("cv.for.one.fld.one.model: wrong argument(s)")
    stop("wrong argument for cv.for.one.fld.one.model")

  # get result with mse
  result = list()
  for(cv.name in names(cv.fit.result)){
    result[[cv.name]] = list(est.b = cv.fit.result[[cv.name]]$est.b,
                             mse = lm.mse(X[fld,,drop=FALSE], Y[fld], mod = cv.fit.result[[cv.name]]))
  return (result)

cv.helper.one.fld.one.method.with.check<-function(X, Y, intercept, fld,
                                                  fit.method, is.keep.all){
  # helper function of "cv.for.one.cv.method", which creates one fold cv fit for one specific method with check
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: whether the model should have intercept
  #   fld: test fold
  #   fit.method: fitting method
  #   is.keep.all: whether we keep the fitted models, when ols fit is not available
  # Returns:
  #   a list (estimated beta and mse)
  cv.result = cv.helper.one.fld.one.model(X, Y, intercept = intercept, fld = fld, fit.method = fit.method, with.ols = TRUE)

  b = cv.result$cv$est.b
  e = cv.result$cv$mse
  ols.b = NULL
  ols.e = NULL

  if(!is.null(cv.result$ols.cv)){ # if can fit ols, use it
    ols.b = cv.result$ols.cv$est.b
    ols.e = cv.result$ols.cv$mse
  } else if(is.keep.all){ # if cannot fit ols and we need to keep all methods, use the raw one for ols ones
    ols.b = b
    ols.e = e
  if(any(is.na(b)) || any(is.na(ols.b))){
    stop("estimated beta cannot be NA")
  return (list(est.b = b, mse = e, ols.est.b = ols.b, ols.mse = ols.e))

## ======= create folds =========
get.flds<-function(X, fit.percent = NULL, num.repeat = NULL,
                   is.k.fld.cv = FALSE, num.fld = NULL,
                   min.train.size = 0, current.flds = NULL){
  # create a list of test folds, with guarentees that each covariate in each train fold is not constant,
  # and the train fold size is not smaller than min.train.size
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   fit.percent: percentage of obs used in fitting
  #   num.repeat: number of time to get samples
  #   min.train.size: minimum size of each train fold
  #   current.flds: current folds
  # Returns:
  #   a list of test folds

    return (get.good.flds(X, num.fld))
  } else{
    n = nrow(X)
    test.size = min(n-min.train.size, round((1-fit.percent)*n))

    current.num.repeat = length(current.flds)
    num.from.current = if(length(current.flds)==0){NULL} else {1:min(current.num.repeat, num.repeat)}
    num.to.create = if(num.repeat<=current.num.repeat){NULL} else{(current.num.repeat+1):num.repeat}

    return (c(lapply(num.from.current, function(i) current.flds[[i]]),
              lapply(num.to.create, function(i) get.good.samples(X, test.size, seed = NULL)))) #i

get.flds.for.methods<-function(flds, current.fld.length.for.method){
  # create a list of test folds for a method
  # Args:
  #   flds: folds for all methods
  #   current.fld.length.for.method: length of folds that already fitted
  # Returns:
  #   a list of test folds with length = max(0, current.fld.length.for.method, length(flds))

  target.fld.length = length(flds)
    return ()
  } else{
    return (lapply((current.fld.length.for.method+1):target.fld.length, function(i) flds[[i]]))

## ------ create fold helpers ------
get.good.samples<-function(X, test.size, seed = NULL){
  # helper function of "create.flds", which creates delete-k cv samples with guarentee that each covariate in each train fold is varied
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   test.size: size of each test fold (k)
  # Returns:
  #   a vector of test folds


  p = ncol(X)
  varied.i = which(sapply(1:p, function(i) {
      return (max(X[,i])!=min(X[,i]))
    } else if(is.factor(X[,i])){
      return (nlevels(X[,i])>1)

  counter = 20
    n = nrow(X)
    fld = sample(1:n, test.size)
    if(!counter || !any(sapply(varied.i, function(i) {
        return (max(X[-fld,i])==min(X[-fld,i]))
      } else{
        return (nlevels(X[-fld,i])>1)

      return (fld)
    counter = counter-1
    futile.logger::flog.info("get.good.samples: redraw")

get.good.flds<-function(X, num.fld){
  # helper function of "create.flds", which creates k-fold CV samples with guarentee that each covariate in each train fold is varied
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   num.fld: number of flds
  # Returns:
  #   a vector of test folds

  varied.i = which(sapply(1:ncol(X), function(i) max(X[,i])!=min(X[,i])))
  n = nrow(X)
    flds = caret::createFolds(1:n, k = num.fld, list = TRUE)
    if(!any(sapply(flds, function(fld) any(sapply(varied.i, function(i) max(X[-fld,i])==min(X[-fld,i])))))){
    futile.logger::flog.info("get.good.samples: redraw")

cv.for.methods<-function(X, Y, intercept,
                         fit.percent, num.repeat,
                         fit.methods, is.keep.all,
                         current.fit = NULL, num.core = 1){
  # the function creates delete k cv fit for methods
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: whether the model should have intercept
  #   fit.percent: percentage of obs used in fitting
  #   num.repeat: number of iterations
  #   fit.methods: fitting methods
  #   is.keep.all: whether we keep the fitted models, when ols fit is not available
  #   current.fit: current fits
  # Returns:
  #   a list of: 1. list (index by methods) of list (index by folds) of list (estimated beta and mse)
  #              2. flds

  cv.name = paste0(round(fit.percent,2), ":", round(1-fit.percent, 2), " cv for ", num.repeat, " times")
  futile.logger::flog.info("start fitting %s", cv.name)

  current.flds = NULL
    current.flds = current.fit$flds
  flds = get.flds(X, fit.percent = fit.percent, num.repeat = num.repeat,
                  min.train.size = 0, current.flds = current.flds)

  result = NULL
    cl <- makeCluster(min(detectCores()-1, length(fit.methods), num.core), outfile = "parallel_log.txt")
    clusterExport(cl=cl, list("get.flds.for.methods", "cv.for.one.method"), envir=environment())
    #clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(VSC)})
    # todo
    result = parLapply(cl, names(fit.methods), function(fit.method.name, param){
      method.flds = get.flds.for.methods(param$flds, current.fld.length.for.method = length(param$current.fit$unique.mod[[fit.method.name]]))
      return(cv.for.one.method(param$X, param$Y, param$intercept, method.flds, param$fit.methods[[fit.method.name]], param$is.keep.all, progress.percent = NULL))
    }, param = list(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept,
                    flds = flds, current.fit = current.fit,
                    fit.methods = fit.methods, is.keep.all = is.keep.all))
  } else{
    result = lapply(names(fit.methods), function(fit.method.name){
      if(!is.null(vsc.env$is.shiny) && vsc.env$is.shiny){
        shiny::incProgress(amount = 0, detail = paste("\n fitting", fit.method.name))
      method.flds = get.flds.for.methods(flds, current.fld.length.for.method = length(current.fit$unique.mod[[fit.method.name]]))
      return(cv.for.one.method(X, Y, intercept, method.flds, fit.methods[[fit.method.name]], is.keep.all, progress.percent = 1/length(fit.methods)))

  names(result) = names(fit.methods)

  futile.logger::flog.info("finished fitting %s", cv.name)
  return(list(cv.result = result,
              flds = flds))

## ======= cv =========
# cv.for.methods<-function(X, Y, intercept, fit.percent, fit.methods, is.keep.all){
#   # the function creates folds of cv fit for methods
#   #
#   # Args:
#   #   X: covariates
#   #   Y: response
#   #   intercept: whether the model should have intercept
#   #   fit.percent: percentage of obs used in fitting
#   #   fit.methods: fitting methods
#   #   is.keep.all: whether we keep the fitted models, when ols fit is not available
#   #
#   # Returns:
#   #   a list of: 1. list (index by methods) of list (index by folds) of list (estimated beta and mse)
#   #              2. flds
#   cv.name = paste0(fit.percent, ":", 1-fit.percent, " cv")
#   futile.logger::flog.info("start fitting %s", cv.name)
#   flds = get.flds(X, fit.percent = fit.percent, num.repeat = 1, min.train.size = 0)
#   result = lapply(fit.methods, function(fit.method){
#     cv.for.one.method(X, Y, intercept, flds, fit.method, is.keep.all)
#   })
#   futile.logger::flog.info("finished fitting %s", cv.name)
#   return(list(cv.result = result,
#               flds = flds))
# }
christineyuen/VSC documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:45 a.m.