
Defines functions removeGasFlares getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly getNlCtryGasFlaresRds existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds createNlCtryGasFlares hasNlCtryGasFlares getNlGasFlaresRds existsNlGasFlaresRds createNlGasFlares getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath

Documented in createNlCtryGasFlares createNlGasFlares existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds existsNlGasFlaresRds getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly getNlCtryGasFlaresRds getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath getNlGasFlaresRds getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath hasNlCtryGasFlares

######################## getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath ###################################

#' Get the path to the saved world gasflare RDS
#' Get the path to the saved world gasflare RDS
#' @return \code{character} the path to the world gasflare RDS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns path to the world RDS
#' }
getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath <- function()
  return(file.path(getNlDir("dirNlGasFlares"), "gasflaresmosaic.rds"))

######################## getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath ###################################

#' Get the path to the saved country gasflare RDS
#' Get the path to the saved country gasflare RDS
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @return \code{character} the path to the world gasflare RDS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns path to the world RDS
#' }
getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath <- function(ctryCode)
    paste0("gasflares_", ctryCode, ".rds")

######################## getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath ###################################

#' Get the path to the saved world gasflare RDS
#' Get the path to the saved world gasflare RDS
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns path to the world RDS
#' }
createNlGasFlares <- function()
    ": removeGasFlaresMethod = OGP. Downloading DMSP-OLS gas flare country polygons. This will take a while"
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  gasFlareRdsFnamePath <- getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath()
  if (!file.exists(gasFlareRdsFnamePath))
    #the page that lists all available nightlight files
    gasFlarePageHtml <-
    #the local name of the file once downloaded
    gasFlarePageLocalName <-
      file.path(getNlDir("dirNlTemp"), basename(gasFlarePageHtml))
    #if the file does not exist or is older than a day download it afresh
    #not working. download.file does not seem to update mtime
    if (!file.exists(gasFlarePageLocalName) ||
          Sys.Date() - lubridate::date(file.mtime(gasFlarePageLocalName)) > lubridate::as.difftime(lubridate::period("1 day"))
        url = gasFlarePageHtml,
        destfile = gasFlarePageLocalName,
        method = "auto",
        extra = "-N"
    #  message(paste0(ntLtsPageHtml, " already downloaded"))
    #read in the html page
    gasFlarePage <- xml2::read_html(gasFlarePageLocalName)
    gasFlarePage <- rvest::html_nodes(gasFlarePage, "table tr td a")
    gasFlareRgxp <- paste0("Flares_.*\\.tgz")
    gasFlareNodes <-
      gasFlarePage[grep(pattern = gasFlareRgxp, x = gasFlarePage)]
    gasFlareUrls <- rvest::html_attr(gasFlareNodes, name = "href")
    for (gasFlareUrl in gasFlareUrls)
              ": Downloading gas flare polygon ",
      gfTgzLclFnamePath <-
        file.path(getNlDir("dirNlGasFlares"), basename(gasFlareUrl))
      if (!file.exists(gfTgzLclFnamePath))
        res <-
        try(utils::download.file(url = gasFlareUrl,
                                 destfile = gfTgzLclFnamePath,
                                 method = "auto"),
        message(Sys.time(), ": Exists")
        res <- 0
      if (res == 0)
        message(Sys.time(), ": Extracting ", basename(gasFlareUrl))
        gfShpDirLclFnamePath <-
        if (!dir.exists(gfShpDirLclFnamePath))
          utils::untar(tarfile = gfTgzLclFnamePath, exdir = gfShpDirLclFnamePath)
        } else
                  ": ",
                  " already exists")
    if (res == 0)
      #all shapefiles downloaded
      message(Sys.time(), ": Creating global gas flare shapefile")
      gfPoly <- list()
      message(Sys.time(), ": Reading in the downloaded gas flare polygons")
      for (gasFlareUrl in gasFlareUrls)
        gfTgzLclFnamePath <-
          file.path(getNlDir("dirNlGasFlares"), basename(gasFlareUrl))
        gfShpDirLclFnamePath <-
          tools::file_path_sans_ext(x = gfTgzLclFnamePath)
        gfPoly <-
          append(gfPoly, rgdal::readOGR(dsn = gfShpDirLclFnamePath))
      message(Sys.time(), ": mosaicing")
      gfPolyMosaic <- do.call(raster::bind, gfPoly)
      raster::projection(gfPolyMosaic) <- sp::CRS(projargs = wgs84)
      #clean the geometries
      message(Sys.time(), ": cleaning the mosaiced polygon")
      gfPolyMosaic <- cleangeo::clgeo_Clean(gfPolyMosaic)
      message(Sys.time(), ": Saving mosaiced polygon to RDS")
      saveRDS(object = gfPolyMosaic, file = gasFlareRdsFnamePath)
  } else
    message("Gas flare RDS already exists")

######################## existsNlGasFlaresRds ###################################

#' Check if the world gasflare RDS exists
#' Check if the world gasflare RDS exists
#' @return \code{logical} if the gasflare rds exists
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   existsNlGasFlaresRds()
#'   #returns TRUE/FALSE
#' }
existsNlGasFlaresRds <- function()
  gasFlareRdsFnamePath <- getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath()

######################## getNlGasFlaresRds ###################################

#' Returns the world gasflares polygon if it exists
#' Returns the world gasflares polygon if it exists
#' @return \code{spPolygons} the country gasflare polygon
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getNlGasFlaresRds()
#'   #returns mosaiced gasflare polygon
#' }
getNlGasFlaresRds <- function()
  if (!existsNlGasFlaresRds())

######################## hasNlCtryGasFlares ###################################

#' Checks if a country has gasflares
#' Checks if a country has gasflares
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{logical} whether the country has gasflares
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   hasNlCtryGasFlares(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns TRUE
#' }
#' @export
hasNlCtryGasFlares <- function(ctryCode,
                               gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                               gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                               custPolyPath = NULL)
  ctryPolyAdm0 <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(
    ctryCode = ctryCode,
    admLevel = unlist(
        ctryCodes = ctryCode,
        lyrNums = 0,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
    custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  gasFlarePoly <- getNlGasFlaresRds()
  return(any(rgeos::gIntersects(ctryPolyAdm0, gasFlarePoly, byid = TRUE)))

######################## hasNlCtryGasFlares ###################################

#' Checks if a country has gasflares
#' Checks if a country has gasflares
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{logical} whether the country has gasflares
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   hasNlCtryGasFlares(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns TRUE
#' }
createNlCtryGasFlares <- function(ctryCode,
                                  gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                  gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                  custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (!existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds(ctryCode))
    ctryPolyAdm0 <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      admLevel = unlist(
          ctryCodes = ctryCode,
          lyrNums = 0,
          gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
          gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
          custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    gasFlarePoly <- getNlGasFlaresRds()
    if (hasNlCtryGasFlares(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      if (!file.exists(getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode)))
                ": Creating country gas flare removal polygon. Approx time 2 mins")
        gasFlarePoly <- rgeos::gUnionCascaded(gasFlarePoly)
        ctryPolyAdm0GFRemoved <-
          rgeos::gDifference(spgeom1 = ctryPolyAdm0,
                             spgeom2 = gasFlarePoly,
                             byid = FALSE)
        saveRDS(object = ctryPolyAdm0GFRemoved, file = getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode))
        ctryPolyAdm0 <- ctryPolyAdm0GFRemoved
      } else
        ctryPolyAdm0 <- readRDS(getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode))
    } else
      message(Sys.time(), ": No gas flares for: ", ctryCode)
  } else
    message(Sys.time(), ": Already exists")

######################## existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds ###################################

#' Checks if the country gasflares rds exists
#' Checks if the country gasflares rds exists
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @return \code{logical} whether the country has gasflares
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns TRUE
#' }
existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds <- function(ctryCode)
  gfNlCtryRdsFnamePath <- getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode)

######################## getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly ###################################

#' Creates and returns a country's gasflares polygon
#' Creates and returns a country's gasflares polygon
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{spPolygons} the country gasflare polygon
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getNlCtryGasFlaresRds(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns gasflare polygon
#' }
getNlCtryGasFlaresRds <- function(ctryCode = ctryCode,
                                  gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                  gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                  custPolyPath = NULL)
  if (!existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds(ctryCode))
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
  if (existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds(ctryCode))
    res <- readRDS(file = getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath(ctryCode))
    res <- NULL

######################## getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly ###################################

#' Returns a country's gasflares polygon if it exists
#' Returns a country's gasflares polygon if it exists
#' @param ctryCode \code{character} The ctryCode of the country of interest
#' @param gadmVersion The GADM version to use
#' @param gadmPolyType The format of polygons to download from GADM
#' @param custPolyPath Alternative to GADM. A path to a custom shapefile zip
#' @return \code{spPolygons} the country gasflare polygon
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly(ctryCode="NGA")
#'   #returns gasflare polygon
#' }
getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly <- function(ctryCode = ctryCode,
                                   gadmVersion = pkgOptions("gadmVersion"),
                                   gadmPolyType = pkgOptions("gadmPolyType"),
                                   custPolyPath = NULL)
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath

removeGasFlares <- function(removeGasFlaresMethod, ctryPolyAdm0 = NULL,
                            ctryRastCropped = NULL, ctryCode, nlType, nlPeriod, 
                            gadmVersion, gadmPolyType, custPolyPath,
                            cropMaskMethod = pkgOptions("cropMaskMethod"))
  message(Sys.time(), ": Processing gas-flare/background removal")
  wgs84 <- getCRS()
  ctryMaskCropped <- NULL
  if (removeGasFlaresMethod == "OGP")
    #read in the mosaiced gas flare polys

    #does this country require gas flare removal
    if (hasNlCtryGasFlares(
      ctryCode = ctryCode,
      gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
      gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
      custPolyPath = custPolyPath
      message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Processing gas flare removal")

      ctryPolyAdm0 <- getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly(
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath

    } else
              ": RGF: Gas flare removal not required for: ",
  }else if(removeGasFlaresMethod %in% c("OTM","VTM"))
    if(missing(ctryPolyAdm0) || is.null(ctryPolyAdm0))
      ctryPolyAdm0 <- readCtryPolyAdmLayer(
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        admLevel = unlist(
            ctryCodes = ctryCode,
            lyrNums = 0,
            gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
            gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
            custPolyPath = custPolyPath
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    maskNlType <- ifelse(removeGasFlaresMethod == "OTM", "OLS.Y", "VIIRS.Y")
    maskConfigName <- pkgOptions(paste0("configName_", maskNlType))
    maskExtension <- pkgOptions(paste0("extension_", maskNlType))
    allMaskNlPeriods <- getAvailableNlPeriods(nlTypes = maskNlType, configNames = maskConfigName)
    allMaskNlPeriods <- allMaskNlPeriods[[maskNlType]][[maskConfigName]]
    maskNlPeriod <- allMaskNlPeriods[length(allMaskNlPeriods)]
    #get the path we will use to save the cropped raster
    ctryGFMaskOutputFnamePath <-
        ctryCode = ctryCode,
        nlType = maskNlType,
        nlPeriod = maskNlPeriod,
        gadmVersion = gadmVersion,
        gadmPolyType = gadmPolyType,
        custPolyPath = custPolyPath
    if (!file.exists(ctryGFMaskOutputFnamePath))
      message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Country mask raster not found. Creating")
      message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Identified tile ", nlType, " ", maskNlPeriod)
      maskTileList <- getCtryTileList(ctryCodes = ctryCode, nlType = maskNlType)
      #download tiles
      #download all required tiles
      if (!downloadNlTiles(
        nlType = maskNlType,
        configName = maskConfigName,
        extension = maskExtension,
        multiTileStrategy = pkgOptions("multiTileStrategy"),
        nlPeriod = maskNlPeriod,
        tileList = maskTileList
                ": RGF: Something went wrong with the tile downloads. Aborting ...")

      ctryMaskCropped <- NULL
      #crop tiles to country outline and save
      #mask file
      for (tile in maskTileList)
        maskFilename <- getNlTileTifLclNamePath(
          nlType = maskNlType,
          configName = maskConfigName,
          extension = maskExtension,
          nlPeriod = maskNlPeriod,
          tileNum = tileName2Idx(tileName = tile,
                                 nlType = nlType)
        maskTile <- raster::raster(x = maskFilename)

        raster::projection(maskTile) <- sp::CRS(projargs = wgs84)
        ctryPolyAdm0 <- sp::spTransform(ctryPolyAdm0, sp::CRS(SRS_string = wgs84))
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Cropping the raster tiles ")
        #extTempCrop <- crop(rastTile, ctryExtent)
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Cropping mask tile = ", tile)
        #we crop using raster for both rast and gdal
        #Note: gdalwarp is not used for cropping because the crop_to_cutline option
        #causes a shift in the cell locations which then affects the stats extracted.
        #A gdal-based crop to extent would be highly desirable for performance reasons
        #though so seeking other gdal-based workarounds
        tempMaskCrop <-
          raster::crop(x = maskTile,
                       y = ctryPolyAdm0,
                       progress = 'text')
        #will only be non-null if there are multiple tiles to be mosaiced i.e. a country
        #that straddles multiple tiles. So in the 2nd+ loop ctryRastCropped will not be null
        if (is.null(ctryMaskCropped))
          ctryMaskCropped <- tempMaskCrop
          #if we are here we are mosaicing multiple tiles
          ctryMaskMerged <- ctryMaskCropped
          ctryMaskCropped <- NULL
          #mosaic the tiles and store back in ctryRastCropped
          ctryMaskCropped <-
            raster::merge(x = ctryMaskMerged, y = tempMaskCrop)
      #unload the tile from memory
      #release unused memory
      message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Masking the raster ")
      if (cropMaskMethod == "rast")
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Convert to raster object using fasterize ")
        # Use fasterize to mask
        # Convert sf object to raster
        ctryPolyAdm0_raster <-
          fasterize::fasterize(sf = sf::st_as_sf(ctryPolyAdm0),
                               raster = ctryMaskCropped)
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Masking ")
        ctryRastCropped <-
          raster::mask(x = ctryMaskCropped, mask = ctryPolyAdm0_raster)
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Writing the raster to disk ")
          x = ctryMaskCropped,
          filename = ctryGFMaskOutputFnamePath,
          overwrite = TRUE,
          progress = "text"
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Crop and mask using rasterize ... Done")
      } else if (cropMaskMethod == "gdal")
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Crop and mask using gdalwarp ... ")
        rstTmp <-
          file.path(getNlDir(dirName = "dirNlTemp"),
                    paste0(basename(tempfile()), ".tif"))
                ": RGF: Writing merged raster to disk for gdalwarp masking")
        raster::writeRaster(x = ctryMaskCropped,
                            filename = rstTmp,
                            progress = "text")
        ctryRastCropped <- NULL
        #the polygon will already correspond to having gas flares removed or not
        ctryPolyAdm0TmpDir <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(rstTmp)
          obj = methods::as(ctryPolyAdm0, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"),
          dsn = ctryPolyAdm0TmpDir,
          driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
          layer = "GID_0_IDX"
        outputFileVrt <-
            getNlDir(dirName = "dirNlTemp"),
            paste0(ctryCode, "_GFMask_", nlType, "_", nlPeriod, ".vrt"),
            fsep =
        if (file.exists(outputFileVrt))
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: gdalwarp masking to VRT")
          srcfile = rstTmp,
          dstfile = outputFileVrt,
          s_srs = wgs84,
          t_srs = wgs84,
          cutline = ctryPolyAdm0TmpDir,
          cl = "GID_0_IDX",
          multi = TRUE,
          wm = pkgOptions("gdalCacheMax"),
          wo = paste0("NUM_THREADS=",
          q = FALSE
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: gdal_translate converting VRT to TIFF ")
        gdalUtils::gdal_translate(co = "compress=LZW",
                                  src_dataset = outputFileVrt,
                                  dst_dataset = ctryGFMaskOutputFnamePath)
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Deleting the component rasters ")
               recursive = T,
               force = T)
        ctryMaskCropped <- raster::raster(ctryGFMaskOutputFnamePath)
        message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: Crop and mask using gdalwarp ... DONE")
      maskFilename <- ctryGFMaskOutputFnamePath
      message(Sys.time(), ": RGF: ", maskFilename, " already exists")
      ctryMaskCropped <- raster::raster(x = maskFilename)
      raster::projection(x = ctryMaskCropped) <- sp::CRS(SRS_string = wgs84)
    ctryMaskCropped <- raster::mask(x = ctryRastCropped, mask = ctryMaskCropped,
                                    maskvalue = 0, updatevalue = 0, updateNA = TRUE)
  list("ctryGFPolyAdm0" = ctryPolyAdm0, "ctryGFMaskCropped" = ctryMaskCropped)
chrisvwn/Rnightlights documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.