
Defines functions read.px

Documented in read.px

# File:         read.px.R
# Purpose:      reads a PC-Axis file into R
# Created:      20110618
# Authors:      fvf, cjgb, opl
# Modifications:
#		20111210, cjgb: in the data string, "-" may represent the value 0
#		20111210, cjgb: fixing the strsplit when the split character is
#                       contained in the data part
#		20120329, cjgb: number strings in the DATA part can contain ";"
#                       as separators. Although deprecated, cases still lurk.
#   20130228, cjgb: There can be ; inside quoted strings that create chaos
#   20130608   fvf: Ability to read files with keys in data area.
#                     ":"  added to default na.string (EuroStat files)
#   20130624:  use str_split (line 91) to read DATA area
#   20130917, cjgb: changes to prevent errors with EOL characters
#   20131115, cjgb: some files do not have heading (or stub): only one of
#                               them is really required
#   20131118, cjgb: fixed a bug happening when missing (i.e. "..") was
#                       the last value in DATA fixing it required that
#                       the last quote was not eliminated (same for first quote)
#   20141222, fvf:  fixing some bug in relation to read files
#                       with KEYS (sparse array)
#   20150211, fvf:  The parameter "encoding" is NULL by default. "encoding"
#                       is determined by the file itself: if CHARSET="ANSI"
#                       then "latin1" else "CP437".
#   20150212. fvf:  I have to delete => 20130917,
#                       cjgb:  tmp[2] <- gsub(";.*", "", tmp[2])
#                       many px-files have a semicolon at the end of
#                       line in DATA area:
#                       i.e: read.px('http://www.ine.es/pcaxisdl//t20/e245/p05/a2002/l0/00004001.px')
#   20150216. fvf   minor correction of a bug in the modification: 20150211,fvf
#   20150219. fvf   Solving a bug: a missing "DROP=FALSE" was producing a read
#                       error on files with a single key
#   20221120, cjgb  Replacing strsplit by str_split in yet another place

read.px <- function(filename, encoding = NULL,
                    na.strings = c('"."', '".."', '"..."', '"...."', '"....."',
                                    '"......"', '":"'))

  ## auxiliary functions ##

  clean.spaces <- function(x){
    # discards heading|trailing whitespace
    gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", x)

  get.attributes <- function(x){
    ## separates label-attribute with ";"
    x <- gsub( "([A-Z-]*)\\((.*)\\).*", "\\1;\\2", x )
    x <- ldply(strsplit(x, ";"),
                function(y) c(y, "value")[1:2])

  break.clean <- function(x) {
    ## breaks by '"'
    x <- clean.spaces( strsplit(x, split = '\\"')[[1]] )
    ## and drops spurious seps
    x[! x %in% c("," , "")]

  ## end: auxiliary functions ##

  # modification by  fvf (150211): Determining the character encoding
  # used in the file => encoding

  if (is.null(encoding)) {
    # read the first five lines
    charset  <- readLines(filename, 5)
    # comprobado en debian y osx
    encoding <- ifelse(any(grepl('CHARSET.*ANSI', charset, ignore.case = T)),
                        "latin1", "CP437")

  a <- scan(filename, what = "character", sep = "\n",
            quiet = TRUE, fileEncoding = encoding)

  # modification by  fvf: 130608
  # Se mantienen "CR/LF luego se quitaran selectivamente
  a <- paste(a, collapse = "\n")

  tmp <- str_split( a, "DATA=" )[[1]]
  # fvf[130608]: elimina CR de la cabecera
  tmp[1] <- gsub("\n", " ", tmp[1])
  # fvf[150212] (la modificacion rev 92 a 94) da multiples problemas en INEBase
  # i.e:
  # read.px('http://www.ine.es/pcaxisdl//t20/e245/p05/a2002/l0/00004001.px')
  # en muchos ficheros cada linea del area DATA tiene ";" antes del "EOL"
  # lo que produce que solo se lea la primera de las lineas de datos
  tmp[2] <- gsub(";", "", tmp[2])
  a <- paste(tmp[1], "DATA=", tmp[2], sep = "")

  ## modification by cjgb, 20130228 concerning line
  ## separators within quoted strings
  ## ; is the logical line end in px files
  ## so we should do:
  ## a <- unlist(strsplit(a, ";"))
  ## but there might be ; inside quoted strings
  ## so we need the following workaround:

  punto.coma <- str_locate_all(a, ";")[[1]][,1]	# where the ";" are
  comillas   <- str_locate_all(a, '"')[[1]][,1]	# where the '"' are

  ## ";" not after an odd number of '"'
  ## these are the proper "cuts"
  cortes     <- Filter( function(x) sum(comillas < x) %% 2 == 0, punto.coma )

  a <- str_sub(a, c(1, cortes + 1), c(cortes - 1, str_length(a)))
  a <- a[!is.na(a)]
  a <- a[a != ""]

  ## end of modification by cjgb, 20130228 concerning line
  ## separators within quoted strings

  # change strsplit by str-split. In big px-files:
  #  "Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit"
  a <- do.call(rbind, str_split(a, "=", n = 2))

  ## fvf.20141222: not change to factor: ++ stringsAsFactors=F)
  a <- data.frame(cbind(get.attributes(a[, 1]), a[, 2],

  colnames(a) <- c("label", "attribute", "value")

  ## build a px object: list with px class attribute ##

  a$label     <- make.names(clean.spaces(a$label))
  a$attribute <- make.names(clean.spaces(gsub('\\"', "", a$attribute)))

  # need to avoid that quotes are removed in DATA part because of a bug:
  # a case was reported where the data part ended in ".."
  # and the last quote was erased
  # and this affected the scan function below
  a.data                     <- as.character(a[a$label == "DATA", "value"])
  # removes " at beginning / end
  a.value                    <- gsub('^\\"|\\"$', "", a$value)
  a.value[a$label == "DATA"] <- a.data
  names(a.value)             <- a$attribute

  px <- tapply(a.value, a$label, as.list)

  ## these metadata keys contain vectors (comma separated)
  ## we need to split them (and clean the mess: extra spaces, etc.)
  px$STUB$value    <- if(!is.null(px$STUB))
  px$HEADING$value <- if(!is.null(px$HEADING))

  px$VALUES <- lapply(px$VALUES, break.clean)

  # fvf.20141222: if there are not CODES, do not create CODES
  if (!is.null(px$CODES))
      px$CODES <- lapply(px$CODES, break.clean)

  # fvf.20141222: Sustituye ["~~~~" "~~~~~"] por ["~~~~~"\n"~~~~"]  en
  # campos multilinea con retornos perdidos (simplifica la lectura humana)

  px <- lapply(px, function(e){
    if (!is.null(e$value))
      e$value <- gsub('"[[:space:]]+"', '"\n"', e$value)

  #### read the data part into a 'melted' dataframe ###

  ## there are two cases: files with/without KEYS keyword
  ## which need to be processed independently

  # fvf[130608]: add to to read files with keys in data area

  if ("KEYS" %in% a$label ){

    ## read the whole block
    tc <- textConnection(px$DATA$value); on.exit( close(tc) )
    raw <- read.table(tc, sep = ",", colClasses = "factor")

    ## extract and process the data part (the numbers)
    # numbers (last column of the data.frame)
    data.part <- as.character(raw[, ncol(raw)] )
    # 0's might be encoded as "-"
    data.part <- gsub('"-"', 0, data.part)
    data.part <- scan(text = data.part, na.strings = na.strings, quiet = TRUE)

    ## extract and process the keys part (it needs to be staked a
    ## number of times, as many as there are entries in the data vector
    ## in each row in the block)
    keys.part <- raw[, -ncol(raw), drop = FALSE]
    keys.part <- keys.part[ rep(1:nrow(keys.part),
      each = length(data.part) / nrow(keys.part) ), , drop = FALSE ]
    colnames(keys.part) <- names(px$KEYS)

    ## change CODES (if any) in keys part to VALUES (consistency issue)
    # for (col.name in colnames(keys.part)[unlist(px$KEYS) == "CODES"])
    #  keys.part[[col.name]] <- mapvalues(keys.part[[col.name]],
    #                                     from = px$CODES[[col.name]],
    #                                     to   = px$VALUES[[col.name]])
    # fvf.20141222:
    for (col.name in colnames(keys.part)){
      if (px$KEYS[[col.name]] == 'CODES')   {
        keys.part[[col.name]]  <- factor(
          levels = px$CODES[[col.name]])
        ## all levels a VALUES
        levels(keys.part[[col.name]]) <- px$VALUES[[col.name]]
      } else
        keys.part[[col.name]]  <- factor(
          levels = px$VALUES[[col.name]] )

    ## extract and process the variables that are not keys
    no.keys.part <- px$VALUES[setdiff(names(px$VALUES), names(px$KEYS))]
    no.keys.part <- expand.grid(rev(no.keys.part))

    ## put everything together & cleanup
    px$DATA$value <- data.frame( keys.part,
                                  value = data.part,
                                  row.names = NULL)
  } else
    # 0 can be encoded as "-"
    tmp <- gsub('"-"', 0, px$DATA$value)
    # delete CR/LF of DATA area fvf[130608]
    tmp <- gsub("\n", " ", tmp)

    tc  <- textConnection(tmp); on.exit( close(tc) )
    raw <- scan(tc, na.strings = na.strings, quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)

    names.vals <- c( rev(px$HEADING$value), rev( px$STUB$value ) )
    output.grid <- data.frame(do.call(expand.grid, px$VALUES[names.vals]))

    # sanity check: avoids the problem of "reclycling" of values if
    # the ratio of lengths of variables and values is an exact integer
    if (nrow(output.grid) != length(raw))
      stop( "The input file is malformed: data and varnames length differ")

    px$DATA$value           <- data.frame(output.grid, raw)
    colnames(px$DATA$value) <- c(names.vals, "value")


  class(px) <- "px"
cjgb/pxR documentation built on March 27, 2024, 1:40 a.m.