#' @title Create codebook for a dataset
#' @description Creates a codebook for a dataset in 'R Markdown' format, and
#' renders it to 'markdown' for 'GitHub'. A codebook contains metadata and
#' documentation for a data file.
#' We urge users to customize the automatically generated 'R Markdown'
#' document and re-knit it, for example, to add a paragraph with details on
#' the data collection procedures. The variable descriptives are stored in
#' a \code{.csv} file, which can be edited in 'R' or a spreadsheet program.
#' Columns can be appended, and we encourage users to complete at least the
#' following two columns in this file:
#' \describe{
#' \item{category}{Describe the type of variable in this column. For example:
#' "morality".}
#' \item{description}{Provide a plain-text description of the variable. For
#' example, the full text of a questionnaire item: "People should be willing to
#' do anything to help a member of their family".}
#' }
#' Re-knitting the 'R Markdown' file (using \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}) will
#' transfer these changes to the 'markdown' file for 'GitHub'.
#' @param data A data.frame for which to create a codebook.
#' @param render_file Logical. Whether or not to render the document.
#' @param filename Character. File name to write the codebook \code{rmarkdown}
#' file to.
#' @param csv_file Character. File name to write the codebook \code{rmarkdown}
#' file to. By default, uses the filename stem of the \code{filename} argument.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to write the codebook only to the 'R Markdown' file, and
#' not to \code{.csv}.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether or not to print status messages to
#' the console. Default: TRUE
# @param worcs_directory Character, indicating the WORCS project directory from
# which to load data. The default value \code{"."} points to the current
# directory.
#' @return \code{Logical}, indicating whether or not the operation was
#' successful. This function is mostly called for its side effect of rendering
#' an 'R Markdown' codebook.
#' @examples
#' if(rmarkdown::pandoc_available("2.0")){
#' library(rmarkdown)
#' library(knitr)
#' filename <- tempfile("codebook", fileext = ".Rmd")
#' make_codebook(iris, filename = filename, csv_file = NULL)
#' unlink(c(
#' ".worcs",
#' filename,
#' gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.md", filename),
#' gsub("\\.Rmd", "\\.html", filename),
#' gsub("\\.Rmd", "_files", filename)
#' ), recursive = TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname codebook
#' @export
#' @importFrom rmarkdown draft render
#' @importFrom stats median var
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
make_codebook <-
filename = "codebook.Rmd",
render_file = TRUE,
csv_file = gsub("rmd$", "csv", filename, ignore.case = TRUE),
verbose = TRUE
#, worcs_directory = "."
) {
# dn_worcs <- tryCatch(dirname(check_recursive(file.path(normalizePath(worcs_directory), ".worcs"))), error = function(e){dirname(filename)})
filename <- force(filename)
function_success <- TRUE
summaries <- do.call(descriptives, list(x = data))
summaries <- cbind(summaries,
category = NA,
description = NA)
if (file.exists(filename)) {
col_message(paste0("Removing previous version of '", filename, "'."), verbose = verbose)
template = "github_document",
package = "rmarkdown",
create_dir = FALSE,
edit = FALSE
file_contents <- readLines(filename, encoding = "UTF-8")
file_contents[grep("^title:", file_contents)[1]] <-
paste0('title: "Codebook created on ',
' at ',
file_contents[grep("^knitr::opts", file_contents)[1]] <-
"knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, results = 'asis')"
file_contents <-
file_contents[1:(grep("^##", file_contents)[1] - 1)]
dm <- dim(data)
# checksum <- checksum_data_as_csv(data)
if (is.null(csv_file)) {
sum_tab <-
paste0(c("summaries <- ", capture.output(dput(summaries))))
# codebook = list(rmd_file = filename, checksum = checksum))
} else {
if (file.exists(csv_file)) {
col_message(paste0("Removing previous version of '", csv_file, "'."), verbose = verbose)
write.csv(x = summaries, file = csv_file, row.names = FALSE)
sum_tab <- c(paste0('summaries <- read.csv("', basename(csv_file), '", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)'),
"summaries <- summaries[, !colSums(is.na(summaries)) == nrow(summaries)]"
# codebook = list(
# rmd_file = filename,
# csv_file = csv_file,
# checksum = checksum
# ))
function_success <- function_success | tryCatch({
"A codebook contains documentation and metadata describing the contents, structure, and layout of a data file.",
"## Dataset description",
paste0("The data contains ", dm[1], " cases and ", dm[2], " variables."),
"## Codebook",
"options(knitr.kable.NA = '')",
"knitr::kable(summaries, row.names = FALSE, digits = 2)",
"### Legend",
"* __Name__: Variable name",
"* __type__: Data type of the variable",
"* __missing__: Proportion of missing values for this variable",
"* __unique__: Number of unique values",
"* __mean__: Mean value",
"* __median__: Median value",
"* __mode__: Most common value (for categorical variables, this shows the frequency of the most common category)",
"* **mode_value**: For categorical variables, the value of the most common category",
"* __sd__: Standard deviation (measure of dispersion for numerical variables",
"* __v__: Agresti's V (measure of dispersion for categorical variables)",
"* __min__: Minimum value",
"* __max__: Maximum value",
"* __range__: Range between minimum and maximum value",
"* __skew__: Skewness of the variable",
"* __skew_2se__: Skewness of the variable divided by 2*SE of the skewness. If this is greater than abs(1), skewness is significant",
"* __kurt__: Kurtosis (peakedness) of the variable",
"* __kurt_2se__: Kurtosis of the variable divided by 2*SE of the kurtosis. If this is greater than abs(1), kurtosis is significant.",
"This codebook was generated using the [Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science (WORCS)](https://osf.io/zcvbs/)"
}, error = function(e) {
if (render_file) {
function_success <- function_success | tryCatch({
render(filename, quiet = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.