
Defines functions vim_factors

vim_factors =
           verbose = FALSE,
           verbose_tmle = FALSE,
           verbose_reduction = FALSE) {

  # NOTE: we use && so that conditional will short-circuit if num_factors == 0.
  if (factors$num_factors > 0L && ncol(factors$data.fac) > 0L) {
    cat("Estimating variable importance for", factors$num_factors, "factors.\n")

    # Find the level of covariate that has lowest risk
    datafac.dumW = factors$datafac.dum
    # NOTE: can't we skip this line because we already imputed missing data to 0?
    datafac.dumW[is.na(factors$datafac.dum)] = 0

    # Below is to get indexing vectors so that any basis functions related to current A
    # that are in covariate matrix can be removed.
    names.fac = colnames(factors$data.fac)
    nmes.facW = colnames(datafac.dumW)
    nmes.mfacW = colnames(factors$miss.fac)
    nchar.facW = nchar(nmes.facW) + 1
    nchar.mfacW = nchar(nmes.mfacW) + 1

    XXm = regexpr("XX", nmes.facW)
    XXm[XXm < 0] = nchar.facW[XXm < 0]

    XXm2 = regexpr("XX", nmes.mfacW)
    XXm2[XXm2 < 0] = nchar.mfacW[XXm2 < 0]

    vars.facW = substr(nmes.facW, 1, XXm - 1)
    vars.mfacW = substr(nmes.mfacW, 7, XXm2 - 1)

    xc = ncol(factors$data.fac)
    n.fac = nrow(factors$data.fac)

    # vim_factor = lapply(1:xc, function(i) {

    # vim_factor will be a list of results, one element per factor variable.
    # Define var_i just to avoid automated NOTEs, will be overwritten by foreach.
    var_i = NULL
    #vim_factor = foreach::foreach(var_i = 1:xc, .verbose = verbose, .errorhandling = "stop") %do_op% {
    vim_factor = future.apply::future_lapply(1:xc, future.seed = TRUE, function(var_i) {
    #vim_factor = lapply(1:xc, function(var_i) {
      nameA = names.fac[var_i]

      if (verbose) cat("Var:", nameA, var_i, "out of", xc, "factor variables\n")

      if (!nameA %in% A_names) {
        if (verbose) cat("Skipping", nameA, "as it is not in A_names.\n")

      # Loop over each fold.
      # TODO: incorporate this loop into parallelization.
      # for (fold_k in 1:V) {

      # This is looping sequentially for now.
      #fold_results = foreach::foreach(fold_k = 1:V) foreach::`%do%` {
      fold_results = lapply(1:V, function(fold_k) {
        if (verbose) cat("i =", var_i, "V =", fold_k, "\n")

        # All data not in this fold is the training data.
        At = factors$data.fac[folds != fold_k, var_i]

        # All data in this fold is the validation data.
        Av = factors$data.fac[folds == fold_k, var_i]

        Yt = Y[folds != fold_k]
        Yv = Y[folds == fold_k]

        # Create adjustment dataframe.

        ### acit.numW is just same as acit.cont.dist except with NA's replaced by
        ### 0's.
        mtch1 = match(vars.facW, nameA)
        mtch2 = match(vars.mfacW, nameA)
        Adum = data.frame(factors$datafac.dum[, is.na(mtch1) == FALSE])
        dumW = factors$datafac.dum[, is.na(mtch1)]
        missdumW = factors$miss.fac[, is.na(mtch2)]

        if (is.null(missdumW)) {
          missdumW = rep(NA, n.fac)
        if (is.null(numerics$miss.cont)) {
          numerics$miss.cont = rep(NA, n.fac)
        if (is.null(dumW)) {
          dumW = rep(NA, n.fac)
        if (is.null(numerics$data.numW)) {
          numerics$data.numW = rep(NA, n.fac)

        W = data.frame(numerics$data.numW, numerics$miss.cont, dumW, missdumW)

        # Restrict to columns in which there is less than 100% missingness.
        W = W[, !apply(is.na(W), 2, all), drop = FALSE]


        # Divide into training and validation subsets.
        Wt = W[folds != fold_k, , drop = FALSE]
        Wv = W[folds == fold_k, , drop = FALSE]

        Adum = data.frame(Adum[folds != fold_k, ])

        # Pull out any variables that are overly correlated with At (corr coef < corthes)
        #if (sd(Adum) == 0) {
        #  if (verbose) cat("Warning: sd of Adum = 0.\n")

        # Suppress possible "the standard deviation is zero" warning from cor().
        # TODO: investigate more and confirm that this is ok.
          corAt = apply(stats::cor(Adum, Wt, use = "complete.obs"), 2, max_sqr)
        corAt[corAt < -1] = 0
        # cat('i = ',i,' maxCor = ',max(corAt,na.rm=T),'\n')
        incc = abs(corAt) < corthres & !is.na(corAt)

        if (verbose && sum(!incc) > 0) {
          cat("Removed", sum(!incc), "columns based on correlation threshold", corthres, "\n")

        Wv = Wv[, incc, drop = F]
        Wt = Wt[, incc, drop = F]

        if (verbose) {
          cat("Columns:", ncol(Wt))
          if (!is.null(adjust_cutoff)) cat(" Reducing dimensions to", adjust_cutoff)

        # Use HOPACH to reduce dimension of W to some level of tree
        reduced_results = reduce_dimensions(Wt, Wv, adjust_cutoff, verbose = verbose_reduction)

        Wtsht = reduced_results$data
        Wvsht = reduced_results$newX

        # We should have no constant columns after calling reduce_dimensions().
        # Remove any NA values - but shouldn't these already be imputed?
        is_constant = sapply(Wtsht, function(col) var(col, na.rm = TRUE) == 0)
        # Restrict to just the TRUE variables - those that are constant.
        is_constant = is_constant[is_constant]

        if (verbose) {
          cat("Updated ncols -- training:", ncol(Wtsht), "test:", ncol(Wvsht), "\n")

          # We should have no constant columns after calling reduce_dimensions().
          if (length(is_constant) > 0) {
            cat("Constant columns (", length(is_constant), "):\n")

        # Finished with any needed clustering for variable reduction.

        deltat = as.numeric(!is.na(Yt) & !is.na(At))
        deltav = as.numeric(!is.na(Yv) & !is.na(Av))

        # TODO (CK): don't do this, in order to use the delta missingness estimation.
        # To avoid crashing TMLE function just drop obs missing A or Y if the
        # total number of missing is < 10
        if (sum(deltat == 0) < 10) {
          Yt = Yt[deltat == 1]
          At = At[deltat == 1]
          Wtsht = Wtsht[deltat == 1, , drop = FALSE]
          deltat = deltat[deltat == 1]

        levA = levels(At)

        if (length(unique(Yt)) == 2) {
          # Binary outcome.

          # Minimum numer of observations for each cell in validation fold.
          minc = apply(table(Av, Yv), 1, min)

          # Minimum numer of observations for each cell in training fold.
          minc2 = apply(table(At, Yt), 1, min)

          # Restrict analysis to levels of this variable in which
          # there are sufficient observations in each fold
          # across each treatment and outcome combination.
          vals = levA[pmin(minc, minc2) > minCell]
        } else {
          # Continuous outcome.
          vals = levA
        num.cat = length(vals)

        # CK TODO 6/6: don't assume that positive outcome is the rare
        #  outcome. (e.g. via table)

        # Number of positive outcomes in training data.
        nYt = sum(Yt[!is.na(At)])

        # Number of positive outcomes in validation data.
        nYv = sum(Yv[!is.na(Av)])

        # Create a list to hold the results we calculate in this fold.
        # Set them to default values and update as they are calculated.
        fold_result = list(
          failed = TRUE,
          # Message should report on the status for this fold.
          message = "",
          obs_training = length(Yt),
          obs_validation = length(Yv),
          error_count = 0,
          # Save the variables chosen by reduce_dimensions().
          variables = reduced_results$variables,
          # Results for estimating the maximum level / treatment.
          level_max = list(
            # Level is which bin was chosen.
            level = NULL,
            # Label is the description of that bin.
            label = NULL,
            # val_preds contains the g, Q, and H predictions on the validation data.
            val_preds = NULL,
            # Estimate of EY on the training data.
            estimate_training = NULL,
            # Risk from SuperLearner on Q.
            risk_Q = NULL,
            # Risk from SuperLearner on g.
            risk_g = NULL
        # Copy the blank result to a second element for the minimum level/bin.
        fold_result$level_min = fold_result$level_max

        # Don't do if 1) no more than one category of A left or
        # 2) if missingness pattern for A is such that there are few death events left
        # in either (< minYs)
        # Applies only to binary outcomes, not continuous.
        if ((length(unique(Yt)) == 2L &&
             (num.cat < 2L || min(nYt, nYv) < minYs)) ||
            (length(is_constant) > 0 && mean(is_constant) == 1)) {
          if (length(is_constant) > 0 && mean(is_constant) == 1) {
            error_msg = paste("Skipping", nameA, "because HOPACH reduced W to",
                              "all constant columns.")
          } else if (num.cat < 2L) {
            error_msg = paste("Skipping", nameA, "due to lack of variation.")
          } else {
            error_msg = paste("Skipping", nameA, "due to minY constraint.", min(nYt, nYv), "<", minYs)
          if (verbose) cat(error_msg, "\n")

          fold_result$message = error_msg
          # At this point here we are skipping to the end of the loop.

        } else {
          if (verbose) cat("Estimating TMLE on training", paste0("(", num.cat, ")"))

          error_count = 0

          # TODO: stop using training_estimates and switch to using bin_results.
          training_estimates = list()
          bin_results = list()

          # Estimate Y_a, Q hat and g hat for each level of our current variable,
          # on the training data.
          for (bin_j in 1:num.cat) {

            # Create a list to hold the results for this level.
            bin_result = list(
              name = nameA,
              cv_fold = fold_k,
              level = bin_j,
              #level_label = At_bin_labels[bin_j],
              level_label = vals[bin_j],

              # Training: Estimates
              # Our default value needs to be NA rather than NULL,
              # to allow rbinding into a dataframe later on.
              train_theta_tmle = NA,
              # TODO: implement these.
              #train_theta_iptw = NA,
              #train_theta_gcomp = NA,
              train_theta_unadj = NA,

              # Training: Misc
              train_cell_size = NA,
              train_msg = NA,

              # Test: Estimates
              test_theta_tmle = NA,
              # TODO: implement these.
              #test_theta_iptw = NA,
              #test_theta_gcomp = NA,
              test_theta_unadj = NA,

              # Test: Misc
              test_cell_size = NA,
              test_msg = NA,

              # Test: Predicted values (g, Q_bar, h)
              test_predictions = NULL
              #test_pred_g = NULL,
              #test_pred_Q_bar = NULL,
              #test_pred_h = NULL

            # Create a treatment indicator, where 1 = obs in this bin
            # and 0 = obs not in this bin.
            IA = as.numeric(At == vals[bin_j])

            # Save how many obs have this level/bin in this training fold.
            bin_result$train_cell_size = sum(IA)

            # Any observations missing At are assigned to 0.
            IA[is.na(IA)] = 0

            # Save unadjusted estimate: outcome mean among observations
            # at the desired treatment level, who are not missing their outcome value.
            bin_result$train_theta_unadj = mean(Yt[IA & deltat])

            # if(min(table(IA,Yt))>=)

            # CV-TMLE: we are using this for three reasons:
            # 1. Estimate Y_a on training data.
            # 2. Estimate Q on training data.
            # 3. Estimate g on training data.
            tmle_result = try(estimate_tmle2(Yt, IA, Wtsht, family, deltat,
                                    Q.lib = Q.library,
                                    Qbounds = Qbounds,
                                    g.lib = g.library, verbose = verbose_tmle),
                      silent = !verbose)

            if (class(tmle_result) == "try-error") {
              # TMLE estimation failed.
              if (verbose) cat("X")
              error_count = error_count + 1

              # TODO: not sure if this will be handled appropriately.
              training_estimates[[bin_j]] = NA
            } else {
              # TMLE estimation successed.

              # Save label
              tmle_result$label = vals[bin_j]

              training_estimates[[bin_j]] = tmle_result

              # TODO: may also want to save the TMLE object to this bin_result list.
              bin_result$train_theta_tmle = tmle_result$theta

              if (verbose) {

            # NEW: also run code on corresponding validation fold.

            # TODO: remove the later validation code and use these results instead.

            # Indicator for having the desired treatment bin on validation
            IA = as.numeric(Av == vals[bin_j])

            # Missing values are not taken to be in this level.
            IA[is.na(IA)] = 0

            # Save how many obs have this level/bin in this validation fold.
            bin_result$test_cell_size = sum(IA)

            # Run estimates on validation data (TMLE, IPTW, G-Comp, Unadj)
            # TODO: move into its own function.

            # Save unadjusted estimate: outcome mean among observations
            # at the desired treatment level, who are not missing their outcome value.
            bin_result$test_theta_unadj = mean(Yv[IA & deltav])

            # CV-TMLE: predict g, Q, and clever covariate on validation data.
            if (!is.null(training_estimates[[bin_j]])) {
              preds = try(apply_tmle_to_validation(Yv, IA, Wvsht, family,
                                                   deltav, training_estimates[[bin_j]],
                                                   verbose = verbose))
              if (class(preds) == "try-error") {
                bin_result$test_msg = paste("CV-TMLE prediction on validation failed")
              } else {
                # Save the result.
                bin_result$test_predictions = preds

            bin_result$test_msg = "success"

            # Save to the main list.
            bin_results[[bin_j]] = bin_result

          # Finished looping over each level of the assignment variable.
          if (verbose) cat(" done. Errors:", error_count, "\n")

          # Save individual bin results.
          fold_result$bin_results = bin_results

          # Create a dataframe version of the bin results.
          fold_result$bin_df =
            do.call(rbind, lapply(bin_results, function(result) {
              # Exclude certain elements from the list - here the prediction vectors.
              # These should be saved separately.
              data.frame(result[!names(result) %in% c("test_predictions")],
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

          # Save test_predictions for each bin into a combined dataframe.
          fold_result$test_predictions =
            do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(bin_results), function(bin) {
              result = bin_results[[bin]]
                data.frame(bin = bin,
                           bin_label = vals[bin],
                           fold = fold_k,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
              }, error = function(error) {

          # Resume normal varimpact algorithm.

          fold_result$error_count = error_count

          # Extract theta estimates.
          theta_estimates = sapply(training_estimates, function(result) {
            # Handle errors in the tmle estimation by returning NA.
            ifelse("theta" %in% names(result), result$theta, NA)

          if (!all(is.na(theta_estimates))) {
            # Identify maximum EY1 (theta)
            # Note: this may be NA if the tmle estimation failed.
            maxj = which.max(theta_estimates)

            # Identify minimum EY1 (theta)
            # Note: this may be NA if the tmle estimation failed.
            minj = which.min(theta_estimates)
            if (verbose) {
              cat("Max level:", vals[maxj], paste0("(", maxj, ")"),
                    "Min level:", vals[minj], paste0("(", minj, ")"), "\n")
          } else {
            maxj = NA
            minj = NA

          # This fold failed if we got an error for each category
          # Or if the minimum and maximum bin is the same.
          if (error_count == num.cat ||
              (is.na(minj) && is.na(maxj)) ||
              minj == maxj) {
            message = paste("Fold", fold_k, "failed,")
            if (length(theta_estimates) == 0 || error_count == num.cat) {
              message = paste(message, "all", num.cat, "levels had errors.")
            } else {
              message = paste(message, "min and max level are the same. (j = ", minj,
                              "label = ", training_estimates[[minj]]$label, ")")
            fold_result$message = message

            if (verbose) {
              cat(message, "\n")
          } else {

            # Extract max items.
            maxEY1 = training_estimates[[maxj]]$theta
            labmax = vals[maxj]

            # Save these items into the fold_result list.
            fold_result$level_max$level = maxj
            fold_result$level_max$estimate_training = maxEY1
            fold_result$level_max$label = labmax
            # Save the Q risk for the discrete SuperLearner.
            # We don't have the CV.SL results for the full SuperLearner as it's too
            # computationallity intensive.
            fold_result$level_max$risk_Q =
            # And the g's discrete SL risk.
            fold_result$level_max$risk_g =

            # Extact TMLE results.

            #fold_result$level_max$tmle = training_estimates[[maxj]]

            # Extract min items.
            minEY1 = training_estimates[[minj]]$theta
            labmin = vals[minj]

            # Save these items into the fold_result list.
            fold_result$level_min$level = minj
            fold_result$level_min$estimate_training = minEY1
            fold_result$level_min$label = labmin
            #fold_result$level_min$tmle = training_estimates[[minj]]

            # Save the Q risk for the discrete SuperLearner.
            # We don't have the CV.SL results for the full SuperLearner as it's too
            # computationallity intensive.
            fold_result$level_min$risk_Q =
            # And the g's discrete SL risk.
            fold_result$level_min$risk_g =

            # Turn to validation data.

            # Estimate minimum level (control).

            # Indicator for having the desired control bin on validation.
            IA = as.numeric(Av == vals[minj])

            # Missing values are not taken to be in this level.
            IA[is.na(IA)] = 0

            if (verbose) cat("\nMin level prediction - apply_tmle_to_validation()\n")

            # CV-TMLE: predict g, Q, and clever covariate on validation data.
            min_preds = try(apply_tmle_to_validation(Yv, IA, Wvsht, family,
                                     deltav, training_estimates[[minj]],
                                     verbose = verbose))

            # Old version:
            #res = try(estimate_tmle(Yv, IA, Wvsht, family, deltav,
            #                        Q.lib = Q.library,
            #                        g.lib = g.library, verbose = verbose),
            #          silent = T)

            if (class(min_preds) == "try-error") {
              message = paste("CV-TMLE prediction on validation failed during",
                            "low/control level.")
              fold_result$message = message
              if (verbose) cat(message, "\n")
            } else {
              # Save the result.
              fold_result$level_min$val_preds = min_preds

              # Switch to maximum level (treatment).

              # Indicator for having the desired treatment bin on validation
              IA = as.numeric(Av == vals[maxj])

              # Missing values are not taken to be in this level.
              IA[is.na(IA)] = 0

              if (verbose) cat("\nMax level prediction - apply_tmle_to_validation()\n")

              # CV-TMLE: predict g, Q, and clever covariate on validation data.
              max_preds = try(apply_tmle_to_validation(Yv, IA, Wvsht, family,
                                        deltav, training_estimates[[maxj]],
                                        verbose = verbose))
             # Old code:
              #res2 = try(estimate_tmle(Yv, IA, Wvsht, family, deltav,
              #                         Q.lib = Q.library,
              #                         g.lib = g.library, verbose = verbose),
              #           silent = !verbose)

              if (class(max_preds) == "try-error") {
                message = paste("CV-TMLE prediction on validation failed",
                      "during high/treatment level.")
                fold_result$message = message
                if (verbose) cat(message, "\n")
              } else {
                # Save the result.
                fold_result$level_max$val_preds = max_preds
                fold_result$message = "Succcess"
                # Fold succeeded.
                fold_result$failed = FALSE
        if (verbose) cat("Completed fold", fold_k, "\n\n")

        # Return results for this fold.
      ) # End lapply if we're not using foreach.
      # Done looping over each fold.

      # Reconstruct CV-TMLE treatment-specific mean estimate for each validation fold.
      # Loop over bins and calculate bin-specific CV-TMLE estimate.
      if (verbose) cat("Estimating CV-TMLE treatment-specific means.\n")
      #for (bin in 1:numcat.cont[var_i]) {
      num_bins = length(levels(factors$data.fac[, var_i]))
      for (bin in 1:num_bins) {

        if (verbose) {
          cat("Bin", bin, "of", num_bins, "\n")
        # Expects a list of results by fold.
        # Each element of that list should have the val_preds list, which
        # is calculated by apply_tmle_to_validation and currently saved in
        # fold_results[[*]]$test_predictions (separately by fold * level).
        compile_rows = lapply(fold_results, function(fold_r) {
          # Check if we even have test predictions for this fold.
          # We may not if the estimation failed on the training data.
          if (!"test_predictions" %in% names(fold_r)) {
            if (verbose) cat("(failed) ")
          # Extract the rows specific to this bin/level.
          rows = fold_r$test_predictions[fold_r$test_predictions$bin == bin, , drop = FALSE]
          if (verbose) cat("Rows:", nrow(rows), " ")
          # If we have 0 rows for this bin in this fold, we need to debug.
          # if (nrow(rows) == 0) browser()
        bin_df = do.call(rbind, compile_rows)
        if (verbose) cat("\n")

        if (class(bin_df) != "data.frame" || nrow(bin_df) == 0L) {
          if (verbose) {
            cat("Skipping bin", bin, "- no rows are available.\n")
          # We have no val_preds for this bin, so skip pooled result estimation.

          # Temporary simplification for debugging purposes.
          #pooled_bin = list(thetas = 1:V)
          pooled_bin = list(thetas = rep(NA, V))
        } else {

        # Create a list with one element ($val_preds df) per fold.
        bin_list = lapply(1:V, function(fold_i) {
          # Return with an enclosing list.
          list(bin_df[bin_df$fold == fold_i, ])

        # Rename the element to be $val_preds
        for (fold in 1:V) {
          names(bin_list[[fold]]) = c("val_preds")

        # bin_df can be NULL if the variable is skipped due to errors,
        # e.g. lack of variation.
        if (!is.null(bin_df) && nrow(bin_df) > 0L) {
          pooled_bin = estimate_pooled_results(bin_list, verbose = verbose)
          # Now we have $thetas and $influence_curves

          # Save the vector of estimates into the appropriate spot.
          # $thetas has the treatment-specific means
          # $influence_curves can be used to calculate the SE's, but shouldn't those
          # already be calculated by estimate_pooled_results()

          # Loop over fold results and insert the thetas into appropriate df.
          for (fold in 1:length(bin_list)) {
            bin_df = fold_results[[fold]]$bin_df
            row = bin_df$level == bin & bin_df$cv_fold == fold
            fold_results[[fold]]$bin_df[row, "test_theta_tmle"] = pooled_bin$thetas[fold]
            fold_results[[fold]]$bin_df[row, "test_var_tmle"] = var(pooled_bin$influence_curves[[fold]])

        } else {
          if (verbose) {
            cat("Skipping bin", bin, "- no rows are available.\n")
          # We have no val_preds for this bin, so skip pooled result estimation.

          # Temporary simplification for debugging purposes.
          #pooled_bin = list(thetas = 1:V)
          pooled_bin = list(thetas = rep(NA, V))

        if (verbose) {


      # Combine results for each fold into a single dataframe.
      # This can fail if all bins for this variable failed.
        results_by_fold_and_level = do.call(rbind, lapply(fold_results, `[[`, "bin_df"))
      }, error = function(e) {
        results_by_fold_and_level = NULL

      # Aggregate into a results_by_level dataframe.
      # This can fail if all bins for this variable failed.
        results_by_level = results_by_level(results_by_fold_and_level,
                                            verbose = verbose)
      }, error = function(e) {
        results_by_level = NULL

      # Create list to save results for this variable.
      var_results = list(
        EY1V = NULL,
        EY0V = NULL,
        thetaV = NULL,
        thetaV_rr = NULL,
        varICV = NULL,
        labV = NULL,
        nV = NULL,
        fold_results = fold_results,
        type = "factor",
        results_by_fold_and_level = results_by_fold_and_level,
        results_by_level = results_by_level,
        name = nameA

      # TODO: compile results into the new estimate.

      if (verbose) cat("Estimating pooled min.\n")
      pooled_min = estimate_pooled_results(lapply(fold_results, function(x) x$level_min),
                                           verbose = verbose)
      if (verbose) cat("Estimating pooled max.\n")
      pooled_max = estimate_pooled_results(lapply(fold_results, function(x) x$level_max),
                                           verbose = verbose)

      var_results$EY0V = pooled_min$thetas
      var_results$EY1V = pooled_max$thetas

      if (length(var_results$EY1V) == length(var_results$EY0V)) {
        var_results$thetaV = var_results$EY1V - var_results$EY0V

        # Calculate relative risk parameter (aka risk ratio).
        # This only makes sense if Y is binary.
        var_results$thetaV_rr = var_results$EY1V / var_results$EY0V

      } else {
        if (verbose) {
          cat("Error: EY1V and EY0V are different lengths. EY1V =",
              length(var_results$EY1V), "EY0V =", length(var_results$EY0V), "\n")
        var_results$thetaV = rep(NA, max(length(var_results$EY1V),

        var_results$thetaV_rr = rep(NA, max(length(var_results$EY1V),

      # Save how many observations were in each validation fold.
      var_results$nV = sapply(fold_results, function(x) x$obs_validation)

      # Combine labels into a two-column matrix.
      # First column is min and second is max.
      # TODO: not sure if data structure for this part is correct.
      labels = do.call(rbind,
                 lapply(fold_results, function(x) c(x$level_min$label, x$level_max$label)))

      var_results$labV = labels

      # If either of the thetas is null it means that all CV-TMLE folds failed.
      if (!is.null(pooled_min$thetas)) {

        # Influence_curves here is a list, with an element for each fold.
        var_results$varICV = sapply(1:V, function(index) {
          if (length(pooled_max$influence_curves) >= index &&
              length(pooled_min$influence_curves) >= index) {
            var(pooled_max$influence_curves[[index]] - pooled_min$influence_curves[[index]])
          } else {

        # Parameter: relative risk
        # TODO: only calculate if Y is binary.
        var_results$varICV_log_rr = sapply(1:V, function(index) {
          if (length(pooled_max$influence_curves) >= index &&
              length(pooled_min$influence_curves) >= index) {
            # Variance for the risk difference (maximal contrast parameter).
            # TODO: double-check this.
            var(pooled_max$influence_curves[[index]] / pooled_max$thetas[[index]] -
                  pooled_min$influence_curves[[index]] / pooled_min$thetas[[index]])
          } else {

        if (verbose) {
          signif_digits = 4

          ey0_mean = mean(pooled_min$thetas)
          if (is.numeric(ey0_mean)) {
            cat("[Min] EY0:", signif(ey0_mean, signif_digits))
            if (is.numeric(pooled_min$epsilon)) {
              cat(" Epsilon:", signif(pooled_min$epsilon, signif_digits))

          ey1_mean =  mean(pooled_max$thetas)
          if (is.numeric(ey1_mean)) {
            cat("[Max] EY1:", signif(ey1_mean, signif_digits))
            if (is.numeric(pooled_max$epsilon)) {
              cat(" Epsilon:", signif(pooled_max$epsilon, signif_digits))

          cat("ATEs:", signif(var_results$thetaV, signif_digits), "\n")
          cat("Variances:", signif(var_results$varICV, signif_digits), "\n")
          cat("RRs:", signif(var_results$thetaV_rr, signif_digits), "\n")
          cat("Variances:", signif(var_results$varICV_log_rr, signif_digits), "\n")

      # Return results for this factor variable.
    #} # End foreach loop over all variables.
    }) # End lapply or future_lapply if we're not using foreach.

    if (verbose) cat("Factor VIMs:", length(vim_factor), "\n\n")

    # Confirm that we have the correct number of results, otherwise fail out.
    stopifnot(length(vim_factor) == xc)

    # Dataframe to hold all of the variable-by-fold-by-level results.
    results_by_fold_and_level_obj = do.call(rbind, lapply(vim_factor, function(result) {
      # Only extract results_by_fold_and_level if it's not NULL
      if ("results_by_fold_and_level" %in% names(result) &&
          !is.null(result$results_by_fold_and_level)# &&
          ) {
      } else {

   #results_by_level = do.call(rbind, lapply(vim_factor, `[[`, "results_by_level"))
   compile_results_by_level = lapply(vim_factor, function(result) {
      # Only extract results_by_fold_and_level if it's not NULL
      if ("results_by_level" %in% names(result) &&
          !is.null(result$results_by_level) &&
          # TODO: figure out why expressions are going into this element.
         # !is.na(result$results_by_level)
          ) {
      } else {

    results_by_level_obj = NULL
      results_by_level_obj = do.call(rbind, compile_results_by_level)
    }, error = function(e) {

      # TODO: add browser?
      # TODO: figure out why this happens - presumably due to covariate that failed.
      # Error message:
      # Error in rep(xi, length.out = nvar) :
      #  attempt to replicate an object of type 'closure'
      cat("Errored while compiling results by level.\n")

    colnames_factor = colnames(factors$data.fac)
  } else {
    colnames_factor = NULL
    vim_factor = NULL
    results_by_fold_and_level_obj = NULL
    results_by_level_obj = NULL
    cat("No factor variables - skip VIM estimation.\n\n")

  # Compile and return results.
  (results = list(
    vim_factor = vim_factor,
    results_by_fold_and_level = results_by_fold_and_level_obj,
    results_by_level = results_by_level_obj,
    colnames_factor = colnames_factor
ck37/varimpact documentation built on June 23, 2022, 4:41 a.m.