
Defines functions add.signal applySignals sigComparison sigCrossover sigPeak sigThreshold .firstCross sigFormula sigTimestamp apply.paramset.signal.analysis applyIndicatorSignals signal.generate.statistics post.signal.returns signal.obj.slope signal.plot beanplot.signals distributional.boxplot signal.path.plot

Documented in add.signal applyIndicatorSignals apply.paramset.signal.analysis applySignals beanplot.signals distributional.boxplot post.signal.returns sigComparison sigCrossover sigFormula signal.generate.statistics signal.obj.slope signal.path.plot signal.plot sigPeak sigThreshold sigTimestamp

#' add a signal to a strategy
#' This adds a signal definition to a strategy object. 
#' Signals denote times at which the strategy \emph{may} want to 
#' take action.  Common signals types from the literature include 
#' crossovers, thresholds, or other interactions between your \code{mktdata}
#' and your indicators.
#' if \code{label} is not supplied,  NULL default will be converted to '<name>.sig'
#' if the signal function returns one named column, we use that, and ignore the label.  
#' If the signal function returns multiple columns, the label will be 
#' \code{\link{paste}}'d to either the returned column names or the 
#' respective column number.
#' @param strategy an object (or the name of an object) of type 'strategy' to add the signal to
#' @param name name of the signal, must correspond to an R function
#' @param arguments named list of default arguments to be passed to an signal function when executed
#' @param parameters vector of strings naming parameters to be saved for apply-time definition,default NULL, only needed if you need special names to avoid argument collision
#' @param label arbitrary text label for signal output, default NULL
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
#' @param enabled TRUE/FALSE whether the signal is enabled for use in applying the strategy, default TRUE
#' @param indexnum if you are updating a specific signal, the index number in the $signals list to update
#' @param store TRUE/FALSE whether to store the strategy in the .strategy environment, or return it.  default FALSE
#' @return if \code{strategy} was the name of a strategy, the name. It it was a strategy, the updated strategy. 
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{applySignals}}
#' \code{\link{add.indicator}}
#' \code{link{add.rule}}
#' \code{\link{sigComparison}}
#' \code{\link{sigCrossover}}
#' \code{\link{sigFormula}}
#' \code{\link{sigPeak}}
#' \code{\link{sigThreshold}}
#' @export
add.signal <- function(strategy, name, arguments, parameters=NULL, label=NULL, ..., enabled=TRUE, indexnum=NULL, store=FALSE) {
    if (!is.strategy(strategy)) {
            stop ("You must supply an object or the name of an object of type 'strategy'.")
    if(is.null(label)) label = paste(name,"sig",sep='.')
    if (!is.list(arguments)) stop("arguments must be passed as a named list")
	if(!is.null(parameters)) tmp_signal$parameters = parameters
	if(length(list(...))) tmp_signal<-c(tmp_signal,list(...))

    if(!hasArg(indexnum) | (hasArg(indexnum) & is.null(indexnum))) indexnum = length(strategy$signals)+1

    if (store) assign(strategy$name,strategy,envir=as.environment(.strategy))
    else return(strategy)

#' apply the signals in the strategy to arbitrary market data
#' @param strategy an object of type 'strategy' to add the signal to
#' @param mktdata an xts object containing market data.  depending on signals, may need to be in OHLCV or BBO formats
#' @param indicators if indicator output is not contained in the mktdata object, it may be passed separately as an xts object or a list.
#' @param parameters named list of parameters to be applied during evaluation of the strategy
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
#' @export
applySignals <- function(strategy, mktdata, indicators=NULL, parameters=NULL, ...) {
    #TODO add Date subsetting

    # TODO check for symbol name in mktdata using Josh's code:
    # symbol <- strsplit(colnames(mktdata)[1],"\\.")[[1]][1]

    # TODO handle indicator lists as well as indicators that were cbound to mktdata

    # ensure no duplicate index values in mktdata
    if(any(diff(.index(mktdata)) == 0)) {
        warning("'mktdata' index contains duplicates; calling 'make.index.unique'")
        mktdata <- make.index.unique(mktdata)

    if (!is.strategy(strategy)) {
            stop ("You must supply an object of type 'strategy'.")
    ret <- NULL
    for (signal in strategy$signals){
        #TODO check to see if they've already been calculated
                message(paste("Skipping signal",signal$name,"because there is no function by that name to call"))
            } else {
        if(!isTRUE(signal$enabled)) next()
        # replace default function arguments with signal$arguments
        .formals <- formals(signal$name)
        .formals <- modify.args(.formals, signal$arguments, dots=TRUE)
        # now add arguments from parameters
        .formals <- modify.args(.formals, parameters, dots=TRUE)
        # now add dots
        .formals <- modify.args(.formals, NULL, ..., dots=TRUE)
        # remove ... to avoid matching multiple args
        .formals$`...` <- NULL

        tmp_val <- do.call(signal$name, .formals)
		#add label
			colnames(tmp_val) <- seq(ncol(tmp_val))
			colnames(tmp_val) <- paste(colnames(tmp_val),signal$label,sep='.')
		if (nrow(mktdata)==nrow(tmp_val) | length(mktdata)==length(tmp_val)) {
            # the signal returned a time series, so we'll name it and cbind it
        } else {
            # the signal returned something else, add it to the ret list
            if(is.null(ret)) ret<-list()
    } #end signals loop
    if(is.null(ret)) {
    else return(ret)

#' generate comparison signal
#' Currently, this function compares two columns.  
#' Patches to compare an arbitrary number of columns would be gladly accepted.
#' Comparison will be applied from the first to the second column in the \code{columns} vector.
#' Relationship 'op' means 'opposite' side.  Reasonable attempt will be made to match.
#' @param label text label to apply to the output
#' @param data data to apply comparison to
#' @param columns named columns to apply comparison to
#' @param relationship one of c("gt","lt","eq","gte","lte","op") or reasonable alternatives
#' @param offset1 numeric offset to be added to the first column prior to comparison
#' @param offset2 numeric offset to be added to the second column prior to comparison
#' @export
sigComparison <- function(label,data=mktdata, columns, relationship=c("gt","lt","eq","gte","lte"), offset1=0, offset2=0) {
    relationship=relationship[1] #only use the first one
    if (length(columns)==2){
        if (relationship=='op'){
            # (How) can this support "Close"? --jmu
            if(columns[1] %in% c("Close","Cl","close"))
                stop("Close not supported with relationship=='op'")
                    Low =, 
                    low =, 
                    bid = { relationship = 'lt' },
                    Hi  =,
                    ask = {relationship = 'gt'}

        colNums <- match.names(columns,colnames(data))

		opr <- switch( relationship,
					   	gt = , '>' = '>', 
					 	lt =, '<' = '<', 
					 	eq =, "==" =, "=" = "==",
					 	gte =, gteq =, ge =, ">=" = ">=",
					 	lte =, lteq =, le =, "<=" = "<="

		ret_sig <- do.call( opr, list(data[,colNums[1]]+offset1, data[,colNums[2]]+offset2))

    } else {
        stop("comparison of more than two columns not supported, see sigFormula")

#' generate a crossover signal
#' This will generate a crossover signal, which is a dimension-reduced version 
#' of a comparison signal \code{\link{sigComparison}}.
#' It will return TRUE on the period in which there is a crossover in the 
#' direction specified by \code{relationship}, and NA otherwise.
#' If you want all the information, use a comparison instead.
#' @param label text label to apply to the output
#' @param data data to apply crossover to
#' @param columns named columns to apply crossover of the first against the second
#' @param relationship one of c("gt","lt","eq","gte","lte") or reasonable alternatives
#' @param offset1 numeric offset to be added to the first column prior to comparison
#' @param offset2 numeric offset to be added to the second column prior to comparison
#' @export
sigCrossover <- function(label,data=mktdata, columns, relationship=c("gt","lt","eq","gte","lte"), offset1=0, offset2=0) {
    ret_sig = FALSE
    for (i in 1:(lng-1)) {
        ret_sig = suppressWarnings(ret_sig | diff(sigComparison(label=label,data=data,columns=columns[c(i,lng)],relationship=relationship,offset1=offset1, offset2=offset2))==1)
    is.na(ret_sig) <- which(!ret_sig)

#' signal function for peak/valley signals
#' This function tests to see if the mktdata or indicator \code{column} observations 
#' on either side are lower(higher) creating a local peak(bottom).
#' @param label text label to apply to the output
#' @param data data to apply comparison to
#' @param column named column to apply comparison to
#' @param direction one of "peak" or "bottom" to calculate  peaks for
#' @export
sigPeak <- function(label,data,column, direction=c("peak","bottom")){
    } else colNum<-column
    direction=direction[1] # only use the first]
    #(Lag(IBM[,4],2)<Lag(IBM[,4],1)) & Lag(IBM[,4],1) >IBM[,4]
           "peak"   = { ret_sig <- Lag(data[,colNum],2) < Lag(data[,colNum],1) & Lag(data[,colNum],1) > data[,colNum] } ,
           "bottom","valley" = { ret_sig <- Lag(data[,colNum],2) > Lag(data[,colNum],1) & Lag(data[,colNum],1) < data[,colNum] }

#' generate a threshold signal
#' Many strategies, including RSI or MACD styles, make trading decisions when an indicator 
#' is over or under a specific threshold.  
#' This function generates the appropriate signal based on such a threshold.
#' @param label text label to apply to the output
#' @param data data to apply comparison to
#' @param column named column to apply comparison to
#' @param threshold numeric threshold to test for
#' @param relationship one of c("gt","lt","eq","gte","lte") or reasonable alternatives
#' @param cross if TRUE, will return TRUE only for the first observation to cross the threshold in a run
#' @export
sigThreshold <- function(label, data=mktdata, column, threshold=0, relationship=c("gt","lt","eq","gte","lte"),cross=FALSE) {
    relationship=relationship[1] #only use the first one
    colNum <- match.names(column, colnames(data))
            '>' =,
            'gt' = {ret_sig = data[,colNum] > threshold},
            '<' =,
            'lt' = {ret_sig = data[,colNum] < threshold},
            'eq'     = {ret_sig = data[,colNum] == threshold}, #FIXME any way to specify '='?
            'gte' =,
            'ge'     = {ret_sig = data[,colNum] >= threshold}, #FIXME these fail with an 'unexpected =' error if you use '>='
            'lte' =,
            'le'     = {ret_sig = data[,colNum] <= threshold}
    if(isTRUE(cross)) ret_sig <- diff(ret_sig)==1
    if(!missing(label))  # colnames<- copies; avoid if possible

#' @useDynLib quantstrat
.firstCross <- function(Data, threshold=0, relationship, start=1) {
    rel <- switch(relationship[1],
            '>'    =  ,
            'gt'   = 1,
            '<'    =  ,
            'lt'   = 2,
            '=='   =  ,
            'eq'   = 3,
            '>='   =  ,
            'gte'  =  ,
            'gteq' =  ,
            'ge'   = 4,
            '<='   =  ,
            'lte'  =  ,
            'lteq' =  ,
            'le'   = 5,
            '!='   =  ,
            'ne'   =  ,
            'neq'  = 6)
    .Call('firstCross', Data, threshold, rel, start, PACKAGE="quantstrat")

#' generate a signal from a formula
#' This code takes advantage of some base R functionality that can treat an R object (in this case the internal mktdata object in quantstrat) as an environment or 'frame' using \code{\link{parent.frame}}.  
#' This allows the columns of the data to be addressed without any major manipulation, simply by column name.  In most cases in quantstrat, this will be either the price/return columns, or columns added by indicators or prior signals.
#' The formula will return TRUE/FALSE for each row comparison as a time series column which can then be used for rule execution.  The \code{formula} will be evaluated using \code{\link{eval}} as though in an if statement. 
#' This code is adapted from the approach used by Vijay Vaidyanthan in his PAST(AAII/SIPRO) code to construct arbitrary, formulaic, comparisons.  Many thanks to Vijay for sharing his expertise.
#' @param label text label to apply to the output
#' @param data data to apply formula to
#' @param formula a logical expression like that used in an if statement, will typically reference column names in \code{mktdata}
#' @param cross if TRUE, will return TRUE only for the first observation to match the formula in a run
#' @export
sigFormula <- function(label, data=mktdata, formula ,cross=FALSE){
	# Vijay's PAST/AAII/SIPRO example
	# fieldVals <- try(eval(parse(text=expression), data))
	ret_sig <- try(.xts(eval(parse(text=formula), as.list(data)),index=.index(data)))
		if(isTRUE(cross)) ret_sig <- diff(ret_sig)==1

#' generate a signal on a timestamp
#' This will generate a signal on a specific timestamp or at a specific time every day, week, weekday, etc.
#' @param label text label to apply to the output
#' @param data data to apply formula to
#' @param timestamp either a POSIXct-based object, or a character string denoting a 24-hour time (e.g. "09:00", "16:00")
#' @param on only used if \code{timestamp} is character; passed to \code{\link[xts]{split.xts}}, therefore \code{on}
#' may be a character describing the time period as listed in \code{\link[xts]{endpoints}}, or a vector coercible to
#' factor (e.g. \code{\link[xts]{.indexday}})
#' @export
sigTimestamp <- function(label, data=mktdata, timestamp, on="days") {

   # default label
     label <- "timestamp"

   # initialize ret$timestamp to the index of mktdata
   ret <- .xts(logical(nrow(data)), .index(data), dimnames=list(NULL,label))

   # default if timestamp and on are missing
   if(missing(timestamp) && missing(on)) {
     ret[end(data)] <- TRUE

   # timestamp can be a time-based timestamp
   if(is.timeBased(timestamp)) {
     after.sig <- .firstCross(index(data), timestamp, "lt")
     if(length(after.sig) != 0)
       ret$timestamp[after.sig] <- TRUE
   } else
   # timestamp can be a timestamp of day
   if(is.character(timestamp)) {
     time.str <- paste("T00:00/T",timestamp,sep="")
     funDay <- function(x, time.str) last(x[time.str])
     funOn  <- function(y, time.str) lapply(y, funDay, time.str)
     after.sig <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(ret, on), funDay, time.str))
     if(nrow(after.sig) != 0)
       ret[index(after.sig)] <- TRUE
   } else {
     stop("don't know how to handle 'timestamp' of class ", class(timestamp))

#' Signal Analysis With Parmeter Optimization
#' This function allows user to analyze signals independently from rules.
#' This function is similar to \code{applyParameter} but includes additionally \code{applySignal} wrapped within it. To use it, the user 
#' will need to initially define the distribution and constraints by using \code{add.distribution} and \code{add.distribution.constraint}.
#' More generally, the function is designed to generate signals across various parameter combinations defined within the distribution and
#' constraints. Afterwards it extract the next N day price changes for further anlaysis.
#' The parameter \code{on} allows user to calculate post signal returns in different frequencies. Different signals have different timeframes effectiveness. 
#' \code{forward.days} lets the user select the number of post signal days to analyze results. 
#' To determine the goodness of a parameter set relative to all others, we let the user specify their own objective function (via parameter \code{obj.func})
#' that will be used to calculate an objective value representing each parameter. These will then be sorted from best to worst. The
#' objective function will take in a single matrix \code{ret.mat} of price changes. Each row represents an individual signal
#' while each column represents periods/post signal. 
#' See demo 'signalAnalysisExample1.R' & 'signalAnalysisExample2.R'
#' @param strategy.st an object of type 'strategy' to add the indicator to
#' @param paramset.label a label uniquely identifying the paramset within the strategy
#' @param portfolio.st text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
#' @param sigval signal value to match against
#' @param sigcol column name to check for signal
#' @param on the periods endpoints to find as a character string 
#' @param forward.days days to exit post signal
#' @param cum.sum whether to use cumsum on price changes
#' @param include.day.of.signal whether to include the day of signal generation
#' @param obj.fun objective function for determining goodness of each paramset
#' @param decreasing how to sort the obj.fun output values
#' @param mktdata market data
#' @param verbose whether to output processing messages
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return
#' A list of objects that contains the results
#' \describe{
#'    \item{signals}{List of signals named by parameter combination. Each object within the list is a XTS object with columns being assets and rows being signals.}
#'    \item{sigret.by.paramset}{List of list. Sorted by parameter combination and then by asset. Contains matrix of next day returns; columns are period (N day look ahead) and rows are signals}
#'    \item{sigret.by.asset}{List of list. Sorted by Asset and then by parameter combinations. Contains same matrix as sigret.by.paramset}
#'    \item{signal.stats}{List of signal statistics as calculated via custom user defined fitness function. Sorted by assets.}
#' }
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{add.distribution}}
#' \code{\link{add.distribution.constraint}}
#' @export

apply.paramset.signal.analysis<-function(strategy.st, paramset.label, portfolio.st, sigcol,sigval,
  must.have.args(match.call(), c('strategy.st', 'paramset.label', 'portfolio.st')) #
  strategy <- must.be.strategy(strategy.st) 
  must.be.paramset(strategy, paramset.label)   
  portfolio <- .getPortfolio(portfolio.st)
  distributions <- strategy$paramsets[[paramset.label]]$distributions
  constraints <- strategy$paramsets[[paramset.label]]$constraints
  param.combos <- expand.distributions(distributions)
  param.combos <- apply.constraints(constraints, distributions, param.combos)
  rownames(param.combos) <- NULL  # reset rownames
  symbols = ls(portfolio$symbols)
  # list()
  # ...$ Paramset1 Signals = xts object; columns = by asset
  # ...$ Paramset2 Signals = xts object; columns = by asset
  .sig.list<-list() #list of signals as xts objects, each element in list contains n columns of signals for each asset in universe
  # list() by paramset
  # ...$ Paramset1
  #     ...$ Asset1
  #     ...$ Asset2
  # ...$ Paramset2
  #     ...$ Asset1
  #     ...$ Asset2
  .sig.ret.by.paramset = list() 
  # list() by asset
  # ...$ Asset1:
  #     ...paramset1
  #     ...paramset2
  # ...$ Asset2:
  #     ...$ paramset1
  #     ...$ paramset2
  .sig.ret.by.asset = list() 
  for(sym in symbols) .sig.ret.by.asset[[sym]] = list()
  # Loop through parameter by row to get signals
  #   Loop through each symbol
  # TODO: parallelize it
  for(i in 1:nrow(param.combos)){  # param.combo = param.combos[1,]
    param.combo <- param.combos[i,,drop=FALSE]
    if(verbose)cat("Applying Parameter Set: ",toString(param.combo),'\n')  
    # Attached Paramset to Strategy Object
    strategy <- install.param.combo(strategy, param.combo, paramset.label) 
    # Generate Indicators and Signals for Given Paramset
    name.ref = paste('paramset.',gsub(", ",".",toString(param.combo)),sep='')
    .sig.list[[name.ref]] = applyIndicatorSignals(strategy, portfolio.st, mktdata, sigcol)
    # Construct Post Signal Returns, loop through signal for each asset
    signal.ret.list.by.asset <- list() # post signal returns by asset
    for(j in 1:length( symbols  )){
      # Extract Post Signal Price Deltas for Given Asset Signals [can't do apply() here, unless force a dim on it inside function]
      signal.ret.list.by.asset[[symbols[j]]] = post.signal.returns(signals=.sig.list[[name.ref]][,paste(symbols[j],'.signal',sep='')],
      # Store Post Signal Price Deltas for Given Asset
      .sig.ret.by.asset[[symbols[j]]][[name.ref]] = signal.ret.list.by.asset[[symbols[j]]]
    # Store Post Signal Price Deltas for Given Paramset
    .sig.ret.by.paramset[[name.ref]] = signal.ret.list.by.asset
  # Generate Statistics by Asset
  for(sym in symbols){
    signal.stats[[sym]] = signal.generate.statistics(post.ret=.sig.ret.by.asset[[sym]], obj.fun=obj.fun, decreasing=decreasing)
  results = list()
  results$signals = .sig.list
  results$sigret.by.paramset = .sig.ret.by.paramset
  results$sigret.by.asset = .sig.ret.by.asset
  results$signal.stats = signal.stats

#' Calculate Indicators and Signals for a Strategy
#' Calculate signals given indicators and signal definitions.
#' @param strategy an object (or the name of an object) type 'strategy' to add the indicator to
#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
#' @param mktdata market data
#' @param sigcol String name of signal to use for analysis 
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return \code{xts} object with columns representing signals for each symbol
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{apply.paramset.signal.analysis}}
#' \code{\link{applyIndicators}}
#' \code{\link{applySignals}}
#' @export

applyIndicatorSignals<-function(strategy, portfolio, mktdata, sigcol, ...){
  # Get Portfolio & Symbols
  pobj <- .getPortfolio(portfolio)
  symbols <- ls(pobj$symbols)
  # Loop Through asset by asset and combine signal columns in to single xts object
  for(symbol in symbols){ 
    mktdata <- get(symbol) #get market data for current iteration symbol
    # Apply Indicators and Signals for Given Asset
    temp <- applyIndicators(strategy = strategy, mktdata = mktdata, ...)
    temp <- applySignals(strategy = strategy, mktdata = temp, ...)
    sig.col = temp[,sigcol]
    sig.col[which(is.na(sig.col) == TRUE),] = 0
    colnames(sig.col) <- paste(symbol,'.signal',sep='')
    .signals = merge.xts(.signals,sig.col)    #cbind,merge.xts,or merge? 

#' Signal Objective Function Calculation
#' This function takes a list of matrix of post signal price changes and 
#' applies an user defined objective function on it. 
#' @param post.ret \code{matrix} of parameter set of post signal price deltas
#' @param obj.fun custom objective function for measuring signal goodness
#' @param decreasing if true, the higher the objective value, the better
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return objective function values
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{apply.paramset.signal.analysis}}
#' @export

signal.generate.statistics<-function(post.ret, obj.fun=NULL, decreasing=TRUE){
  if(is.null(obj.fun)) stop("Must define an objective function for signal sorting.")
  obj.fun = match.fun(obj.fun)
  results = list()
  obj.values = matrix(NA,nrow=length(post.ret),ncol=1)
  row.names = c()
  for(j in 1:length(names(post.ret))){
    obj.value = obj.fun(post.ret[[names(post.ret)[j]]])
    if(length(obj.value)!=1) stop('Custom objective function must return only a single value.')
  rownames(obj.values) = row.names
  results[['obj']] = apply(obj.values,2,sort,decreasing=decreasing) #Sort

#' Generate Post Signal Returns
#' This function collects and aggregates post signal price changes for N days forward.
#' @param signals xts object with signals, one column
#' @param sigval signal value to match against
#' @param on the periods endpoints to find as a character string
#' @param forward.days number of days to look forward after signal (days to exit post signal)
#' @param cum.sum \code{TRUE},\code{FALSE}; cumulative sum of price changes
#' @param include.day.of.signal whether to analyze the return on signal day
#' @param mktdata market data
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return \code{matrix} of post signal price changes; rows = nth signal, column = nth period since signal
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{apply.paramset.signal.analysis}}
#' @export

  # Incremental Index Values / Label Generation
  if(include.day.of.signal == TRUE){
    days.increment = c(0,seq(1,forward.days))
    name.ref = sapply( days.increment ,function(x){paste("Period",x,sep='.')})
    days.increment = seq(1,forward.days+1)
    name.ref = sapply( days.increment[-length(days.increment)] ,function(x){paste("Period",x,sep='.')})
  # Get Relevant Market Data
    symbol = gsub('.signal','',colnames(signals))
    mktdata = get(symbol)
    # Determine Number of Periods in Given Frequency ie) 1 week has 5 days if signal frequency = days
    days.in.period = cbind(na.omit(signals),na.omit(signals)[endpoints(na.omit(signals),on),])[,2]
    days.in.period[which(days.in.period == 0),] = 1
    days.in.period = max(rle(as.vector(days.in.period))$lengths) + 1
    days.in.period = 1
  # Get Price Delta 
  ret = tryCatch({
    ret = diff(Cl(mktdata))
  }, error = function(e){
    stop('Market Data does not contain a row with Close. Try to set and aggregate data on to a higher frequency.')
  ret[1,] = 0
  # Align Mkt Data and Signals
  signals = signals[index(ret),]
  # Get Indexes of Signals
  idx = which(as.vector(signals)==sigval)
  # Take out signals that cause "out of bounds" exception
  idx.cancel = idx[which((nrow(signals) - idx) < max((days.increment * days.in.period)))]
    idx = idx[-which(idx %in% idx.cancel)]  
  if(length(idx) == 0)stop("There are no signals for analysis. Try reducing the number of look ahead periods.")
  # Daily return since signal; each column = days since signal; each row = each signal
  signal.ret = matrix(NA,nrow=length(idx),ncol=length(name.ref)) #daily return since signal
  # Extract Returns
  for(j in 1:length(idx)){
    signal.ret[j,] = tryCatch({
      na.omit(diff( getPrice(mktdata[idx[j] + (days.increment * days.in.period)  ,]) ))
    }, error = function(e){
      stop('Not enough forward data to evaluate post signal returns.')
  colnames(signal.ret) = name.ref
  if(cum.sum == TRUE) signal.ret = t(apply(signal.ret,1,cumsum)) # cumulative sum of price changes yields equity drift

# post.signal.returns<-function(signals,sigval,on='weeks',forward.days,cum.sum=TRUE,
#                               include.day.of.signal=FALSE,mktdata=NULL){
#   # Get Relevant Market Data
#   if(is.null(mktdata)){
#     symbol = gsub('.signal','',colnames(signals))
#     mktdata = get(symbol)
#   }
#   # Transform Market data to Specific Frequency 
#   if(!is.null(on)){
#     # Find the Dates for Mktdata in the frequency of interest
#     # Find the Dates of Signals, merge the two to get the final dates of interest
#     sig.date.idx = index(signals)[which(signals == sigval)]  
#     mktdata.temp = mktdata[endpoints(x=mktdata,on=on),]
#     mktdata.idx = index(cbind(mktdata.temp,signals))
#     mktdata = mktdata[mktdata.idx,]
#     signals = signals[mktdata.idx,]
#   }
#   # Get Price Delta 
#   ret = tryCatch({
#     ret = diff(Cl(mktdata))
#   }, error = function(e){
#     stop('Market Data does not contain a column with Close. Try to set and aggregate data on to a higher frequency.')
#   })
#   ret[1,] = 0
#   # Align Mkt Data and Signals
#   signals = signals[index(ret),]
#   # Take out signals that cause "out of bounds" exception
#   signals[(nrow(signals)-forward.days):nrow(signals),]=0  
#   # Get Indexes of Signals
#   idx = which(as.vector(signals)==sigval)
#   if(length(idx) == 0) stop("There are no signals for analysis.")
#   # Incremental Index Values / Label Generation
#   if(isTRUE(include.day.of.signal)){
#     days.increment = c(0,seq(1,forward.days))
#     name.ref = sapply( days.increment ,function(x){paste("Period",x,sep='.')})
#   }else{
#     days.increment = seq(1,forward.days)
#     name.ref = sapply( days.increment ,function(x){paste("Period",x,sep='.')})
#   }
#   # Daily return since signal; each column = days since signal; each row = each signal
#   signal.ret = matrix(NA,nrow=length(idx),ncol=length(name.ref)) #daily return since signal
#   # Extract return 
#   for(j in 1:length(idx))signal.ret[j,] = ret[idx[j] + days.increment  ,]
#   colnames(signal.ret) = name.ref
#   if(isTRUE(cum.sum)) signal.ret = t(apply(signal.ret,1,cumsum)) # cumulative sum of price changes yields equity drift
#   return(signal.ret)
# }

#' Signal Objective Function
#' Simple example of objective function that can can be used to measure the effectiveness of various parameter combinations.
#' Calculates the slope of the Cumulative Equity line. Higher the better.
#' It is important to note that all objective functions are called within \code{signal.generate.statistics}. What gets
#' passed in to it as parameter is an matrix of post signal price changes or cumulative equity for each signal. The matrix
#' is of N-by-M dimensions. N being the row representing the Nth signal. M being the column representing Mth period.  
#' @param x Return matrix, each row represents price deltas for a single signal, each column represents periods
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return Single Objective Value
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{apply.paramset.signal.analysis}}
#' @export

  mu = colMeans(x)
  lm.r = lm(mu~seq(length(mu))) 
  obj = coef(lm.r)[2]

#' Visualization of Signal Across Lookback
#' This function takes a list of  matrix of post signal price changes and 
#' plots boxplots. Note function plots whatever is given to it therefore when 
#' there are lots paramsets, it is best to plot a smaller portion so the 
#' information can be displayed clearly.
#' @param signals list of paramset forward looking price changes by asset
#' @param rows number of rows for plot
#' @param columns number of columns for plot
#' @param mai A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the margin size specified in inches.
#' @param mgp The margin line (in mex units) for the axis title, axis labels and axis line. Note that mgp[1] affects title whereas mgp[2:3] affect axis. The default is c(3, 1, 0).
#' @param xlab a title for the x axis
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis
#' @param cex.main The magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex.
#' @param xaxt A character which specifies the x axis type. Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex.
#' @param h the y-value(s) for horizontal line(s).
#' @param hlinecol A specification for the default plotting color. See section \sQuote{Color Specification}.
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @export

signal.plot<-function(signals,rows=NULL,columns=NULL,mai = c(0.1,0.4,0.2,0.1), mgp = c(1,1,0),
  if(is.null(signals)) stop('No signals to plot')
  # Determine Plot layout
  if(is.null(rows) | is.null(columns)){
    list.len = length(signals)
    rows = ceiling(list.len / as.numeric(substring(toString(list.len),1,1)))
    columns = ceiling(list.len / rows)  
  # Set up display parameters
  plt = par(mfrow=c(rows,columns),mai=mai,mgp=mgp)
  # Generate Boxplot for each paramset
  for(plt in names(signals)){

#' Visualization of Signal Across Lookback with Beanplots
#' This function is similar to \code{signal.plot} but uses beanplots 
#' instead of barplots. Requires 'beanplot' package
#' @param signals list of paramset forward looking price changes by asset
#' @param rows number of rows for plot
#' @param columns number of columns for plot
#' @param mai A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the margin size specified in inches.
#' @param mgp The margin line (in mex units) for the axis title, axis labels and axis line. Note that mgp[1] affects title whereas mgp[2:3] affect axis. The default is c(3, 1, 0).
#' @param xlab a title for the x axis
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis
#' @param cex.main The magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex.
#' @param xaxt A character which specifies the x axis type. Specifying "n" suppresses plotting of the axis. The standard value is "s": for compatibility with S values "l" and "t" are accepted but are equivalent to "s": any value other than "n" implies plotting.
#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex.
#' @param h the y-value(s) for horizontal line(s).
#' @param hlinecol A specification for the default plotting color. See section \sQuote{Color Specification}.
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return plot
#' @export
beanplot.signals<-function(signals,rows=NULL,columns=NULL,mai = c(0.1,0.4,0.2,0.1), mgp = c(1,1,0),
  if(is.null(signals)) stop('No signals to plot')

  # Determine Plot layout
  if(is.null(rows) | is.null(columns)){
    list.len = length(signals)
    rows = ceiling(list.len / as.numeric(substring(toString(list.len),1,1)))
    columns = ceiling(list.len / rows)  
  plt = par(mfrow=c(rows,columns),mai=mai,mgp=mgp)
  for(plt in names(signals)){
             cex.main = cex.main,xaxt=xaxt,cex.axis=cex.axis,...)

#' Visualization of Single Signal 
#' This function employs \code{plotSimpleGamlss} in package \code{gamlss.util}.
#' @param signal list of paramset forward looking price changes by asset
#' @param x.val he values of the explanatory variable where we want to see the distribution
#' @param val this parameter determines how the plotted distribution is shown, increase/decrease it if the distribution is not shown properly
#' @param ylim the y limits in the plot
#' @param xlim the x limits in the plot
#' @param mai A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the margin size specified in inches.
#' @param h the y-value(s) for horizontal line(s).
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return plot
#' @export

distributional.boxplot<-function(signal,x.val=seq(1, 50, 5),val=10,ylim=c(-5, 5),
                                 xlim=c(0, 50),mai=c(1,1,0.3,0.5),h=0,...){
  if(is.null(signal)) stop('No signals to plot')
  if(!isTRUE("gamlss" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) stop('Please install gamlss')
  if(!isTRUE("gamlss.util" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) stop('Please install gamlss.util')
  # Reformat data
  n.row = nrow(signal)
  ind.var = matrix(signal)
  dep.var = signal * NA
  for(i in 1:ncol(dep.var)) dep.var[,i] = i
  dep.var = matrix(dep.var)
  mat.data = cbind(dep.var,ind.var)
  colnames(mat.data) = c('Period','Change')
  mat.data = data.frame(mat.data)
  # Regression
  m1 <- gamlss(Change~Period, data=mat.data)
  # Visualization
    plotSimpleGamlss(y=Change,x=Period, model=m1,data=mat.data, 
                     x.val=x.val, # where to plot the dist
                     val=val, # size of dist
                     ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim)
  },error=function(e){cat('gamlss package currently doesnt 
                            support encapsulation of their 
                            plotting function. Pending Patch. \n')})

#' Visualization of Signal Path
#' This function creates a rChart - hplot that is interactive. It displays 
#' @param data signal data
#' @param main plot title
#' @author Michael Guan
#' @return plot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # signalAnalysisExample1.R
#' signal.plot.path(results$sigret.by.asset$RTH$paramset.1.5[1:10,])
#' }
#' @export
signal.path.plot<-function(data,main='Cumulative Return Paths'){
  require(rCharts) #TODO: Need to wrap around If statement
  data = t(data)
  n.row = nrow(data)
  ind.var = matrix(data)
  dep.var = ind.var * NA
  dep.var[] = rep(seq(1,n.row,1),ncol(data))
  groups = ind.var * NA
  groups[]=melt(sapply( seq(1,ncol(data),1),function(x)rep(x,n.row)))[,2]
  mat = cbind(dep.var,ind.var,groups)
  colnames(mat) = c('Periods','Returns','groups')
  mat = data.frame(mat)
  h2a = hPlot(x = "Periods", y = "Returns",group='groups', data = mat, 
              type = "line",showInLegend = FALSE,title=main)

#TODO Going Up/Going Down maybe better implemented as slope/diff() indicator, then coupled with threshold signal 
#TODO set/reset indicator/signal for n-periods since some other signal is set, or signal set for n periods

# R (http://r-project.org/) Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2015
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich 
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id: signals.R 1729 2015-12-26 19:19:52Z bodanker $
cloudcell/quantstrat documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:03 p.m.