#' Key vault resource class
#' Class representing a key vault, exposing methods for working with it.
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' The following methods are available, in addition to those provided by the [AzureRMR::az_resource] class:
#' - `new(...)`: Initialize a new key vault object. See 'Initialization'.
#' - `add_principal(principal, ...)`: Add an access policy for a user or service principal. See 'Access policies' below.
#' - `get_principal(principal)`: Retrieve an access policy for a user or service principal.
#' - `remove_principal(principal)`: Remove access for a user or service principal.
#' - `get_endpoint()`: Return the vault endpoint. See 'Endpoint' below.
#' @section Initialization:
#' Initializing a new object of this class can either retrieve an existing key vault, or create a new vault on the host. The recommended way to initialize an object is via the `get_key_vault`, `create_key_vault` or `list_key_vaults` methods of the [az_resource_group] class, which handle the details automatically.
#' @section Access policies:
#' Client access to a key vault is governed by its access policies, which are set on a per-principal basis. Each principal (user or service) can have different permissions granted, for keys, secrets, certificates, and storage accounts.
#' To grant access, use the `add_principal` method. This has signature
#' ```
#' add_principal(principal, tenant = NULL,
#' key_permissions = "all",
#' secret_permissions = "all",
#' certificate_permissions = "all",
#' storage_permissions = "all")
#' The `principal` can be a GUID, an object of class `vault_access_policy`, or a user, app or service principal object from the AzureGraph package. Note that the app ID of a registered app is not the same as the ID of its service principal.
#' The tenant must be a GUID; if this is NULL, it will be taken from the tenant of the key vault resource.
#' Here are the possible permissions for keys, secrets, certificates, and storage accounts. The permission "all" means to grant all permissions.
#' - Keys: "get", "list", "update", "create", "import", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "decrypt", "encrypt", "unwrapkey", "wrapkey", "verify", "sign", "purge"
#' - Secrets: "get", "list", "set", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "purge"
#' - Certificates: "get", "list", "update", "create", "import", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "managecontacts", "manageissuers", "getissuers", "listissuers", "setissuers", "deleteissuers", "purge"
#' - Storage accounts: "get", "list", "update", "set", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "regeneratekey", "getsas", "listsas", "setsas", "deletesas", "purge"
#' To revoke access, use the `remove_principal` method. To view the current access policy, use `get_principal` or `list_principals`.
#' @section Endpoint:
#' The client-side interaction with a key vault is via its _endpoint_, which is usually at the URL `https://[vaultname].vault.azure.net`. The `get_endpoint` method returns an R6 object of class `key_vault`, which represents the endpoint. Authenticating with the endpoint is done via an OAuth token; the necessary credentials are taken from the current Resource Manager client in use, or you can supply your own.
#' ```
#' get_endpoint(tenant = self$token$tenant,
#' app = self$token$client$client_id,
#' password = self$token$client$client_secret, ...)
#' To access the key vault independently of Resource Manager (for example if you are a user without admin or owner access to the vault resource), use the [key_vault] function.
#' @seealso
#' [vault_access_policy], [key_vault]
#' [create_key_vault], [get_key_vault], [delete_key_vault],
#' [AzureGraph::get_graph_login], [AzureGraph::az_user], [AzureGraph::az_app], [AzureGraph::az_service_principal]
#' [Azure Key Vault documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/),
#' [Azure Key Vault API reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/keyvault)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # recommended way of retrieving a resource: via a resource group object
#' kv <- resgroup$get_key_vault("mykeyvault")
#' # list principals that have access to the vault
#' kv$list_principals()
#' # grant a user full access (the default)
#' usr <- AzureGraph::get_graph_login()$
#' get_user("username@aadtenant.com")
#' kv$add_principal(usr)
#' # grant a service principal read access to keys and secrets only
#' svc <- AzureGraph::get_graph_login()$
#' get_service_principal(app_id="app_id")
#' kv$add_principal(svc,
#' key_permissions=c("get", "list"),
#' secret_permissions=c("get", "list"),
#' certificate_permissions=NULL,
#' storage_permissions=NULL)
#' # alternatively, supply a vault_access_policy with the listed permissions
#' pol <- vault_access_policy(svc,
#' key_permissions=c("get", "list"),
#' secret_permissions=c("get", "list"),
#' certificate_permissions=NULL,
#' storage_permissions=NULL)
#' kv$add_principal(pol)
#' # revoke access
#' kv$remove_access(svc)
#' # get the endpoint object
#' vault <- kv$get_endpoint()
#' }
#' @export
az_key_vault <- R6::R6Class("az_key_vault", inherit=AzureRMR::az_resource,
add_principal=function(principal, tenant=NULL,
key_permissions="all", secret_permissions="all", certificate_permissions="all", storage_permissions="all")
if(!inherits(principal, "vault_access_policy"))
principal <- vault_access_policy(
# un-nullify tenant ID using tenant of resource
principal$tenantId <- self$properties$tenantId
props <- list(accessPolicies=list(unclass(principal)))
body=list(properties=props), encode="json", http_verb="PUT")
principal <- find_principal(principal)
pols <- self$properties$accessPolicies
i <- sapply(pols, function(obj) obj$objectId == principal)
stop("No access policy for principal '", principal, "'", call.=FALSE)
pol <- pols[[which(i)]]
vault_access_policy(pol$objectId, pol$tenantId,
pol$permissions$keys, pol$permissions$secrets, pol$permissions$certificates, pol$permissions$storage)
pol <- self$get_principal(principal)
props <- list(accessPolicies=list(unclass(pol)))
body=list(properties=props), encode="json", http_verb="PUT")
lapply(self$properties$accessPolicies, function(pol)
vault_access_policy(pol$objectId, pol$tenantId,
pol$permissions$keys, pol$permissions$secrets, pol$permissions$certificates, pol$permissions$storage)
get_endpoint=function(tenant=self$token$tenant, app=self$token$client$client_id,
password=self$token$client$client_secret, ...)
url <- self$properties$vaultUri
key_vault(url=url, tenant=tenant, app=app, password=password, ...)
delete=function(confirm=TRUE, wait=FALSE, purge=FALSE)
if(purge) wait <- TRUE
super$delete(confirm, wait)
if(purge && isTRUE(self$properties$enableSoftDelete))
sub <- az_subscription$new(self$token, self$subscription)
sub$purge_key_vault(self$name, self$location, confirm)
#' Specify a key vault access policy
#' @param principal The user or service principal for this access policy. Can be a GUID, or a user, app or service principal object from the AzureGraph package.
#' @param tenant The tenant of the principal.
#' @param key_permissions The permissions to grant for working with keys.
#' @param secret_permissions The permissions to grant for working with secrets.
#' @param certificate_permissions The permissions to grant for working with certificates.
#' @param storage_permissions The permissions to grant for working with storage accounts.
#' @details
#' Client access to a key vault is governed by its access policies, which are set on a per-principal basis. Each principal (user or service) can have different permissions granted, for keys, secrets, certificates, and storage accounts.
#' Here are the possible permissions. The permission "all" means to grant all permissions.
#' - Keys: "get", "list", "update", "create", "import", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "decrypt", "encrypt", "unwrapkey", "wrapkey", "verify", "sign", "purge"
#' - Secrets: "get", "list", "set", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "purge"
#' - Certificates: "get", "list", "update", "create", "import", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "managecontacts", "manageissuers", "getissuers", "listissuers", "setissuers", "deleteissuers", "purge"
#' - Storage accounts: "get", "list", "update", "set", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "regeneratekey", "getsas", "listsas", "setsas", "deletesas", "purge"
#' @return
#' An object of class `vault_access_policy`, suitable for creating a key vault resource.
#' @seealso
#' [create_key_vault], [az_key_vault]
#' [Azure Key Vault documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/),
#' [Azure Key Vault API reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/keyvault)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # default is to grant full access
#' vault_access_policy("user_id")
#' # use AzureGraph to specify a user via their email address rather than a GUID
#' usr <- AzureGraph::get_graph_login()$get_user("username@aadtenant.com")
#' vault_access_policy(usr)
#' # grant a service principal read access to keys and secrets only
#' svc <- AzureGraph::get_graph_login()$
#' get_service_principal(app_id="app_id")
#' vault_access_policy(svc,
#' key_permissions=c("get", "list"),
#' secret_permissions=c("get", "list"),
#' certificate_permissions=NULL,
#' storage_permissions=NULL)
#' }
#' @export
vault_access_policy <- function(principal, tenant=NULL,
principal <- find_principal(principal)
key_permissions <- verify_key_permissions(key_permissions)
secret_permissions <- verify_secret_permissions(secret_permissions)
certificate_permissions <- verify_certificate_permissions(certificate_permissions)
storage_permissions <- verify_storage_permissions(storage_permissions)
obj <- list(
class(obj) <- "vault_access_policy"
#' @export
print.vault_access_policy <- function(x, ...)
cat("Tenant:", if(is.null(x$tenantId)) "<default>" else x$tenantId, "\n")
cat("Principal:", x$objectId, "\n")
cat("Key permissions:\n")
cat(strwrap(paste(x$permissions$keys, collapse=", "), indent=4, exdent=4), sep="\n")
cat("Secret permissions:\n")
cat(strwrap(paste(x$permissions$secrets, collapse=", "), indent=4, exdent=4), sep="\n")
cat("Certificate permissions:\n")
cat(strwrap(paste(x$permissions$certificates, collapse=", "), indent=4, exdent=4), sep="\n")
cat("Storage account permissions:\n")
cat(strwrap(paste(x$permissions$storage, collapse=", "), indent=4, exdent=4), sep="\n")
find_principal <- function(principal)
if(is_user(principal) || is_service_principal(principal))
else if(is_app(principal))
else if(inherits(principal, "vault_access_policy"))
else if(!is_guid(principal))
stop("Must supply a valid principal ID or object", call.=FALSE)
else AzureAuth::normalize_guid(principal)
verify_key_permissions <- function(perms)
key_perms <- c("get", "list", "update", "create", "import", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore",
"decrypt", "encrypt", "unwrapkey", "wrapkey", "verify", "sign", "purge")
verify_permissions(perms, key_perms)
verify_secret_permissions <- function(perms)
secret_perms <- c("get", "list", "set", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore", "purge")
verify_permissions(perms, secret_perms)
verify_certificate_permissions <- function(perms)
certificate_perms <- c("get", "list", "update", "create", "import", "delete", "recover", "backup", "restore",
"managecontacts", "manageissuers", "getissuers", "listissuers", "setissuers",
"deleteissuers", "purge")
verify_permissions(perms, certificate_perms)
verify_storage_permissions <- function(perms)
storage_perms <- c("backup", "delete", "deletesas", "get", "getsas", "list", "listsas",
"purge", "recover", "regeneratekey", "restore", "set", "setsas", "update")
verify_permissions(perms, storage_perms)
verify_permissions <- function(perms, all_perms)
perms <- tolower(unlist(perms))
if(length(perms) == 1 && perms == "all")
else if(!all(perms %in% all_perms))
stop("Invalid permissions")
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