
#' PCoA adjusted for corvariates.
#' Please cite: Shi Y, Zhang L, Do KA, Peterson CB, Jenq RR. aPCoA: covariate
#' adjusted principal coordinates analysis. Bioinformatics. 2020 Jul 
#' 1;36(13):4099-4101. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa276.
#' @noRd
#' @param distmat  A distance matrix (\code{dist} class object) that you want
#'      to run the aPCoA on.
#' @param covariates  A data.frame with the confounding covariate(s). The row 
#'      names of this data frame should match the labels of the distance matrix.
#' @return A numeric matrix with the same row names as \code{covariates}, and
#'      one column for each of the computed adjusted principal coordinates.
#' @examples
#'     library(rbiom)
#'     library(ggplot2)
#'     biom <- rarefy(hmp50)
#'     dm   <- bdiv_distmat(biom, 'unifrac')
#'     reg_pcoa <- ape::pcoa(dm)[['vectors']]
#'     adj_pcoa <- apcoa(dm, biom$metadata[,'Sex'])
#'     ids   <- biom$samples
#'     color <- pull(biom, 'Sex')
#'     ggplot(mapping=aes(x=reg_pcoa[ids, 1], y=reg_pcoa[ids, 2], color=color)) + geom_point()
#'     ggplot(mapping=aes(x=adj_pcoa[ids, 1], y=adj_pcoa[ids, 2], color=color)) + geom_point()

apcoa <- function (distmat, covariates)  {
  params <- eval_envir(environment())
  # See if this result is already in the cache.
  cache_file <- get_cache_file('apcoa', params)
  if (isTRUE(attr(cache_file, 'exists', exact = TRUE)))
    return (readRDS(cache_file))
  if (!is(distmat,    "dist"))       stop ("distmat must be of class 'dist'.")
  if (!is(covariates, "data.frame")) stop ("covariates must be of class 'data.frame'.")
  if (ncol(covariates) == 0)         stop ("covariates has no columns'.")
  # Rename the metadata columns to ensure formula-compatibility
  names(covariates) <- paste0("CV", seq_len(ncol(covariates)))
  # Force the order of row names to match
  rn_distmat    <- attr(distmat, "Labels", exact = TRUE)
  rn_covariates <- rownames(covariates)
  rn_intersect  <- intersect(rn_distmat, rn_covariates)
  if (length(rn_intersect) == 0)
    stop("No row names in common between the distance matrix and covariates.")
  if (length(rn_intersect) < 3)
    stop("Please provide at least 3 samples as input to apcoa().")
  distmat    <- as.dist(as.matrix(distmat)[rn_intersect, rn_intersect])
  covariates <- covariates[rn_intersect,,drop=F]
  formula <- reformulate(response = "distmat", termlabels = names(covariates))
  lhs          <- distmat
  formula[[2]] <- NULL
  rhs.frame    <- model.frame(formula, covariates, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
  rhs <- model.matrix(formula, rhs.frame)
  grps   <- attr(rhs, "assign", exact = TRUE)
  qrhs   <- qr(rhs)
  rhs    <- rhs[, qrhs$pivot,  drop = FALSE]
  rhs    <- rhs[, 1:qrhs$rank, drop = FALSE]
  grps   <- grps[qrhs$pivot][1:qrhs$rank]
  u.grps <- unique(grps)
  nterms <- length(u.grps) - 1
  if (nterms < 1) 
    stop("right-hand-side of formula has no usable terms")
  dmat <- as.matrix(lhs^2)
  X <- rhs
  y <- lhs
  X <- X[rownames(dmat),]
  X <- as.matrix(X[,-1],nrow=nrow(X))
  H <- X%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)
  A <- -1/2*as.matrix(y)^2
  J <- diag(nrow(X))-matrix(rep(1/(nrow(X)),length(A)),nrow=nrow(A))
  E <- (diag(nrow(H))-H)%*%J%*%A%*%J%*%(diag(nrow(H))-H)
  rownames(E)      <- rownames(covariates)
  colnames(E)      <- rownames(covariates)
  eigenE           <- eigen(E)$vectors
  eigenvalue       <- eigen(E)$values
  rownames(eigenE) <- rownames(covariates)
  plotMatrix <- eigenE*matrix(rep(eigenvalue^(1/2),each=nrow(eigenE)),nrow=nrow(eigenE))
  plotMatrix <- plotMatrix[,!is.na(apply(plotMatrix,2,sum))]
  set_cache_value(cache_file, result)
  return (plotMatrix)
cmmr/rbiom documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:38 a.m.