#' Generate a snapshot from an `epi_archive` object
#' Generates a snapshot in `epi_df` format from an `epi_archive` object, as of a
#' given version. See the [archive
#' vignette](https://cmu-delphi.github.io/epiprocess/articles/archive.html) for
#' examples.
#' @param x An `epi_archive` object
#' @param version Time value specifying the max version to permit in the
#' snapshot. That is, the snapshot will comprise the unique rows of the
#' current archive data that represent the most up-to-date signal values, as
#' of the specified `version` (and whose time values are at least
#' `min_time_value`.)
#' @param min_time_value Time value specifying the min time value to permit in
#' the snapshot. Default is `-Inf`, which effectively means that there is no
#' minimum considered.
#' @param all_versions If `all_versions = TRUE`, then the output will be in
#' `epi_archive` format, and contain rows in the specified `time_value` range
#' having `version <= version`. The resulting object will cover a
#' potentially narrower `version` and `time_value` range than `x`, depending
#' on user-provided arguments. Otherwise, there will be one row in the output
#' for the `version` of each `time_value`. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param max_version `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` please use `version`
#' argument instead.
#' @return An `epi_df` object.
#' @examples
#' epix_as_of(
#' archive_cases_dv_subset,
#' version = max(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version)
#' )
#' range(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version) # 2020-06-02 -- 2021-12-01
#' epix_as_of(archive_cases_dv_subset, as.Date("2020-06-12"))
#' # --- Advanced: ---
#' # When requesting recent versions of a data set, there can be some
#' # reproducibility issues. For example, requesting data as of the current date
#' # may return different values based on whether today's data is available yet
#' # or not. Other factors include the time it takes between data becoming
#' # available and when you download the data, and whether the data provider
#' # will overwrite ("clobber") version data rather than just publishing new
#' # versions. You can include information about these factors by setting the
#' # `clobberable_versions_start` and `versions_end` of an `epi_archive`, in
#' # which case you will get warnings about potential reproducibility issues:
#' archive_cases_dv_subset2 <- as_epi_archive(
#' archive_cases_dv_subset$DT,
#' # Suppose last version with an update could potentially be rewritten
#' # (a.k.a. "hotfixed", "clobbered", etc.):
#' clobberable_versions_start = max(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version),
#' # Suppose today is the following day, and there are no updates out yet:
#' versions_end = max(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version) + 1L
#' )
#' epix_as_of(archive_cases_dv_subset2, max(archive_cases_dv_subset$DT$version))
#' @importFrom data.table between key
#' @export
epix_as_of <- function(x, version, min_time_value = -Inf, all_versions = FALSE,
max_version = deprecated()) {
assert_class(x, "epi_archive")
if (lifecycle::is_present(max_version)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.8.1", "epix_as_of(max_version =)", "epix_as_of(version =)")
version <- max_version
other_keys <- setdiff(
c("geo_value", "time_value", "version")
# Check a few things on version
if (!identical(class(version), class(x$DT$version))) {
"`version` must have the same `class` vector as `epi_archive$DT$version`."
if (!identical(typeof(version), typeof(x$DT$version))) {
"`version` must have the same `typeof` as `epi_archive$DT$version`."
assert_scalar(version, na.ok = FALSE)
if (version > x$versions_end) {
cli_abort("`version` must be at most `epi_archive$versions_end`.")
assert_logical(all_versions, len = 1)
if (!is.na(x$clobberable_versions_start) && version >= x$clobberable_versions_start) {
'Getting data as of some recent version which could still be
overwritten (under routine circumstances) without assigning a new
version number (a.k.a. "clobbered"). Thus, the snapshot that we
produce here should not be expected to be reproducible later. See
`?epi_archive` for more info and `?epix_as_of` on how to muffle.',
class = "epiprocess__snapshot_as_of_clobberable_version"
# We can't disable nonstandard evaluation nor use the `..` feature in the `i`
# argument of `[.data.table` below; try to avoid problematic names and abort
# if we fail to do so:
.min_time_value <- min_time_value
.version <- version
if (any(c(".min_time_value", ".version") %in% names(x$DT))) {
cli_abort("epi_archives can't contain a `.min_time_value` or `.version` column")
# Filter by version and return
if (all_versions) {
# epi_archive is copied into result, so we can modify result directly
result <- epix_truncate_versions_after(x, version)
result$DT <- result$DT[time_value >= .min_time_value, ] # nolint: object_usage_linter
# Make sure to use data.table ways of filtering and selecting
as_of_epi_df <- x$DT[time_value >= .min_time_value & version <= .version, ] %>% # nolint: object_usage_linter
by = c("geo_value", "time_value", other_keys),
fromLast = TRUE
) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::select(-"version") %>%
as_of = version,
other_keys = other_keys
#' Fill `epi_archive` unobserved history
#' @description
#' This function fills in missing version history in an `epi_archive` object up
#' to a specified version, updating the `versions_end` field as necessary. Note
#' that the filling is done in a compactified way, see details.
#' @param x An `epi_archive`
#' @param fill_versions_end a scalar of the same class&type as `x$version`: the
#' version through which to fill in missing version history; the
#' `epi_archive`'s `versions_end` attribute will be set to this, unless it
#' already had a later `$versions_end`.
#' @param how Optional; `"na"` or `"locf"`: `"na"` fills missing version history
#' with `NA`s, `"locf"` fills missing version history with the last version of
#' each observation carried forward (LOCF). Default is `"na"`.
#' @return An `epi_archive`
#' @details
#' Note that we generally store `epi_archive`'s in a compacted form, meaning
#' that, implciitly, if a version does not exist, but the `version_end`
#' attribute is greater, then it is understood that all the versions in between
#' had the same value as the last observed version. This affects the behavior of
#' this function in the following ways:
#' - if `how = "na"`, then the function will fill in at most one missing version
#' with `NA` and the rest will be implicit.
#' - if `how = "locf"`, then the function will not fill any values.
#' @importFrom data.table copy ":="
#' @importFrom rlang arg_match
#' @return An `epi_archive`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test_date <- as.Date("2020-01-01")
#' ea_orig <- as_epi_archive(data.table::data.table(
#' geo_value = "ak",
#' time_value = test_date + c(rep(0L, 5L), 1L),
#' version = test_date + c(1:5, 2L),
#' value = 1:6
#' ))
#' epix_fill_through_version(ea_orig, test_date + 8, "na")
#' epix_fill_through_version(ea_orig, test_date + 8, "locf")
epix_fill_through_version <- function(x, fill_versions_end, how = c("na", "locf")) {
assert_class(x, "epi_archive")
validate_version_bound(fill_versions_end, x$DT, na_ok = FALSE)
how <- arg_match(how)
if (x$versions_end < fill_versions_end) {
new_dt <- switch(how,
"na" = {
# old DT + a version consisting of all NA observations
# immediately after the last currently/actually-observed
# version. Note that this NA-observation version must only be
# added if `epi_archive` is outdated.
nonversion_key_cols <- setdiff(key(x$DT), "version")
nonkey_cols <- setdiff(names(x$DT), key(x$DT))
next_version_tag <- next_after(x$versions_end)
if (next_version_tag > fill_versions_end) {
"Apparent problem with {.code next_after} method:",
"archive contained observations through version {x$versions_end}",
"and the next possible version was supposed to be {next_version_tag},",
"but this appeared to jump from a version < {fill_versions_end}",
"to one > {fill_versions_end}, implying at least one version in between."
nonversion_key_vals_ever_recorded <- unique(x$DT, by = nonversion_key_cols)
# In edge cases, the `unique` result can alias the original
# DT; detect and copy if necessary:
if (identical(address(x$DT), address(nonversion_key_vals_ever_recorded))) {
nonversion_key_vals_ever_recorded <- data.table::copy(nonversion_key_vals_ever_recorded)
next_version_dt <- nonversion_key_vals_ever_recorded[
, version := next_version_tag
# this makes the class of these columns logical (`NA` is a
# logical NA; we're relying on the rbind below to convert to
# the proper class&typeof)
, (nonkey_cols) := NA
# full result DT:
setkeyv(rbind(x$DT, next_version_dt), key(x$DT))[]
"locf" = {
# just the old DT; LOCF is built into other methods:
new_versions_end <- fill_versions_end
# Update `epi_archive` all at once with simple, error-free operations +
# return below:
x$DT <- new_dt
x$versions_end <- new_versions_end
} else {
# Already sufficiently up to date; nothing to do.
#' Merge two `epi_archive` objects
#' Merges two `epi_archive`s that share a common `geo_value`, `time_value`, and
#' set of key columns. When they also share a common `versions_end`, using
#' `epix_as_of` on the result should be the same as using `epix_as_of` on `x`
#' and `y` individually, then performing a full join of the `DT`s on the
#' non-version key columns (potentially consolidating multiple warnings about
#' clobberable versions). If the `versions_end` values differ, the `sync`
#' parameter controls what is done.
#' @param x,y Two `epi_archive` objects to join together.
#' @param sync Optional; character. The argument that decides how to handle the
#' situation when one signal has a more recent revision than another signal
#' for a key that they have both already observed. The options are:
#' - `"forbid"`: the default and the strictest option, throws an error; this
#' is likely not what you want, but it is strict to make the user aware of the
#' issues,
#' - `"locf"`: carry forward the last observed version of the missing signal
#' to the new version and use `max(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)` as the
#' result's `versions_end`,
#' - `"na"`: fill the unobserved values with `NA`'s (this can be handy when
#' you know that source data is truly missing upstream and you want to
#' represent the lack of information accurately, for instance) and use
#' `max(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)` as the result's `versions_end`,
#' - `"truncate"`: discard any rows containing update rows for later versions
#' and use `min(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)` as the result's
#' `versions_end`.
#' @param compactify Optional; `TRUE` (default), `FALSE`, or `"message"`; should the
#' result be compactified? See `as_epi_archive()` for details.
#' @param compactify_abs_tol As in [`as_epi_archive()`].
#' @details
#' When merging archives, unless the archives have identical data release
#' patterns, we often have to handle the situation when one signal has a more
#' recent observation for a key than another signal. In this case, we have two
#' options:
#' - if the the other signal has never observed that key, we need to introduce
#' `NA`s in the non-key variables for the missing signal,
#' - if the other signal has observed that key previously, but at an ealier
#' revision date, then we need to decide how to handle the missing value in the
#' more recent signal; the `sync` argument controls this behavior.
#' @return the resulting `epi_archive`
#' @details In all cases, `clobberable_versions_start` will be set to the
#' earliest version that could be clobbered in either input archive.
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' # The s1 signal at August 1st gets revised from 10 to 11 on August 2nd
#' s1 <- tibble::tibble(
#' geo_value = c("ca", "ca", "ca"),
#' time_value = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-01", "2024-08-02")),
#' version = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-02", "2024-08-02")),
#' signal1 = c(10, 11, 7)
#' )
#' s2 <- tibble::tibble(
#' geo_value = c("ca", "ca"),
#' time_value = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-02")),
#' version = as.Date(c("2024-08-03", "2024-08-03")),
#' signal2 = c(2, 3)
#' )
#' s1 <- s1 %>% as_epi_archive()
#' s2 <- s2 %>% as_epi_archive()
#' merged <- epix_merge(s1, s2, sync = "locf")
#' merged[["DT"]]
#' # Example 2
#' # The s1 signal at August 1st gets revised from 12 to 13 on August 3rd
#' s1 <- tibble::tibble(
#' geo_value = c("ca", "ca", "ca", "ca"),
#' time_value = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-01", "2024-08-02", "2024-08-03")),
#' version = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-03", "2024-08-03", "2024-08-03")),
#' signal1 = c(12, 13, 22, 19)
#' )
#' s2 <- tibble::tibble(
#' geo_value = c("ca", "ca"),
#' time_value = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-02")),
#' version = as.Date(c("2024-08-02", "2024-08-02")),
#' signal2 = c(4, 5),
#' )
#' s1 <- s1 %>% as_epi_archive()
#' s2 <- s2 %>% as_epi_archive()
#' merged <- epix_merge(s1, s2, sync = "locf")
#' merged[["DT"]]
#' # Example 3:
#' s1 <- tibble::tibble(
#' geo_value = c("ca", "ca", "ca"),
#' time_value = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-02", "2024-08-03")),
#' version = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-02", "2024-08-03")),
#' signal1 = c(14, 11, 9)
#' )
#' # The s2 signal at August 1st gets revised from 3 to 5 on August 3rd
#' s2 <- tibble::tibble(
#' geo_value = c("ca", "ca", "ca"),
#' time_value = as.Date(c("2024-08-01", "2024-08-01", "2024-08-02")),
#' version = as.Date(c("2024-08-02", "2024-08-03", "2024-08-03")),
#' signal2 = c(3, 5, 2),
#' )
#' s1 <- s1 %>% as_epi_archive()
#' s2 <- s2 %>% as_epi_archive()
#' merged <- epix_merge(s1, s2, sync = "locf")
#' merged[["DT"]]
#' @importFrom data.table key set setkeyv
#' @export
epix_merge <- function(x, y,
sync = c("forbid", "na", "locf", "truncate"),
compactify = TRUE, compactify_abs_tol = 0) {
assert_class(x, "epi_archive")
assert_class(y, "epi_archive")
sync <- rlang::arg_match(sync)
if (!identical(x$geo_type, y$geo_type)) {
cli_abort("`x` and `y` must have the same `$geo_type`")
if (!identical(x$time_type, y$time_type)) {
cli_abort("`x` and `y` must share data type on their `time_value` column.")
result_clobberable_versions_start <-
if (all(is.na(c(x$clobberable_versions_start, y$clobberable_versions_start)))) {
NA # (any type of NA is fine here)
} else {
min(c(x$clobberable_versions_start, y$clobberable_versions_start), na.rm = TRUE)
if (sync == "forbid") {
if (!identical(x$versions_end, y$versions_end)) {
"`x` and `y` were not equally up to date version-wise:",
"`x$versions_end` was not identical to `y$versions_end`;",
"either ensure that `x` and `y` are equally up to date before merging,",
"or specify how to deal with this using `sync`"
), class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_unresolved_sync")
} else {
new_versions_end <- x$versions_end
x_dt <- x$DT
y_dt <- y$DT
} else if (sync %in% c("na", "locf")) {
new_versions_end <- max(c(x$versions_end, y$versions_end))
x_dt <- epix_fill_through_version(x, new_versions_end, sync)$DT
y_dt <- epix_fill_through_version(y, new_versions_end, sync)$DT
} else if (sync == "truncate") {
new_versions_end <- min(c(x$versions_end, y$versions_end))
x_dt <- x$DT[x[["DT"]][["version"]] <= new_versions_end, names(x$DT), with = FALSE]
y_dt <- y$DT[y[["DT"]][["version"]] <= new_versions_end, names(y$DT), with = FALSE]
} else {
# key(x_dt) should be the same as key(x$DT) and key(y_dt) should be the same
# as key(y$DT). Below, we only use {x,y}_DT in the code (making it easier to
# split the code into separate functions if we wish), but still refer to
# {x,y}$DT in the error messages (further relying on this assumption).
# Check&ensure that the above assumption; if it didn't already hold, we likely
# have a bug in the preprocessing, a weird/invalid archive as input, and/or a
# data.table version with different semantics (which may break other parts of
# our code).
x_dt_key_as_expected <- identical(key(x$DT), key(x_dt))
y_dt_key_as_expected <- identical(key(y$DT), key(y_dt))
if (!x_dt_key_as_expected || !y_dt_key_as_expected) {
`epiprocess` internal warning (please report): pre-processing for
epix_merge unexpectedly resulted in an intermediate data table (or
tables) with a different key than the corresponding input archive.
Manually setting intermediate data table keys to the expected values.
", internal = TRUE)
setkeyv(x_dt, key(x$DT))
setkeyv(y_dt, key(y$DT))
# Without some sort of annotations of what various columns represent, we can't
# do something that makes sense when merging archives with mismatched keys.
# E.g., even if we assume extra keys represent demographic breakdowns, a
# sensible default treatment of count-type and rate-type value columns would
# differ.
if (!identical(sort(key(x_dt)), sort(key(y_dt)))) {
The archives must have the same set of key column names; if the
key columns represent the same things, just with different
names, please retry after manually renaming to match; if they
represent different things (e.g., x has an age breakdown
but y does not), please retry after processing them to share
the same key (e.g., by summarizing x to remove the age breakdown,
or by applying a static age breakdown to y).
", class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_x_y_must_have_same_key_set")
# `by` cols = result (and each input's) `key` cols, and determine
# the row set, determined using a full join via `merge`
# non-`by` cols = "value"-ish cols, and are looked up with last
# version carried forward via rolling joins
by <- key(x_dt) # = some perm of key(y_dt)
if (!all(c("geo_value", "time_value", "version") %in% key(x_dt))) {
cli_abort('Invalid `by`; `by` is currently set to the common `key` of
the two archives, and is expected to contain
"geo_value", "time_value", and "version".',
class = "epiprocess__epi_archive_must_have_required_key_cols"
if (length(by) < 1L || utils::tail(by, 1L) != "version") {
cli_abort('Invalid `by`; `by` is currently set to the common `key` of
the two archives, and is expected to have a "version" as
the last key col.',
class = "epiprocess__epi_archive_must_have_version_at_end_of_key"
x_nonby_colnames <- setdiff(names(x_dt), by)
y_nonby_colnames <- setdiff(names(y_dt), by)
if (length(intersect(x_nonby_colnames, y_nonby_colnames)) != 0L) {
`x` and `y` DTs have overlapping non-by column names;
this is currently not supported; please manually fix up first:
any overlapping columns that can are key-like should be
incorporated into the key, and other columns should be renamed.
", class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_x_y_must_not_have_overlapping_nonby_colnames")
x_by_vals <- x_dt[, by, with = FALSE]
if (anyDuplicated(x_by_vals) != 0L) {
The `by` columns must uniquely determine rows of `x$DT`;
the `by` is currently set to the common `key` of the two
archives, so this can be resolved by adding key-like columns
to `x`'s key (to get a unique key).
", class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_by_cols_must_act_as_unique_key")
y_by_vals <- y_dt[, by, with = FALSE]
if (anyDuplicated(y_by_vals) != 0L) {
The `by` columns must uniquely determine rows of `y$DT`;
the `by` is currently set to the common `key` of the two
archives, so this can be resolved by adding key-like columns
to `y`'s key (to get a unique key).
", class = "epiprocess__epix_merge_by_cols_must_act_as_unique_key")
result_dt <- merge(x_by_vals, y_by_vals,
by = by,
# We must have `all=TRUE` or we may skip updates
# from x and/or y and corrupt the history
all = TRUE,
# We don't want Cartesian products, but the
# by-is-unique-key check above already ensures
# this. (Note that `allow.cartesian=FALSE` doesn't
# actually catch all Cartesian products anyway.)
# Disable superfluous check:
allow.cartesian = TRUE
result_dt, , x_nonby_colnames,
x_dt[result_dt[, by, with = FALSE], x_nonby_colnames,
with = FALSE,
# It's good practice to specify `on`, and we must
# explicitly specify `on` if there's a potential key vs.
# by order mismatch (not possible currently for x
# with by = key(x$DT), but possible for y):
on = by,
# last version carried forward:
roll = TRUE,
# requesting non-version key that doesn't exist in the other archive,
# or before its first version, should result in NA
nomatch = NA,
# see note on `allow.cartesian` above; currently have a
# similar story here.
allow.cartesian = TRUE
result_dt, , y_nonby_colnames,
y_dt[result_dt[, by, with = FALSE], y_nonby_colnames,
with = FALSE,
on = by,
roll = TRUE,
nomatch = NA,
allow.cartesian = TRUE
# The key could be unset in case of a key vs. by order mismatch as
# noted above. Ensure that we keep it:
setkeyv(result_dt, by)
result_dt[], # clear data.table internal invisibility flag if set
other_keys = setdiff(key(result_dt), c("geo_value", "time_value", "version")),
# It'd probably be better to pre-compactify before the merge, and might be
# guaranteed not to be necessary to compactify the merge result if the
# inputs are already compactified, but at time of writing we don't have
# compactify in its own method or field, and it seems like it should be
# pretty fast anyway.
compactify = compactify, compactify_abs_tol = compactify_abs_tol,
clobberable_versions_start = result_clobberable_versions_start,
versions_end = new_versions_end
#' A more detailed but restricted `mutate` for use in `group_by.epi_archive`
#' More detailed: provides the names of the "requested" columns in addition to
#' the output expected from a regular `mutate` method.
#' Restricted: doesn't allow replacing or removing key cols, where a sort is
#' potentially required at best and what the output key should be is unclear at
#' worst. (The originally expected restriction was that the `mutate` parameters
#' not present in `group_by` would not be recognized, but the current
#' implementation just lets `mutate` handle these even anyway, even if they're
#' not part of the regular `group_by` parameters; these arguments would have to
#' be passed by names with dot prefixes, so just hope that the user means to use
#' them here if provided.)
#' This can introduce column-level aliasing in `data.table`s, which isn't really
#' intended in the `data.table` user model but we can make it part of our user
#' model (see
#' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45925482/make-a-shallow-copy-in-data-table
#' and links).
#' Don't export this without cleaning up language of "mutate" as in side effects
#' vs. "mutate" as in `dplyr::mutate`.
#' @noRd
epix_detailed_restricted_mutate <- function(.data, ...) {
# We don't want to directly use `dplyr::mutate` on the `$DT`, as:
# - `mutate` behavior, including the output class, changes depending on
# whether `dtplyr` < 1.3.0 is loaded and would require post-processing
# - behavior with `dtplyr` isn't fully compatible
# - it doesn't give the desired details, and `rlang::exprs_auto_name` does not
# appropriately handle the `= NULL` and `= <data.frame>` tidyeval cases
# Instead:
# - Use `as.list` to get a shallow copy (undocumented, but apparently
# intended, behavior), then `as_tibble` (also shallow, given a list) to get
# back to something that will use `dplyr`'s included `mutate` method(s),
# then convert this using shallow operations into a `data.table`.
# - Use `col_modify_recorder_df` to get the desired details.
in_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(as.list(.data$DT), .name_repair = "minimal")
col_modify_cols <-
mutate(new_col_modify_recorder_df(in_tbl), ...)
invalidated_key_col_is <-
which(purrr::map_lgl(key(.data$DT), function(key_colname) {
key_colname %in% names(col_modify_cols) &&
!rlang::is_reference(in_tbl[[key_colname]], col_modify_cols[[key_colname]])
if (length(invalidated_key_col_is) != 0L) {
"Key columns must not be replaced or removed.",
initial = "Flagged key cols: "
} else {
# Have `dplyr` do the `dplyr_col_modify`, keeping the column-level-aliasing
# and must-copy-on-write-if-refcount-more-than-1 model, obtaining a tibble,
# then convert it into a `data.table`. The key should still be valid
# (assuming that the user did not explicitly alter `key(.data$DT)` or the
# columns by reference somehow within `...` tidyeval-style computations, or
# trigger refcount-1 alterations due to still having >1 refcounts on the
# columns), set the "sorted" attribute accordingly to prevent attempted
# sorting (including potential extra copies) or sortedness checking, then
# `setDT` (rather than `as.data.table`, in order to prevent column copying
# to establish ownership according to `data.table`'s memory model).
out_dt <- dplyr::dplyr_col_modify(in_tbl, col_modify_cols) %>%
data.table::setattr("sorted", data.table::key(.data$DT)) %>%
data.table::setDT(key = key(.data$DT))
out_archive <- .data
out_archive$DT <- out_dt
request_names <- names(col_modify_cols)
archive = out_archive,
request_names = request_names
# (We might also consider special-casing when `mutate` hands back something
# equivalent (in some sense) to the input (probably only encountered when
# we're dealing with `group_by`), and using just `$DT`, not a shallow copy,
# in the result, primarily in order to hedge against `as.list` or `setDT`
# changing their behavior and generating deep copies somehow. This could
# also prevent storage, and perhaps also generation, of shallow copies, but
# this seems unlikely to be a major gain unless it helps enable some
# in-place modifications of refcount-1 columns (although detecting this case
# seems to be common across `group_by` implementations; maybe there is
# something there).)
#' Slide a function over variables in an `epi_archive` or `grouped_epi_archive`
#' Slides a given function over variables in an `epi_archive` object. This
#' behaves similarly to `epi_slide()`, with the key exception that it is
#' version-aware: the sliding computation at any given reference time t is
#' performed on **data that would have been available as of t**. This function
#' is intended for use in accurate backtesting of models; see
#' `vignette("backtesting", package="epipredict")` for a walkthrough.
#' @param .x An [`epi_archive`] or [`grouped_epi_archive`] object. If ungrouped,
#' all data in `x` will be treated as part of a single data group.
#' @param .f Function, formula, or missing; together with `...` specifies the
#' computation to slide. To "slide" means to apply a computation over a
#' sliding (a.k.a. "rolling") time window for each data group. The window is
#' determined by the `.before` parameter (see details for more). If a
#' function, `.f` must have the form `function(x, g, t, ...)`, where
#' - "x" is an epi_df with the same column names as the archive's `DT`, minus
#' the `version` column
#' - "g" is a one-row tibble containing the values of the grouping variables
#' for the associated group
#' - "t" is the ref_time_value for the current window
#' - "..." are additional arguments
#' If a formula, `.f` can operate directly on columns accessed via `.x$var` or
#' `.$var`, as in `~ mean (.x$var)` to compute a mean of a column `var` for
#' each group-`ref_time_value` combination. The group key can be accessed via
#' `.y` or `.group_key`, and the reference time value can be accessed via `.z`
#' or `.ref_time_value`. If `.f` is missing, then `...` will specify the
#' computation.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to the function or formula specified
#' via `f`. Alternatively, if `.f` is missing, then the `...` is interpreted
#' as a ["data-masking"][rlang::args_data_masking] expression or expressions
#' for tidy evaluation; in addition to referring columns directly by name, the
#' expressions have access to `.data` and `.env` pronouns as in `dplyr` verbs,
#' and can also refer to `.x` (not the same as the input epi_archive),
#' `.group_key`, and `.ref_time_value`. See details for more.
#' @param .before How many time values before the `.ref_time_value`
#' should each snapshot handed to the function `.f` contain? If provided, it
#' should be a single value that is compatible with the time_type of the
#' time_value column (more below), but most commonly an integer. This window
#' endpoint is inclusive. For example, if `.before = 7`, `time_type`
#' in the archive is "day", and the `.ref_time_value` is January 8, then the
#' smallest time_value in the snapshot will be January 1. If missing, then the
#' default is no limit on the time values, so the full snapshot is given.
#' @param .versions Reference time values / versions for sliding
#' computations; each element of this vector serves both as the anchor point
#' for the `time_value` window for the computation and the `max_version`
#' `epix_as_of` which we fetch data in this window. If missing, then this will
#' set to a regularly-spaced sequence of values set to cover the range of
#' `version`s in the `DT` plus the `versions_end`; the spacing of values will
#' be guessed (using the GCD of the skips between values).
#' @param .new_col_name Either `NULL` or a string indicating the name of the new
#' column that will contain the derived values. The default, `NULL`, will use
#' the name "slide_value" unless your slide computations output data frames,
#' in which case they will be unpacked into the constituent columns and those
#' names used. If the resulting column name(s) overlap with the column names
#' used for labeling the computations, which are `group_vars(x)` and
#' `"version"`, then the values for these columns must be identical to the
#' labels we assign.
#' @param .all_versions (Not the same as `.all_rows` parameter of `epi_slide`.)
#' If `.all_versions = TRUE`, then the slide computation will be passed the
#' version history (all `version <= .version` where `.version` is one of the
#' requested `.versions`) for rows having a `time_value` of at least `.version
#' - before`. Otherwise, the slide computation will be passed only the most
#' recent `version` for every unique `time_value`. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A tibble whose columns are: the grouping variables (if any),
#' `time_value`, containing the reference time values for the slide
#' computation, and a column named according to the `.new_col_name` argument,
#' containing the slide values. It will be grouped by the grouping variables.
#' @details A few key distinctions between the current function and `epi_slide()`:
#' 1. In `.f` functions for `epix_slide`, one should not assume that the input
#' data to contain any rows with `time_value` matching the computation's
#' `.ref_time_value` (accessible via `attributes(<data>)$metadata$as_of`); for
#' typical epidemiological surveillance data, observations pertaining to a
#' particular time period (`time_value`) are first reported `as_of` some
#' instant after that time period has ended.
#' 2. The input class and columns are similar but different: `epix_slide`
#' (with the default `.all_versions=FALSE`) keeps all columns and the
#' `epi_df`-ness of the first argument to each computation; `epi_slide` only
#' provides the grouping variables in the second input, and will convert the
#' first input into a regular tibble if the grouping variables include the
#' essential `geo_value` column. (With .all_versions=TRUE`, `epix_slide` will
#' will provide an `epi_archive` rather than an `epi-df` to each
#' computation.)
#' 3. The output class and columns are similar but different: `epix_slide()`
#' returns a tibble containing only the grouping variables, `time_value`, and
#' the new column(s) from the slide computations, whereas `epi_slide()`
#' returns an `epi_df` with all original variables plus the new columns from
#' the slide computations. (Both will mirror the grouping or ungroupedness of
#' their input, with one exception: `epi_archive`s can have trivial
#' (zero-variable) groupings, but these will be dropped in `epix_slide`
#' results as they are not supported by tibbles.)
#' 4. There are no size stability checks or element/row recycling to maintain
#' size stability in `epix_slide`, unlike in `epi_slide`. (`epix_slide` is
#' roughly analogous to [`dplyr::group_modify`], while `epi_slide` is roughly
#' analogous to `dplyr::mutate` followed by `dplyr::arrange`) This is detailed
#' in the "advanced" vignette.
#' 5. `.all_rows` is not supported in `epix_slide`; since the slide
#' computations are allowed more flexibility in their outputs than in
#' `epi_slide`, we can't guess a good representation for missing computations
#' for excluded group-`.ref_time_value` pairs.
#' 76. The `.versions` default for `epix_slide` is based on making an
#' evenly-spaced sequence out of the `version`s in the `DT` plus the
#' `versions_end`, rather than the `time_value`s.
#' Apart from the above distinctions, the interfaces between `epix_slide()` and
#' `epi_slide()` are the same.
#' Furthermore, the current function can be considerably slower than
#' `epi_slide()`, for two reasons: (1) it must repeatedly fetch
#' properly-versioned snapshots from the data archive (via `epix_as_of()`),
#' and (2) it performs a "manual" sliding of sorts, and does not benefit from
#' the highly efficient `slider` package. For this reason, it should never be
#' used in place of `epi_slide()`, and only used when version-aware sliding is
#' necessary (as it its purpose).
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Reference time points for which we want to compute slide values:
#' versions <- seq(as.Date("2020-06-02"),
#' as.Date("2020-06-15"),
#' by = "1 day"
#' )
#' # A simple (but not very useful) example (see the archive vignette for a more
#' # realistic one):
#' archive_cases_dv_subset %>%
#' group_by(geo_value) %>%
#' epix_slide(
#' .f = ~ mean(.x$case_rate_7d_av),
#' .before = 2,
#' .versions = versions,
#' .new_col_name = "case_rate_7d_av_recent_av"
#' ) %>%
#' ungroup()
#' # We requested time windows that started 2 days before the corresponding time
#' # values. The actual number of `time_value`s in each computation depends on
#' # the reporting latency of the signal and `time_value` range covered by the
#' # archive (2020-06-01 -- 2021-11-30 in this example). In this case, we have
#' # * 0 `time_value`s, for ref time 2020-06-01 --> the result is automatically
#' # discarded
#' # * 1 `time_value`, for ref time 2020-06-02
#' # * 2 `time_value`s, for the rest of the results
#' # * never the 3 `time_value`s we would get from `epi_slide`, since, because
#' # of data latency, we'll never have an observation
#' # `time_value == .ref_time_value` as of `.ref_time_value`.
#' # The example below shows this type of behavior in more detail.
#' # Examining characteristics of the data passed to each computation with
#' # `all_versions=FALSE`.
#' archive_cases_dv_subset %>%
#' group_by(geo_value) %>%
#' epix_slide(
#' function(x, gk, rtv) {
#' tibble(
#' time_range = if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
#' "0 `time_value`s"
#' } else {
#' sprintf("%s -- %s", min(x$time_value), max(x$time_value))
#' },
#' n = nrow(x),
#' class1 = class(x)[[1L]]
#' )
#' },
#' .before = 5, .all_versions = FALSE,
#' .versions = versions
#' ) %>%
#' ungroup() %>%
#' arrange(geo_value, version)
#' # --- Advanced: ---
#' # `epix_slide` with `all_versions=FALSE` (the default) applies a
#' # version-unaware computation to several versions of the data. We can also
#' # use `.all_versions=TRUE` to apply a version-*aware* computation to several
#' # versions of the data, again looking at characteristics of the data passed
#' # to each computation. In this case, each computation should expect an
#' # `epi_archive` containing the relevant version data:
#' archive_cases_dv_subset %>%
#' group_by(geo_value) %>%
#' epix_slide(
#' function(x, gk, rtv) {
#' tibble(
#' versions_start = if (nrow(x$DT) == 0L) {
#' "NA (0 rows)"
#' } else {
#' toString(min(x$DT$version))
#' },
#' versions_end = x$versions_end,
#' time_range = if (nrow(x$DT) == 0L) {
#' "0 `time_value`s"
#' } else {
#' sprintf("%s -- %s", min(x$DT$time_value), max(x$DT$time_value))
#' },
#' n = nrow(x$DT),
#' class1 = class(x)[[1L]]
#' )
#' },
#' .before = 5, .all_versions = TRUE,
#' .versions = versions
#' ) %>%
#' ungroup() %>%
#' # Focus on one geo_value so we can better see the columns above:
#' filter(geo_value == "ca") %>%
#' select(-geo_value)
#' @export
epix_slide <- function(
.before = Inf,
.versions = NULL,
.new_col_name = NULL,
.all_versions = FALSE) {
#' @rdname epix_slide
#' @export
epix_slide.epi_archive <- function(
.before = Inf,
.versions = NULL,
.new_col_name = NULL,
.all_versions = FALSE) {
# For an "ungrouped" slide, treat all rows as belonging to one big
# group (group by 0 vars), like `dplyr::summarize`, and let the
# resulting `grouped_epi_archive` handle the slide:
.before = .before, .versions = .versions,
.new_col_name = .new_col_name, .all_versions = .all_versions
) %>%
# We want a slide on ungrouped archives to output something
# ungrouped, rather than retaining the trivial (0-variable)
# grouping applied above. So we `ungroup()`. However, the current
# `dplyr` implementation automatically ignores/drops trivial
# groupings, so this is just a no-op for now.
#' Default value for `ref_time_values` in an `epix_slide`
#' @noRd
epix_slide_versions_default <- function(ea) {
versions_with_updates <- c(ea$DT$version, ea$versions_end)
ref_time_values <- tidyr::full_seq(versions_with_updates, guess_period(versions_with_updates))
#' Filter an `epi_archive` object to keep only older versions
#' Generates a filtered `epi_archive` from an `epi_archive` object, keeping
#' only rows with `version` falling on or before a specified date.
#' @param x An `epi_archive` object.
#' @param max_version The latest version to include in the archive.
#' @return An `epi_archive` object
#' @export
epix_truncate_versions_after <- function(x, max_version) {
#' @rdname epix_truncate_versions_after
#' @export
epix_truncate_versions_after.epi_archive <- function(x, max_version) {
if (!identical(class(max_version), class(x$DT$version))) {
cli_abort("`max_version` must have the same `class` as `epi_archive$DT$version`.")
if (!identical(typeof(max_version), typeof(x$DT$version))) {
cli_abort("`max_version` must have the same `typeof` as `epi_archive$DT$version`.")
assert_scalar(max_version, na.ok = FALSE)
if (max_version > x$versions_end) {
cli_abort("`max_version` must be at most `epi_archive$versions_end`.")
x$DT <- x$DT[x$DT$version <= max_version, colnames(x$DT), with = FALSE]
# (^ this filter operation seems to always copy the DT, even if it
# keeps every entry; we don't guarantee this behavior in
# documentation, though, so we could change to alias in this case)
if (!is.na(x$clobberable_versions_start) && x$clobberable_versions_start > max_version) {
x$clobberable_versions_start <- NA
x$versions_end <- max_version
# Helpers for `group_by`:
#' Make non-testing mock to get [`dplyr::dplyr_col_modify`] input
#' A workaround for `dplyr:::mutate_cols` not being exported and directly
#' applying test mock libraries likely being impossible (due to mocking another
#' package's S3 generic or method).
#' Use solely with a single call to the [`dplyr::mutate`] function and then
#' `destructure_col_modify_recorder_df`; other applicable operations from
#' [dplyr::dplyr_extending] have not been implemented.
#' @param parent_df the "parent class" data frame to wrap
#' @return a `col_modify_recorder_df`
#' @noRd
new_col_modify_recorder_df <- function(parent_df) {
assert_class(parent_df, "data.frame")
`class<-`(parent_df, c("col_modify_recorder_df", class(parent_df)))
#' Extract unchanged parent-class data frame from a `new_col_modify_recorder_df`
#' @param col_modify_recorder_df an instance of a `col_modify_recorder_df`
#' @return named list with elements `unchanged_parent_df`, `cols`; `cols` is the
#' input to [`dplyr::dplyr_col_modify`] that this class was designed to record
#' @noRd
destructure_col_modify_recorder_df <- function(col_modify_recorder_df) {
assert_class(col_modify_recorder_df, "col_modify_recorder_df")
unchanged_parent_df = col_modify_recorder_df %>%
`attr<-`("epiprocess::col_modify_recorder_df::cols", NULL) %>%
`class<-`(setdiff(class(.data), "col_modify_recorder_df")),
cols = attr(col_modify_recorder_df,
exact = TRUE
#' `dplyr_col_modify` method that simply records the `cols` argument
#' Must export S3 methods in R >= 4.0, even if they're only designed to be
#' package internals, and must import any corresponding upstream S3 generic
#' functions:
#' @importFrom dplyr dplyr_col_modify
#' @export
#' @noRd
dplyr_col_modify.col_modify_recorder_df <- function(data, cols) {
if (!is.null(attr(data, "epiprocess::col_modify_recorder_df::cols", exact = TRUE))) {
cli_abort("`col_modify_recorder_df` can only record `cols` once",
internal = TRUE
attr(data, "epiprocess::col_modify_recorder_df::cols") <- cols
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