
Defines functions assignr get_example_filepath hw_dir_dependencies extract_hw_name generate_hw_pkg removal_indices chunk_line_ranges condense_regions find_matching_regions detect_positions

Documented in assignr get_example_filepath

#' @importFrom stringr str_which
detect_positions = function(x, value) {
  stringr::str_which(x, value)

find_matching_regions = function(x, value, chunk_lines) {
  # find start of chunks that contain value
  indices_start = detect_positions(x, value)

  # find the chunk end
  indices_end = chunk_lines[which(chunk_lines %in% indices_start) + 1]

  # Kill the process if it is not formatted correctly.
  if(length(indices_end) >= 1 && any(x[indices_end] != "```")) {
    stop("Code chunks not found at the end of code chunk on lines:",
         paste0(which(x[indices_end] != ""), collapse=","))

  # Return as a list
  list("indices_start" = indices_start,
       "indices_end"   = indices_end)

# Flatten regions into a numeric vector
condense_regions = function(regions) {
  c(regions$indices_start, regions$indices_end)

#' @importFrom purrr map2 flatten_int
chunk_line_ranges = function(regions) {
  # Get line indices from the start to the end (e.g. the range)
  flatten_int(map2(regions$indices_start, regions$indices_end, ~ seq(.x, .y)))

removal_indices = function(x, value, chunk_lines) {
  # Obtain the starting and ending indexes for a value
  regions = find_matching_regions(x, value, chunk_lines)

  # Generate the range from start to end

#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom utils zip
generate_hw_pkg = function(x,
                           output_dir = paste0(name, "-", type),
                           output_format = c("html_document", "pdf_document"),
                           render_files = TRUE,
                           zip_files = TRUE,
                           hw_directory = '',
                           file_dependencies = character(0)) {

  if (length(remove_indexes) > 0) {
    # create assignment output lines
    x = x[-remove_indexes]

  output_name = paste0(name, "-", type)
  output_path = file.path(output_dir, output_name)

  # Remove the output directory
  if (dir.exists(output_path)) {
    unlink(output_path, recursive = TRUE)

  # Make the directory
  dir.create(output_path, recursive = TRUE)

  # Fill directory
  if(length(file_dependencies) >= 1) {

    # Create any required directories for the copy
    for(dir_dependent in unique(dirname(file_dependencies))) {
      dir.create(file.path(output_path, dir_dependent),
                 showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

    # Perform a vectorized copy to the appropriate directory
    file.copy(file.path(hw_directory, file_dependencies),
              file.path(output_path, file_dependencies))

  # Name of Rmd file to build
  rmd_material_name = file.path(output_path,
                                paste0(output_name, ".Rmd"))

  message("Building ", output_name, " files")

  # write to .Rmd, then render as html and pdf
  writeLines(x, rmd_material_name)

  if (render_files) {
      encoding = "UTF-8",
      envir = new.env(),
      output_format = output_format,
      quiet = TRUE

  if (zip_files) {
    message("Creating a zip file for ", output_name)

    # Zip file together in the output directory
    zip(file.path(output_path, output_name),
        list.files(output_path, full.names = TRUE),
        flags = "-r9XqT") # suppress zip information

extract_hw_name = function(x) {
                       "-.*", "")


hw_dir_dependencies = function(hw_directory) {
  # Move to where the file might be found
  old_wd = setwd(file.path(hw_directory))

  # Determine all files and directories within the homework directory
  main_dir_files = list.files(path = ".", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

  # Avoid retrieving any file matching our exclusion list
  hw_dependencies = grep(main_dir_files, pattern = '-(main|assign|sol)',
                         invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  # Return to original working directory

  # Release files

#' Retrieve example file path
#' Obtains the file path for the example Rmd in the package.
#' @param x A `character` containing the name of the example Rmd.
#' @return File path to the example file that ships with the package.
#' @details
#' The following example files ship with the package:
#' - hw00-main.Rmd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_example_filepath("hw00-main.Rmd")
get_example_filepath = function(x) {
  fp_example = system.file( "example_rmd" , x , package = "assignr")

  if(!file.exists(fp_example)) {
    stop("Not a valid file path for an example Rmd.")


#' Create Homework and Assignment Materials
#' Transforms an RMarkdown file into two separate files: `filename-assign`
#' and `filename-solutions`
#' @param file          Input `.Rmd` file with `-main.Rmd` in the filename.
#' @param output_dir    Output directory. Defaults to name of prefix of filename.
#' @param output_format Output file type.  Any [rmarkdown::render()] output
#'                      format should work.
#'                      Defaults to generating both an HTML and PDF output with
#'                      `c("html_document", "pdf_document")`.
#' @param soln_file     Generate Solution Material. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param assign_file   Generate Student Assignment Material. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param zip_files     Create a zip file containing the relevant materials.
#'                      Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param render_files  Create HTML and PDF output for each Rmd file.
#'                      Default is `TRUE`.
#' @export
#' @return The function will generate assignment files for students and
#' solution keys for instructors.
#' @details
#' The `file` parameter _must_ have the suffix `-main.Rmd`. The reason for
#' requiring this naming scheme is all work should be done in the "main"
#' document. By enforcing the naming requirement, we are prevent work from
#' being overridden.
#' @section Folder structure:
#' If `output_dir` is specified, then it will be used as the parent
#' for two folders: `*-assign` and `*-sol`, where `*` is given by the part
#' preceeding `-main.Rmd`. Inside the folders, there will be `html`, `pdf`,
#' and `Rmd` documents alongside a `zip` a folder containing all of the
#' documents.
#' @examples
#' # Obtain an example file
#' hw00_file = get_example_filepath("hw00-main.Rmd")
#' if(interactive()) {
#'     file.show(hw00_file)
#' }
#' # Generate both PDF and HTML outputs for assign and solution.
#' assignr(hw00_file, "test")
#' # Generate only the assignment
#' assignr(hw00_file, "assignment-set", soln_file = FALSE)
#' # Generate only the solution
#' assignr(hw00_file, "solution-set", assign_file = FALSE)
#' # Create only HTML documents for both assignment and solution files.
#' assignr(hw00_file, "test-html", output_format = "html_document")
#' \dontshow{
#' # Clean up generated directories
#' unlink("test", recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink("assignment-set", recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink("solution-set", recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink("test-html", recursive = TRUE)
#' }
assignr = function(file,
                   output_dir = NULL,
                   output_format = c("html_document", "pdf_document"),
                   assign_file = TRUE,
                   soln_file = TRUE,
                   zip_files = TRUE,
                   render_files = TRUE) {

  # Minimal conditions for processing.
  if (length(file) != 1) {
    stop("Only one file may be processed at time.")
  } else if (!grep( "-main.Rmd$", file)) {
    stop("Supplied file must have -main.Rmd")

  # Retrieve value before -main.Rmd
  hw_name = extract_hw_name(file)

  # Obtain location of the homework directory
  hw_directory = dirname(file)

  # Extract a local file structure
  hw_dependency_files = hw_dir_dependencies(hw_directory)

  # Begin processing chunks
  input_lines = readLines(file)

  chunk_tick_lines = detect_positions(input_lines,  "```")

  solution_indexes  = removal_indices(

  direction_regions = find_matching_regions(

  # Retains direction text
  direction_chunk_indices = condense_regions(direction_regions)

  # Deletes direction text
  direction_regions_range = chunk_line_ranges(direction_regions)

  asis_indexes = condense_regions(find_matching_regions(input_lines,

  if (is.null(output_dir)) {
    output_dir = hw_name

  if (assign_file) {
      x = input_lines,
      remove_indexes = c(solution_indexes, direction_chunk_indices),
      name = hw_name,
      type = "assign",
      output_dir = output_dir,
      output_format = output_format,
      render_files = render_files,
      zip_files = zip_files,
      hw_directory = hw_directory,
      file_dependencies = hw_dependency_files

  if (soln_file) {
      x = input_lines,
      remove_indexes = c(asis_indexes, direction_regions_range),
      name = hw_name,
      type = "soln",
      output_dir = output_dir,
      output_format = output_format,
      render_files = render_files,
      zip_files = zip_files,
      hw_directory = hw_directory,
      file_dependencies = hw_dependency_files

coatless/assignr documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 3:43 a.m.