
Defines functions preprocess_register create_temp_register_with_codechecker add_cert_links add_codechecker add_check_time add_issue_number_links add_report_links add_paper_links register_clear_cache

Documented in add_cert_links add_check_time add_codechecker add_issue_number_links add_paper_links add_report_links create_temp_register_with_codechecker preprocess_register register_clear_cache

#' Function for clearing the register cache
#' @return 0 for success, 1 for failure, invisibly (see `unlink`)
#' @author Daniel NĂ¼st
#' @importFrom R.cache getCacheRootPath
#' @export
register_clear_cache <- function() {
  path <- R.cache::getCacheRootPath()
  message("Deleting cache path ", path)
  unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)

#' Function for adding clickable links to the paper for each entry in the register table.
#' @param register_table The register table
#' @param register The register from the register.csv file
#' @return The adjusted register table
add_paper_links <- function(register_table, register){
  list_hyperlinks <- c()

  # Looping over the entries in the register
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(register))) {
    # Retrieving the link to the paper 
    config_yml <- get_codecheck_yml(register[i, ]$Repo)
    paper_link <- config_yml[["paper"]][["reference"]]
    paper_title <- config_yml[["paper"]][["title"]]

    # Removing new lines from paper title and link
    paper_title <- gsub("\n", " ", paper_title)
    paper_link <- gsub("\n$", "", paper_link)

    # Checking if there is a valid url for the paper. If not we just add the title as it is
    url_regex <- "^https?://"
    if (!grepl(url_regex, paper_link)){
      warning("The codecheck_yml's paper reference is not a valid url.")
      list_hyperlinks <- c(list_hyperlinks, paper_title)

    # If we have a valid url we add hyperlink
      paper_hyperlink <- paste0(
      list_hyperlinks <- c(list_hyperlinks, paper_hyperlink)
  # Creating a new "Paper Title" column and moving it next to the "Repository" column
  register_table <- register_table %>% 
    mutate(`Paper Title` = list_hyperlinks) %>%
    relocate(`Paper Title`, .after = Repository)

#' Function for adding clickable links to the report for each entry in the register table.
#' @param register_table The register table
#' @param register The register from the register.csv file
#' @return The adjusted register table
add_report_links <- function(register_table, register) {

  reports <- c()

  for (i in seq_len(nrow(register))) {
    config_yml <- get_codecheck_yml(register[i, ]$Repo)

    report <- NA
    if (!is.null(config_yml)) {
      report <- config_yml$report

    reports <- c(reports, report)
  register_table$Report <- reports

#' Function for adding clickable links to the issue number of each report in the register table.
#' @param register_table The register table
#' @param register The register from the register.csv file
#' @return The adjusted register table
add_issue_number_links <- function(register_table, register) {
  register_table$Issue <- sapply(
    X = register$Issue,
    FUN = function(issue_id) {
      if (!is.na(issue_id)) {
          issue_id, ")"
      } else {

#' Function for adding check time to each report in the register table.
#' @param register_table The register table
#' @param register The register from the register.csv file
#' @return The adjusted register table
add_check_time <- function(register_table, register) {
  check_times <- c()

  # Looping over the entries in the register
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(register))) {
    config_yml <- get_codecheck_yml(register[i, ]$Repo)

    check_time <- NA
    if (!is.null(config_yml)) {
      check_time <- config_yml$check_time

    check_times <- c(check_times, check_time)
  check_times <- parsedate::parse_date(check_times)
  register_table$`Check date` <- format(check_times, "%Y-%m-%d")


#' Function for adding codechecker to each report in the register table.
#' @param register_table The register table
#' @param register The register from the register.csv file
#' @return The adjusted register table
add_codechecker <- function(register_table, register) {
  codecheckers <- vector("list", length = nrow(register))

  # Looping over the entries in the register
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(register))) {
    config_yml <- get_codecheck_yml(register[i, ]$Repo)

    codechecker_info <- c()
    if (!is.null(config_yml)  && !is.null(config_yml$codechecker)) {
      # For each codechecker we enter the data in the form {name} (orcid id: {orcid_id})
      for (codechecker in config_yml$codechecker) {
        if (!((codechecker$name) %in% CONFIG$DICT_ORCID_ID_NAME)){
          CONFIG$DICT_ORCID_ID_NAME[codechecker$ORCID] <- codechecker$name
        #! If they want codechecker column
        #formatted_string <- paste0(codechecker$name, " (ORCID: ", toString(codechecker$ORCID), ")")
        codechecker_info <- c(codechecker_info, codechecker$ORCID)
    codecheckers[[i]] <- codechecker_info
  register_table$`Codechecker` <- codecheckers

#' Function for adding clickable links to the paper for each entry in the register table and add certificate identifier and link as extra columns
#' @param register_table The register table to be adjusted.
#' @return The adjusted register table with clickable Certificate links and new columns for certificate identifier and certificate URL
add_cert_links <- function(register_table){
  ids <- c()
  links <- c()
  # Looping over the entries in the register
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(register_table))) {

    cert_id <- register_table[i, ]$Certificate
    cert_link <- paste0(CONFIG$HYPERLINKS[["certs"]], cert_id, "/")
    # Constructing the hyperlink
    hyperlink <- paste0("[", cert_id, "](", cert_link, ")")
    register_table[i, ]$Certificate <- hyperlink
    ids <- c(ids, cert_id)
    links <- c(links, cert_link)

  register_table$`Certificate ID` <- ids
  register_table$`Certificate Link` <- links

#' Creates a temporary CSV register with a "Codechecker" column.
#' The function flattens the "Codechecker" column and saves the resulting table 
#' as a temporary CSV file. This tempeorary CSV is needed to filter the registers b
#' by codecheckers.
#' @param register_table The register table with a "Codechecker" column.
create_temp_register_with_codechecker <- function(register_table){
  # Flatten the Codechecker column (convert list elements to comma-separated strings)
  # This is done since jsons cannot handle list columns directly
  register_table$Codechecker <- sapply(register_table$Codechecker, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","))
  write.csv(register_table, CONFIG$DIR_TEMP_REGISTER_CODECHECKER)

#' Function for preprocessing the register to create and return the preprocessed register table.
#' @param register The register
#' @return The preprocessed register table
preprocess_register <- function(register, filter_by) {
    register_table <- register

    if ("codecheckers" %in% filter_by){
      # Adding the codechecker column which is needed for filtering by codechecker later
      register_table <- add_codechecker(register_table, register)
      # Creating a temp register.csv file with a codechecker column which is needed to 
      # filter the registers by codecheckers
    register_table <- add_cert_links(register_table)
    register_table <- add_report_links(register_table, register)
    register_table <- add_issue_number_links(register_table, register)
    register_table <- add_check_time(register_table, register)
    register_table <- add_paper_links(register_table, register)
codecheckers/codecheck documentation built on Dec. 6, 2024, 7:38 p.m.