
Defines functions test.robustness

Documented in test.robustness

#' Test model robustness.
#' This function takes a definition of weight transformation 
#' limits and corresponding minimum and maximum numbers of end-members to 
#' model all end-member scenarios in accordance with these parameters. Based 
#' on the output the user can decide on robust end-members.
#' The function value \code{$loadings} is redundant but was added for user
#' convenience.\cr Since the
#' function returns two plots, additional graphical parameters must be
#' specified as vector with the first element for the first plot and the second
#' element for the second plot. If graphical parameters are natively vectors
#' (e.g. a sequence of colours), they must be specified as matrices with each
#' vector as a row. If colours are specified, \code{colour} should be used
#' instead of \code{col}. \code{ylim} can only be modified for the first plot.
#' See example section for further advice.
#' @param X Numeric matrix with m samples (rows) and n variables (columns).
#' @param q Numeric vector with number of end-members to be modelled.
#' @param l Numeric vector specifying the weight tranformation limits, i.e.
#' quantiles; default is 0.
#' @param P Numeric matrix, optional alternative input parameters for q and l,
#' either of the form m:3 with m variations in the columns q.min, q.max, l or
#' of the form m:2 with m variations in the columns q, l.
#' @param c Numeric scalar specifying the constant sum scaling parameter, e.g.
#' 1, 100, 1000; default is 100.
#' @param classunits Numeric vector, optional class units (e.g. phi classes or
#' micrometers) of the same length as columns of X.
#' @param ID Numeric or character vector, optional sample IDs of the same
#' length as columns of X.
#' @param rotation Character scalar, rotation type, default is "Varimax" (cf.
#' Dietze et al., 2012). One out of the rotations provided in GPArotation is
#' possible (cf. \code{\link{rotations}}).
#' @param ol.rej Numeric scalar, optional rejection threshold for overlapping
#' criterion.  All model runs with overlapping end-members greater than the
#' specified integer will be removed.
#' @param mRt.rej Numeric scalar, optional rejection threshold for mean total
#' explained variance criterion. All modelled end-members below the specified
#' value will be removed.
#' @param plot Logical scalar, optional graphical output of the results,
#' default is FALSE. If set to TRUE, end-member loadings and end-member scores
#' are plotted.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to the plot function (see details).
#' @return A list with objects \item{q}{Vector with q.} \item{l}{Vector with
#' l.} \item{modes}{Vector with mode class.} \item{mRt}{Vector with mean total
#' explained variance.} \item{ol}{Vector with n overlapping end-members.}
#' \item{loadings}{Matrix with normalised rescaled end-member loadings.}
#' \item{Vqsn}{Matrix with rescaled end-member loadings.} \item{Vqn}{Matrix
#' with normalised factor loadings.}
#' @author Michael Dietze, Elisabeth Dietze
#' @references Dietze E, Hartmann K, Diekmann B, IJmker J, Lehmkuhl F, Opitz S,
#' Stauch G, Wuennemann B, Borchers A. 2012. An end-member algorithm for
#' deciphering modern detrital processes from lake sediments of Lake Donggi
#' Cona, NE Tibetan Plateau, China. Sedimentary Geology 243-244: 169-180. \cr
#' @keywords EMMA
#' @examples
#' ## load example data set
#' data(example_X)
#' ## Example 1 - perform the most simple test
#' q  <- 4:7
#' l <- seq(from = 0, to = 0.1, by = 0.05)
#' M1  <- test.robustness(X = X, q = q, l = l, 
#'                        ol.rej = 1, mRt.rej = 0.8, 
#'                        plot = TRUE,
#'                        colour = c(4, 7),
#'                        xlab = c(expression(paste("Grain size (", phi, ")", 
#'                                                  sep = "")), 
#'                                 expression(paste("Grain size (", phi, ")", 
#'                                                  sep = ""))))
#' ## Example 2 -  perform the test without rejection criteria and plots
#' P  <- cbind(rep(q[1], length(l)),
#'             rep(q[3], length(l)),
#'             l)
#' M2  <- test.robustness(X = X, P = P)
#' ## Plot 1 - end-member loadings which do not overlap and yielded mRt > 0.80.
#' plot(M2$Vqsn[1,], type = "l", ylim = c(0, max(M2$Vqsn, na.rm = TRUE)),
#'      main = "End-member loadings")
#'   for (i in 2:nrow(M2$Vqsn)) lines(M2$Vqsn[i,])
#' # Plot 2 - histogram of mode positions
#' hist(M2$modes,
#'      breaks = 1:ncol(X), 
#'      main = "Mode positions",
#'      xlab = "Class")
#' # Plot 3 - positions of modelled end-member modes by number of end-members
#' # Note how scatter in end-member position decreases for the "correct" number 
#' # of modelled end-members (6) and an appropriate weight limit (ca. 0.1).
#' ii <- order(M2$q, M2$modes)
#' modes <- t(rbind(M2$modes, M2$q))[ii,]
#' plot(modes[,1],
#'      seq(1, nrow(modes)), 
#'      main = "Model overview",
#'      xlab = "Class", 
#'      ylab = "EM number in model run", 
#'      pch = as.character(modes[,2]), 
#'      cex = 0.7)
#' # Illustrate mode positions as stem-and-leave-plot, useful as a simple
#' # check, which mode maxima are consistently fall into which grain-size 
#' # class (useful to define "limits" in robust.EM).
#' stem(M2$modes, scale = 2)
#' @export test.robustness
test.robustness <- function(
  rotation = "Varimax",
  plot = FALSE,
  ## check for l vs. lw
  if("lw" %in% names(list(...))) {
    stop('Parameter "lw" is depreciated. Use "l" instead.')
  ## check/set class units vector and test for consistency
  flag_classunit <- TRUE
  if(missing(classunits) == TRUE) {
    classunits <- 1:ncol(X)
    flag_classunit <- FALSE
  if(ncol(X) != length(classunits)) {stop(
    "Units vector is not of same length as variables.")}
  ## check/set constant sum value
  if(missing(c) == TRUE) {
    c <- 100
  ## check/set ID vector and test for consistency
  if(missing(ID) == TRUE) {
    ID <- 1:nrow(X)
  if(nrow(X) != length(ID)) {
    stop("ID vector is not of same length as variables.")
  ## create vectors with test values of q and l
  if(missing(P) == TRUE) {
  ## option 1 - no input matrix P given
    ## create test vectors q and l
    q.t  <- rep(q, each = length(l))
    l.t <- rep(seq(min(l), max(l), length.out = length(l)), 
  } else if(ncol(P) == 3) {
  ## option 2 - P with q.min, q.max and l
    ## create help and dummy variables
    N <- sum(P[,2] - P[,1]) # total numerb of q 
    q.t  <- NA # dummy vector q.t
    l.t <- NA # dummy vector l.t
    ## attach q and l series to dummy vectors 
    for(i in 1:nrow(P)) {
      q.n  <- seq(P[i,1], P[i,2])
      l.n <- rep(P[i,3], length(q.n))
      q.t  <- c(q.t, q.n)
      l.t <- c(l.t, l.n)
    ## remove dummy vector values
    q.t  <- q.t[2:length(q.t)]
    l.t <- l.t[2:length(l.t)]
  } else if(ncol(P) == 2) {
  ## option 3 - P with q and l
    ## assgin values to test vectors q and l
    q.t  <- P[,1]
    l.t <- P[,2]
  ## create result matrices
  data.t <- matrix(nrow = sum(q.t), 
                   ncol = 10) # metadata (q, l, modes, mRt, mRm, mRn, mEt, mEm, mEn, ol)
  Vqn.t  <- matrix(nrow = sum(q.t), 
                   ncol = ncol(X)) # end-member loadings
  Vqsn.t <- matrix(nrow = sum(q.t), 
                   ncol = ncol(X)) # normalised end-member loadings
  ## set counter variables
  ni <- 1
  nj <- q.t[1]
  i.pb <- 1
  ## loop through all parameter combinations
  for (i in 1:length(q.t)) {
    ## perform EMMA
    EM <- EMMA(X, 
               q = q.t[i], 
               l = l.t[i], 
               classunits = classunits, 
               ID = ID, 
               c = c, 
               rotation = rotation)

    ## assign result values to matrices
    Vqn.t[ni:nj,]     <- EM$Vqn
    Vqsn.t[ni:nj,]    <- EM$Vqsn
    data.t[ni:nj,]    <- c(rep(q.t[i], q.t[i]), # q
                           rep(l.t[i], q.t[i]), # l
                           rep(NA, q.t[i]), # dummy peak position
                           rep(mean(c(EM$Rm, EM$Rn), 
                                    na.rm = TRUE), q.t[i]), # mRt
                           rep(mean(EM$Rm, na.rm = TRUE), q.t[i]), # mRm
                           rep(mean(EM$Rn, na.rm = TRUE), q.t[i]), # mRn
                           rep(mean(c(EM$Em, EM$En), 
                                    na.rm = TRUE), q.t[i]), # mEt
                           rep(mean(EM$Em, na.rm = TRUE), q.t[i]), # mEm
                           rep(mean(EM$En, na.rm = TRUE), q.t[i]), # mEn
                           rep(EM$ol, q.t[i])) # ol
    ## update counter variables
    ni <- ifelse(ni < sum(q.t), nj + 1, ni)
    nj <- ifelse(ni < sum(q.t), ni + q.t[i+1] - 1, ni)
  ## determine mode position
  for(i in 1:nrow(Vqsn.t)) {
    data.t[i,3] <- classunits[Vqsn.t[i,1:ncol(
      Vqsn.t)] == max(Vqsn.t[i,1:ncol(Vqsn.t)])]
  ## optionally remove all data sets that failed rejection criterion ol.rej
  if(missing(ol.rej) == FALSE) {
    ## identify rows that passed criterion
    ID <- data.t[,10] < ol.rej
    ## keep data rows that passed criterion
    Vqsn.t <- Vqsn.t[ID,]
    Vqn.t  <- Vqn.t[ID,]
    data.t <- data.t[ID,]
    ## stop if result is NULL
    if(is.matrix(Vqsn.t) == FALSE) stop("No output passed threshold ol.rej.")
  ## optionally remove all data sets that failed rejection criterion mRt.rej
  if(missing(mRt.rej) == FALSE) {
    ## identify rows that passed criterion
    ID     <- data.t[,4] > mRt.rej
    ## keep data rows that passed criterion
    Vqsn.t <- Vqsn.t[ID,]
    Vqn.t  <- Vqn.t[ID,]
    data.t <- data.t[ID,]
    ## stop if result is NULL
    if(is.matrix(Vqsn.t) == FALSE) stop("No output passed threshold mRt.rej.")
  ## optionally plot resulting end-member loadings and a histogram
  if(plot == TRUE) {
    ## read out additional arguments list
    extraArgs <- list(...)
    colour <- if("colour" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$colour} else
      {c("black", "grey")}
    main <- if("main" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$main} else
      {c(expression(paste("Loadings (", V[qsn], ")", sep = "")), 
         "Mode positions")}
    xlab <- if("xlab" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$xlab} else
      {c("Class", "Class")}
    ylab <- if("ylab" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$ylab} else
      {c("Amount, relative", "Amount, relative")}
    ylim <- if("ylim" %in% names(extraArgs)) {extraArgs$ylim} else
      {c(0, max(Vqsn.t, na.rm = TRUE))}
    ## setup plot area
    par(mfrow = c(1, 2),
        oma = c(0, 1, 0, 0))
    ## plot end-member loadings
         Vqsn.t[1,], type = "l", 
         main = main[1],
         xlab = xlab[1],
         ylab = ylab[1],
         ylim = ylim,
         col = colour[1])
    for (i in 2:nrow(Vqsn.t)) lines(classunits, Vqsn.t[i,], col = colour[1])
    ## plot histogram of mode positions
         breaks = classunits, 
         main = main[2],
         xlab = xlab[2],
         ylab = ylab[2],
         axes = FALSE,
         col = colour[2])
    axis(side = 1)
    ## reset format of the plot area
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1),
        oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
  ## assign modes in classunit dimension
  if(flag_classunit == TRUE) {
    modes_classunits<- data.t[,3]
  } else {
    modes_classunits <- classunits[data.t[,3]]
  ## return results
  list(q = data.t[,1],
       l = data.t[,2],
       modes = data.t[,3],
       mRt = data.t[,4],
       mRm = data.t[,5],
       mRn = data.t[,6],
       mEt = data.t[,7],
       mEm = data.t[,8],
       mEn = data.t[,9],
       ol = data.t[,10],
       loadings = Vqsn.t,
       Vqsn = Vqsn.t,
       Vqn = Vqn.t,
       X_in = X,
       l_in = unique(l.t),
       modes_classunits = modes_classunits)
coffeemuggler/EMMAgeo documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 5:32 a.m.