
# Get the number of measure columns within the data table
# Measures columns start with "measure."
getMeasuresCount = function(dt) {

# Get the number of list columns (eg replication measures) within the data table
# List columns start with "list."
getListsCount = function(dt) {

# Get the number of main columns within the data table
# Can be "problem", "algorithm", "replication". Problem and Algorithm are mandatory
getMainColumnsCount = function(dt) {

# Get the number of parameter columns within the data table
# Can be "problem.parameter", "algorithm.parameter", "replication.parameter"
getParameterColumnsCount = function(dt) {

# Get the number of algorithm tunings within the data table
# Combinations of (problem, algorithm, replication) for which the algorithm.parameter contains "iteration" field
getTuningsCount = function(dt) {

# Return a list containing multiple lists of type input.list (Default = list()).
# Number of repitition can be set with repitition.count (Default is 1).
repList = function(input.list = list(),
  repitition.count = 1) {
  mylist = list()
  for (i in 1:repitition.count) {
    # Create copy of list (rep would ignore empty list)
    mylist[[i]] = lapply(input.list, function(x) {

# Return a list with the originallist changed by the input cumulative function.
# Cumulative functions can be id, min, max, mean
getCumulativeValues = function(list, cumulative.function) {
  checkmate::assert_true(cumulative.function %in% c("id", "max", "min", "mean"))
  # Return input list for id
  if (cumulative.function == "id") {
  # Save states
  val = NA
  count = 0
  new.list = vector()
  for (i in seq(list)) {
    x = list[i]
    if (cumulative.function == "max") {
      if (is.na(val)) {
        val = -Inf
      val = max(val, x)
    } else if (cumulative.function == "min") {
      if (is.na(val)) {
        val = Inf
      val = min(val, x)
    } else if (cumulative.function == "mean") {
      if (is.na(val)) {
        val = 0
      val = (val * count + x) / (count + 1)
      count = count + 1
    new.list[i] = val
  # Return new created vector

#' @title Get list of all possible plots in a readable format: "Type: Name"
#' @description
#' Get a complete list of all plots implemented within the benchmarkVis application. Uses the listPlots() method and transforms the result into the better readable format: "Type: Name"
#' @param input.list the plot list you want to beautify
#' @return vector containing all plots in a readable format
getPrettyPlotList = function(input.list) {
  pretty.list = sapply(input.list, getPrettyPlotName)

#' @title Get name of a plot in a readable format: "Type: Name"
#' @description
#' Get a prettified name of a plot implemented within the benchmarkVis application.
#' @param plot.name the plot you want to beautify
#' @return name of the plot in a readable format
getPrettyPlotName = function(plot.name) {
  plot.name = strsplit(plot.name, "create")[[1]][2]
  if (startsWith(plot.name, "List")) {
    plot.type = "List"
    plot.name = strsplit(plot.name, "List")[[1]][2]
  else if (startsWith(plot.name, "Parameter")) {
    plot.type = "Parameter"
    plot.name = strsplit(plot.name, "Parameter")[[1]][2]
  else if (startsWith(plot.name, "Tuning")) {
    plot.type = "Tuning"
    plot.name = strsplit(plot.name, "Tuning")[[1]][2]
  else {
    plot.type = "Measure"
  pretty.plot.name = paste0(plot.type, ":", gsub("([[:upper:]])", " \\1", plot.name))

#' @title Get name of a plot in the benchmarkVis format: "createTypeName"
#' @description
#' Get the benchmarkVis name version of a plot.
#' @param plot.name the plot you want to unbeautify
#' @return name of the plot in the benchmarkVis format
unprettifyPlotName = function(plot.name) {
  plot.type = strsplit(plot.name, ":")[[1]][1]
  if (plot.type == "Measure") {
    plot.type = ""
  plot.name = strsplit(plot.name, ":")[[1]][2]
  plot.name = gsub(" ", "", plot.name)
  unprettified.plot.name = paste0("create", plot.type, plot.name)

#' @title Get name of a measure without "measure." prefix
#' @description
#' Get name of a measure without "measure." prefix
#' @param measure.name measure name
#' @return name of the measure without "measure."
getPrettyMeasureName = function(measure.name) {
  return(gsub("measure.", "", measure.name))

#' @title Get name of a list measure without "list." prefix
#' @description
#' Get name of a list measure without "list." prefix
#' @param measure.name list measure name
#' @return name of the list measure without "list."
getPrettyListMeasureName = function(measure.name) {
  return(gsub("list.", "", measure.name))
collinleiber/benchmarkVis documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:23 a.m.