#' Compute the entropy of a discrete sample
#' @param cl vector of discrete labels
#' @return the entropy of the sample
#' @examples
#' cl <- sample(2, 500, replace = TRUE)
#' H(cl)
#' @export
H <- function(cl) {
p <- table(cl) / length(cl)
p <- p[p != 0]
-sum(p * log(p))
#' Compute the mutual information of two discrete samples
#' @param cl1 vector of discrete labels
#' @param cl2 vector of discrete labels
#' @return the mutual information between the two discrete samples
#' @examples
#' cl1 <- sample(2, 500, replace = TRUE)
#' cl2 <- sample(2, 500, replace = TRUE)
#' MI(cl1, cl2)
#' @export
MI <- function(cl1, cl2) {
pj <- table(cl1, cl2) / length(cl1)
pi <- as.matrix(table(cl1)) %*% table(cl2) / length(cl1)^2
sum(pj[pj != 0] * log(pj[pj != 0]) - pj[pj != 0] * log(pi[pj != 0]))
#' Compute the normalized mutual information of two discrete samples
#' @param cl1 vector of discrete labels
#' @param cl2 vector of discrete labels
#' @return the normalized mutual information between the two discrete samples
#' @examples
#' cl1 <- sample(2, 500, replace = TRUE)
#' cl2 <- sample(2, 500, replace = TRUE)
#' NMI(cl1, cl2)
#' @export
NMI <- function(cl1, cl2) {
MI(cl1, cl2) / max(c(H(cl1), H(cl2)))
#' @title Regularized spectral clustering
#' @description
#' performs regularized spectral clustering of a sparse adjacency matrix
#' @references Tai Qin, Karl Rohe. Regularized Spectral Clustering under the Degree-Corrected Stochastic Block Model. Nips 2013.
#' @param X An adjacency matrix in sparse format (see the \code{Matrix} package)
#' @param K Desired number of cluster
#' @return cl Vector of cluster labels
#' @export
spectral <- function(X, K) {
X <- X + Matrix::t(X)
ij <- Matrix::which(X > 0, arr.ind = T)
X[ij] <- 1
nu <- sum(X) / dim(X)[1]
D <- (Matrix::rowSums(X) + nu)^-0.5
Ln <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(ij[, 1], ij[, 2], x = D[ij[, 1]] * D[ij[, 2]])
V <- RSpectra::eigs(Ln, K)
Xp <- V$vectors
Xpn <- Xp / sqrt(rowSums(Xp)^2)
Xpn[rowSums(Xp) == 0, ] <- 0
km <- stats::kmeans(Xp, K)
zscore <- function(X) {
m <- apply(X, 2, mean)
X <- t(t(X) - m)
s <- apply(X, 2, stats::sd)
X <- t(t(X) / s)
X[, s == 0] <- 0
as.sparse <- function(X) {
S <- X
if (methods::is(X, "matrix") | methods::is(X, "data.frame")) {
ij <- which(X != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
S <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(ij[, 1], ij[, 2], x = X[ij],dims=dim(X))
} else {
if (!methods::is(X, "dgCMatrix")) {
stop("Unsuported data type for sparse format conversion use a matrix or a data.frame like object.", call. = FALSE)
#' @title Convert a binary adjacency matrix with missing value to a cube
#' @description
#' Convert a binary adjacency matrix with missing value to a cube
#' @param X A binary adjacency matrix with NA
#' @return a cube
#' @export
to_multinomial <- function(X) {
if (nrow(X) != ncol(X)) {
stop("Expect a square adjacency matrix")
if (max(X, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
stop("Expect an adjacency matrix with values in {0,1,NA}")
if (min(X, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
stop("Expect an adjacency matrix with values in {0,1,NA}")
if (all(!(round(X) != X & !is.na(X)))) {
N <- nrow(X)
Xc <- array(0, c(N, N, 3))
Xs <- matrix(0, N, N)
Xs[X == 1] <- 1
Xc[, , 1] <- Xs
Xs <- matrix(0, N, N)
Xs[X == 0] <- 1
Xc[, , 2] <- Xs
Xs <- matrix(0, N, N)
Xs[is.na(X)] <- 1
Xc[, , 3] <- Xs
issym <- all(sapply(1:3, function(d) {
isSymmetric(Xc[, , d])
if (issym) {
diag(Xc[, , 1]) <- 0
diag(Xc[, , 2]) <- 0
diag(Xc[, , 3]) <- 0
} else {
stop("Expect an adjacency matrix with values in {0,1,NA}")
#' @title Display the list of every currently available DLVM
#' @description Display the list of every currently available DLVM
#' @return NULL
#' @export
available_models <- function() {
cli::cli_rule(left="Implemented DLVM available in the {.pkg greed} package")
cli::cli_li("Stochastic Block models (Graphs)")
ulid <- cli::cli_ul()
cli::cli_li("Binary SBM, see ?Sbm")
cli::cli_li("Degree-corrected SBM, see ?DcSbm")
cli::cli_li("Gaussian mixture models (Continous)")
ulid <- cli::cli_ul()
cli::cli_li("Full covariance GMM, see ?Gmm")
cli::cli_li("Diagonal covariance GMM, see ?DiagGmm")
cli::cli_li("Latent class analysis (factor), see ?Lca")
cli::cli_li("Mixture of multinomials (counts), see ?MoM")
cli::cli_li("Degree-corrected latent block model (co-clustering / bi-partite graphs), see ?DcLbm")
cli::cli_li("Mixture of regression (continuous), see ?MoR")
cli::cli_li("Combined DLVMs (heterogeneous data), see ?CombinedModels")
#' @title Display the list of every currently available optimization algorithm
#' @description Display the list of every currently available optimization algorithm
#' @return NULL
#' @export
available_algorithms <- function() {
cli::cli_rule(left="Available algorithms for the {.pkg greed} package")
cli::cli_li("Hybrid genetic algorithm, see ?Hybrid")
cli::cli_li("Standard genetic algorithm without hybridation, see ?Genetic")
cli::cli_li("Greedy hill-climbing heuristics with swaps and merge moves:")
ulid <- cli::cli_ul()
cli::cli_li("With multiple random starts, see ?Multistarts")
cli::cli_li("With one 'seeded' initialization (e.g. spectral clustering or k-means algorithm), see ?Seed")
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