
#' @title This is the main function which creates the final course.
#' @description
#'   With `createCourse` one can create a course based on a course list. To
#'   see how those lists have to look like see the How to use in the Readme.
#'   **NOTE:** This function is implemented very inefficient with this helper
#'   function 'n()'. But this helps reading the code and even for larger courses
#'   the performance is sufficient.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom BBmisc suppressAll
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @param title (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Title of the course. If this is setted to `NA`, than the title must be
#'   specified via the console.
#' @param course (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   This is the directory name for the course (e. g. `basis`).
#' @param file.name (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Name for the `Rmd` file.
#' @param subtitles [character]\cr
#'   Subtitle of the chapters. The length have to match the length of the
#'   `course.list` object.
#' @param course.list [`list`]\cr
#'   The list object containing the course structure.
#' @param path (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Path to the r courses repo.
#' @param render (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   If the created file should be rendered after creation, than set this
#'   parameter to TRUE (default).
#' @param suppress (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   If `TRUE` than the messages of the rendering will be suppressed.
#' @param year (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Year of the course (if `NA`, than the year needs be specified via the
#'   console).
#' @param month (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Month of the course (if `NA`, than the month needs be specified via the
#'   console).
#' @param author (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Author of the course (if `NA`, than the author needs be specified via the
#'   console).
#' @param course.date (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   When did the course take place (if `NA`, than the duration needs be
#'   specified via the console).
#' @param bibliography (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Specify a .bib object in the data folder.
#' @param reset.exercise (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Logical parameter which specifies if the exercise counter should be
#'   resetted after every subsection.
#' @param yaml.subtitle (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Set the subtitle in the yaml header. This will overwrite the subtitle vector
#'   of length one which is also used in the yaml header (if it is the only
#'   subtitle for just one section).
#' @param open.pdf (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   If the rendered pdf should be opened after the rendering, than set
#'   'open.pdf = TRUE'. This is only possible if 'render = TRUE'.
#' @param scope (`character(1)`) \cr
#'   Character naming the file in which the scope should be stored. If nothing
#'   is given, then no scope is created.
#' @param clean.dir (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Logical value indicating if the cache, files, knit-figures, and .tex files should be
#'   deleted or not.
#' @param custom.pandoc (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Character string indicating if a custom pandoc should be used or not. If no
#'   custom pandoc should be used pass `custom.pandoc = NULL`.
#' @param xelatex (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Character string indicating if xelatex should be used for rendering instead of pdflatex.
#' @param keep.source (`logical(1)`) \cr
#'   Whether to keep the generated (LaTeX) source files.
#' @param template (`character(1)`) \cr
#'   Which LaTeX template file to use. Defaults to `"preamble.sty"`.
#' @return [character]\cr
#'   A character vector containing the lines of the final Rmd file.
#' @export
createCourse = function (title, course, file.name, subtitles = NA, course.list,
  path = getwd(), render = TRUE, suppress = FALSE, year, month,
  author = NA, course.date = NA, keep.source = FALSE,
  bibliography, reset.exercise = TRUE, yaml.subtitle = NA, open.pdf = TRUE,
  scope, clean.dir = TRUE, template = "preamble.sty", custom.pandoc = "custom_pandoc.tex",
  xelatex = FALSE) {
  # Get path to rcourses root:
  path = paste0(strsplit(path, "/rcourses")[[1]][1], "/rcourses")

  # Check if latex math is available:
  if (! dir.exists(paste0(path, "/latex-math"))) {
    warning("\"latex-math\" math is not available. Please clone the repository ",
      "into you rcourses directory with \"git clone https://github.com/compstat-lmu/latex-math.git\" ",
      "to avoid errors while running pdflatex. For additional instructions see:\n\n ",
  # Get available structure:
  struct = getStructure()

  # Check if all slides are available:
  missing.slides = NULL
  for (i in seq_along(course.list)) {
    for (j in seq_along(course.list[[i]])) {
      # Slides are just characters, all other inputs in the course.list have
      # other classes:
      if (class(course.list[[i]][[j]]) == "character") {
        # Internal check in readSlide:
        e = try(readSlide(course.list[[i]][[j]]), silent = TRUE)
        if (class(e) == "try-error") {
          missing.slides = append(missing.slides, course.list[[i]][[j]])
  if (! is.null(missing.slides[1])) {
    stop("Follwoing slides are not present within the chapters:\n",
      paste(paste0("\t - slides_", missing.slides, ".Rmd"), collapse = "\n"), "\n")

  # Auxiliary function which returns the length of the actual lines of the
  # course object.
  n = function ()

  # Check if the path is set correctly:
  if (! dir.exists(paste0(path, "/courses"))) {
    stop("The path has to point to the working directory of the courses repo!")
  # Check if there are equally much subtitles given then list elements of the
  # course list:
  if (length(subtitles) != length(course.list)) {
    stop("Specify the subtitles or set it to NA if you don't want to have subtitles!")
  # Create as many NA's as lists in 'course.list' to supress subtitles.
  if (length(subtitles) == 1 && is.na(subtitles[1])) {
    subtitles = rep(NA, length(course.list))

  # Check if a year and month is give, if not type them into the console:
  if (missing(year)) {
    stop("Specify the \"year\" when the course takes place as int or character!")
  if (missing(month)) {
    stop("Specify the \"month\" when the course takes place (convention is 03 for march)!")

  # Unify the month string with a '0' in front of numbers smaller than 10:
  if (nchar(month) < 2) {
    month = paste0("0", month)

  # Create the date for the directory of the new course and the path to that
  # course:
  date = paste0(year, "_", month)
  path.to.course = paste0(path, "/courses/", course, "/", date)

  # Check if the directory already exists, if not, create it:
  if (dir.exists(path.to.course)) {
    cat("\nDate already exists, creating course into\n\n\t", path.to.course, "\n")
  } else {
    # The creation of the dir contains two steps:
    #   1. Check if the course exists, if not create it
    #   2. Check if the date exists, if not create it
    cat("\nThis is the first course at the given date. Create directiory:\n\n\t",
      path.to.course, "\n")
    if (! dir.exists(paste0(path, "/courses/", course))) {
      dir.create(paste0(path, "/courses/", course))
    if (! dir.exists(path.to.course)) {

  if (! missing(scope)) {
    if (scope != FALSE) {
      file.scope = scope
      scope      = TRUE
  } else {
    scope = FALSE

  if (scope) {
    scope.and.schedule = c(
      "## Scope of this course",
      "- First point",
      "- Second point",
      "## General Schedule Day 1",
      "| Time  | Content                                     |",
      "| ----- | ------------------------------------------- |",
      "| 09:00 | Start                                       |",
      "| 11:00 | Coffee Break                                |",
      "| 12:30 | **Break + Lunch**                           |",
      "| 15:00 | Coffee Break                                |",
      "| 16:30 | End                                         |",
      "## General Schedule Day 2",
      "| Time  | Content                                     |",
      "| ----- | ------------------------------------------- |",
      "| 09:00 | Start                                       |",
      "| 11:00 | Coffee Break                                |",
      "| 12:30 | **Break + Lunch**                           |",
      "| 15:00 | Coffee Break                                |",
      "| 16:30 | End                                         |",

  # Write the scope and schedule file, if not existing!
  if (scope) {
    if (! file.exists(paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.scope, ".Rmd"))) {
        text = scope.and.schedule,
        con  = paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.scope, ".Rmd")

  # Empty string for the lines in the course, every element of `course.text` is
  # one line of the resulting Rmd file:
  course.text = character()

  # First set up the YAML header:
  course.text[1] = "---"

  # Check title:
  if (missing(title)) {
    stop("Specify the \"title\" of the course!")
  } else {
    course.text[n() + 1] = paste0("title: ", title)

  # Check subtitle:
  if (! missing(yaml.subtitle)) {
    course.text[n() + 1] = paste0("subtitle: ", yaml.subtitle)

  # Check author:
  if (is.na(author)) {
    cat("Please type in the author of the course:")
    author = readLines(n = 1L)
  course.text[n() + 1] = paste0("author: ", author)

  # Check duration of the course:
  if (missing(course.date)) {
    stop("Specify the exact \"course.date\" of the course!")
  course.text[n() + 1] = paste0("date: ", course.date)

  # Set up the basic header with the preamble and the style file:
  course.text[n() + 1] = 'output:'
  course.text[n() + 1] = '  beamer_presentation:'
  course.text[n() + 1] = '    includes:'
  course.text[n() + 1] = paste0('      in_header: "../../_setup/', template, '"')

  # If custom pandoc is defined:
  if (! is.null(custom.pandoc)) {
    course.text[n() + 1] = paste0('    template: "../../_setup/', custom.pandoc, '"')

  # If somebody wants to include a bibliography (Here you can see the advantage
  # of the function 'n()'):
  if (! missing(bibliography)) {
    course.text[n() + 1] = paste0('bibliography: "../../../data/',
      bibliography, '"')

  # Leftover of the header and some other stuff:
  course.text[n() + 1] = '---'
  course.text[n() + 1] = ''
  course.text[n() + 1] = '## {.plain}'
  course.text[n() + 1] = ''
  course.text[n() + 1] = '```{r, child="../../_setup/setup.Rmd",echo=FALSE,message=FALSE,include=FALSE}'
  course.text[n() + 1] = '```'
  course.text[n() + 1] = ''
  course.text[n() + 1] = '<!-- This file was created autmatically! Please check the entrys! -->'
  course.text[n() + 1] = ''
  course.text[n() + 1] = ''

  if (scope) {
    course.text[n() + 1] = ''
    course.text[n() + 1] = paste0('```{r, child = "', file.scope, '.Rmd",include=FALSE}')
    course.text[n() + 1] = '```'
    course.text[n() + 1] = ''

  ## Main loop to fill the course.text vector with the chapters and other
  ## slides:
  ## The main loop iters over the lists in the course.list object, hence over
  ## all the sections:
  for (i in seq_along(course.list)) {

    # If a subtitle for sections after the first one is given, create a new
    # slide and reset the exercises counter:
    if (! is.na(subtitles[i])) {

      if (reset.exercise && (i > 1)) {
        course.text[n() + 1] = "\\resetExercises"
        course.text[n() + 1] = ""
      course.text[n() + 1] = ""
      # course.text[n() + 1] = "#"
      course.text[n() + 1] = paste0("# ", subtitles[i])
      course.text[n() + 1] = ""


    # The second loop iters over the slides given in one section:
    for (j in seq_along(course.list[[i]])) {
      # Empty line:
      course.text[n() + 1] = ""

      # If the slide is named and exists, than read that slide with the
      # readSlide function:
      if (class(course.list[[i]][[j]]) == "character") {

        # Get all rows of the slides with the specific name and check if there
        # are name dispatches:
        dir = struct %>% filter(files == course.list[[i]][[j]])

        # If there are more than one match, skip that file:
        if (nrow(dir) > 1) {
          warning("Skip \"", course.list[[i]][[j]], "\", there are more than one matches for the slides!")
        } else {

          if (keep.source) {
            source = readLines(con = readSlide(course.list[[i]][[j]]))

            # course.text[n() + 1] = "<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -->"
            # course.text[n() + 1] = paste0(
            #   "<!-- ",
            #   course.list[[i]][[j]], paste(rep(" ", 71 - nchar(course.list[[i]][[j]])), collapse = ""),
            #   " -->"
            # )
            # course.text[n() + 1] = "<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -->"
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""

            # Manually set wd, otherwise the images can't be included:
            # course.text[n() + 1] = "```{r, include=FALSE}"
            # course.text[n() + 1] = paste0("getwd = function () { return (readSlide(\"", course.list[[i]][[j]],"\", file = FALSE)) }")
            # course.text[n() + 1] = "```"
            # course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            for (source.line in source) {

              # Remove ap and include directory of readSlide instead. This allows to read
              # figures, code, etc. to be loaded even if we are not in child mode:
              if (grepl(x = source.line, pattern = "adjust_path")) {
                # replace "adjust_path(paste0(getwd()" with (in the case of the roc slide)
                # "function (myfile) paste0(file.path(readSlide("roc", file = FALSE),"
                source.line = str_replace(
                  string      = source.line,
                  pattern     = "adjust_path\\(paste0\\(getwd\\(\\)",
                  replacement = paste0(
                    "function \\(myfile\\) paste0\\(file.path\\(readSlide(\"",
                    "\", file = FALSE)"
                # replace "))" with ", myfile))"
                source.line = str_replace(string = source.line, pattern = "\\)\\)",
                  replacement = ", myfile\\)\\)")

              course.text[n() + 1] = source.line

            course.text[n() + 1] = ""
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""

          } else {
            # Check if file extists:
            temp = readSlide(course.list[[i]][[j]])

            # Read in the slides:
            course.text[n() + 1] = paste0('```{r, child=readSlide("', course.list[[i]][[j]], '")}')
            course.text[n() + 1] = "```"
            course.text[n() + 1] = ""

      # If the class of a slide is 'empty_slide' iter over the given lines and
      # write them into the course.text object:
      if (class(course.list[[i]][[j]]) == "empty_slide") {
        for (k in seq_along(course.list[[i]][[j]])) {
          course.text[n() + 1] = course.list[[i]][[j]][k]
        course.text[n() + 1] = ""

      # If the class of a slide is 'exercise_slide' iter over the lines created
      # of the 'nExercise' function:
      if (class(course.list[[i]][[j]]) == "exercise_slide") {
        for (k in seq_along(course.list[[i]][[j]])) {
          course.text[n() + 1] = course.list[[i]][[j]][k]
        course.text[n() + 1] = ""

  if (! missing(bibliography)) {
    course.text[n() + 1] = ""
    course.text[n() + 1] = "<!-- References -->"
    course.text[n() + 1] = "#"
    course.text[n() + 1] = "\\tiny"
    course.text[n() + 1] = ""

  # If there is no specific name given for the Rmd file, name it like the course
  # and paste '_final' at the and:
  if (missing(file.name)) {
    file.name = paste0(course, "_final")

  # Create path for the Rmd file:
  rmd.file = paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.name, ".Rmd")

  # Write the lines contained in course.text to the Rmd file:
  writeLines(text = course.text, con  = rmd.file)

  # If the Rmd file should be rendered, this happens here:
  if (render) {
    if (suppress) {
      if (xelatex) {
        suppressAll(render(input = rmd.file, output_options = list(latex_engine = "xelatex")))
      } else {
        suppressAll(render(input = rmd.file))
    } else {
      if (xelatex) {
        render(input = rmd.file, output_options = list(latex_engine = "xelatex"))
      } else {
        render(input = rmd.file)

    # clean = TRUE in render does not work here???

    if (clean.dir) {
      # Remove cache, knit-figures folder and .tex file to avoid unexpected behaviours.
      # The problem is that rendering multiple courses could lead to a dispatch since
      # the second course creation recognizes that a knit-figures folder already
      # exists and takes the images from that one that are obviously not the
      # correct ones!

      message("\nCleaning up \"", path.to.course, "\":")

      cache.dir  = paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.name, "_cache")
      files.dir  = paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.name, "_files")
      figure.dir = paste0(path.to.course, "/knit-figure")
      tex.file   = paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.name, ".tex")

      if ((! dir.exists(cache.dir)) &&
          (! dir.exists(files.dir)) &&
          (! dir.exists(figure.dir)) &&
          (! file.exists(tex.file))) {
        message("\t NOTHING TO CLEAN UP!")

      if (dir.exists(cache.dir)) {
        message("\t- Removing \"", file.name, "_cache\"")
        unlink(x = cache.dir, recursive = TRUE)
      if (dir.exists(files.dir)) {
        message("\t- Removing \"", file.name, "_files\"")
        unlink(x = files.dir, recursive = TRUE)
      if (dir.exists(figure.dir)) {
        message("\t- Removing \"knit-figure\"")
        unlink(x = figure.dir, recursive = TRUE)
      if (file.exists(tex.file)) {
        message("\t- Removing \"", file.name, ".tex\"")

    if (open.pdf) {
      PBSmodelling::openFile(paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.name, ".pdf"))
    } else {
      # Return path to the created pdf:
      return(paste0(path.to.course, "/", file.name, ".pdf"))
compstat-lmu/rcoursesFunctions documentation built on May 8, 2019, 2:43 p.m.