
# The reason that there exist a Configuration object which is throughout the experiment is that we want to look at the effect of those configuration parameters.
RLConf = R6::R6Class("RLConf",
  public = list(
    static = NULL,
    conf.log.perf = NULL,   # seperate configuration for output like logging, RData, etc
    # get persistence file prefix
    getPersist = function(foldername) {
      list.str = lapply(names(self$static), function(x) sprintf("-%s: %s-\n", x, self$static[[x]]))
      self$conf.log.perf$str.conf = paste0("\n", toString(list.str))
      hash.conf = openssl::md5(self$conf.log.perf$str.conf)
      str.time = toString(Sys.time())
      str.time = gsub(" ", "_", str.time)
      str.date = toString(Sys.Date())
      filePrefix = file.path(getwd(), foldername, str.date, str.time, hash.conf)
      cat(sprintf("Creating the following output folder %s:\n", filePrefix))
      dir.create(filePrefix, recursive = TRUE)
      self$conf.log.perf$filePrefix = filePrefix
      self$conf.log.perf$resultTbPath =  file.path(filePrefix, rlR.conf4log$resultTbPath)  # RData file persistence place

    initialize = function(...) {
      self$conf.log.perf = data.table::copy(rlR.conf4log)  # valid only when log = TRUE
      self$static = data.table::copy(rlR.conf.default)  # deep copy
      #par.list = list(...)
      #dns = setdiff(names(par.list), rlR.conf.default)
      #list.default = setNames(lapply(dns, function(x) self$static[[x]]), dns)

    get = function(name) {

    set = function(...) {
      par.list = list(...)
      lapply(names(par.list), function(x) self$updatePara(x, par.list[[x]]))
      flag = self$get("log")
      if (is.null(flag)) flag = FALSE
      if (flag) {
        folder_name = readline(prompt = "Please enter folder name relative to current working directory to store output files\n")

    updatePara = function(str.para, val.value) {
      self$static[[str.para]] = val.value

    show = function() {
      list_param = self$static
      dns = names(list_param)
      ## remove agent.nn
      #flag = sapply(dns, function(x) grepl("agent.nn", x))
      #dns = dns[-which(flag)]
      list_conf = lapply(dns, function(x) self$static[[x]])
      names(list_conf) = dns
      df = as.data.frame(unlist(list_conf))
      colnames(df) = "value"
    print = function() {
compstat-lmu/rlR documentation built on June 26, 2019, 5:56 p.m.