
#' @title Wrapper for Gym OpenAI environment
#' @description Depends on Gym API definition
#' @param name The name defined in gym
#' @param state_preprocess list(fun = identity, par = NULL), list of function and argument pair to preprocess the state
#' @param act_cheat  action cheat
#' @param repeat_n_act the number of repeats to the same action arm selected by the surrogate
#' @param observ_stack_len number of states to stack to form the aggregated states
#' @return The wrapped environment
#' @export
makeGymEnv = function(name ="CartPole-v0", state_preprocess = list(fun = identity, par = NULL), act_cheat = NULL, repeat_n_act = 1L, observ_stack_len = 1L) {
  gspace = reticulate::import("gym.spaces", delay_load = TRUE)
  gym = reticulate::import("gym", delay_load = TRUE)
  gym$logger$set_level(40)  # supress warning
  genv = gym$make(name)
  flag_continous = ifelse(grepl("float", toString(genv$action_space$dtype)), TRUE, FALSE)  # if action is in continous space
  atari = grepl("AtariEnv", toString(genv$unwrapped))
  env = NULL
  if (atari) {
    env = EnvGymAtari$new(genv, name, state_preprocess = state_preprocess, act_cheat = act_cheat, repeat_n_act = repeat_n_act, observ_stack_len = observ_stack_len)
  } else {
    env = EnvGym$new(genv, name, state_preprocess = state_preprocess, act_cheat = act_cheat, repeat_n_act = repeat_n_act, observ_stack_len = observ_stack_len)  # EnvGym is a wrapper to original gym environment

# The Discrete space allows a fixed range of non-negative numbers, so in this case valid actions are either 0 or 1
# The Box space represents an n-dimensional box, so valid observations will be an array of 4 numbers
# note all processing to image should be consistent in EnvGym::reset, EnvGym::step and replaymem
subsample = function(state) {
  I = state[seq(30L, 210L, 3L), seq(1L, 160L, 2L), ]  # subsample
  I = 0.299 * I[, , 1L] + 0.587 * I[, , 2L] + 0.114 * I[, , 3L]  # RGB to gray formula
  res = array_reshape(I, c(dim(I), 1L))  # append an extra dim
  # res = array(as.integer(res), dim = dim(res))  # store integer is less memory hungry
  # res = res/128.0 - 1.0   # normalize to -1 till +1

EnvGym = R6::R6Class("EnvGym",
  inherit = Environment,
  private = list(
    # more elements in private is more stable, but makes debug harder
    old_dim = NULL,  # orginal dimension
    new_dim = NULL,
    old_state = NULL,  # for video to remove flickering
    initActCnt = function() {
      if (!"n" %in% names(self$env$action_space)) {
        # if "n" is not in the names of the list, i.e. genv$action_space$n does not exist
        flag_multiple_shape = length(self$env$action_space$shape) > 1L
        if (flag_multiple_shape) {
          stop("currently no support for action space that have multiple shapes!")
        self$act_cnt = self$env$action_space$shape[[1L]]
      } else {
        self$act_cnt = self$env$action_space$n   # get the number of actions/control bits

      ## FIXME: this should be set by user
      #       if (self$flag_tensor) {
      ## since which("NOOP" == env$env$unwrapped$get_action_meanings()) will always generate 1
      #         self$act_cheat = 1L:(self$act_cnt - 1L)  # do not allow NO-OP operation
      #       }
      if (!is.null(self$act_cheat)) {
        self$act_cnt = length(self$act_cheat)


    initStateDim = function() {
      self$state_dim = unlist(self$env$observation_space$shape)
      if (is.null(self$state_dim)) {
        self$state_dim = self$env$observation_space$n

      if (is.null(self$state_dim)) {
        stop("environment$observation_space has neither shape or n field!")

      self$flag_tensor = length(self$state_dim) > 1L  # judge if video input before change state_dim
      private$old_dim = self$state_dim
      # keep the array order(only change the dimension) rather than increase the order
      # since two frames can be taken difference automatically by DNN and DNN only handles order-3D array
      #FIXME: by default, rlR handles up to order 3 tensor: RGB IMAGE. Might need to change in future
      private$new_dim  = self$initSubsample()
      if (self$observ_stack_len > 1L) {
        self$flag_stack_frame = TRUE
        self$state_dim = c(private$new_dim[1L:2L],  private$new_dim[3] * self$observ_stack_len)
      } else {
        self$state_dim = private$new_dim  # no stacking

  public = list(
    # some fields are defined in father class
    env = NULL,
    state_preprocess = NULL,
    act_cheat = NULL,
    repeat_n_act = NULL,  # number of frames to escape
    state_cache = NULL,   # store adjacent states to stack into short history
    flag_stack_frame = NULL,
    flag_tensor = NULL,
    flag_box = NULL,
    # act_cheat is a vector like c(5,7) which maps arm 1 to action 5 and arm 2 to action 7.
    # rendering the Pong-v0 in a ipy-notebook shows that the ball needs 20 frames to travel
    # observ_stack_len is the number of observations one should stack, but will not change the order of the state tensor
    # observ_stack_len is set here since the Env should return the same dimension to the agent.
    # replaymem$sample.fun has to be changed if observ_stack is to be used.
    # subsample_dim: the size of image after subsampling
    initialize = function(genv, name, state_preprocess = list(fun = identity, par = NULL), act_cheat = NULL, repeat_n_act = 1L, observ_stack_len = 1L) {
      self$flag_stack_frame = FALSE
      self$state_cache = vector(mode = "list", observ_stack_len)
      self$observ_stack_len = observ_stack_len
      self$env = genv
      self$flag_continous = ifelse(grepl("float", toString(genv$action_space$dtype)), TRUE, FALSE)  # if action is in continous space
      self$flag_box = grepl("Box", toString(self$env$action_space))
      self$name = name
      self$state_preprocess = state_preprocess$fun
      if (grepl("Discrete", toString(self$env$observation_space))) self$state_preprocess = function(x) x + 1L
      self$act_cheat = act_cheat
      self$repeat_n_act = repeat_n_act
      env_max_step = self$env$spec$max_episode_steps
      if (!is.null(env_max_step)) self$maxStepPerEpisode =  env_max_step
      else self$maxStepPerEpisode = 1e4

    setActCheat = function(act_cheat) {
      self$act_cheat = act_cheat
      self$act_cnt = length(self$act_cheat)

    initSubsample = function() {
      state = self$env$reset()  #FIXME: only return state when reset is called
      hstate = self$state_preprocess(state)
      new_state_dim = dim(hstate)
      if (is.null(new_state_dim)) {
        new_state_dim = private$old_dim

    render = function(...) {

    step = function(action_input) {
      action = action_input
      if (!is.null(self$act_cheat)) {
        # act_cheat must be applied before minus 1 operation below since R has no 0 index!
        action = as.integer(self$act_cheat[action] + 1L)  # gym convention is used in act_cheat(a vector mapping 1,2,3 to gym convention action starting from 0), +1 convert it back to  R convention
      if (!self$flag_continous) {
        action = action - 1L  # The class in which the current code lies is Gym Specific
        action = as.integer(action)
      s_r_d_info  = self$env$step(action)
      names(s_r_d_info) = c("state", "reward", "done", "info")
      s_r_d_info[["state"]] = self$state_preprocess(s_r_d_info[["state"]])  # preprocessing
      if (self$flag_box) s_r_d_info[["state"]] = t(s_r_d_info[["state"]])  # for continous action, transpose the state space, for "Pendulum-v0" etc, the state return is 3*1 instead of 1*3

    #FIXME: self$state_cache is initiliazed in reset by stacking the same frame self$observ_stack_len times
    stackLatestFrame = function(cur_state) {
      if (self$observ_stack_len >= 2L) {
        for (i in self$observ_stack_len:2L) {
          self$state_cache[[i]] =  self$state_cache[[i - 1L]]
      self$state_cache[[1L]] = cur_state
      arr_stack = abind::abind(self$state_cache)

    reset = function() {
      s = self$env$reset()
      s = self$state_preprocess(s)
      ##FIXME: is this the right way to initialize old_state? reset is called at episode start?
      # if (self$agent$interact$global_step_len == 0) {
      #   private$old_state = s
      #   self$state_cache = lapply(1L:self$observ_stack_len, function(x) s)
      # }
      # if (self$flag_stack_frame) {
      #   s = self$stackLatestFrame(s)
      # }
      r = NULL
      return(list(s, r, FALSE, ""))

    afterAll = function() {

    randomRun = function(steps, render = TRUE) {
      ss = self$env$reset()
      for (i in 1:steps) {
        if (render) env$render()
        a = env$action_space$sample()
        r = env$step(a)

    overview = function() {
      cat(sprintf("\naction cnt: %s \n", toString(self$act_cnt)))
      cat(sprintf("state original dim: %s \n", toString(private$old_dim)))
      flag_vec = private$new_dim != private$old_dim
      if (flag_vec[1L]) {
        cat(sprintf("state dim after preprocessing: %s \n", toString(private$new_dim)))
        cat(sprintf("with stacking: %s \n", toString(self$state_dim)))
      cat(sprintf("%s\n", ifelse(self$flag_continous, "continous action", "discrete action")))

    showImage = function(img) {
      img %>%
          imager::as.cimg() %>% # to image
          imager::mirror("y") %>% # mirror at y axis
          imager::imrotate(90L) %>% # rotate by 90 degree
          graphics::plot(axes = FALSE)

    showPreprocess = function() {
      s = self$env$reset()
      s = self$state_preprocess(s)

    snapshot = function(steps = 25L, preprocess) {
      ss = self$env$reset()
      if (is.null(self$env$action_space$sample)) {
        stop("no support for snapshot for this environment")
      for (i in 1:steps) {
        a = self$env$action_space$sample()
        r = self$env$step(a)
      if (preprocess) {
        pimg = self$state_preprocess(r[[1L]])
      } else {
        img = self$env$render(mode = "rgb_array")
        img = img / 255.

EnvGymAtari = R6::R6Class("EnvGymAtari",
  inherit = EnvGym,
  public = list(
    reset = function() {
      s = self$env$reset()
      s = self$state_preprocess(s)
      #FIXME: is this the right way to initialize old_state? reset is called at episode start?
      if (self$agent$interact$global_step_len == 0) {
        private$old_state = s
        self$state_cache = lapply(1L:self$observ_stack_len, function(x) s)
      if (self$flag_stack_frame) {
        s = self$stackLatestFrame(s)
      r = NULL
      return(list(s, r, FALSE, ""))

    # action_input starts from 1 according to R convention since action is caculated by policy
    step = function(action_input) {
      action = action_input
      if (!is.null(self$act_cheat)) {
        # act_cheat must be applied before minus 1 operation below since R has no 0 index!
        action = as.integer(self$act_cheat[action] + 1L)  # gym convention is used in act_cheat(a vector mapping 1,2,3 to gym convention action starting from 0), +1 convert it back to  R convention
      if (!self$flag_continous) {
        action = action - 1L  # The class in which the current code lies is Gym Specific
        action = as.integer(action)
      list_s_r_d_info = lapply(1:self$repeat_n_act, function(i) self$env$step(action)) # repeat the same choice for self$repeat_n_act times. length(list_s_r_d_info) = self$repeat_n_act
      rewards = sapply(list_s_r_d_info, function(x) x[[2L]]) # extract reward for each action repeat: the second element of each s_r_d_info return is reward
      #rewards = sapply(rewards, sign)  # reward clipping
      dones = sapply(list_s_r_d_info, function(x) x[[3L]])
      s_r_d_info = list_s_r_d_info[[self$repeat_n_act]]
      names(s_r_d_info) = c("state", "reward", "done", "info")
      s_r_d_info[["reward"]] = sum(rewards)
      s_r_d_info[["done"]] = any(dones)
      s_r_d_info[["state"]] = self$state_preprocess(s_r_d_info[["state"]])  # preprocessing
      # if (self$flag_tensor) {
      #   s_r_d_info[["state"]] = pmax(s_r_d_info[["state"]], private$old_state)  # remove flickering
      #   private$old_state = s_r_d_info[["state"]]
      # }
      if (self$flag_stack_frame) s_r_d_info[["state"]] = self$stackLatestFrame(s_r_d_info[["state"]])
      #FIXME: might be buggy if continous space get preprocessed
      if (grepl("Box", toString(self$env$action_space))) s_r_d_info[["state"]] = t(s_r_d_info[["state"]])  # for continous action, transpose the state space, for "Pendulum-v0" etc, the state return is 3*1 instead of 1*3

EnvGymActCheat = R6::R6Class("EnvGymActCheat",
  inherit = EnvGym,
  public = list(
    step = function(action_input) {
      action = action_input
      if (!is.null(self$act_cheat)) {
        # act_cheat must be applied before minus 1 operation below since R has no 0 index!
        action = as.integer(self$act_cheat[action] + 1L)  # gym convention is used in act_cheat(a vector mapping 1,2,3 to gym convention action starting from 0), +1 convert it back to  R convention
      if (!self$flag_continous) {
        action = action - 1L  # The class in which the current code lies is Gym Specific
        action = as.integer(action)
      s_r_d_info  = self$env$step(action)
      names(s_r_d_info) = c("state", "reward", "done", "info")
      s_r_d_info[["state"]] = self$state_preprocess(s_r_d_info[["state"]])  # preprocessing
      #FIXME: might be buggy if continous space get preprocessed
      if (grepl("Box", toString(self$env$action_space))) s_r_d_info[["state"]] = t(s_r_d_info[["state"]])  # for continous action, transpose the state space, for "Pendulum-v0" etc, the state return is 3*1 instead of 1*3
compstat-lmu/rlR documentation built on June 26, 2019, 5:56 p.m.