Defines functions doPCA

Documented in doPCA

#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @import ggplot2

#' Perform PCA analysis ot single data set or list of data sets
#' @param Data Data frame.
#' @param classes Vector of class labels.
#' @param plotTitle Character value to display as the plot title
#' @param PQN Can be set to T or F, to perform PQN normalisation
#' @param mv_impute T or F, indicates if missing value imputation has to
#' be carried
#' @param glogScaling T or F, applie glog transformation to the given data
#' @param scale Perform UV scaling on data
#' @param labels Can be set to "QC" to label only QC samples. "none" to no
#' include labels. If set to any other value will use column names of Data.
#' @param qc_label Label used for QC samples. If set to NULL, assumes that no
#' QC samples are present in data set
#' @param qc_shape Shape symbol to use for QC samples
#' @param base_size Font size for plot fonts
#' @param pccomp PCA components to plot
#' @param subtitle Subtitle to include in PCA plot
#' @param loadings T or F, to include PCA loadings plot or not
#' @param loadingsCol Colors to use for loadings plot
#' @return Ggplot object with plot(s)
#' @export

doPCA <- function(Data, classes, plotTitle="PCA", PQN, mv_impute, glogScaling,
  scale=FALSE, labels="QC", qc_label, qc_shape=17L, base_size=12L,
  pccomp=c(1L, 2L), subtitle=NULL, loadings=FALSE, loadingsCol=NULL) {
  ## PCA
  PCA <- stats::prcomp(t(Data), center=TRUE, scale=scale)
  varPCA <- round(PCA$sdev^2L / sum(PCA$sdev^2L) * 100L, 1L)

  slabels <- colnames(Data)
  # Make QC samples to be labeled
  shapes <- rep(19L, length(classes))
  shapes[classes == qc_label] <- qc_shape

  # Labels
  if (labels=="QC") {
    sh <- which(classes == qc_label)
    slabels[-c(sh)] <- ""

  if (labels=="none") {
      slabels <- rep(NA, length(slabels))

  plotClass <- createClassAndColors(class=classes)

  A <- data.frame(class=plotClass$class, pc1=PCA$x[, pccomp[1L]],
    pc2=PCA$x[, pccomp[2L]], labels=slabels, shapes=shapes)
  labx <- paste("PC", pccomp[1L], " ", varPCA[pccomp[1L]], "%", sep="")
  laby <- paste("PC", pccomp[2L], " ", varPCA[pccomp[2L]], "%", sep="")

  labx <- paste0(labx, " (", paste("PQN:", PQN, ", glog scaling:", glogScaling,
    ", UV scaling:", scale, sep=""), ")")

   out <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=A, aes_(x=~pc1, y=~pc2, color=~class,
    label=~labels, shape=~shapes)) +
    geom_point(na.rm=TRUE) + scale_shape_identity() +
    xlab(labx) + ylab(laby) +
    ggtitle(plotTitle, subtitle=subtitle) +
    geom_text(na.rm=TRUE) +
    stat_ellipse() +
    scale_colour_manual(values=plotClass$manual_colors) +

   if (loadings == TRUE) {
     if (is.null(loadingsCol)) loadingsCol <- rep(1L, nrow(Data))
     B <- data.frame(pc1=PCA$rotation[, pccomp[1L]],
      pc2=PCA$rotation[, pccomp[2L]], labels=rownames(Data),

     out2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=B, aes_(x=~pc1, y=~pc2, color=1L,
      label=~labels, shape=3L)) +
      scale_shape_identity() +
      xlab("Loadings, PC1") + ylab("Loadings, PC2") +
      geom_text(na.rm=TRUE, hjust=0L, color=loadingsCol) +
      theme_Publication(base_size=base_size) + theme(legend.position="none")
     out <- list(out, out2)
computational-metabolomics/qcrms documentation built on Jan. 18, 2021, 1:46 a.m.