#' Error measures
#' Functions allow to calculate different types of errors for point and
#' interval predictions:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item ME - Mean Error,
#' \item MAE - Mean Absolute Error,
#' \item MSE - Mean Squared Error,
#' \item MRE - Mean Root Error (Kourentzes, 2014),
#' \item MIS - Mean Interval Score (Gneiting & Raftery, 2007),
#' \item MPE - Mean Percentage Error,
#' \item MAPE - Mean Absolute Percentage Error (See Svetunkov, 2017 for
#' the critique),
#' \item MASE - Mean Absolute Scaled Error (Hyndman & Koehler, 2006),
#' \item RMSSE - Root Mean Squared Scaled Error (used in M5 Competition),
#' \item rMAE - Relative Mean Absolute Error (Davydenko & Fildes, 2013),
#' \item rRMSE - Relative Root Mean Squared Error,
#' \item rAME - Relative Absolute Mean Error,
#' \item rMIS - Relative Mean Interval Score,
#' \item sMSE - Scaled Mean Squared Error (Petropoulos & Kourentzes, 2015),
#' \item sPIS- Scaled Periods-In-Stock (Wallstrom & Segerstedt, 2010),
#' \item sCE - Scaled Cumulative Error,
#' \item sMIS - Scaled Mean Interval Score,
#' \item GMRAE - Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error.
#' }
#' In case of \code{sMSE}, \code{scale} needs to be a squared value. Typical
#' one -- squared mean value of in-sample actuals.
#' If all the measures are needed, then \link[greybox]{measures} function
#' can help.
#' There are several other measures, see details of \link[greybox]{pinball}
#' and \link[greybox]{hm}.
#' @template author
#' @aliases Errors
#' @param holdout The vector or matrix of holdout values.
#' @param forecast The vector or matrix of forecasts values.
#' @param lower The lower bound of the prediction interval.
#' @param upper The upper bound of the prediction interval.
#' @param scale The value that should be used in the denominator of MASE. Can
#' be anything but advised values are: mean absolute deviation of in-sample one
#' step ahead Naive error or mean absolute value of the in-sample actuals.
#' @param benchmark The vector or matrix of the forecasts of the benchmark
#' model.
#' @param benchmarkLower The lower bound of the prediction interval of the
#' benchmark model.
#' @param benchmarkUpper The upper bound of the prediction interval of the
#' benchmark model.
#' @param level The confidence level of the constructed interval.
#' @param na.rm Logical, defining whether to remove the NAs from the provided data or not.
#' @return All the functions return the scalar value.
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item Kourentzes N. (2014). The Bias Coefficient: a new metric for forecast bias
#' \url{https://kourentzes.com/forecasting/2014/12/17/the-bias-coefficient-a-new-metric-for-forecast-bias/}
#' \item Svetunkov, I. (2017). Naughty APEs and the quest for the holy grail.
#' \url{https://openforecast.org/2017/07/29/naughty-apes-and-the-quest-for-the-holy-grail/}
#' \item Fildes R. (1992). The evaluation of
#' extrapolative forecasting methods. International Journal of Forecasting, 8,
#' pp.81-98.
#' \item Hyndman R.J., Koehler A.B. (2006). Another look at measures of
#' forecast accuracy. International Journal of Forecasting, 22, pp.679-688.
#' \item Petropoulos F., Kourentzes N. (2015). Forecast combinations for
#' intermittent demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66,
#' pp.914-924.
#' \item Wallstrom P., Segerstedt A. (2010). Evaluation of forecasting error
#' measurements and techniques for intermittent demand. International Journal
#' of Production Economics, 128, pp.625-636.
#' \item Davydenko, A., Fildes, R. (2013). Measuring Forecasting Accuracy:
#' The Case Of Judgmental Adjustments To Sku-Level Demand Forecasts.
#' International Journal of Forecasting, 29(3), 510-522.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.ijforecast.2012.09.002}
#' \item Gneiting, T., & Raftery, A. E. (2007). Strictly proper scoring rules,
#' prediction, and estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#' 102(477), 359–378. \doi{10.1198/016214506000001437}
#' }
#' @seealso \link[greybox]{pinball}, \link[greybox]{hm}, \link[greybox]{measures}
#' @examples
#' y <- rnorm(100,10,2)
#' testForecast <- rep(mean(y[1:90]),10)
#' MAE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' MSE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' MPE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' MAPE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' # Measures from Petropoulos & Kourentzes (2015)
#' MASE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90])))
#' sMSE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90]))^2)
#' sPIS(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90])))
#' sCE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90])))
#' # Original MASE from Hyndman & Koehler (2006)
#' MASE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(diff(y[1:90]))))
#' testForecast2 <- rep(y[91],10)
#' # Relative measures, from and inspired by Davydenko & Fildes (2013)
#' rMAE(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' rRMSE(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' rAME(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' GMRAE(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' #### Measures for the prediction intervals
#' # An example with mtcars data
#' ourModel <- alm(mpg~., mtcars[1:30,], distribution="dnorm")
#' ourBenchmark <- alm(mpg~1, mtcars[1:30,], distribution="dnorm")
#' # Produce predictions with the interval
#' ourForecast <- predict(ourModel, mtcars[-c(1:30),], interval="p")
#' ourBenchmarkForecast <- predict(ourBenchmark, mtcars[-c(1:30),], interval="p")
#' MIS(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,ourForecast$upper,0.95)
#' sMIS(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,ourForecast$upper,mean(mtcars$mpg[1:30]),0.95)
#' rMIS(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,ourForecast$upper,
#' ourBenchmarkForecast$lower,ourBenchmarkForecast$upper,0.95)
#' ### Also, see pinball function for other measures for the intervals
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export ME
#' @aliases ME
ME <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MAE
#' @aliases MAE
MAE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Absolute Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MSE
#' @aliases MSE
MSE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean squared Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MRE
#' @aliases MRE
MRE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean squared Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MIS
#' @aliases MIS
MIS <- function(holdout, lower, upper, level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Interval Score from Gneiting & Raftery, 2007
# holdout - holdout values,
# lower - the lower bound of the interval,
# upper - the upper bound of the interval,
level[] <- level / 100;
alpha <- 1-level;
lengthsVector <- c(length(holdout),length(upper),length(lower))
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of lower: ",length(lower)));
message(paste0("Length of upper: ",length(upper)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
h <- length(holdout);
MISValue <- sum(as.vector(upper)-as.vector(lower)) +
2/alpha*(sum((as.vector(lower)-as.vector(holdout))*(as.vector(holdout)<as.vector(lower)), na.rm=na.rm) +
sum((as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(upper))*(as.vector(holdout)>as.vector(upper)), na.rm=na.rm));
MISValue[] <- MISValue / h;
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MPE
#' @aliases MPE
MPE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean / Median Percentage Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MAPE
#' @aliases MAPE
MAPE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Absolute Percentage Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MASE
#' @aliases MASE
MASE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Absolute Scaled Error as in Hyndman & Koehler, 2006
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with. Usually - MAE of in-sample.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export RMSSE
#' @aliases RMSSE
RMSSE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Root Mean Squared Scaled Error from M5 competition
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with. Usually - MSE of in-sample.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rMAE
#' @aliases rMAE
rMAE <-function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Average Relative MAE
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
# benchmark - forecasted or fitted values of etalon method.
if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) | (length(holdout) != length(benchmark)) | (length(benchmark) != length(forecast))){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
message(paste0("Length of benchmark: ",length(benchmark)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rRMSE
#' @aliases rRMSE
rRMSE <-function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Relative MSE
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
# benchmark - forecasted or fitted values of etalon method.
if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) | (length(holdout) != length(benchmark)) | (length(benchmark) != length(forecast))){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
message(paste0("Length of benchmark: ",length(benchmark)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rAME
#' @aliases rAME
rAME <-function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Relative Absolute ME
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
# benchmark - forecasted or fitted values of etalon method.
if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) | (length(holdout) != length(benchmark)) | (length(benchmark) != length(forecast))){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
message(paste0("Length of benchmark: ",length(benchmark)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rMIS
#' @aliases rMIS
rMIS <-function(holdout, lower, upper, benchmarkLower, benchmarkUpper, level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled MIS
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
# lower - the lower bound of the interval,
# upper - the upper bound of the interval,
# benchmarkLower - the lower bound of the interval of the benchmark method.
# benchmarkUpper - the upper bound of the interval of the benchmark method.
lengthsVector <- c(length(holdout),length(upper),length(lower),length(benchmarkLower),length(benchmarkUpper));
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
return(MIS(holdout=holdout,lower=lower,upper=upper,level=level,na.rm=na.rm) /
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sMSE
#' @aliases sMSE
sMSE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled Mean Squared Error.
# Attention! Scale factor should be provided as squares of something!
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with. Usually - MAE of in-sample.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sPIS
#' @aliases sPIS
sPIS <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled Periods-In-Stock.
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
return(sum(cumsum(as.vector(forecast)-as.vector(holdout)), na.rm=na.rm)/scale);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sCE
#' @aliases sCE
sCE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled Cumulative Error.
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
return(sum(as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(forecast), na.rm=na.rm)/scale);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sMIS
#' @aliases sMIS
sMIS <- function(holdout, lower, upper, scale, level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled MIS
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
# lower - the lower bound of the interval,
# upper - the upper bound of the interval,
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
lengthsVector <- c(length(holdout),length(upper),length(lower))
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of lower: ",length(lower)));
message(paste0("Length of upper: ",length(upper)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export GMRAE
#' @aliases GMRAE
GMRAE <- function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values,
# benchmark - benchmark forecasted values,
# na.rm - remove NA from result (default TRUE).
if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) || (length(holdout) != length(benchmark))){
message("The length of the provided data differs.")
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ", length(holdout)))
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ", length(forecast)))
message(paste0("Length of benchmark forecast: ", length(benchmark)))
stop("Cannot proceed.", call. = FALSE)
error <- as.vector(holdout) - as.vector(forecast)
denominator <- as.vector(holdout) - as.vector(benchmark)
return(exp(mean(log(abs(error/denominator)), na.rm = na.rm)))
#' Error measures for the provided forecasts
#' Function calculates several error measures using the provided
#' forecasts and the data for the holdout sample.
#' @template author
#' @aliases measures
#' @param holdout The vector of the holdout values.
#' @param forecast The vector of forecasts produced by a model.
#' @param actual The vector of actual in-sample values.
#' @param digits Number of digits of the output. If \code{NULL}
#' then no rounding is done.
#' @param benchmark The character variable, defining what to use as
#' benchmark for relative measures. Can be either \code{"naive"} or
#' \code{"mean"} (arithmetic mean of the whole series. The latter
#' can be useful when dealing with intermittent data.
#' @return The functions returns the named vector of errors:
#' \itemize{
#' \item ME,
#' \item MAE,
#' \item MSE
#' \item MPE,
#' \item MAPE,
#' \item MASE,
#' \item sMAE,
#' \item RMSSE,
#' \item sMSE,
#' \item sCE,
#' \item rMAE,
#' \item rRMSE,
#' \item rAME,
#' \item asymmetry,
#' \item sPIS.
#' }
#' For the details on these errors, see \link[greybox]{Errors}.
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item Svetunkov, I. (2017). Naughty APEs and the quest for the holy grail.
#' \url{https://openforecast.org/2017/07/29/naughty-apes-and-the-quest-for-the-holy-grail/}
#' \item Fildes R. (1992). The evaluation of
#' extrapolative forecasting methods. International Journal of Forecasting, 8,
#' pp.81-98.
#' \item Hyndman R.J., Koehler A.B. (2006). Another look at measures of
#' forecast accuracy. International Journal of Forecasting, 22, pp.679-688.
#' \item Petropoulos F., Kourentzes N. (2015). Forecast combinations for
#' intermittent demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66,
#' pp.914-924.
#' \item Wallstrom P., Segerstedt A. (2010). Evaluation of forecasting error
#' measurements and techniques for intermittent demand. International Journal
#' of Production Economics, 128, pp.625-636.
#' \item Davydenko, A., Fildes, R. (2013). Measuring Forecasting Accuracy:
#' The Case Of Judgmental Adjustments To Sku-Level Demand Forecasts.
#' International Journal of Forecasting, 29(3), 510-522.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.ijforecast.2012.09.002}
#' }
#' @examples
#' y <- rnorm(100,10,2)
#' ourForecast <- rep(mean(y[1:90]),10)
#' measures(y[91:100],ourForecast,y[1:90],digits=5)
#' @export measures
measures <- function(holdout, forecast, actual, digits=NULL, benchmark=c("naive","mean")){
holdout <- as.vector(holdout);
h <- length(holdout)
forecast <- as.vector(forecast);
actual <- as.vector(actual);
benchmark <- match.arg(benchmark,c("naive","mean"));
becnhmarkForecast <- switch(benchmark,
errormeasures <- c(ME(holdout,forecast),
errormeasures[] <- round(errormeasures, digits);
names(errormeasures) <- c("ME","MAE","MSE",
#' Half moment of a distribution and its derivatives.
#' \code{hm()} function estimates half moment from some predefined constant
#' \code{C}. \code{ham()} estimates the Half Absolute Moment. \code{asymmetry()}
#' function returns Asymmetry coefficient, while \code{extremity()}
#' returns the coefficient of Extremity, both based on \code{hm()}. Finally,
#' \code{cextremity()} returns the Complex Extremity coefficient, based on \code{hm()}.
#' \code{NA} values of \code{x} are excluded on the first step of calculation.
#' @template author
#' @aliases hm
#' @param x A variable based on which HM is estimated.
#' @param C Centring parameter.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to mean function.
#' @return A complex variable is returned for the \code{hm()} and \code{cextremity()}
#' functions, and real values are returned for \code{ham()},
#' \code{asymmetry()} and \code{extremity()}.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Svetunkov I., Kourentzes N., Svetunkov S. "Half Central Moment for Data Analysis".
#' Working Paper of Department of Management Science, Lancaster University, 2023:3, 1–21.
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100,0,1)
#' hm(x)
#' ham(x)
#' asymmetry(x)
#' extremity(x)
#' cextremity(x)
#' @export hm
#' @rdname hm
hm <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
# This function calculates half moment
#' @rdname hm
#' @export ham
#' @aliases ham
ham <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
# This function calculates half moment
#' @rdname hm
#' @export asymmetry
#' @aliases asymmetry
asymmetry <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
# This function calculates half moment
return(1 - Arg(hm(x,C,...))/(pi/4));
#' @rdname hm
#' @export extremity
#' @aliases extremity
extremity <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
# This function calculates the Extremity coefficient
return(2*(ham(x, C, ...)/mean((x-C)^2, ...)^0.25)^{log(0.5)/log(2*3^{-0.75})}-1);
#' @rdname hm
#' @export cextremity
#' @aliases cextremity
cextremity <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
# This function calculates the Complex Extremity coefficient
CH <- hm(x, C, ...)/mean((x-C)^2, ...)^0.25;
#' Pinball function
#' The function returns the value from the pinball function for the specified level and
#' the type of loss
#' @template author
#' @param holdout The vector or matrix of the holdout values.
#' @param forecast The forecast of a distribution (e.g. quantile or expectile).
#' It should be the same length as the holdout.
#' @param level The level associated with the forecast (e.g. level of quantile).
#' @param loss The type of loss to use. The number which corresponds to L1, L2 etc.
#' L1 implies the loss for quantiles, while L2 is for the expectile.
#' @param na.rm Logical, defining whether to remove the NAs from the provided data or not.
#' @return The function returns the scalar value.
#' @examples
#' # An example with mtcars data
#' ourModel <- alm(mpg~., mtcars[1:30,], distribution="dnorm")
#' # Produce predictions with the interval
#' ourForecast <- predict(ourModel, mtcars[-c(1:30),], interval="p")
#' # Pinball with the L1 (quantile value)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$upper,level=0.975,loss=1)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,level=0.025,loss=1)
#' # Pinball with the L2 (expectile value)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$upper,level=0.975,loss=2)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,level=0.025,loss=2)
#' @export pinball
pinball <- function(holdout, forecast, level, loss=1, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates pinball cost function for the bound of prediction interval
if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
message("The length of the provided data differs.");
message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
result <- ((1-level)*sum(abs((as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(forecast)))^loss *
(as.vector(holdout)<=as.vector(forecast)), na.rm=na.rm) +
level*sum(abs((as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(forecast)))^loss *
(as.vector(holdout)>as.vector(forecast)), na.rm=na.rm));
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