
Defines functions pinball cextremity extremity asymmetry ham hm measures GMRAE sMIS sCE sPIS sMSE rMIS rAME rRMSE rMAE RMSSE MASE MAPE MPE MIS MRE MSE MAE ME

Documented in asymmetry cextremity extremity GMRAE ham hm MAE MAPE MASE ME measures MIS MPE MRE MSE pinball rAME rMAE rMIS RMSSE rRMSE sCE sMIS sMSE sPIS

#' Error measures
#' Functions allow to calculate different types of errors for point and
#' interval predictions:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item ME - Mean Error,
#' \item MAE - Mean Absolute Error,
#' \item MSE - Mean Squared Error,
#' \item MRE - Mean Root Error (Kourentzes, 2014),
#' \item MIS - Mean Interval Score (Gneiting & Raftery, 2007),
#' \item MPE - Mean Percentage Error,
#' \item MAPE - Mean Absolute Percentage Error (See Svetunkov, 2017 for
#' the critique),
#' \item MASE - Mean Absolute Scaled Error (Hyndman & Koehler, 2006),
#' \item RMSSE - Root Mean Squared Scaled Error (used in M5 Competition),
#' \item rMAE - Relative Mean Absolute Error (Davydenko & Fildes, 2013),
#' \item rRMSE - Relative Root Mean Squared Error,
#' \item rAME - Relative Absolute Mean Error,
#' \item rMIS - Relative Mean Interval Score,
#' \item sMSE - Scaled Mean Squared Error (Petropoulos & Kourentzes, 2015),
#' \item sPIS- Scaled Periods-In-Stock (Wallstrom & Segerstedt, 2010),
#' \item sCE - Scaled Cumulative Error,
#' \item sMIS - Scaled Mean Interval Score,
#' \item GMRAE - Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error.
#' }
#' In case of \code{sMSE}, \code{scale} needs to be a squared value. Typical
#' one -- squared mean value of in-sample actuals.
#' If all the measures are needed, then \link[greybox]{measures} function
#' can help.
#' There are several other measures, see details of \link[greybox]{pinball}
#' and \link[greybox]{hm}.
#' @template author
#' @aliases Errors
#' @param holdout The vector or matrix of holdout values.
#' @param forecast The vector or matrix of forecasts values.
#' @param lower The lower bound of the prediction interval.
#' @param upper The upper bound of the prediction interval.
#' @param scale The value that should be used in the denominator of MASE. Can
#' be anything but advised values are: mean absolute deviation of in-sample one
#' step ahead Naive error or mean absolute value of the in-sample actuals.
#' @param benchmark The vector or matrix of the forecasts of the benchmark
#' model.
#' @param benchmarkLower The lower bound of the prediction interval of the
#' benchmark model.
#' @param benchmarkUpper The upper bound of the prediction interval of the
#' benchmark model.
#' @param level The confidence level of the constructed interval.
#' @param na.rm Logical, defining whether to remove the NAs from the provided data or not.
#' @return All the functions return the scalar value.
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item Kourentzes N. (2014). The Bias Coefficient: a new metric for forecast bias
#' \url{https://kourentzes.com/forecasting/2014/12/17/the-bias-coefficient-a-new-metric-for-forecast-bias/}
#' \item Svetunkov, I. (2017). Naughty APEs and the quest for the holy grail.
#' \url{https://openforecast.org/2017/07/29/naughty-apes-and-the-quest-for-the-holy-grail/}
#' \item Fildes R. (1992). The evaluation of
#' extrapolative forecasting methods. International Journal of Forecasting, 8,
#' pp.81-98.
#' \item Hyndman R.J., Koehler A.B. (2006). Another look at measures of
#' forecast accuracy. International Journal of Forecasting, 22, pp.679-688.
#' \item Petropoulos F., Kourentzes N. (2015). Forecast combinations for
#' intermittent demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66,
#' pp.914-924.
#' \item Wallstrom P., Segerstedt A. (2010). Evaluation of forecasting error
#' measurements and techniques for intermittent demand. International Journal
#' of Production Economics, 128, pp.625-636.
#' \item Davydenko, A., Fildes, R. (2013). Measuring Forecasting Accuracy:
#' The Case Of Judgmental Adjustments To Sku-Level Demand Forecasts.
#' International Journal of Forecasting, 29(3), 510-522.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.ijforecast.2012.09.002}
#' \item Gneiting, T., & Raftery, A. E. (2007). Strictly proper scoring rules,
#' prediction, and estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#' 102(477), 359–378. \doi{10.1198/016214506000001437}
#' }
#' @seealso \link[greybox]{pinball}, \link[greybox]{hm}, \link[greybox]{measures}
#' @examples
#' y <- rnorm(100,10,2)
#' testForecast <- rep(mean(y[1:90]),10)
#' MAE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' MSE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' MPE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' MAPE(y[91:100],testForecast)
#' # Measures from Petropoulos & Kourentzes (2015)
#' MASE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90])))
#' sMSE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90]))^2)
#' sPIS(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90])))
#' sCE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(y[1:90])))
#' # Original MASE from Hyndman & Koehler (2006)
#' MASE(y[91:100],testForecast,mean(abs(diff(y[1:90]))))
#' testForecast2 <- rep(y[91],10)
#' # Relative measures, from and inspired by Davydenko & Fildes (2013)
#' rMAE(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' rRMSE(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' rAME(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' GMRAE(y[91:100],testForecast2,testForecast)
#' #### Measures for the prediction intervals
#' # An example with mtcars data
#' ourModel <- alm(mpg~., mtcars[1:30,], distribution="dnorm")
#' ourBenchmark <- alm(mpg~1, mtcars[1:30,], distribution="dnorm")
#' # Produce predictions with the interval
#' ourForecast <- predict(ourModel, mtcars[-c(1:30),], interval="p")
#' ourBenchmarkForecast <- predict(ourBenchmark, mtcars[-c(1:30),], interval="p")
#' MIS(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,ourForecast$upper,0.95)
#' sMIS(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,ourForecast$upper,mean(mtcars$mpg[1:30]),0.95)
#' rMIS(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,ourForecast$upper,
#'        ourBenchmarkForecast$lower,ourBenchmarkForecast$upper,0.95)
#' ### Also, see pinball function for other measures for the intervals
#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export ME
#' @aliases ME
ME <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MAE
#' @aliases MAE
MAE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Absolute Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MSE
#' @aliases MSE
MSE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean squared Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MRE
#' @aliases MRE
MRE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean squared Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MIS
#' @aliases MIS
MIS <- function(holdout, lower, upper, level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Interval Score from Gneiting & Raftery, 2007
# holdout - holdout values,
# lower - the lower bound of the interval,
# upper - the upper bound of the interval,
        level[] <- level / 100;
    alpha <- 1-level;
    lengthsVector <- c(length(holdout),length(upper),length(lower))
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of lower: ",length(lower)));
        message(paste0("Length of upper: ",length(upper)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
        h <- length(holdout);
        MISValue <- sum(as.vector(upper)-as.vector(lower)) +
            2/alpha*(sum((as.vector(lower)-as.vector(holdout))*(as.vector(holdout)<as.vector(lower)), na.rm=na.rm) +
                         sum((as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(upper))*(as.vector(holdout)>as.vector(upper)), na.rm=na.rm));
        MISValue[] <- MISValue / h;

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MPE
#' @aliases MPE
MPE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean / Median Percentage Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MAPE
#' @aliases MAPE
MAPE <- function(holdout, forecast, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Absolute Percentage Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export MASE
#' @aliases MASE
MASE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Mean Absolute Scaled Error as in Hyndman & Koehler, 2006
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with. Usually - MAE of in-sample.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export RMSSE
#' @aliases RMSSE
RMSSE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Root Mean Squared Scaled Error from M5 competition
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with. Usually - MSE of in-sample.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rMAE
#' @aliases rMAE
rMAE <-function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Average Relative MAE
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
# benchmark - forecasted or fitted values of etalon method.
    if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) | (length(holdout) != length(benchmark)) | (length(benchmark) != length(forecast))){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        message(paste0("Length of benchmark: ",length(benchmark)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rRMSE
#' @aliases rRMSE
rRMSE <-function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
    # This function calculates Relative MSE
    # holdout - holdout values,
    # forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
    # benchmark - forecasted or fitted values of etalon method.
    if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) | (length(holdout) != length(benchmark)) | (length(benchmark) != length(forecast))){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        message(paste0("Length of benchmark: ",length(benchmark)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rAME
#' @aliases rAME
rAME <-function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
    # This function calculates Relative Absolute ME
    # holdout - holdout values,
    # forecast - forecasted or fitted values.
    # benchmark - forecasted or fitted values of etalon method.
    if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) | (length(holdout) != length(benchmark)) | (length(benchmark) != length(forecast))){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        message(paste0("Length of benchmark: ",length(benchmark)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export rMIS
#' @aliases rMIS
rMIS <-function(holdout, lower, upper, benchmarkLower, benchmarkUpper, level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled MIS
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
# lower - the lower bound of the interval,
# upper - the upper bound of the interval,
# benchmarkLower - the lower bound of the interval of the benchmark method.
# benchmarkUpper - the upper bound of the interval of the benchmark method.
    lengthsVector <- c(length(holdout),length(upper),length(lower),length(benchmarkLower),length(benchmarkUpper));
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
        return(MIS(holdout=holdout,lower=lower,upper=upper,level=level,na.rm=na.rm) /

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sMSE
#' @aliases sMSE
sMSE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled Mean Squared Error.
# Attention! Scale factor should be provided as squares of something!
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with. Usually - MAE of in-sample.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sPIS
#' @aliases sPIS
sPIS <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled Periods-In-Stock.
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
        return(sum(cumsum(as.vector(forecast)-as.vector(holdout)), na.rm=na.rm)/scale);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sCE
#' @aliases sCE
sCE <- function(holdout, forecast, scale, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled Cumulative Error.
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
        return(sum(as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(forecast), na.rm=na.rm)/scale);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export sMIS
#' @aliases sMIS
sMIS <- function(holdout, lower, upper, scale, level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates scaled MIS
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values.
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
# lower - the lower bound of the interval,
# upper - the upper bound of the interval,
# scale - the measure to scale errors with.
    lengthsVector <- c(length(holdout),length(upper),length(lower))
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of lower: ",length(lower)));
        message(paste0("Length of upper: ",length(upper)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);

#' @rdname error-measures
#' @export GMRAE
#' @aliases GMRAE
GMRAE <- function(holdout, forecast, benchmark, na.rm=TRUE){
# This function calculates Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error
# holdout - holdout values,
# forecast - forecasted values,
# benchmark - benchmark forecasted values,
# na.rm - remove NA from result (default TRUE).
    if((length(holdout) != length(forecast)) || (length(holdout) != length(benchmark))){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.")
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ", length(holdout)))
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ", length(forecast)))
        message(paste0("Length of benchmark forecast: ", length(benchmark)))
        stop("Cannot proceed.", call. = FALSE)
        error <- as.vector(holdout) - as.vector(forecast)
        denominator <- as.vector(holdout) - as.vector(benchmark)
        return(exp(mean(log(abs(error/denominator)), na.rm = na.rm)))

#' Error measures for the provided forecasts
#' Function calculates several error measures using the provided
#' forecasts and the data for the holdout sample.
#' @template author
#' @aliases measures
#' @param holdout The vector of the holdout values.
#' @param forecast The vector of forecasts produced by a model.
#' @param actual The vector of actual in-sample values.
#' @param digits Number of digits of the output. If \code{NULL}
#' then no rounding is done.
#' @param benchmark The character variable, defining what to use as
#' benchmark for relative measures. Can be either \code{"naive"} or
#' \code{"mean"} (arithmetic mean of the whole series. The latter
#' can be useful when dealing with intermittent data.
#' @return The functions returns the named vector of errors:
#' \itemize{
#' \item ME,
#' \item MAE,
#' \item MSE
#' \item MPE,
#' \item MAPE,
#' \item MASE,
#' \item sMAE,
#' \item RMSSE,
#' \item sMSE,
#' \item sCE,
#' \item rMAE,
#' \item rRMSE,
#' \item rAME,
#' \item asymmetry,
#' \item sPIS.
#' }
#' For the details on these errors, see \link[greybox]{Errors}.
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item Svetunkov, I. (2017). Naughty APEs and the quest for the holy grail.
#' \url{https://openforecast.org/2017/07/29/naughty-apes-and-the-quest-for-the-holy-grail/}
#' \item Fildes R. (1992). The evaluation of
#' extrapolative forecasting methods. International Journal of Forecasting, 8,
#' pp.81-98.
#' \item Hyndman R.J., Koehler A.B. (2006). Another look at measures of
#' forecast accuracy. International Journal of Forecasting, 22, pp.679-688.
#' \item Petropoulos F., Kourentzes N. (2015). Forecast combinations for
#' intermittent demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66,
#' pp.914-924.
#' \item Wallstrom P., Segerstedt A. (2010). Evaluation of forecasting error
#' measurements and techniques for intermittent demand. International Journal
#' of Production Economics, 128, pp.625-636.
#' \item Davydenko, A., Fildes, R. (2013). Measuring Forecasting Accuracy:
#' The Case Of Judgmental Adjustments To Sku-Level Demand Forecasts.
#' International Journal of Forecasting, 29(3), 510-522.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.ijforecast.2012.09.002}
#' }
#' @examples
#' y <- rnorm(100,10,2)
#' ourForecast <- rep(mean(y[1:90]),10)
#' measures(y[91:100],ourForecast,y[1:90],digits=5)
#' @export measures
measures <- function(holdout, forecast, actual, digits=NULL, benchmark=c("naive","mean")){
    holdout <- as.vector(holdout);
    h <- length(holdout)
    forecast <- as.vector(forecast);
    actual <- as.vector(actual);
    benchmark <- match.arg(benchmark,c("naive","mean"));
    becnhmarkForecast <- switch(benchmark,

    errormeasures <- c(ME(holdout,forecast),
        errormeasures[] <- round(errormeasures, digits);
    names(errormeasures) <- c("ME","MAE","MSE",

#' Half moment of a distribution and its derivatives.
#' \code{hm()} function estimates half moment from some predefined constant
#' \code{C}. \code{ham()} estimates the Half Absolute Moment. \code{asymmetry()}
#' function returns Asymmetry coefficient, while \code{extremity()}
#' returns the coefficient of Extremity, both based on \code{hm()}. Finally,
#' \code{cextremity()} returns the Complex Extremity coefficient, based on \code{hm()}.
#' \code{NA} values of \code{x} are excluded on the first step of calculation.
#' @template author
#' @aliases hm
#' @param x A variable based on which HM is estimated.
#' @param C Centring parameter.
#' @param ...  Other parameters passed to mean function.
#' @return A complex variable is returned for the \code{hm()} and \code{cextremity()}
#' functions, and real values are returned for \code{ham()},
#' \code{asymmetry()} and \code{extremity()}.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Svetunkov I., Kourentzes N., Svetunkov S. "Half Central Moment for Data Analysis".
#' Working Paper of Department of Management Science, Lancaster University, 2023:3, 1–21.
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100,0,1)
#' hm(x)
#' ham(x)
#' asymmetry(x)
#' extremity(x)
#' cextremity(x)
#' @export hm
#' @rdname hm
hm <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
    # This function calculates half moment

#' @rdname hm
#' @export ham
#' @aliases ham
ham <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
    # This function calculates half moment

#' @rdname hm
#' @export asymmetry
#' @aliases asymmetry
asymmetry <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
    # This function calculates half moment
    return(1 - Arg(hm(x,C,...))/(pi/4));

#' @rdname hm
#' @export extremity
#' @aliases extremity
extremity <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
    # This function calculates the Extremity coefficient
    return(2*(ham(x, C, ...)/mean((x-C)^2, ...)^0.25)^{log(0.5)/log(2*3^{-0.75})}-1);

#' @rdname hm
#' @export cextremity
#' @aliases cextremity
cextremity <- function(x,C=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),...){
    # This function calculates the Complex Extremity coefficient
    CH <- hm(x, C, ...)/mean((x-C)^2, ...)^0.25;

#' Pinball function
#' The function returns the value from the pinball function for the specified level and
#' the type of loss
#' @template author
#' @param holdout The vector or matrix of the holdout values.
#' @param forecast The forecast of a distribution (e.g. quantile or expectile).
#' It should be the same length as the holdout.
#' @param level The level associated with the forecast (e.g. level of quantile).
#' @param loss The type of loss to use. The number which corresponds to L1, L2 etc.
#' L1 implies the loss for quantiles, while L2 is for the expectile.
#' @param na.rm Logical, defining whether to remove the NAs from the provided data or not.
#' @return The function returns the scalar value.
#' @examples
#' # An example with mtcars data
#' ourModel <- alm(mpg~., mtcars[1:30,], distribution="dnorm")
#' # Produce predictions with the interval
#' ourForecast <- predict(ourModel, mtcars[-c(1:30),], interval="p")
#' # Pinball with the L1 (quantile value)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$upper,level=0.975,loss=1)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,level=0.025,loss=1)
#' # Pinball with the L2 (expectile value)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$upper,level=0.975,loss=2)
#' pinball(mtcars$mpg[-c(1:30)],ourForecast$lower,level=0.025,loss=2)
#' @export pinball
pinball <- function(holdout, forecast, level, loss=1, na.rm=TRUE){
    # This function calculates pinball cost function for the bound of prediction interval
    if(length(holdout) != length(forecast)){
        message("The length of the provided data differs.");
        message(paste0("Length of holdout: ",length(holdout)));
        message(paste0("Length of forecast: ",length(forecast)));
        stop("Cannot proceed.",call.=FALSE);
        result <- ((1-level)*sum(abs((as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(forecast)))^loss *
                                     (as.vector(holdout)<=as.vector(forecast)), na.rm=na.rm) +
                            level*sum(abs((as.vector(holdout)-as.vector(forecast)))^loss *
                                          (as.vector(holdout)>as.vector(forecast)), na.rm=na.rm));
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