#' Dummy variables for provided seasonality type
#' Function generates the matrix of dummy variables for the months / weeks / days /
#' hours / minutes / seconds of year / month / week / day / hour / minute.
#' The function extracts dates from the provided object and returns a matrix with
#' dummy variables for the specified frequency type, with the number of rows equal
#' to the length of the object + the specified horizon. If a numeric vector is provided
#' then it will produce dummies based on typical values (e.g. 30 days in month). So it
#' is recommended to use proper classes with this method.
#' Several notes on how the dummies are calculated in some special cases:
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case of weeks of years, the first week is defined according to ISO 8601.
#' }
#' Note that not all the combinations of \code{type} and \code{of} are supported. For
#' example, there is no such thing as dummies for months of week. Also note that some
#' combinations are not very useful and would take a lot of memory (e.g. minutes of year).
#' The function will return all the dummy variables. If you want to avoid the dummy
#' variables trap, you will need to exclude one of them manually.
#' If you want to have a different type of dummy variables, let me know, I will
#' implement it.
#' @param object Either a ts / msts / zoo / xts / tsibble object or a vector
#' of dates.
#' @param type Specifies what type of frequency to produce. For example, if
#' \code{type="month"}, then the matrix with dummies for months of the year will
#' be created.
#' @param of Specifies the frequency of what is needed. Used together with \code{type}
#' e.g. \code{type="day"} and \code{of="month"} will produce a matrix with dummies
#' for days of month (31 dummies).
#' @param h If not \code{NULL}, then the function will produce dummies for this
#' set of observations ahead as well, binding them to the original matrix.
#' @param factors If \code{TRUE}, the function will return the categorical variable
#' instead of the matrix with dummies.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @return One of the two is returned, depending on the value of \code{factors} variable:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{factors=FALSE}: Class "dgCMatrix" with all the dummy variables is returned
#' in case of numeric variable. Feel free to drop one (making it a reference variable) or
#' convert the object into matrix (this will consume more memory than the returned class).
#' In other cases the object of the same class as the provided is returned.
#' \item \code{factors=TRUE}: The categorical variable (factor) containing specific values
#' for each observation.
#' }
#' @template author
#' @template keywords
#' @seealso \code{\link[greybox]{xregExpander}, \link[greybox]{xregMultiplier},
#' \link[greybox]{outlierdummy}}
#' @examples
#' # Generate matrix with dummies for a ts object
#' x <- ts(rnorm(100,100,1),frequency=12)
#' temporaldummy(x)
#' # Generate matrix with monthly dummies for a zoo object
#' x <- as.Date("2003-01-01")+0:99
#' temporaldummy(x, type="month", of="year", h=10)
#' @rdname temporaldummy
#' @export
temporaldummy <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("temporaldummy")
#' @rdname temporaldummy
#' @export
temporaldummy.default <- function(object, type=c("month","quarter","week","day","hour","halfhour","minute","second"),
of=c("year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute"), factors=FALSE, h=0, ...){
type <- match.arg(type);
of <- match.arg(of);
# All the observations to produce
obsAll <- length(object)+h;
# Define frequency (we don't know it in case of default class)
dataFrequency <- switch(type, "quarter"=4,
"month"=switch(of, "year"=12, 3),
"week"=switch(of, "year"=52, "quarter"=13, 4),
"day"=switch(of, "year"=365, "quarter"=120, "month"=30, 7),
"hour"=switch(of, "year"=8760, "quarter"=2880, "month"=720,
"week"=168, 24),
"halfhour"=switch(of, "year"=17520, "quarter"=5760, "month"=1440,
"week"=336, 48),
"minute"=switch(of, "year"=525600, "quarter"=172800, "month"=43200,
"week"=10080, "day"=1440, 60),
"second"=switch(of, "year"=31536000, "quarter"=10368000, "month"=2592000,
"week"=604800, "day"=86400, "hour"=3600, 60));
# Create factors
factorVariable <- factor(rep(c(1:dataFrequency),ceiling(obsAll/dataFrequency))[1:obsAll],
# Do model matrix for sparse factors
temporaldummy <- model.matrix(~factorVariable-1);
colnames(temporaldummy) <- paste0(type,c(1:dataFrequency),"of",of);
#' @rdname temporaldummy
#' @export
temporaldummy.ts <- function(object, type=c("month","quarter","week","day","hour","halfhour","minute","second"),
of=c("year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute"), factors=FALSE, h=0, ...){
# Define frequency (we don't know it in case of default class)
dataFrequency <- frequency(object);
type <- switch(as.character(dataFrequency), "12"="month", "4"="quarter", "52"="week", "7"="day", "24"="hour",
"48"="halfhour", "60"="minute", "second");
of <- switch(as.character(dataFrequency), "52"=, "12"=, "4"="year", "7"="week", "24"=,
"48"="day", "60"="hour", "minute");
return(ts(as.matrix(temporaldummy.default(object, type=type, of=of, factors=factors, h=h)),
start=start(object), frequency=dataFrequency));
#' @rdname temporaldummy
#' @export
temporaldummy.Date <- function(object, type=c("month","quarter","week","day","hour","halfhour","minute","second"),
of=c("year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute"), factors=FALSE, h=0, ...){
type <- match.arg(type);
of <- match.arg(of);
# All the observations to produce
obsAll <- length(object)+h;
# Change the length of object if h>1
object <- c(object,tail(object,1)+c(1:h)*diff(tail(object,2)));
# Vectors with dates / times of year / month / week etc
dateFinal <- quarters(object);
else if(type=="month"){
dateFinal <- dateMonthsOfYear <- months(object, abbreviate=TRUE);
# First month of each quarter
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Jan","Apr","Jul","Oct")] <- 1;
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Feb","May","Aug","Nov")] <- 2;
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Mar","Jun","Sep","Dec")] <- 3;
else if(type=="week"){
# Weeks, starting from 1 according to ISO 8601
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%V"));
warning(paste0("The option of=",of,"is not yet implemented. Returning weeks of year instead."),
# if(of=="quarter"){
# # 1 - 31 day of each Month
# # dateDayOfMonth <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%e"));
# for(i in 1:31){
# dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Jan","Apr","Jul","Oct")] <- i;
# }
# }
# else if(of=="month"){
# dateFinal[]
# }
# dateWeeks <- as.POSIXlt(object)$mday;
# dateDayOfWeek <- weekdays(object, abbreviate=TRUE);
# dateDayOfWeek <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%u"));
else if(type=="day"){
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%j"));
else if(of=="quarter"){
# Months of years
dateMonthsOfYear <- months(object, abbreviate=TRUE);
# Calculate number of days in each previous month
dateYears <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%Y"));
monthsOfYearNumber <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%m")) - 1;
monthsOfYearNumber[monthsOfYearNumber==0] <- 12;
ndaysInMonths <- as.numeric(strftime(as.Date(paste(dateYears + monthsOfYearNumber %/% 12,
monthsOfYearNumber %% 12 + 1, "01", sep="-"))-1,"%d"));
# Extract days of months
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%d"));
# count number of days since the Jan / Apr / Jul / Oct
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Feb","May","Aug","Nov")] <-
ndaysInMonths[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Feb","May","Aug","Nov")] +
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Feb","May","Aug","Nov")];
# Amend the number of days, so that it counts both two months
monthsOfYearNumber[monthsOfYearNumber==12] <- 0;
monthsOfYearNumber[] <- monthsOfYearNumber + 1;
ndaysInMonths[] <- ndaysInMonths +
as.numeric(strftime(as.Date(paste(dateYears + monthsOfYearNumber %/% 12,
monthsOfYearNumber %% 12 + 1, "01", sep="-"))-1,"%d"));
# count number of days since the Jan / Apr / Jul / Oct
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Mar","Jun","Sep","Dec")] <-
ndaysInMonths[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Mar","Jun","Sep","Dec")] +
dateFinal[dateMonthsOfYear %in% c("Mar","Jun","Sep","Dec")];
else if(of=="month"){
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%d"));
else if(of=="week"){
dateFinal <- weekdays(object, abbreviate=TRUE);
else if(any(type==c("hour","halfhour","minute","second"))){
warning("The Date class does not support hours, minutes and seconds. Use POSIXt instead.", call.=FALSE);
# Create factors
factorVariable <- factor(dateFinal[1:obsAll]);
# Do model matrix for sparse factors
temporaldummy <- model.matrix(~factorVariable-1);
colnames(temporaldummy) <- paste0(type,sort(unique(dateFinal)),"of",of);
#' @rdname temporaldummy
#' @export
temporaldummy.POSIXt <- function(object, type=c("month","quarter","week","day","hour","halfhour","minute","second"),
of=c("year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute"), factors=FALSE, h=0, ...){
type <- match.arg(type);
of <- match.arg(of);
# All the observations to produce
obsAll <- length(object)+h;
# Change the length of object if h>1
object <- c(object,tail(object,1)+c(1:h)*diff(tail(object,2)));
# Invoke the respective class for the Date
return(temporaldummy(as.Date(object), type=type, of=of, factors=factors, h=h));
dateOf <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%Y"));
else if(of=="quarter"){
dateOf <- as.numeric(substr(quarters(object),2,2));
else if(of=="month"){
dateOf <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%m"));
# Calculate the number of hours between the "ofs"
dateOfDiffs <- c(1,diff(dateOf));
dateOfDiffs[length(dateOf)] <- 1;
hoursInOf <- difftime(object[which(dateOfDiffs!=0)[-1]],
# Use those numbers in order to create the numeric vector
dateFinal <- vector("numeric",obsAll);
dateFinal[1:hoursInOf[1]] <- 1:hoursInOf[1];
for(i in 2:length(hoursInOf)){
dateFinal[1:hoursInOf[i]+hoursInOf[i-1]] <- 1:hoursInOf[i];
#### This stuff assumes that the data is in hours!!! Fix this!!! ####
warning("Please, note that the function currently only handles hour of week if the data is in hours.",
# Days of week in years
dateDaysOfWeekFirst <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%u"))[1];
# Hours in a day
dateHoursOfDayFirst <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%H"))[1]+1;
# The starting index of the day of week / hour
dateStart <- dateDaysOfWeekFirst*24 + dateHoursOfDayFirst;
# There's 168 hours in a week, so repeat that stuff
# +1 is needed just in case, not to create a smaller object than needed
dateFinal <- rep(c(1:(7*24)),ceiling(obsAll/(7*24))+1)[dateStart+1:obsAll];
else if(of=="day"){
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%H"));
else if(type=="halfhour"){
stop("Sorry, but the halfhour option is not available yet", call.=FALSE);
else if(type=="minute"){
dateOf <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%Y"));
else if(of=="quarter"){
dateOf <- as.numeric(substr(quarters(object),2,2));
else if(of=="month"){
dateOf <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%m"));
# Calculate the number of minutes between the "ofs"
dateOfDiffs <- c(1,diff(dateOf));
dateOfDiffs[length(dateOf)] <- 1;
hoursInOf <- difftime(object[which(dateOfDiffs!=0)[-1]],
# Use those numbers in order to create the numeric vector
dateFinal <- vector("numeric",obsAll);
dateFinal[1:hoursInOf[1]] <- 1:hoursInOf[1];
for(i in 2:length(hoursInOf)){
dateFinal[1:hoursInOf[i]+hoursInOf[i-1]] <- 1:hoursInOf[i];
#### This stuff assumes that the data is in hours!!! Fix this!!! ####
warning("Please, note that the function currently only handles minutes of week if the data is in minutes.",
# Days of week in years
dateDaysOfWeekFirst <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%u"))[1];
# Hours in a day
dateHoursOfDayFirst <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%H"))[1];
# The starting index of the day of week / hour
dateStart <- dateDaysOfWeekFirst*24 + dateHoursOfDayFirst*60 + dateMinutesOfHourFirst-1;
# There's 168 hours in a week, so repeat that stuff
# +1 is needed just in case, not to create a smaller object than needed
dateFinal <- rep(c(1:(7*24*60)),ceiling(obsAll/(7*24*60))+1)[dateStart+1:obsAll];
else if(of=="day"){
#### This stuff assumes that the data is in hours!!! Fix this!!! ####
warning("Please, note that the function currently only handles minutes of day if the data is in minutes.",
# Hours in a day
dateHoursOfDayFirst <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%H"))[1];
# The starting index of the day of week / hour
dateMinutesOfHourFirst <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%M"))[1];
# The starting minute of hour
dateStart <- dateHoursOfDayFirst*60+dateMinutesOfHourFirst-1;
# There's 168 hours in a week, so repeat that stuff
# +1 is needed just in case, not to create a smaller object than needed
dateFinal <- rep(c(1:(24*60)),ceiling(obsAll/(24*60))+1)[dateStart+1:obsAll];
else if(of=="hour"){
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%M"));
# Else... this is seconds
dateFinal <- as.numeric(strftime(object, format="%S"));
stop(paste0("Sorry, but the seconds option is not available yet for the ",of),
# Create factors
factorVariable <- factor(dateFinal[1:obsAll]);
# Do model matrix for sparse factors
temporaldummy <- model.matrix(~factorVariable-1);
colnames(temporaldummy) <- paste0(type,sort(unique(dateFinal)),"of",of);
#' @rdname temporaldummy
#' @export
temporaldummy.zoo <- function(object, type=c("month","quarter","week","day","hour","halfhour","minute","second"),
of=c("year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute"), factors=FALSE, h=0, ...){
type <- match.arg(type);
of <- match.arg(of);
dates <- time(object);
# Change the length of object if h>1
dates <- c(dates,tail(dates,1)+c(1:h)*diff(tail(dates,2)));
# Invoke the respective class for the date / time
return(temporaldummy(dates, type=type, of=of, factors=factors, h=h));
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